We will enter our dwelling as if for the first time, we will try to look at it like visitors to some house-museum. We come there not only to breathe in the air of the past, but to see the environment in which a person of interest to us lived, to understand how the uncommonness, individuality of this person was reflected in everyday life.
And our own home? Does he bear on himself the reflection of the uniqueness of those living in him? Is the special spirit of our family, our characters and destinies felt in his rooms? Even if at first glance they seem ordinary, unremarkable - but only at first glance. In fact, every destiny, every personality is unique. This uniqueness was emphasized by nature, endowing everyone, for example, with a unique pattern of the skin of the hand. But what about our home, where is most of our life? Is it really the only thing in it from the uniqueness of the owners that fingerprints are on objects? Unfortunately, this is often the case. Typical layout, typical finishing ... Even the arrangement of furniture - again because of its uniformity - fluctuates in a few options.
By the way, the higher the family income, the more typical and monotonous the interior of the dwellings: the indispensable "wall", armchairs, carpets, kitchen sets with the obligatory "gentleman's set" of items ... And it turns out that the main difference is in the quality of the furniture, and, consequently, in the price paid for it. In other words, our house today often reflects our ability to pay and obtain, and not the spiritual originality of the owners ...
Why is the time to be sad and resist the established stereotypes? The fact is that the depersonalization of the home is not a random process, it reflects what has happened to us. Many decades of living according to predetermined "above" standards have changed human psychology; we forgot about our own uniqueness ...
So, consider your home as if for the first time. Let's start with a utilitarian question: is it convenient in it? Do we make the most of what the available living space can give? Only, please, do not forget to involve all family members in the discussion of this issue: both grandparents, if you live together, and children. Remember - we talked about the family as a community of equal rights, and the problem of convenience, perhaps, like no other, concerns everyone in this community. Let everyone think and express their point of view. Perhaps the unknown will be revealed to you.
For example, it turns out that the grandmother has been silently suffering for a long time because of the neighborhood in the same room. TV and a sofa on which he sleeps; you are accustomed to watching all the programs, and she side by side is forced to bite her nose until late, not being able to calmly lie down and resolve to propose some kind of rearrangement. Or suddenly it turns out that the sons of the weather have become uncomfortable and uncomfortable in their tiny room, where you moved the old closet a month ago ... Or the hostess herself will throw up her hands: “I think what is so annoying in the kitchen? Red shade! At first it seemed beautiful. But to cook in the evenings - you "break" your eyes ... "
There can be many discoveries. Collect them, discuss together: what can be fixed? How? But do not rush to start correcting the discovered shortcomings.
In addition to obvious inconveniences, there may be those to which everyone has got used to and who seem to not notice - nevertheless, they affect the well-being of life. Therefore, you need to know and observe, if possible, several "laws" of the equipment of the apartment - we will talk about them now.
To create convenience means to properly organize the interior space of the apartment. Each room has lines of movement and quiet places that should not intersect with these lines. Let's say you have an apartment with two adjoining rooms.This means that there are two movement lines in the common room, originating from the entrance: to the door of the second room and to the balcony, which divide the room into three separate spaces. Each of them can be used for a specific purpose, depending on the number of family members and their needs, for example, as a dining room, a rest corner, a place to study. If on the line of movement you put something of the furniture, for example a table, it will make it difficult to move around the apartment, violate the relative isolation of the target "zones", will interfere, distract the attention of those who are engaged or resting.
Another rule is that it is more difficult to reckon with it than with the first. When furniture little is, of course, inconvenient. "Homeless" things create disorder, gather dust, are eternally lost; all family members cannot rest comfortably, go about their business ... When there is a lot of furniture, other difficulties arise. Eternal corners, which both the hostess and the children "recount" more than once a day; dust, which is almost impossible to get rid of; lack of living space, poisoning people slowly and surely, like carbon monoxide ...
Where is the golden mean that helps to combine our ideas about the necessary and real convenience? Let's open the doors of cabinets, cupboards, shelves, mezzanines ... Perhaps we will find a treasure there - with a minus sign. Old things - all seem to come in handy; deposits of newspapers and magazines - there is no time to turn over to waste paper; broken, worn-out toys - it's a pity to leave ... (It's good for the Italians - they say that during New Year's carnivals they throw old stuff right into the street, thereby getting rid of not only rubbish, but also of old sorrows and worries!) ", Let's free at least a couple of lockers. Not in order, of course, to immediately throw away empty lockers. Let it be only a symbolic action for now: there is, there is something superfluous in our house. After him, perhaps, an understanding will come: the convenience of life is more important than the things that fill everyday life ...
Of course, rather than being forced to part with things, it is better not to acquire too much. Therefore, when starting to equip an apartment, you need to think carefully: what kind of furniture and how much is needed. In general, we most often do this, but we are guided only by material considerations and the "capacity" of housing. We think about the convenience, the functional justification of each purchase detail after. And it would be good - at the same time. And not "in general terms", but with a calculation for each purchased box, for each available meter. And of course - taking into account the opinions and needs of each family member, including the little ones.
Someone will say: “This is too much! Don't parents know what their children need? " But imagine how much pleasure a 5-year-old baby will get when you and her discuss such an overriding problem as buying a new crib for her! How much is the use? After all, such a discussion is a practical lesson in trust, economics, taste, finally. Don't neglect the extra opportunity to teach such a lesson. Who knows, maybe he will teach you something too? For example, it is better to understand your child ... If in some way you do not agree with the opinion of the little counselor, find a way to convince him of the correctness of your choice: “Such a sofa is too expensive for us, daughter. We'd rather save a little, but we can buy a desk for dad, because he really needs it, right? Besides, the upholstery of the sofa is not very beautiful, what do you think? " There are many options, one thing is important: your sincere desire to raise an employee, a comrade in your child.
Helpful hints:
If you live on the ground floor or the neighboring house is located too close to yours, in addition to thick long curtains, you can hang short translucent curtains on the windows (their height is 70-80 cm above the windowsill). They are made of thin fabric, tulle, lace fabric.
The general illumination in the room can be considered sufficient if 1 sq. m of area accounts for 15 to 25 watts of incandescent lamp power.
The mirror dims from direct sunlight.The mirror should be placed or hung so that the light falls on the person evenly.
Sashina E.Yu. The ABC of Home Economics