Since we bake bakery products not only in bread makers, but also in ovens, I bring to your attention a selection of DEFECTS IN BAKERY PRODUCTS, THEIR REASONS AND METHODS FOR THEIR ELIMINATION (based on the Internet).


1. Defects Foreign smell or taste
Causes Presence of wormwood, bitterness or any foreign smell or taste in flour
Remedies Process flour along with normal flour (if this can eliminate the indicated lack of bread)

2. Defects Crunching teeth when chewing
Causes The presence of sand or earthy substances in flour

3. Defects Pale bread crust, low specific volume
Causes Low sugar and gas forming ability of flour
Process flour in a mixture with flour with increased gas-generating ability.
Apply a portion of the flour.
Add white malt or some sprouted grain flour to the dough

4. Defects
Damp, sticky, poorly chewable, inelastic crumb.
The color of the crumb is dark, which is especially noticeable in products made from high-quality wheat flour.
The porosity is large, uneven.
Sometimes tears in the crumb.
The crust is intensely colored, has a reddish tint, sometimes flakes off the crumb.
The bread tastes sweet.
The shape of the hearth bread is sometimes vague

Flour is ground from sprouted grain and has increased amylolytic and proteolytic activity. Therefore, flour and bread contain many water-soluble substances, including dextrins.
Due to the hydrolysis of a large amount of starch in bread, there is a lot of "free" water not associated with colloids
Process wheat flour in a sponge way. To accumulate a large amount of acid, the dough should be set with a large (55-60% of all flour) of a strong consistency (humidity 48-49%). Increase the duration of fermentation of dough or heads. Increase the acidity of the dough by 1-2 °, applying, if required, 10-15th of the weight of all processed flour of ripe dough, dough, sourdough or yeast-fermented flour mash. To improve the physical properties of the dough, fermentation of the dough should be carried out at a lower temperature; for this, the dosage of compressed yeast can be increased by 50% against the norm, adding a part of it to the dough. Increase the acidity of the dough by 1 °. To increase the consumption of salt for wallpaper flour by 50% for grade II by 25%, and for grade 1 and higher grades up to 15% in excess of what is prescribed by the recipe. Reduce the moisture content of the dough by 1% against the norm. Avoid increasing the weight of the dough, if possible, reduce the weight of the products. In case of excessive coloring of the crust, bake bread at a lower temperature and for a longer time

5. Defects The crumb is dense, sticky, wrinkled, of a darker color than usual. Malted bread taste
Causes Flour is ground from frost grain and is characterized by increased activity of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes and a low content of short-growing or even crumbly gluten
The dough is prepared in a sponge way, preferably with liquid yeast. To increase the swelling of the gluten and improve the physical properties of the dough, the dough is set large (55-60% of the total flour), while the duration of fermentation of the dough is reduced to 25-30 minutes. The dough ferments at a low temperature of 27-28 C. The acidity of the dough is increased by adding ripe dough, dough or sourdoughs in the amount of 5-10% of the weight of all flour when processing high-quality flour and 10-15% for wallpaper. If necessary, reduce the moisture content of the dough by 1% against the norm.In some cases, it is rational | increase salt dosage

6. Defects The bread is not blurry, but dense, of small volume with an underdeveloped thick-walled porosity. Peel color is very pale
Causes Flour from wheat that has been dried at unacceptably high temperatures (e.g. fire) or self-heating. Therefore, the gluten content is low, the quality of the gluten is torn or even crumbly
Remedies Processing methods are the same as for frozen grain flour

7. Defects Reduced volume and porosity, insufficient crumb elasticity, looseness of hearth bread. The upper crust is sometimes covered with fine shallow cracks
Causes The flour is ground from grain infected with a turtle bug, and the activity of proteolytic enzymes is increased in it. Therefore, the gluten from wheat flour is washed in small amounts or not at all. Gluten is sticky, inelastic, and its properties deteriorate sharply during aging. The dough quickly liquefies, eats
Prepare the dough with a large dough. Increase the acidity of the dough by 2 °, and the dough by 1 °. To do this, prepare the dough with liquid yeast, adding 5-10% of the weight of all processed flour of ripe dough, dough or sourdough to the dough. Fermentation should be carried out at low temperatures (not higher than 28-29 °), increasing the consumption of compressed yeast against the usual one. Prepare the dough with a thicker consistency. To do this, reduce its moisture content by 1% against normal. Increase salt consumption for wallpaper flour by 50%, for grade 11 flour by 25%, and for 1 and premium flour
up to 15% in excess of what is prescribed by the recipe. Apply potassium bromate in the amount of 0.001–0.004% of the weight of all flour in the dough. Cut the dough from one bowl quickly (in 10–15 minutes). Reduce proofing time to the minimum possible. Bake baked goods under normal conditions or at a temperature 10-20 'higher than usual.

