
Bavarian bun "Semmel" (or "Semmel") - Semmel (Polaris Floris 0508D and Kitchen 0507D) Ligra
Bavarian meatloaf Pikanter Leberkas (Steba DD1 and DD2, Steba sous-vide) Linadoc
Banana and pear pie in a multicooker Scarlett IS-MC412S01 efa_32
Banana-nut manna with lemon jam SanechkaA
"Banana-blueberry pie" for multicooker Polaris PMC 0507D Kitchen IrinaKey
Banana cake Iva
Banana muffin Ligra
Banana muffin with red rice in a multicooker Philips 3060 Avance Collection $ vetLana

Banana cake ChebaKsy
Banana pie in a multicooker Redmond RMC-M10 happyjul
Non-alcoholic red mulled wine (Multicooker Brand 37501) Psichika
Rustic white bread in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
White bread for Moulinex Minute Cook CE4000 Pumka)))
White bread in a multicooker-pressure cooker Redmond RMC-M4504 olechka99

Besermyanskaya pizza - baking (multicooker Brand 701) MariV

Sponge cake 7 cm. lovtofill
Biscuit zvezda
Biscuit Andreevna
Orange biscuit zvezda
Orange biscuit (pressure cooker Brand 6050) VS NIKA
Orange honey sponge cake (La Cucina Italiana YBD 50-90) MariV
Vanilla sponge cake (multicooker Stadler Form) vernisag
Sponge cake in a multicooker Oursson MP 5015 PSD Evgeniya.A
Sponge cake "For the beloved" Nicaletta
Sponge cake in Bork U700 Floks
The biscuit is amazing Lola
Classic biscuit in Comfort Fy 500 pressure cooker Sandy
Classic sponge cake for multicooker-pressure cooker Redmond RMC-M4504 olechka99
Sponge cake "Red Velvet" (Multicooker Redmond M800S SkyCooker) Margo31
Almond sponge cake with "Amaretto" glaze Lolo
Milk sponge cake with caramelized apples barbariscka
Sponge cake with lemonade Svetl @ nka
Sponge cake "New" (Multicooker Stadler Form) vernisag
Normal biscuit Tanyulya
Sponge cake "Pancho" in Steba DD1 zoomgsm
Simple sponge cake (Steba DD1 Eco pressure cooker) Tanyulya
Gingerbread biscuit Lika
Sponge cake with pears natamylove
Sponge cake with pears and brown sugar Admin
Sponge cake with jelly and fruits barbariscka
Sponge cake with coconut milk (Steba DD1 ECO) Mar_k
Milk-impregnated biscuit natamylove
Sponge cake with blueberries Jyf
Sponge cake with berries and nuts natamylove
Biscuit-taten Admin
Cherry sponge cake Sonadora
Biscuit "Chocolate on boiling water" in a multicooker Brand 701 Anka_DL
Chocolate sponge cake Vasilica
Sponge cake "Shrek" (pressure cooker Shteba DD2) Margo31

Bulgarian apple pie viksvik
Large bun with jam in a multicooker Polaris 0507-D Podmosvichka
Boston dark bread in a multicooker Steba DD2 Gala
Brazilian Carrot Pie in Panasonic SR-TMH10ATW petu

Brownie Tanyulya
Brownie with mascarpone and ganache ju1ietta
Brownie with cherry Prank
Brownie with pistachios in a multicooker Brand 701 Anka_DL
Brownie with chocolate in a multicooker REDMOND RMC-01 + Gala +
Brownie cheesecake with Oreo cookies in Brand 701 multicooker Anka_DL

