Until now, were you sure that a baguette is a long, unleavened bun from a store that cannot be baked at home? This is not true! With the Moulinex OW 5004 bread maker, you will have fresh baguettes baked according to different recipes on your table every day, so the quality of homemade bread will amaze you! ... 
In terms of the set of functions and general characteristics, the Moulinex OW 5004 bread maker is in no way inferior to its neighbors in the price category. She has at her disposal: - 14 programs for baking bread, which can be set on the electronic control panel; - function of selection of crust color (light / medium / dark); - the function of keeping the bread hot for an hour after baking; - the possibility of delaying the start up to 15 hours, allowing you to get fresh bread in the morning
But the main difference between the Moulinex bread machine and other models is its elongated configuration, as well as the presence of a special stand with removable molds for 4 baguettes. The molds for baguettes are treated with a non-stick coating that gently preserves the bottom crust. In the instructions for the bread maker, you will find all sorts of dough recipes and useful recommendations for baking bread in a bread maker. There is also a detailed description of the preparation of a baguette. From it you will not only learn how to bake bread so that it is no worse than the store one, but you will also learn baking secrets, the use of which will give your baguettes taste originality and visual appeal. After all, baguettes, it turns out, are so different: with honey, with poppy seeds, with sesame seeds, with olives, with prunes!
In the Moulinex bread maker, you can knead dough from any flour, with or without additives. In addition to baguettes, there are many bread recipes, the production of which is available in the Moulinex bread maker: from a Borodino loaf to pizza and pasta. Homemade bread baking is healthy, tasty, nutritious and exciting!
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