Since we bake bakery products not only in bread makers, but also in ovens, I bring to your attention a selection of DEFECTS IN BAKERY PRODUCTS, THEIR REASONS AND METHODS FOR THEIR ELIMINATION (based on the Internet).
Defects Foreign smell or tasteCauses Presence of wormwood, bitterness or any foreign smell or taste in flour
Remedies Process flour along with normal flour (if this can eliminate the indicated lack of bread)
Defects Crunching teeth when chewingCauses The presence of sand or earthy substances in flour
Defects Pale bread crust, low specific volumeCauses Low sugar and gas forming ability of flour
RemediesProcess flour in a mixture with flour with increased gas-generating ability.
Apply a portion of the flour.
Add white malt or some sprouted grain flour to the dough
Defects Damp, sticky, poorly chewable, inelastic crumb.
The color of the crumb is dark, which is especially noticeable in products made from high-quality wheat flour.
The porosity is large, uneven.
Sometimes tears in the crumb.
The crust is intensely colored, has a reddish tint, sometimes flakes off the crumb.
The bread tastes sweet.
The shape of the hearth bread is sometimes vagueCausesFlour is ground from sprouted grain and has increased amylolytic and proteolytic activity. Therefore, flour and bread contain many water-soluble substances, including dextrins.
Due to the hydrolysis of a large amount of starch in bread, there is a lot of "free" water not associated with colloids
RemediesProcess wheat flour in a sponge way. To accumulate a large amount of acid, the dough should be set with a large (55-60% of all flour) of a strong consistency (humidity 48-49%). Increase the duration of fermentation of dough or heads. Increase the acidity of the dough by 1-2 °, applying, if required, 10-15th of the weight of all processed flour of ripe dough, dough, sourdough or yeast-fermented flour mash. To improve the physical properties of the dough, fermentation of the dough should be carried out at a lower temperature; for this, the dosage of compressed yeast can be increased by 50% against the norm, adding a part of it to the dough. Increase the acidity of the dough by 1 °. To increase the consumption of salt for wallpaper flour by 50% for grade II by 25%, and for grade 1 and higher grades up to 15% in excess of what is prescribed by the recipe. Reduce the moisture content of the dough by 1% against the norm. Avoid increasing the weight of the dough, if possible, reduce the weight of the products. In case of excessive coloring of the crust, bake bread at a lower temperature and for a longer time
Defects The crumb is dense, sticky, wrinkled, of a darker color than usual. Malted bread tasteCauses Flour is ground from frost grain and is characterized by increased activity of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes and a low content of short-growing or even crumbly gluten
RemediesThe dough is prepared in a sponge way, preferably with liquid yeast. To increase the swelling of the gluten and improve the physical properties of the dough, the dough is set large (55-60% of the total flour), while the duration of fermentation of the dough is reduced to 25-30 minutes. The dough ferments at a low temperature of 27-28 C. The acidity of the dough is increased by adding ripe dough, dough or sourdoughs in the amount of 5-10% of the weight of all flour when processing high-quality flour and 10-15% for wallpaper. If necessary, reduce the moisture content of the dough by 1% against the norm.In some cases, it is rational | increase salt dosage
Defects The bread is not blurry, but dense, of small volume with an underdeveloped thick-walled porosity. Peel color is very paleCauses Flour from wheat that has been dried at unacceptably high temperatures (e.g. fire) or self-heating. Therefore, the gluten content is low, the quality of the gluten is torn or even crumbly
Remedies Processing methods are the same as for frozen grain flour
Defects Reduced volume and porosity, insufficient crumb elasticity, looseness of hearth bread. The upper crust is sometimes covered with fine shallow cracksCauses The flour is ground from grain infected with a turtle bug, and the activity of proteolytic enzymes is increased in it. Therefore, the gluten from wheat flour is washed in small amounts or not at all. Gluten is sticky, inelastic, and its properties deteriorate sharply during aging. The dough quickly liquefies, eats
RemediesPrepare the dough with a large dough. Increase the acidity of the dough by 2 °, and the dough by 1 °. To do this, prepare the dough with liquid yeast, adding 5-10% of the weight of all processed flour of ripe dough, dough or sourdough to the dough. Fermentation should be carried out at low temperatures (not higher than 28-29 °), increasing the consumption of compressed yeast against the usual one. Prepare the dough with a thicker consistency. To do this, reduce its moisture content by 1% against normal. Increase salt consumption for wallpaper flour by 50%, for grade 11 flour by 25%, and for 1 and premium flour
up to 15% in excess of what is prescribed by the recipe. Apply potassium bromate in the amount of 0.001–0.004% of the weight of all flour in the dough. Cut the dough from one bowl quickly (in 10–15 minutes). Reduce proofing time to the minimum possible. Bake baked goods under normal conditions or at a temperature 10-20 'higher than usual.