Bread with fruit yeast with whole-ground green buckwheat and pumpkin flour MariV
Butter roll Carolina7
Vanilla buns in a multicooker Zigmund & Shtain MC-D31 vernisag
Buns in the multicooker "Clouds" Lozja
Buns in the Comfort Fy 500 pressure cooker Sandy
Butter buns (multicooker Brand 37501) Melisa72ru
Buns "Figushki" in a slow cooker Lozja
Fast pizza in a multicooker Zigmund & Shtain MC-D31 Anastasia127
Quick pizza on kefir dough with sausages, mushrooms and olives (Polaris 0305) Shelena
Quick Cabbage Pie viksvik
Quick Whey Cupcake (for Zigmund & Shtain MC-DS42IH) lada-matushka
Quick pie with young cabbage (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) + Gala +
Belyashi "Permyachi" (multicooker DEX) Agata21

Zucchini cake in a multicooker Redmond RMC-01 gala10
Multicooker cabbage casserole Philips HD3060 / 03 Avance Collection vernisag
Cabbage casserole with chicken breast (Philips multicooker HD4749) TaTkaa
Cabbage casserole with chicken or what was (Steba DD1 ECO) zoomgsm
Cabbage charlotte (Steba DD1) taty327
Cabbage pie (in Polaris 0508D Floris) Ligra
Cabbage pie with batter in the Steba pressure cooker Tanyulya
Cabbage pie "Delicate" (pressure cooker Brand 6050) Elven
Steamed caramel dessert manna

Caramel cake (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Elven
Cake Carolina7
English real cupcake Lola
Orange cupcake in Brand 6060 pressure cooker manna
Orange muffin with whole grain flour (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) Solena
Banana Cupcake Lana
Banana cupcake with baileys Crochet
Quick cupcake "Banana" DJ
Cupcake "Fast. Tasty. Inexpensive" (multicooker Dex-50) Vitalinka
Venetian marble cupcake (multicooker Brand 701) MariS
Cupcake "Cherry Paradise" bonita--
Cupcake in a multicooker RMC-M70 Kofemanka
Cupcake "Guest on the doorstep" Roza_Irina
Pear-ginger muffin in cartoon Crochet
Homemade cupcake in Steba DD1 Eco * Karina *
Zebra cupcake GruSha
Cupcake "Zebra" in a multicooker Panasonic Masha 1990
Cupcake "Zebra" (from the instructions for the Brand multicooker) Elena Bo
Mixed cupcake Gennadii
Zucchini cupcake marlanca
Oatmeal cupcake in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Cupcake or mini-cupcakes made from lean dough with apple and dried fruit (Brand 502 multicooker or VES V-TO-4 cupcake bowl) Shelena
Italian rosemary cupcake Crochet
Cupcake for tea celfh
Strawberry cupcake without eggs (multicooker Brand 701) Manna
Cupcake "Candy" Freken Bock
Lemon Ginger Cupcake (Steba DD1 ECO) Robin bobin
Lemon cupcake (from the instructions) Kseny
Poppy-nut cake julen84
Honey cake Begemot133
Cupcake "Minutka" from Marushka in a multicooker Brand 701 landuch
Carrot cupcake (from Grun) Elena Bo
Cupcake "Carrot" Nata76
Cupcake "Carrot" in a slow cooker Moulinex Minute Cook CE400032 Xenophonia
Cupcake "Marble" (Yummy YMC-506) Marmuletka
Marble cake with kefir in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Cupcake Marble pound Sonadora
Condensed milk cupcake Tanyulya
Cupcake with condensed milk (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) AlisaZ
Cupcake on condensed milk (three minutes) in a Panasonic multicooker, and in a miracle oven. Zena
Cupcake "Simple" (without eggs) in the multicooker Kromax MC-31 manna
Cupcake Pyatiminutka (multicooker Panasonic-18) Mikhaska
Cupcake with pineapple and chocolate icing in a multicooker BORK U700 Karmelita30
Beetroot cake with seeds Crochet
Cupcake St. Fanuria (Fanuropita) in the multicooker Philips 3060 brendabaker
Capital cupcake in Comfort Fy 500 pressure cooker Sandy
Cupcake with jam natamylove
Cupcake with cherry Omela
Cupcake with raisins in a multicooker BORK U700 Karmelita30
Cupcake with cherries (multicooker Orion) Vilapo
Stadler Form Prune Cupcake vernisag
Curd cake Elaria
Curd-jam muffin (DEX multicooker) Galina1805
Curd yoghurt cake (multicooker Maruchi RW-FZ47) Lud-Mil @
Cottage cheese-apple muffin Sonadora
Cupcake "Three wishes" Crochet
Pumpkin muffin Irita
Pumpkin cupcake "Operation - Disposal" tuskarora
Swedish cupcake Tanyulya
Cupcake "ShokoBUM" in Polaris Floris liala
Chocolate vanilla cupcake (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Lerele
Chocolate mint cupcake Val
Cupcake "Chocolate" (multicooker Brand 37501) Cartoon
Chocolate muffin with nuts (DEX-50) Freesia
Apple-carrot cupcake manna
Apple cupcake Admin
Apple muffin with caramel natamylove

