If you need an assistant in the kitchen, you want to replenish your recipe box or easily cook for a large company, it's time to think about purchasing a food processor.
Cooking, that is, cooking, is an art that has evolved over the centuries, bearing the imprint of the respective era and culture. From the time when primitive man, accidentally dropping a piece of meat on hot coals, appreciated its best taste, to modern concepts of nutritious and tasty food has come a long way. Modern cooking, taking into account the experience of the past, uses the achievements of science and technology. It also takes into account the current requirements of the science of rational nutrition.
Thanks to the use of various methods of culinary processing, it is possible to preserve the components of food products to a significant extent.
One of the main and valuable biological properties of grapes is the ability to use solar energy in the most efficient way. As a result, the sugar content in ripe berries is very high - it reaches 30-35%, and even more during withering. Dried grapes, raisins and raisins contain 60-70% sugar.
In scientifically grounded rational nutrition, an important place belongs to potatoes, vegetables and fruits, which supply the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Baltic cuisine is primarily focused on the fish resources of the Baltic Sea, gifts from forests, as well as potato and other vegetable dishes. |
Often described as "vitamin-like" for its easy water solubility, choline is a unique micronutrient that is essential for many biological functions.
Despite its importance, the attitude of people towards choline is rather frivolous. According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey, only 8% of American adults consume the required amount of choline daily; in 2010, the Nutritional Guide for Americans stated that most of the population is choline deficient; and in Guides slated for release before 2020, this is unlikely to change.
Scientists have shown that a cup of tea can even affect cognitive abilities. But how do you get the most out of plain boiled water with herbs?
Five millennia have passed, and tea still pleases scientists who want to prove obvious things without them. In the most recent study (conducted by Yang Huang of the Department of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University), for example, it was found that tea makes us more creative.
Exclusive Interview: Health Professionals Warn of Rising Popularity of Factory-Made Food, Which Will Lead to Negative Effects: Obesity and Poor health.
Recently, more and more people have started eating raw fish, and so there have been disgusting stories of tapeworms. But do sashimi fans really need to worry - and what other ways are there to get infected?
The colorful Portuguese capital and one of the oldest cities in the world, Lisbon nestles comfortably on seven hills on the southwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Despite the fact that the city was almost completely destroyed by the earthquake of 1755, and the tsunami and fires that followed, the authorities managed to restore the city from ruins. Now, it attracts tourists from all over the world even more. The location of the city, which is favorable from a tourist and political point of view, but not particularly safe from a geographical point of view, still did not prevent Lisbon from surviving.
If you are on your way to shedding those extra pounds, then you know how important it is to eat the right food in the right amounts. In the world of a variety of healthy foods, nuts such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews and raisins are considered super healthy. They are very nutritious indeed, with a ton of different vitamins, minerals, fats, protein and fiber as an example. They are known to help you shed those extra pounds - thanks to fiber and protein. Other nuts are good for other reasons, but eating them for shedding pounds wouldn't be a great idea.
Overweight, which affects half of the world's population, is a global problem. In the fight against extra pounds, exhausting diets and hours of training are used. But sometimes, these attempts are unsuccessful or harm the body.