Defects The crumb is damp, dense, maoporous, sticky, bread is low, hearth bread is looseCauses Freshly ground, unripe flour
Remedies Process the flour into a mixture with strong flour. Prepare the dough in a dough way with a large dough on liquid yeast. Increase the acidity of the dough. Apply potassium bromate
Defects The bread is low, sometimes cracked on the crust. The dough is bad and ferments for a long timeCauses Poor yeast quality
Remedies Increase yeast dosage. Improve liquid yeast nutrition. When using compressed yeast, activate them
Defects Bitter taste of breadCauses Rancid fat
Remedies Replace fat
The bread is small in volume and round in shape. Dry crumb crumbCauses Not enough water when kneading the dough
Remedies Increase the water fill when kneading the dough
Defects The bread is heavy, hearth bread spreads, molded bread has a flat top crust. Coarse crumb, moist to the touch and stickyCauses Excessive amount of water when kneading dough
Remedy Reduce water fill when kneading dough
Defects Flaking crust, crumb breaksCauses Also. Excessively thick but youthful dough
Remedy Also. Increase the amount of water when kneading the dough and the duration of fermentation
Defects Bread with uneven porosity, sometimes hardened or with a dark spot or ring in the centerCauses When kneading the dough, hot water is poured and therefore poor fermentation
Remedy Set the normal temperature of the kneading water
Defects Unsalted bread, vague. the crust is colored more intensely than usual, the crumb is dampCauses Salt not set when kneading dough or wrong dosage
Remedy Check salt dosage when kneading dough
Defects The bread is too salty, the crumb is coarse, the porosity is thick, the top crust of the bread is paler than usual ("gray hair")Causes An extra portion of salt was set during kneading
Remedy Also
Defects Sugar-formulated products have a pale crustCauses Sugar is not added to the dough or is not dosed correctly
Remedy Check sugar dosage
Defects Lumps of flour are found in bread - nepromesCauses Insufficient duration of dough kneading. Dough mixer defective.
Remedy Increase the dough kneading time. Check the operation of the kneading machine
Defects Bread with uneven porosity, low. Sticky dough (steamed)Causes Excessive kneading time.
Remedy Reduce mixing time
Defects Unleavened bread, on the surface there are bubbles with a thin burnt crust, which breaks when pressed. The porosity is reduced, the crumb is damp, the crust may lag behind the crumbCauses Insufficient duration of fermentation of dough or dough, the dough is youthful, unheated
Remedy Increase the duration of fermentation of dough or dough
Defects Bread with a pale crust, cracks, sour taste and smell, sometimes breaks in the crumbCauses Perched sour dough
Remedy Set the normal fermentation time
Defects The porosity of the crumb is uneven, thick-walled, cavities in the crumbCauses No wrinkling when processing wheat flour with strong gluten
Remedy Assign the required number of strokes in accordance with the type and strength of flour
Defects Irregular shape of products, reduced and uneven porosity of the crumbCauses Incorrect molding
Remedy Check the operation of the forming machines
Defects Smooth-walled crumbsCauses Flour rolled in large quantities during forming
Remedy Improve dough mixing. Check the operation of the seamer.
Defects The top crust of the pan is very convex and is torn off one or both sides from the side walls. The hearth bread has a spherical shape and comes out (cones) on the sidesCauses Insufficient proofing of the dough before baking
Remedy Increase the dough proofing time
Defects The top crust of the tin bread is flat or concave (fallen off), the hearth bread spreads, the porosity is unevenCauses Excessive proofing time before baking
Remedy Reduce the duration of the proofing of the dough
Defects Small cracks on the surface of the breadCauses Airing when proving the dough
Remedy Eliminate drafts. Proofing in proofing chambers or on special conveyors
Defects Peeling of crust from crumb, crumb breaksCauses Impacts of dough pieces or molds with dough underneath when placing in the oven or at the beginning of baking
Remedy Eliminate shocks when planting and baking bread
Defects Burnt and too thick crust of breadCauses Long-term baking at normal temperature and humidity in the baking chamber
Remedy Reduce baking time
Defects The crust is burnt, but the bread is not baked in the middleCauses Oven temperature too high or uneven heating
Remedy Adjust oven heating
Defects The crust is dull, grayish, sometimes with cracksCauses No steam in the baking chamber
Remedy Humidify baking chamber
Defects Pale crust, heavy bread, damp crumb, stickyCauses Insufficient baking time at normal temperature in the baking chamber
Remedy Extend baking time
Defects Pale but thick crust, often covered with cracks, heavy bread, damp crumb, sticky. With a weak dough - temperCauses Insufficient or uneven heating of the oven
Remedy Check the temperature of the baking chamber at different points and adjust it
Defects Pale lateral crust. Hearth bread with a "print". Sometimes crumb breaks and crust cracksCauses Insufficient distance between molds or pieces of bread dough when planting
Remedy Increase the distance between molds or between pieces when planting in the oven
Defects Cracks in the hearth around the bottom crustCauses Planting bread on a cold bed
Remedy Eliminate the rapid cooling of the pods before placing the dough on them
Defects Peeling off the crustCauses Poor handling of hot bread when taking out
Remedy Eliminate careless handling of bread when removing from the oven
Defects Tempered in rye breadCauses Rough handling of hot bread when removing and within minutes after removing from the oven
Remedy Eliminate mechanical causes of hardening. Put hot bread for cooling not on the bottom crust, but on the side or better on the end crust. Chill the bread quickly
Defects Tempered in rye breadCauses Cooling down on a cold metal surface
Remedy Do not place bread to cool on a cold metal surface
Defects Tempered in rye breadCauses Bad baking
Remedy Improve the baking regime: increase the heating of the hearth, increase the baking time, reduce the weight of the bread
P.S. Related Topic: Crusting Bread - Common Difficulties