The skin on the hands is much thinner than on the face, almost devoid of a layer of subcutaneous fat and contains much less sebaceous glands. That is why it, deprived of natural protection, quickly becomes thinner, coarser and more easily amenable to age-related changes.
The territory of the Cesar department is located in two Colombian regions, the Andean and the Caribbean, where before the European conquest, initiated by the German Ambrosio Alfinger in 1530, lived two culturally close Indian groups - the Caribbean and the Arawak, which gave a great cultural and gastronomic heritage.
Today, grape cultivation is not a simple matter. But the work spent will pay off with interest when it's time to harvest the first crop.
Huanuco is one of the central regions of Peru, which on its territory unites the eastern slopes of the Andes and part of the Amazonian plain with high and low jungles.
Not so long ago, about a man who lives in abundance, one could say: he only lacks bird's milk. Now this saying is outdated, as pastry chefs of the Moscow restaurant "Prague" invented a cake called "Bird's milk".
Hypothyroidism, like many other diseases, forces a person to reconsider their diet. Some products have to be abandoned, because they negatively affect the patient's health. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland works less efficiently, which affects metabolism. |
• Before you start cooking, put on an apron, tie your hair with a kerchief, wash your hands thoroughly, and brush your nails with a brush.
• Any dish that is new to you should be started only after you make sure you understand the recipe well.
The province of Morona Santiago, stretching in the east of the republic along the Peruvian border, occupies more than 25 thousand square kilometers of the Ecuadorian Amazon, crossed by rivers, low mountain ranges and covered with jungle. The wet forests of the region are the historical homeland of several Indian peoples belonging to the Jibaro linguistic group, who to this day maintain a connection with nature and draw vital resources from it: the Achuara, Shiviara and Shuara.
We will enter our dwelling as if for the first time, we will try to look at it like visitors to a house-museum. We come there not only to breathe the air of the past, but to see the environment in which a person of interest to us lived, to understand how the uncommonness and individuality of this person were reflected in everyday life.
The Chiquimula Department is known in Guatemala as the "Pearl of the Orient". It is located on the border with El Salvador and Honduras in a fairly arid, but fertile area, where the population consists of mestizos and the Chorti ethnic group, which emerged from the Mayan people.
Some housewives think whether the table looks beautiful - it's the tenth thing, the main thing is it would be clean and tasty. We disagree with this opinion.Beautifully decorated food and tastefully served table are needed to satisfy our aesthetic needs and for purely utilitarian purposes - for better assimilation of food, and ultimately testify to the owners' sincere desire to make the holiday, as they say, pleasant for guests from all sides.