8. Defects The crumb is damp, dense, maoporous, sticky, bread is low, hearth bread is loose
Causes Freshly ground, unripe flour
Remedies Process the flour into a mixture with strong flour. Prepare the dough in a dough way with a large dough on liquid yeast. Increase the acidity of the dough. Apply potassium bromate


1. Defects The bread is low, sometimes cracked on the crust. The dough is bad and ferments for a long time
Causes Poor yeast quality
Remedies Increase yeast dosage. Improve liquid yeast nutrition. When using compressed yeast, activate them

2. Defects Bitter taste of bread
Causes Rancid fat
Remedies Replace fat
1. The bread is small in volume and round in shape. Dry crumb crumb
Causes Not enough water when kneading the dough
Remedies Increase the water fill when kneading the dough

2. Defects The bread is heavy, hearth bread spreads, molded bread has a flat top crust. Coarse crumb, moist to the touch and sticky
Causes Excessive amount of water when kneading dough
Remedy Reduce water fill when kneading dough

3. Defects Flaking crust, crumb breaks
Causes Also. Excessively thick but youthful dough
Remedy Also. Increase the amount of water when kneading the dough and the duration of fermentation

4. Defects Bread with uneven porosity, sometimes hardened or with a dark spot or ring in the center
Causes When kneading the dough, hot water is poured and therefore poor fermentation
Remedy Set the normal temperature of the kneading water

5. Defects Unsalted bread, vague. the crust is colored more intensely than usual, the crumb is damp
Causes Salt not set when kneading dough or wrong dosage
Remedy Check salt dosage when kneading dough

5. Defects The bread is too salty, the crumb is coarse, the porosity is thick, the top crust of the bread is paler than usual ("gray hair")
Causes An extra portion of salt was set during kneading
Remedy Also

6. Defects Sugar-formulated products have a pale crust
Causes Sugar is not added to the dough or is not dosed correctly
Remedy Check sugar dosage

7. Defects Lumps of flour are found in bread - nepromes
Causes Insufficient duration of dough kneading. Dough mixer defective.
Remedy Increase the dough kneading time. Check the operation of the kneading machine

8. Defects Bread with uneven porosity, low. Sticky dough (steamed)
Causes Excessive kneading time.
Remedy Reduce mixing time

9. Defects Unleavened bread, on the surface there are bubbles with a thin burnt crust, which breaks when pressed. The porosity is reduced, the crumb is damp, the crust may lag behind the crumb
Causes Insufficient duration of fermentation of dough or dough, the dough is youthful, unheated
Remedy Increase the duration of fermentation of dough or dough

10. Defects Bread with a pale crust, cracks, sour taste and smell, sometimes breaks in the crumb
Causes Perched sour dough
Remedy Set the normal fermentation time

11. Defects The porosity of the crumb is uneven, thick-walled, cavities in the crumb
Causes No wrinkling when processing wheat flour with strong gluten
Remedy Assign the required number of strokes in accordance with the type and strength of flour

12. Defects Irregular shape of products, reduced and uneven porosity of the crumb
Causes Incorrect molding
Remedy Check the operation of the forming machines

13. Defects Smooth-walled crumbs
Causes Flour rolled in large quantities during forming
Remedy Improve dough mixing. Check the operation of the seamer.

14. Defects The top crust of the pan is very convex and is torn off one or both sides from the side walls. The hearth bread has a spherical shape and comes out (cones) on the sides
Causes Insufficient proofing of the dough before baking
Remedy Increase the dough proofing time

15. Defects The top crust of the tin bread is flat or concave (fallen off), the hearth bread spreads, the porosity is uneven
Causes Excessive proofing time before baking
Remedy Reduce the duration of the proofing of the dough

16. Defects Small cracks on the surface of the bread
Causes Airing when proving the dough
Remedy Eliminate drafts. Proofing in proofing chambers or on special conveyors

17. Defects Peeling of crust from crumb, crumb breaks
Causes Impacts of dough pieces or molds with dough underneath when placing in the oven or at the beginning of baking
Remedy Eliminate shocks when planting and baking bread

18. Defects Burnt and too thick crust of bread
Causes Long-term baking at normal temperature and humidity in the baking chamber
Remedy Reduce baking time

19. Defects The crust is burnt, but the bread is not baked in the middle
Causes Oven temperature too high or uneven heating
Remedy Adjust oven heating

20. Defects The crust is dull, grayish, sometimes with cracks
Causes No steam in the baking chamber
Remedy Humidify baking chamber

21. Defects Pale crust, heavy bread, damp crumb, sticky
Causes Insufficient baking time at normal temperature in the baking chamber
Remedy Extend baking time

22. Defects Pale but thick crust, often covered with cracks, heavy bread, damp crumb, sticky. With a weak dough - temper
Causes Insufficient or uneven heating of the oven
Remedy Check the temperature of the baking chamber at different points and adjust it

23. Defects Pale lateral crust. Hearth bread with a "print". Sometimes crumb breaks and crust cracks
Causes Insufficient distance between molds or pieces of bread dough when planting
Remedy Increase the distance between molds or between pieces when planting in the oven

24. Defects Cracks in the hearth around the bottom crust
Causes Planting bread on a cold bed
Remedy Eliminate the rapid cooling of the pods before placing the dough on them

25. Defects Peeling off the crust
Causes Poor handling of hot bread when taking out
Remedy Eliminate careless handling of bread when removing from the oven

26. Defects Tempered in rye bread
Causes Rough handling of hot bread when removing and within minutes after removing from the oven
Remedy Eliminate mechanical causes of hardening. Put hot bread for cooling not on the bottom crust, but on the side or better on the end crust. Chill the bread quickly

27. Defects Tempered in rye bread
Causes Cooling down on a cold metal surface
Remedy Do not place bread to cool on a cold metal surface

28. Defects Tempered in rye bread
Causes Bad baking
Remedy Improve the baking regime: increase the heating of the hearth, increase the baking time, reduce the weight of the bread


P.S. Related Topic: Crusting Bread - Common Difficulties

Good evening Admin! I already wrote to you about the damp crumb, thank you very much for the tips! I study the forum, I learned a lot for myself. And I started to get better. A lot of bread is baked in ovens, as I understand it due to the fact that the baking process there is more visual and allows it to be slightly adjusted in temperature and time. In this connection, I wanted to clarify:
- why is it not recommended to use a gas oven?
- and can bread be unbaked in a bread maker? despite the observance of technology? and how is this problem handled?
Quote: Lvovsky

- why is it not recommended to use a gas oven?
- and can bread be unbaked in a bread maker? despite the observance of technology? and how is this problem handled?

Welcome to the forum

1. Because there is uneven heating in the oven with gas burners, and it is difficult to regulate the heating, the uniformity of heating, the temperature of heating and baking. Sometimes you have to cover the bread with foil so that the top does not burn.

2.may be under-baked if you do not observe the ratio of the weight of the flour in the dough and the weight of the finished bread, in those ovens where this is provided by the program.
Perhaps it depends on the bread machine itself.
In my Hitachi, there is no such dependence of flour / bread weight, it bakes bread of any weight with high quality.

How to fight? In different ways - to leave bread in a hot x / oven after turning off the baking, cover the cracks in the lid with foil, etc. You can read more about this in the section Selecting and using bread makers.
Admin, hello! Help me please. My bread is growing moldy. Especially gray, but maybe white. Somewhere in 4-5 days. Why could this be? On the forum, if somewhere has already been discussed, I can’t look - I’m in the hospital. Please answer here if you can.

There may be several reasons:
- bread disease, poor quality flour
- improper baking of bread
- improper storage of bread

It should be noted that bread is not subject to long-term storage, it can dry out and stale already for 2-3 days.

Check out these topics:
Drying and staleness of bread - how, where and how much bread can be stored ?!