Kish "Lauren" in the multicooker Natusik
Quiche with leek, zucchini and chicken (Multicooker Philips HD3060 / 03) Umochka
Classic charlotte. yustass
Clafoutis with plums and pears Tanyulya
Strawberry Pie (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Elven
Cranberry Gingerbread (Steba DD1 ECO) Linadoc
Honey gingerbread Elenka
Jam-cut Friday
Lean rug Lika
Lean mat (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) Vasilica
Ring cake in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Royal cheesecake CRALKA
Royal cheesecake Nadinn
Cranberry Corn Pie (for Zigmund & Shtain MC-DS42IH) lada-matushka
Gooseberry corn pie (Multicooker Redmond RMC-02) AlisaZ

Easter cake in a multicooker Polaris Nicaletta
Easter cake in a multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 Grigorieva
Curd cake (Steba DD1) Miss genius
Universal cake with baking in a multicooker Brand 37501 Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Easter cakes in Steba DD1 Eco * Karina *

Poppy curl in a slow cooker. natamylove
Poppy filling for pies with coconut milk (lean) (Philips 3134/00) musya
Poppy crumpets in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris and PMC 0507d kitchen lisa567
Poppy seed roll with liqueur and cappuccino shade

Small banana cake in a multicooker Liberty MC-930 mary_kyiv

Manna Agashka
Mannik without flour and oil (multicooker Perfezza) Pingvinus
Mannik in the multicooker Stadler Form Chef One SFC.909 auntyirisha
Mannik in a multicooker Steba Valerie Anna
Mannik on homemade yogurt with apples (Brand 701 multicooker) Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Mannik on kefir without flour Mamamia
Mannik on milk multi-brewer
Mannik in haste Cubic
Mannik on sour cream in a multicooker Polaris PMC 0542AD HallyCat
Mannik with cherry in MS UNIT-1095 Svetlana2014
Mannik with raisins saqwer69
Country style mannik glass (no eggs and butter) Irin1
Mannik with black currant (multicooker Perfezza) oriana
Manna-rice casserole with orange and cherry (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) manna
Mantou with a Secret in KitchenAid Artisan Kitchen Processor Manna

Honey cake Elaria
Honey cake LENOK26
Honey cake "Banana-lemon Singapore" Nicaletta
Honey cake in a multicooker Comfort Fy bonita--
Yeast dough honey cake natamylove
Honey cake from "those" times himichka
Honey cake from Shula (multicooker) Andreevna
Honey cake (pressure cooker Polaris 0305) olga4166
Honey Lemon Cake (Steba DD1) Slastena
Honey-onion wheat bread (Steba DD1Eco pressure cooker) Masinen
Steamed honey gingerbread with walnuts Sonadora

Honey biscuit (multicooker Dex-60) chaki2005
Honey biscuit "Sun" in the multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 Grigorieva
Honey biscuit (with soda) Galinka-Malinka

Honey cake MariS
Stadler Form Honey Pie irman
Honey cake in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris and PMC 0507d kitchen lisa567
Honey cake from Andreevna (multicooker Brand 701) (MariV)

Almond pie with jam (Panasonic SR-TMH 10) Raspberries
Mini puffs in the pressure cooker Liberty MP-900 lambada
Carrot casserole (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Elven
Carrot cake in a multicooker Redmond RMC-M12 sveta-Lana
Carrot cake (kneading and proofing in a slow cooker, baking in the oven) GalinaS
Carrot cake DonnaRosa
Carrot cake in a pressure cooker (slow cooker) Arka
Carrot cake in a multicooker Philips HD3060 / 03 sveta-Lana

Pampushki with garlic (baking in a multicooker Brand 701) landuch
Steam roll (ARS pressure cooker) prubul
Pastoral pie (Austrian recipe) (Polaris 0508D Floris) Ligra
Pashtida Val
Sand cake with meringue in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris and PMC 0507d kitchen lisa567
Shortcrust pastry with cottage cheese in a multicooker Steba Valerie Anna

Pie "A la Calzone" Tosha
Pie "Orange with chocolate" Nikael
Orange pie Crochet
Pie "Baba Yaga" from Jazzinitup Andreevna
Pie in lavash (multicooker Brand 37501) vernisag
Yeast pie natamylove
Yeast pie Nonsweet with any filling Cat
pie "Zheka" lisa567
Jellied pie with chicken and potatoes Tanyulya
Pie casserole in POLARIS FLORIS Nicaletta
Cauliflower Broccoli Casserole (Redmond RMC-01) NikSV
Zebra Pie (StebaDD1 ECO) Gala_Z
Poor Student Jam Pie (DEX-50) Khryukin's Chronicles
Lavash pie with meat and mushrooms (pressure cooker Polaris 0305) Shelena
Cabbage pie in a multicooker Brand 701 Elena Bo
Lean caramel honey pie from Irishk @ fronya40
Pie for welcoming guests Elena Our
Pie "Kifle" Lika
Strawberry pie (yeast) multicooker Bork U700 tatita
Pie "Kolobok" (for jam) Luysia
Pie "Royal cheesecake" Boo Boo
Pie "Kunaty" Ikra
Pie "Makovnik" in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Mandarin Pear Pie Laksana
Poppy Pie "For Tea" Omela
Honey sponge cake with apricots Sonadora
Honey cake for tea in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris fronya40
Carrot and cheese pie (slow cooker) Leysan
Shortbread pie with curd filling and berries (Steba DD1 ECO) Masinen
Pie on ryazhenka in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Steam honey pie with nuts and raisins ANGELINA BLACKmore
Cherry Flip Pie (Polaris 0305) olga4166
Fruit flip pie barbariscka
Shortbread pie with cottage cheese and black currant Elaria
Shortbread pie with cottage cheese and apple filling koziv
Drunk cherry pie Galinka-Malinka
Fish pie Talita
Pie with apricots in a pressure cooker Polaris 0305 Anechka T
Pie "Fairy Tale" from Mikamilk infant formula litichka80
The cake is sweet Margushka
Pie "Sour cream with blackberries" Omela
Pie with meat, cheese and potatoes (multicooker Redmond RMS-02) vernisag
Cherry pie Judi
Pie with cherry, apple and dried apricots (Panasonic SR-TMH 10) Raspberries
Sesame pie Crochet
Pie with dried apricots in a multicooker Polaris 0520 Nejik
Pie with onions in a slow cooker svetamk
Pie with minced meat in a multicooker Steba DD1 ECO liusia
Plum Pie (Steba DD1) ElenkaM
Cream cheese pie. Boo Boo
Multicooker rhubarb pie Philips HD3060 / 03 petu
Fish pie (pressure cooker Steba DD1 ECO) Masinen
Pie with salmon, spinach, green onions and cottage cheese (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) + Gala +
Pie with cottage cheese and raspberries (Brand 6050 cooker) Elven
Berry pie (dough with mayonnaise) DonnaFelice
Gingerbread Streisel Pie lisa567
Curd-poppy cake Elaria
Curd pie with plums Omela
Grated pie with jam in a Panasonic multicooker Bulochka
Pie-cake "Coffee" lisa567
Flammkuchen pie in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Fast fruit pie rinishek
Fruit pie with sprinkles natamylove
Tsvetaevsky pie with berries Elaria
Swabian pie with red currantGasha
Chocolate-curd marble pie Elaria
Pie "Chocolate Chocolate" (Steba DD1) Masinen
Pie "Youth" with rhubarb Tanyulya
Apple pie (multicooker Stadler Form) vernisag
Apple pie with olive oil sve
Dry apple pie Elenka
Apple pie with cinnamon "Mamin" Elenka
Apple pie with rosemary Crochet
Apple pie with butter cream (multicooker Aurora) ang-kay
Pie "Crazy Cake" bonita--

Multicooker fried patties in oil (Brand 37501) Oca
Puff pastry pies with oyster mushroom filling Elena Our
Chinese pies "Pian-se" zolotko77
Pies with cabbage Nicaletta
Pies with apples (dough with sour milk) in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Pie with cabbage in the Brand multicooker Melisa72ru

Pizza in a slow cooker. Link
Pizza in a multicooker Brand 701 landuch
Pizza Yarochka
Pizza in a multicooker Steba Valerie Anna
Pizza in a slow cooker (master class) lesik_l
Pizza lazy in a multicooker Panasonic SR-TMH18 LTW ilonnna
Pizza in a multicooker Redmond RMC - M90 Natusik
Pizza in a multicooker Scarlett IS-MC412S01 efa_32
Pizza in the Brand 6051 pressure cooker iren7
Bulk pizza (multicooker DEX) yarli
Pizza on a thick yeast base with chicken and pickles, cooked on the "Porridge" setting (Polaris 0305) Shelena
Pizza on a thin yeast base with mushrooms and onions, cooked on the "Porridge" setting (Polaris 0305) Shelena
Pizza with chicken and pineapple in a slow cooker izumka
Buns "Toffee" (multicooker Philips HD3095) Manna

Lean macaroons Elena Our
Lenten pie in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Lean chocolate pie with peppercorns (Aurora multicooker) ang-kay
Plain bread on pizza dough in the Steba pressure cooker Tanyulya
Gingerbread in a multicooker BORK U700 Karmelita30
Diet gingerbread in a slow cooker Alexandra
Steamed gingerbread in a multicooker Brand 37502 ANGELINA BLACKmore
Classic gingerbread in a slow cooker Crochet
Gingerbread cake (slow cooker Perfezza) oriana
Gingerbread bread Crochet
Pumpernickel - Hildesheimer Pumpernickel (Polaris Floris 0508D and Kitchen 0507D) Ligra

Wheat-rye bread in a multicooker Redmond RMC-01 Mar_k
Wheat-rye bread in a multicooker Scarlett IS-MC412S01 Vitaok
Wheat-rye bread with sausage and cheese in a multicooker Polaris Nicaletta
Wheat-rye bread (Steba DD1 pressure cooker) Masinen
Wheat-rye bread with malt in the Moulinex multi-pressure cooker CE502832 Larra
Wheat bread in a slow cooker Nicaletta
Wheat bread with fermented baked milk or sour cream (pressure cooker Polaris 0305) Shelena
Wheat bread with rye sourdough in the Philips multicooker 3060/03 mamusi

Semolina pudding (for Brand 6050) Svetta
Pudding "Negroes" with carob and malt Admin
Fluffy honey honey Seila77
Lush charlotte with fruits and cranberries (multicooker-pressure cooker Polaris 0305) Shelena

Tart with boletus (boletus) and cheese Tanyulya
Tart taten with apples in a pressure cooker MariV
Tart Taten with apples on a biscuit (multicooker Brand 701) MariV
Brownie curd cheesecake (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) VS NIKA
Cottage cheese casserole Podmosvichka
Curd casserole for Bork U800 kil
Curd casserole "Tenderness" from the instructions for the Brand multicooker (pressure cooker Polaris 0305) Shelena
Cottage cheese casserole with apples in a multicooker Brand 701 Anka_DL
Cottage cheese casserole with streusel in a multicooker Brand 701 Anka_DL
Curd casserole pudding in the KitchenAid Artisan kitchen processor Manna
Pumpkin-banana curd casserole (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) VS NIKA
Curd Easter in Steba DD 1 GTI Tatiana
Cottage cheese on semolina kiakia
Cottage cheese-semolina cake in a multicooker Bork U700 Elena Tim
Cottage cheese and carrot casserole (multicooker-pressure cooker Steba DD1) Linadoc
Cottage cheese-chocolate cake (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Elven
Cottage cheese-apple cake in a multicooker Redmond RMC-01 Sonadora
Cottage cheese buns with nuts in the Steba slow cooker Mar_k
Cottage cheese cake with raspberries (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Elven
Cottage cheese pie in a multicooker Brand 701 Tyafa
Curd Pudding with Caramelized Apples (Redmond RMC-01) Vasilica
Tyrolean pie VS NIKA

Iceberg cake (multicooker Brand 37501) Psichika
Cake a la cheesecake Ludmil_a
"Africa in the snow" cake winter
Cake without eggs "Curd Bird cherry" (multicooker Phlips HD3095) Manna
Sponge cake with light sour cream and grapes natamylove
Sponge cake with lemon mousse and kurd natamylove
Sponge cake with poppy seeds and condensed milk mousse natamylove
Biscuit cottage cheese-chocolate cake with raisins and cherries Cook
Pancake cake with cottage cheese Cook
Cake "Bouquet" in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris and PMC 0507d kitchen lisa567
General cake Sindi
Mustard cake kleskox35
Homemade cake in a multicooker Polaris Sindi
Zebra" cake" Celestine
Snake cake (multicooker Brand 37501) Psichika
Gingerbread cake in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris and PMC 0507d kitchen lisa567
Juicy halvic cake with chocolate hint (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) Mandarinka @
Cake "Caprice" GruSha
Cake "Cow Burenka" alyona
Cream al Cream cake (adaptation to the multicooker Cuckoo) Galinka-Malinka
Cake "Kushi" in the multicooker Redmond lisa11441
Better Than Sex Cake (Multicooker Brand 37501) Psichika
Cake "Marishka" lira70
Carrot cake Elenka
Jam cake (multicooker DEX) Galina1805
Kefir cake in multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Condensed milk cake Ludmil_a
Cake "Negro in the foam" lisska
"Delicate" cake (multicooker Polaris PMC 0517AD) vil1988
Orange summer cake (multicooker-pressure cooker Steba DD1) Linadoc
Cake "Autumn Mood" carrot NataST
Cake from Vera, maid Anna Pavlova (multicooker Brand 502) MariV
Pancho cake Zagadoshna
Shortbread cake "Riga" (La Cucina Italiana YBD50-90) MariV
Pinscher cake with pineapples Romashkina
Pie cake with cherries and nuts in a pressure cooker or oven (Polaris 0305) Shelena
Cake "Prague" (from Alena from Israel) lira70
Cake "Prague" (according to GOST) Crochet
Peach cake (lean) celfh
Cake "Just a Miracle" zalina74
Cake "Bird's milk" (cream on semolina) Elaria
Cake "Bird's milk" on gelatin (multicooker Aurora) ang-kay
Custard cake in a multicooker-pressure cooker Steba DD2 Rituslya
Cake "Sacher" or "Sacher" Lola
Semistakannik cake (pressure cooker Brand 6050) Elven
"Consent" cake lira70
Cake "Lady Baltimore Cake" (Lady Baltimore Cake) in a multicooker Philips 3060 brendabaker
Cake "Lemon" Lika
Cake with lemon frosting cream Qween
Whipped cream cake Carolina7
Sour cream cake with sour cream Crochet
Cake "Curd beauty" Prank
Curd cake in a Panasonic multicooker Lola
Cake "Three-layer" Elaria
Cake "Toffee" lira70
Cake "Enchantress" Andreevna
Cake "Enchantress" in a multicooker Redmond RMC M90 Natusik
Cake "Enchantress" in the pressure cooker Liberty mp-900 mary_kyiv
Cake "Black Prince" Zagadoshna
Boiling water chocolate cake Crochet
Chocolate-nut cake (base) Lenusya
Chocolate cake with milk and cherry jelly Mama Seni
Chocolate cake with truffles lira70
Apple cake Svetl @ nka
Cake "Berries in the snow" in the multicooker Bork U700 Elena Tim
Buckwheat cake natamylove
Cake "Curly Vanya" in a multicooker Redmond 4504 Maksimama
Lemon cake Anastasia
Butter Cake (By Lola) Svetl @ nka
Semisotik cake (multicooker Bork U700) tatita
Tortilla with boiled potatoes, meat and cheese at Philips 3134/00 vernisag
Peat cake (multicooker Brand 701) MariV
Flourless truffle cake (Panasonic multicooker) GruSha
"Tula" (almost) gingerbread from a multicooker crayz

Pumpkin mannik "Sunny" (pressure cooker Brand 6050) Elven

Smart Cakes at Cuckoo 1055 li.konfetka

Phoenician pie with semolina and turmeric MariV
Date cake with chocolate ilga
Date cake "For me" in the multicooker Polaris 0508D floris and PMC 0507d kitchen lisa567
Finnish curd cake crayz
Flonyard with ranetki for multicooker Zigmund & Shtain MC-DS42IH lada-matushka
Focaccia in a multicooker-pressure cooker Steba DD1 Linadoc
French rustic honey cake (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) MariV
French apple pie lisa567
Fruit Easter Cupcake Jouravl
Khachapuri in Brand 701 multicooker and oven MariS
Brushwood "Lakomka" Sindi

Bread without kneading in the Shteba pressure cooker Bijou
Cheesecake bread or cheesecake buns in a bread maker and multicooker ilonnna
Bread in a pressure cooker (technology) Cubic
Bread in a multicooker Scarlett SC 411 vitaokstep
Bread in a multicooker Steba Valerie Anna
Bread in a slow cooker without kneading cvt
Bread in a multicooker-pressure cooker Saturn ST-MC9184 Lud-Mil @
Buckwheat bread in a multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 Grigorieva
Risin Sourdough Breakfast Bread (Steba DD1) Mar_k
Bread "Health" talady
Quinoa Bread + Gala +
Old dough bread (multicooker Steba DD1 ECO) Mar_k
Bread with cabbage brine (dough) (Polaris Floris 0508D and Kitchen 0507D) Ligra
Bread with olive oil Sindi
Steamed bread Carolina7
Bread with beer zvezda
Simple bread in a cartoon Lola
Wheat-corn bread with onions and carrots Nicaletta
Wheat-corn bread (Steba DD1 ECO) Masinen
Wheat-rye bread in a slow cooker Ikra
Hand-mixed wheat-rye bread without improvers Friday
Wheat pumpkin bread with whole grain flour (DEX-60) Snusmumrik
Rye-wheat bread with Lactin sourdough and cabbage brine (Steba DD1 multicooker) Linadoc
Rye bread in a slow cooker Elena Bo
Rye bread on kefir with raisins in a multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 Grigorieva
Rice-wheat bread emosolova
Bread "Camomile" in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Bread with rye flour in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris lisa567
Sweet bread with raisins from Elena Bo Crochet
Bread Cream (pressure cooker Steba DD1) masinen
Soda bread in a slow cooker outside flo
Soda bread with oatmeal Crochet
Soda bread with rye flour Crochet
Bread with whole grain flour and oat bran (in a multicooker Redmond RMC-02) vernisag
Bread "Curd" Sindi
Khlebushek Borodinsky "Love from the first crumb" (multicooker Redmond RMS-02) mamusi
Whole grain rye bread with barley Masinen
Apple bread with walnuts in a slow cooker Crochet

Berlin crispbread (Polaris Floris 0508D and Kitchen 0507D) Ligra

Charlotte lira70
Charlotte Katrina
Charlotte (Dex-50) lesik_l
Charlotte. Luke
Orange charlotte (multicooker Aurora) ang-kay
Orange charlotte in a slow cooker Lydia
Charlotte in a multicooker Bork U700 Karmelita30
Charlotte in a multicooker Scarlett IS-MC412S01 Vitaok
Charlotte in a pressure cooker Unit 1210s Natusya
Chinese cabbage charlotte (or "lazy" cabbage pie) zalina74
Whole Wheat Charlotte zalina74
Charlotte with oranges and peaches Tanyulya
Charlotte with oranges according to the recipe from the book for the Panasonic multicooker Roza_Irina
Charlotte with nectarines (multicooker Redmond RMC-01) Sonadora
Charlotte with black currant Tanyulya
Charlotte with black currants in a Panasonic multicooker Lola
Charlotte with whole apples Tosha
Charlotte with apples Deyrdre
Charlotte with apples Carolina7
Charlotte with apples (for Zigmund & Shtain MC-DS42IH) lada-matushka
Charlotte with apples and tangerines (Steba DD1) Sprig @
Charlotte with apples (at the request of Lena Tim) marlanca
Charlotte with apple and orange Steba DD1 zoomgsm
Charlotte chocolate in Polaris 0520 Nejik
Charlotte apple and cherry (pressure cooker Brand 6050) Ksyushk @ -Plushk @
Charlotte apple-cherry-coconut VS NIKA

Boiled chocolate zvezda
Chocolate royal cheesecake (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Elven
Chocolate curd casserole with raisins in a multicooker-pressure cooker Steba DD1 Linadoc
Chocolate inspiration tatika04
Chocolate tangerine cake (lean) in the Philips HD3060 multicooker Manna
Chocolate almond cake with cherries Sonadora
Chocolate and rice pudding (multicooker Brand 37501) vernisag
Chocolate-beet sponge cake (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) Elena Bo
Chocolate pads with peanut butter filling (Polaris 0508D Floris) Ligra
Chocolate Brownie (Brand 6050 pressure cooker) VS NIKA
Chocolate brownie with honeysuckle or cherry in a multicooker Redmond RMC-01 petu
Shula's Chocolate Cupcake (DEX-50) Freesia
Chocolate muffin with prunes (Brand 6050 pressure cooker). Elena Bo
Chocolate mannik with cherries (Perfezza multicooker) oriana
Chocolate Monkey Bread in Stadler Form V-tina
Chocolate cake (multicooker Philips HD 3060) vernisag
Chocolate cake with sweet potato multicooker Zigmund Shtain MC-DS 42 IH Anastasia127
Chocolate pie with cherries barbariscka
Cherry Chocolate Pie (for Zigmund & Shtain MC-DS42IH) lada-matushka
Chocolate cake with crushed hazelnuts (Philips 3134/00) musya
Chocolate cake with curd filling crayz
Chocolate cake with curd balls in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris fronya40
Chocolate pie with plums in a multicooker Polaris 0508D floris 1oksi1
Chocolate tart Monster
Chocolate bread with cherry and poppy seeds (Brand 37501) Luysia
Srimati (no filling) - baked goods under pressure (Brand 6060 smokehouse) manna

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers