
Since ancient times in Russia, bread was baked in special ovens: in many houses there was a special bread oven in addition to the usual kitchen oven. Such a stove was heated with wood firewood, which was burned directly inside it. When it got hot enough, the coals and ashes were swept out, the dough was placed directly on the hot stone, after which the oven was closed. After a couple of hours, a fragrant and fresh loaf was served on the table. This cooking process required skill and care. It was even believed that a girl who did not know how to bake bread would never make a good housewife.

It has been known since ancient times that bread perfectly satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of warmth and comfort of the hearth. Nowadays, on store shelves, you do not often find such a ruddy bread with a golden crust, which would be suitable both in price and in the composition of the ingredients.

People have baked bread since time immemorial. Those who need a historical excursion - google, do not be lazy. As for household bread makers, they appeared in Russia not so long ago. Around the middle of the 90s of the last century. Before them there were only bakeries (and a few cooperative bakeries). But they did not fit into the kitchenettes of the Khrushchevs. Even earlier, the Russian oven reigned. Actually, she is still the queen - the most delicious bread is obtained just in her. But you won't find her now in the afternoon with fire, even in the villages. And I want homemade bread. Therefore, let's turn our attention to the bread maker. Is she a continuer of a just cause, a keeper of traditions?

And why did they come up with the idea to produce bread makers not in Russia, with its inexhaustible fields of rye and wheat, but in Germany, England, Japan, Korea? However, it cannot be said that the oven is loved only in Russia. In Germany, the homeland of the bread machine, there are also long-standing bakery traditions. A French baguette and croissants? What about Italian pizza? Each country has its own culinary preferences, which are taken into account by manufacturers of household appliances. What can the creators of mini-bakeries offer Russian housewives?
 Delicious, fragrant, fresh bread every morning - who would refuse such a pleasure? Happy owners of bread machines from the very first day of purchase master more and more recipes for homemade bread: rye, Borodino, with bran, with additions of rice, buckwheat, oat flour, white wheat bread.Finally, it's time to try a variety of sweet pastry recipes. Perhaps someone starts right with her, but my mother always told me that baking sweet pies is a great art. Therefore, I approached the matter slowly and thoroughly.