Diseases of bread (potato, mold, chalk, pigment, drunk bread)
good day Admin! I have a question for you about the crust of bread (I don’t know if it’s right that I’m asking it in this thread !?). Here in the photo you can see that the crust is not quite even turned out in the bread, this is a small 450 gr. bread, and if I bake it in a large form, then the crust generally turns out to be a slope and on one side there are also such dents. The bread tastes good and is baked, only there is a crust with dents. Maybe tell me something about this? Is this considered a defect in bread?

Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies

Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies

The crust of the bread is quite normal, many only dream of this!

Waves on the crusts can be from temperature changes: when you take out the bread from the bucket, the crust has a pace. about 130 * C, crumb 96 * C and, moreover, the crumb is still moist and moist, so there is a redistribution of moisture in the finished bread.
And this can also happen (though not always) if the bread is very soft, fluffy - I know this from myself, it happens. It turns out that the crumb is completely airy, but the crust is still hard, this is the discrepancy between the structures and affects the hills-mountains.

Next time look at the dough kneading so that the bun is stable.
Quote: Admin

The crust of the bread is quite normal, many only dream of this!

Waves on the crusts can be from temperature changes: when you take out the bread from the bucket, the crust has a pace. about 130 * C, crumb 96 * C and, moreover, the crumb is still moist and moist, so there is a redistribution of moisture in the finished bread.
And this can also happen (though not always) if the bread is very soft, fluffy - I know this from myself, it happens. It turns out that the crumb is completely airy, but the crust is still hard, it is this discrepancy of structures that affects the hills-mountains.

Next time look at the dough kneading so that the bun is stable.

Thanks for the answer! And I try to follow the batch when baking bread every day. Once my kneading spatula jumped out in some way and stuck to the dough, apparently I did not insert it well, okay I looked into the bucket purely intuitively, otherwise the bread would not work. Therefore, now I try, whenever possible, to check how it is and what! I will try, thanks again Admin!
Good day! And yet I will come to you again Admin! I already asked you in this thread about the alleged defect in the crumb of my bread and you said that the crumb seems to be normal! But I still didn’t like it, maybe it’s not very visible in the photo, but it seemed to me that it was not even and bumpy. I began to puzzle myself over this question, twiddling the recipe this way and that, I double-checked everything 100 times and decided to try baking on a different flour (before that I baked in a regular bakery, took and baked it in the highest grade), kneaded the dough, immediately noticed, even the bun turned out to be somehow different (according to my feelings). The dough rose, baked and the dome of the crumb turned out to be even and beautiful, I must say, this has never happened before! In a word, flour was the culprit for the uneven crumb, and by trial and error I got to the truth. I would like to believe that the bread will be beautiful and tasty in the future!

Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies

Akya, and what to "pester" me Dough and bread is an individual matter - what we put in the dough, we get

Do you think the others do it differently? The same is necessary to test flour and other ingredients and wonder why today bread is not the same "as always (yesterday)". So we conjure, observe, analyze, mark for ourselves as a keepsake ...

I wish you good bread, may this activity bring you joy
1) what is the reason and how to deal with black spots on the surface of the molded rye-wheat, roll of flour 50% 1st grade, 50% rye peeled. whether steam humidification in a proofing cabinet can influence this phenomenon. Parameters of finished bread moisture 46.5-47.5%, acidity 5.6-6%
2) now it is summer t air up to 35, cases of marriage have become more frequent, sour dough, vague form (overgrowth). The dough literally boils in the dough slurry. what ways can be to minimize waste.
3) at the entrance control, the parameters of the rye peeled and first grade flour are not bad, but the work shows that the baking properties do not suit us. We work with Molodechno flour and from Perm, it looks like Perm is ground from sprouted grain, rye and rye-wheat bread is red-brown, sticky, fine, very dark.Advise from which cities of Russia and neighboring countries it is better to buy flour this year !!!

natsu, on our forum most of the users are lone handicraftsmen, not professionals in the grain business. We bake bread in single copies 2-3 times a week, we know the acidity of the dough (bread) intuitively and by hearsay.

Therefore, you better seek advice on a professional baker's website.
Quote: SVEN82

Admin hello. Tell me why the edges and the entire bottom are dense and the center is very loose and there is a cave to the roof? Yours faithfully, Valery.

Good afternoon, Valery!

There can be many reasons, but the most common are:
- you don't need to put a lot of dough in a bucket, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the amount of flour, or be guided by the recommendations and topic ratio When there is a lot of dough in the bucket, it does not have time to rise up evenly over the entire height, the time allotted by the program is not enough. So it turns out that the upper layers managed to distance themselves, but the lower ones did not.
- control over kneading dough, its structure, flour / liquid balance. The dough should be moderately soft, not watery.
- the word "cave" is not clear, if it failed, then basically it is a lot of liquid, or a lot of yeast.

You need to see your bread sample as a whole and in section in order to evaluate it specifically

We are conducting debriefing on bread in the topic Bread again failed, everything was done strictly according to the recipe. What can be wrong?
I wanted to share one more defect in bread. I have been baking this recipe for more than 5 years now, white bread with onions. But in the last month there is a problem in this. After taking out the bread from the bread machine, the appearance is excellent marketable, but as soon as the bread begins to cool, the top crust becomes like a sheet of crumpled paper. Moreover, it is not cracked, but crumpled. This does not affect the taste in any way the bread tastes excellent fine-pored structure, but the presentation is pumping up. And this has not happened before. At first I sinned for yeast and then for flour (flour "Ryazanochka", though I buy it in "Pyaterochka"). I started trying to change the recipe, nothing helps. It's all the same for me bread and bread in Africa, but giving it is somehow inconvenient. What will the dear hostesses advise.
Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies
Irina Peter
Please tell me how to get rid of such a defect as the void around the blade of the mixer and lately the crumb turns out to be dense in this zone and not baked? In the photo, everyone has beautiful bread in the cut, but I can't do it that way?
First of all, you need to prepare high-quality bread dough.
In your situation, we look at the topics:
Wheat flour gingerbread man (master class)
The bread did not work out again, I did everything strictly according to the recipe. What can be wrong?

And always try to show a photo of the bread, including the crumb, to see all the defects in the bread.
Hello everyone! About a month ago we bought a bread machine (LG). Everything was fine, but then some bullshit started. We do everything the same, but something incomprehensible comes out. More precisely, according to the standard mode, we make French bread, but we get incomprehensible half-baked bread. I am attaching a photo. We tried it three times, everything was done exactly as usual, the ingredients are absolutely the same. Tell me, please, what can it be??? We did everything well, quite the same, but it turns out here (((
Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies

Such burnt bread is possible only if there is a defect in the oven itself, a violation of the temperature regime.
Ask for advice here on the topic of using bread makers

Here I can only help in terms of bread baking technology
Quote: Admin

Such burnt bread is possible only with a defect in the oven itself, a violation of the temperature regime.
Ask for advice here on the topic of using bread makers

Here I can only help in terms of bread baking technology
Yes, it's not a matter of burntness, but the first two breads turned out to be very low, small, similar to the cases described in the first post in paragraphs 4,6,7. But they bought new flour and still
Quote: Alejandro

Yes, it's not a matter of burntness, but the first two breads turned out to be very low, small, similar to the cases described in the first post in paragraphs 4,6,7. But they bought new flour and still

You have just started doing homemade bread, which is why I am addressing you to the sections:
Bread Kneading and Baking Basics
Bread ingredients and accessories

Pouring flour, pouring water and turning on the button will not work. You need to learn how to make bread dough, master the basics of x / stove, and so on ...

To begin with, let's go here: The bread did not work out again, I did everything strictly according to the recipe. What can be wrong? and delve into, learn baking skills.

Good luck!
Quote: Admin

You have just started doing homemade bread, which is why I am addressing you to the sections:
Bread Kneading and Baking Basics
Bread ingredients and accessories

Pouring flour, pouring water and turning on the button will not work. You need to learn how to make bread dough, master the basics of x / stove, and so on ...

To begin with, let's go here: The bread did not work out again, I did everything strictly according to the recipe. What can be wrong? and delve into, learn baking skills.

Good luck!
Thank you, we will try ... But in general it is not clear, I do everything the same way, but there is no result (The oven is new, it is a month old, has something really broken out ((

It always seems to us that this is a bad oven
We learn how to make bread dough using the links, and then we will look for breakages in the x / oven
Quote: Admin

It always seems to us that this is a x / oven with a marriage
We learn how to make bread dough using links, and then we will look for breakages in the x / oven
that is, it happens that you do everything exactly the same, but it doesn't work out and it's not a marriage?))
Quote: Alejandro

that is, it happens that you do everything exactly the same, but it doesn't work out and it's not a marriage?))

What does "exactly" mean?
To measure all the ingredients exactly according to the recipe cannot be named exactly. And if your flour is wetter today, then the dough will be more liquid, and vice versa, the dough will be steep from dry flour and will not mix - and this is with the same amount of liquid and flour, and the kneading result is different!

This is no longer a marriage of bread or x / ovens!
This is our inability to cook bread dough, not knowledge of baking technology, not knowledge of the properties of flour and other ingredients!
Follow the links and learn - the forum has a large database for this
Admin please tell me how to achieve a beautiful dome in bread? Moulinex bread maker with a round bowl.Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies

Another would be to see the cut of the crumb and find out the bread recipe, on which prog they baked - then you can say something
Program 2 "Kulich" took the recipe not from the book, but from the Internet. Flour, yeast, eggs, sugar, milk. Very tasty, but the top is crookedDefects of bakery products, their causes and remedies

Before choosing a baking program, you need to know exactly the properties of the products, their effect on baking, the optimal amount of flour.
The photo shows that the bread with a small amount of flour, which affected the crust, and the general appearance of the bread. The dough spreads over the bucket, the bread turns out to be low and blurry.
The "Easter cake" program means baking pastry with a high content of milk, butter, sugar, eggs, and this affects the color of the crust, these products contribute to the tanning of the crust, make the crust thickly-burnt-tanned. Compare the instructions for the baking phase of plain bread and Easter cake, and how long it takes at each stage.
The cake dough is usually made much softer and thinner than regular bread. And it is recommended to cut bread and pastries only cold, then the crumb will not jam.

BREAD baking technology here
KULICHE recipes here

Good luck!

Thanks for the quick and useful answer I will study. The bread smelled so delicious that I could not resist cutting it hot and tasting it with tea. I can not be indifferent to the smell of fresh bread, any cakes and pastries become boring over time, and bread never.
I tried this recipe - The bread turned out, but some kind of white straight, light.Normal to taste, rose normally, baked, but light. Attaching photo.

Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies
Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies
hot cut?
Quote: Piano

hot cut?
well, it was still warm. Can't you?
Alejandro, maybe you forgot to expose a dark crust? There is no sugar in this recipe, so the bread may turn out pale.
Quote: Alejandro
well, it was still warm. Can't you?
Quote: Admin
And it is recommended to cut bread and pastries only cold, then the crumb will not jam.

I now also started to bake (though in the oven on a stone - I have no place for a bread maker) and faced the fact that the crumb is crumpled, but I want to cut it while it is warm and fresh ...
Quote: Piano

I now also started baking (though in the oven on a stone - I have no place for a bread maker) and faced the fact that the crumb is crumpled, but I want to cut it while it is warm and fresh ...

Yes, after all, the point is not that the crumb is simply crumpled - but that according to the baking technology, the bread is completely ready when it reaches room temperature, and before that, the processes of completing baking take place in it. Read here Cooling of finished bread and the processes occurring in it
thanks, I'll go read ...
Good day! Tell me, I use premium flour, I do everything according to the recipe, but miracles happen: either the bread is dark, or the roof falls through ... I don't understand ... In three cases out of five, the problem is ((((. Elbee 24007 bread machine model ...
For some, the first pancake turns out to be a lump, but my second turned out to be a lump. Help find out the reason and what I needed to do to prevent this from happening. I will be very grateful.
Bread Maker Panasonic 2501.
Today I baked a cake according to the recipe:
yeast 2.5 tsp
wheat flour 400 gr
salt 0.5 tsp
sugar 5 tbsp. l.
vanilla sugar - sachet
butter 2 tbsp. l.
eggs 3 pcs
milk 170 ml
mode: basic fast

I took the recipe from the forum. Everything was strictly measured on the scales. Before that, for the first time I baked bread according to the instructions for program 1, so it turned out well. In the second case, I used the same yeast and flour. The eggs were large. I watched the kneading, which lasted 30 minutes, and saw that the thin dough rolled over the flour. But since there is absolutely no experience, I thought that something would change later and therefore closed the oven until the end of the process. And the result was disastrous.

Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies
Defects of bakery products, their causes and remedies

And tell me, please, how best to measure 2 tablespoons of butter. I added 30g

It is important not "I measured everything strictly on the scales", but to understand how the simple and rich dough works, how the various ingredients in the dough work.
You need to learn to understand this and learn to feel the dough!

The bottom photo is simple bread, so the bread turned out to be normal.

On the top photo, the dough is rich, with a high content of baking: milk, eggs, sugar, butter. And the rules for kneading such a dough and the consistency of the dough will be different. If the dough was rolling over the flour, then the kneading was incorrect, and it was necessary to intervene in the process and help the kneading.
Rules for kneading dough for cakes, and recipes for cakes here
Admin, Thank you. I felt in my gut that I needed help. Eh ... Well, I will not consider a pancake a lump, but on the contrary a benefit. After all, this is how I will learn from my mistakes. Well, of course, not without your help at first
Let's first agree to conduct a "showdown" on the quality of bread in specials. the topic "Help, nothing happens with bread !!! (ambulance)" This topic is for informational purposes only on technological errors.

I will transfer your post to this topic by the link
And it would be nice to attach pictures to defects - for clarity, it will be especially useful for beginners.
Bread maker REDMOND RBM-1904.
Something's not going well with her ... the bottom line is that the baked goods "go down" during the baking process. I tried ready-made mixtures, recipes from the book ... the effect is the same. When kneading, the dough rises beautifully (seen in the "window"), and then settles. Why and how to fix it?

The bread rises, but falls inward. Causes.

The bread did not work out again, I did everything strictly according to the recipe. What can be wrong?
Good evening. I ask for help. (SD-257 bread maker has been in operation for 5 years) 2-3 weeks ago, the smell of yeast appeared for 2-3 days, after 3 days the crumb becomes sticky. There were no problems for 5 years. I changed the flour from 5 different manufacturers, the SAF yeast was a moment (changed to fresh), there was a little less yeast smell, but the bread starts to stick on the 3rd day. Storage in a polyethylene bag, not tight (I keep this way for all 5 years of using HP). Can HP no longer keep the temperature during baking? (after cooling, the crumb seems to be slightly sticky). I did not measure the temperature after baking, nothing.
I wrote, changed 5 manufacturers in 3 weeks.
Quote: Mar_k
Read here 'Diseases of Bread'
I read it carefully. It turns out that we have a continuous epidemic?
Quote: Alex3071

Good evening. I ask for help. (SD-257 bread maker has been in operation for 5 years) 2-3 weeks ago, the smell of yeast appeared for 2-3 days, after 3 days the crumb becomes sticky. There were no problems for 5 years. I changed the flour from 5 different manufacturers, the SAF yeast was a moment (changed to fresh), there was a little less yeast smell, but the bread starts to stick on the 3rd day. Storage in a plastic bag, not tight (I keep this way for all 5 years of using HP). Can HP no longer keep the temperature during baking? (after cooling, the crumb seems to be slightly sticky). I did not measure the temperature after baking, nothing.

Let's first look at the bread recipe, what and how and how much was measured and put into the dough and you need a photo of bread.

It is summer now, it is quite possible that the dough is overridden, hence the quality of the finished bread "9 Tips for Baking Summer Bread"

It's summer now, so the way of storing bread needs to be changed, perishable bread
Quote: Alex3071
Good evening. I ask for help. (SD-257 bread maker has been in operation for 5 years) 2-3 weeks ago, the smell of yeast appeared for 2-3 days, after 3 days the crumb becomes sticky. There were no problems for 5 years. I changed the flour from 5 different manufacturers, the SAF yeast was a moment (changed to fresh), there was a little less yeast smell, but the bread starts to stick on the 3rd day. Storage in a polyethylene bag, not tight (I keep this way for all 5 years of using HP). Can HP no longer keep the temperature during baking? (after cooling, the crumb seems to be slightly sticky). I did not measure the temperature after baking, nothing. More details:
The recipe by which he made bread in HP:
yeast SAF MOMENT 1.5 tsp
Wheat flour (Makfa) 500 g.
salt 1.5 tsp
sugar 1.5 tbsp. l.
vegetable oil 1.5 tbsp. l.
water 300 ml.
Basic mode (baking)
There is no photo yet, but the bread is perfectly shaped, the crust is light, the top of the bread is semicircular, it does not flake off. The height of the top crust at the level of the edge of the bucket.
I don't use Panifarin now.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers