Quote: dintra

I rummaged through tons of the Internet and asked both Google and Yandex, but I still did not understand why fresh baked goods could not be eaten, but I needed to stand for a day, I read that I should not eat if gastritis and heartburn, but why did not find anyone to blame (( maybe dear members of the forum and members of the forum will share information about how long you give the bread to cool down after HP.

Why shouldn't you eat hot bread and pastries?

On the forum of periodicals the question is asked "is it possible to eat hot bread?" or "why not eat hot bread?"

I also tried to find the answer to this question on the Internet (and more than once), but ... I did not find a specific answer ... unfortunately ...

Therefore, I tried to answer the question myself "why shouldn't you eat hot bread?" and I invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection of material - whether it is possible or not, you judge for yourself!


When the baked product is removed from the oven, it still continues to bake until it reaches room temperature. It is the achievement of the room temperature by the product that is considered the moment of its final preparation. Due to this property of the baked product, it is necessary to carefully observe the baked goods in the last minutes of cooking and set them aside before, and not after, the product is finally ready.

Even when well cooled and packaged, baked products continue to undergo changes during storage. The main changes taking place at this stage are as follows:
- Gases are compressed and products with an unstable structure, such as soufflés, lose their shape.
- Fats freeze and increase the fat content of the product. Depending on the type of fat, the product can harden, as is the case with rolls baked in quick melting margarine.
- Sugar recrystallizes on damp surfaces, in foods with a high sugar content such as biscuits, some rolls and cakes. This makes the product crispy.
- In foods with a high moisture content, such as bread, evaporation of moisture changes the structure of the product, that is, the moist and porous product becomes dry and crunchy, but the crunch disappears the next day and the product becomes hard, sometimes "rubbery".
- Protein molecules combine, bind together and tighten the structure, which becomes harder and coarser, which leads to staleness of the bread. While the product is cooling, and its structure is compacted, it is better not to cut it so that it does not wrinkle.
- Starch molecules also combine and become denser. The combination of molecules, called retrogradation, continues over the next few days, resulting in staleness of the bread. Stale bread has a hard, dry, crumbly texture.
- The aromas evaporate, and after a day the pleasant smell is gone. Sometimes flavor is lost due to starch retrogradation. In this case, you can slightly heat the product, this will return the aroma and softness to the bread.

How to check the quality of baked goods and bread doneness?

This can be done when baking bread in both the bread maker and the oven!
To do this, insert the temperature probe into the middle of the baked crumb (or into the already baked bread in the bread maker) and look at the readings of the thermoschkpa scale.

The core temperature probe shows the actual heating temperature inside the dough piece when baking bread.
When the temperature inside the dough reaches 94-98 * C, it means that the dough is baked, the crumb is baked, the bread is ready - the bread mold can be removed from the oven.

Then we take the bread out of the mold (bucket), put it on the wire rack to cool and wait for the bread to completely cool down, reach room temperature, and ripen!

Now bread and pastries can be consumed! Bon Appetit!

Even our ancestors - the Russians knew very well what kind of bread can be consumed and when!

I bring to your attention material from the book "How to teach a wife, how to treat yourself, how to find out your fate" - Classic ABC, 2008.

The collection includes the most meaningful excerpts from works that belong to the most remarkable written monuments of ancient and medieval Russia, which were read and re-read by our ancestors for centuries. In addition to moralizing works, such as "Bee" and "Domostroy", the publication contains so-called "renounced" books, very popular among the people, but at one time prohibited by the church, among them "Gromnik", "Lunnik" and "fortune-telling notebooks" with the name "Rafli". So the reader will find here a wide variety of advice and teachings: how to live righteously, how to teach a wife, how to bring up children, how to heal himself, how to find out fate ...

About wheat

Wheat is the most famous bread for everyone and among other cereals most of all corresponds to human nature, because it grows a person's body to the desired complexion.

Wheat species grow in different ways. One is a one-year-old spring, which greatly strengthens a person, and it should be sown. The other, the winter one, is not so useful to a person, and according to the family it is not good for us - it will not always be born. Wheat with a long grain, even if it is reddish-white with a thin skin and a mealy inside, is the best. Wheat with a round and full grain, even if it is white or reddish, is worst of all, because the dough does not rise from such wheat, it is not sticky, while wheat with long grain gives a sticky dough and fluffy, it rises easily (although such grain is not as fruitful as round).

Any grain that is born on good land is heavier and more fat than grain that comes from bad land; it is better in hot and sultry lands, there are more hot substances in it, and if grain is born in a cold ground, it is of a frozen quality, in dry it will be dry bread, and in wet it is saturated with moisture. There is also wheat with a short and bare ear, dew will damage it more quickly, and rust will attack it rather than spinous wheat, as many people say; but such wheat develops a larger root and gives more spikelets from each root ...

Wheat, as Isaac the Sage writes about, is by its nature hot and moderately warm, and the bran from it is hot and dry, it is strongly peeled, but a person is not fattened much. If wheat bran, soaked in warm water, drain like sour cabbage soup, then when they are eaten, they cleanse and relieve a person's chest and lungs from excess phlegm and cough; and such water, mixed with milk, quickly fattens the body. Wheat bran, boiled in water and adding grape wine, spread over a plaster, apply to a woman's breast, if the skin is stretched, it will soften and add milk. Isidor the Wise in "The Sciences of Medicine" also says that wheat flour, mixed with honey or molasses, relieves the scab on the face and helps increase milk in women, if, boiled with grape wine and ghee or with wooden butter, it is applied to the breast; also removes boils and other sores, and softens and stretches hardened twisted veins. The sage Dioscorides said that wheat, crushed with salt, removes boils, but fresh grains of wheat do not fatten a person much, but expel phlegm, arousing gurgling and swelling.

Baked wheat, that is, wheat bread, makes a person more fat and although it does not inflate the stomach and drive away the evil spirit, it dries it up and squeezes; boiled - gives heaviness and bloating and excites gurgling in the stomach, and is prone to sourness, since it gives rise to sputum fatty, sticky. Boiled wheat, if it is well digested in the stomach, the body is very fat and strengthens the joints, so it is good for those people who work hard and are naturally strong; however, it is harmful to sick and lazy people.

Wheat cereals, boiled in milk, give rise to good blood, but they get very fat, they should be eaten in moderation, for those who often eat them get constipation, hardening of the spleen and stones in the kidneys, scrotum and shameless limbs, especially those who of birth, the kidneys are hot or accidentally ignited. Wheat roll and all kinds of dough, especially unleavened dough - sticky food that swells and plugs the stomach, and is heavy on the stomach, and therefore leads to constipation, to pains inside and in the veins, especially fried dough or roll, which is only baked from above or from below, damp in the middle; a poorly baked cake is also harmful. All this can be eaten by those who work and those who have a good stomach, but for those who are resting and lazy, such food causes constipation, swelling, and drives an evil spirit.

Wheat bread, if baked large, cannot be healthy, since its crust is both hard and burnt, is of little use and hard for the stomach, it will dry out moisture inside and lead to constipation. The crumb, due to its size in such a large bread, is usually poorly baked and gives rise to phlegm in the body, since this thing is sticky, sticky, swells. But in a small loaf, the fire penetrates the entire crumb, therefore the loaf is dry and does not fatten a person a little, while fresh, and if it is old and stale, after two or three days it is baked in the stomach and does not immediately come out of there; dried bread is completely unhealthy. The bread is medium and moderately moist - this is the one that will stand quite enough in the oven, which penetrates the fire, which is fresh, but no longer warm - it is the best, since the bread is baked on hot and high heat, has strong both crusts, but without burnt, the crumb was moderately baked, because the crusts prevented the middle from burning, and the hard crusts themselves do not fatten a person, which is why such good dry blood is born from bread; the crumb is sticky, moist and thick, gives rise to sticky and fixing sputum. If you quickly take the bread out of the oven, it will not be baked, not suitable for food, except for working people; if it stays there for a long time, it will be baked and dry up, and being tough, it is hard on the stomach. Therefore, the best baked bread is the one when the fire will penetrate exactly the whole loaf, and the one baked in the oven is better than those that were fried in a pan, because then the fire only bakes the dough on one side - one part of it will burn and burn, and the other is raw ...

Rye bread is warmer than barley bread, and healthy people need it, it will give them strength; sick people should eat wheat bread, it is better and more nutritious. And whoever has a weak stomach and does not cook well, it is completely harmful to eat rye bread, because he cannot overcome stomach diseases and then comes out with great difficulty. In general, everyone needs to beware of unbaked bread, because terrible and serious illnesses arise from it; let's not eat bread that is hot and too soft - let it lie overnight.

Three types of bread are baked. The large crumb is very soft inside, but its crust is not nutritious and hard, and is not immediately absorbed, clogging the insides, and the rough crumb swells the stomach and multiplies harmful moisture.

Small and thin bread is baked with fire, which will draw out all the moisture, but such bread knits the insides and loses its nutritional properties.

Medium-sized bread, if it is not over-fermented and salted, nourishes the body better than others and gives birth to fresh blood and strengthens the body, but you need to eat it when it is not too soft, although not stale, as mentioned above.

Bread, which was sealed and baked in cherry juice, is applied to fresh boils, and then, after softening them, it is easy to open.
Bread baked with bran comes out quickly and is not very nutritious for humans.
Rye jelly should be eaten after illness and on an empty stomach.
About oats
Oats are food for cattle, not for humans, but in times of need it is also good bread; We bake bread from oats, although such bread is not nutritious at all: it gives strength to a person, but blood is not born from it.

If you make a patch from oatmeal and apply it, it softens and opens the abscesses.
If you make a plaster from oatmeal flour and wheat bran and anoint ulcers with it on your face, your face will become clean.
Unpeeled oats, boiled in water, and then crushed in the same water, mixed with fresh oil - take, warms the stomach.

Oatmeal flour, mixed with good whitewash and boiled in water, if you wash your face with it, your face will become white and clean.



Once in a bakery I happened to hear such a dialogue: "Do you have today's bread?" “Tomorrow,” the saleswoman replied quite seriously. And she explained: - "They just brought him, he is still warm!" She was absolutely right. Fresh bread, of course, is very tasty and aromatic, but not healthy.

Apparently in medieval France, where the freshness of the bread served at the table was determined by social status, this was completely unaware of. There, fresh, soft and fragrant bread was eaten only by members of the royal family, yesterday's - the highest nobility, two-day - small-country nobles, three-day - monks, the people, peasants and artisans - are practically stale. But in Asia at the same time everything was the other way around - stale bread was considered more valuable than freshly baked bread there.

By the way, in Russia, fresh bread was treated "in an Asian way". For example, back in 1624, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich issued a decree prohibiting the sale and eating of freshly baked bread, and according to the decree of Peter I, the sale of freshly baked bread had to be "beaten with batogs or cats."

Nutritionists believe that at least 8 hours should pass from the moment of baking bread to eating it. Even more useful is yesterday's and dried bread.

Stale bread, toasts and rusks have a lower sokogonny effect and have a lower acidity than fresh bread, which means they are less aggressive to the gastrointestinal tract.

Even in Ancient Greece, stale bread was used as a remedy for various diseases of the stomach. Modern nutritionists also recommend yesterday's or dried bread for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, diarrhea, pancreatitis, diabetes and some other diseases. A slice of yesterday's bread, poured with vegetable oil, is a good choleretic agent that enhances the peristalsis of the gallbladder.

Nowadays, toasters are becoming more and more popular, in which, in a matter of seconds, an unhealthy fresh bread slice turns into a healthy and ruddy toast. And yet, nothing tastes like a fresh, still warm roll or a fragrant slice of rye bread.

However, in order to justify fresh, "hot, hot" bread, it is worth remembering that British soldiers during the colonial wars, for example, treated a cold by smelling a loaf of freshly baked bread. The fact is that the crust of such bread contains special volatile substances (formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, isobutyric, valeric, isovaleric acids), which are not only responsible for the bread taste and aroma, and have a healing effect.

Black bread is baked from rye flour. Bread made from wholemeal rye flour is more often used in dietary nutrition for obesity and diabetes mellitus. It normalizes the work of the small and large intestines, helps with spastic colitis with a tendency to constipation, stops bloody diarrhea. It has long been recommended to eat rye bread for bloody diarrhea, anemia, and also as a remedy for depression.

History reference

The homeland of rye is the foothills of the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia. Few people know that rye was initially a weed that littered winter wheat and barley crops. However, with the "advancement" of wheat to the northern regions, the more unpretentious and hardy weed-field rye displaced wheat from the crops and gradually itself became a cultivated plant. The beginning of rye cultivation dates back to the 1st-2nd millennium BC. e. (in the basins of the Dnieper, Dniester, Oka, on the territory of modern Switzerland, Hungary, Denmark). The first mentions of rye crops in Russia are in the annals dating back to the 11th-12th centuries.

Rye grains contain 11% proteins, about 67% carbohydrates, 2% fat, as well as B vitamins, vitamin E, enzymes, ash and other substances.Rye bread is less caloric than white (100 g of rye bread made from wallpaper flour gives 190 kcal, and 100 g of wheat bread made from premium flour - 233 kcal).

It contains less carbohydrates - only 40-43% (but less vegetable protein - only 5.6%), and more dietary fiber and polysaccharides, due to which it enhances intestinal peristalsis, promotes the elimination of carcinogens and other harmful metabolic products from the body. Rye and rye flour, in comparison with wheat and wheat flour, contain several more important elements such as calcium and iron.

Rye bread is often sour enough and can cause heartburn and bloating. It should not be used by people with high acidity of gastric juice, but in case of gastritis with low acidity, on the contrary, it is very useful.

Wheat flour is used to bake white bread. "It strengthens all the insides, and affirms bodily strength," - this is how it was said about wheat in a Russian herbalist of the 17th century.

To date, more than 20 wild and cultivated wheat species are known. It grows on all continents of the globe. Wheat was known in the countries of Western Asia (on the territory of modern Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran) and Turkmenistan for 7-6 thousand years BC. e., in Greece and Bulgaria - 6-5 thousand years BC. e., in Egypt - more than 4 thousand years BC. e. In China, wheat began to be grown around 3 thousand years BC. e.

Wheat grain contains a lot of protein (from 10-12 to 20-25% in breeding varieties, up to 25-30% in wild-growing species), carbohydrates (60-64%), as well as 2% fat, B vitamins, enzymes, mineral substances, etc. Wheat has a tonic, emollient, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating effect.

Wheat bread contains 8.6% of vegetable protein, but the carbohydrate content is also higher than in rye - 42-52%. White bread is more porous and less dense - it is easier to digest than rye. Therefore, in case of stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, it is recommended to eat wheat bread, since it has less sokogonny effect. And American experts also found special substances in wheat - orthopheiols, which neutralize free radicals. Thanks to this feature, wheat tteb reduces the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, these useful substances are stored only in bread made from whole (crushed) wheat grains.
Additional information about bread can be read in the topic HEALTH IS IN BREAD

Dear fellow bakers!

If you have something to say about "why can / can not use hot bread and pastries?" - please take part in the topic!
Svetlana. 63
From the vastness of the Internet:
question: "Doctor, my daughter loves fresh crumb very much when the bread is still hot. How correct is this and is hot bread harmful?"
answer: "You know, in my childhood I also loved hot bread, and everyone told me that it was harmful. But then no one could explain to me what caused this harm. And when, as a medical student, I asked my If this is really so, then he received the answer that this is a very widespread misconception that has come down to us since the 18th century. The doctors of that time based it on one tragic case when a very hungry child ate about three kilograms of freshly baked bread and died , death of course came most likely from volvulus and hot bread became only an indirect factor.
I believe that your daughter is not hungry enough to eat that much bread, so let her eat to her health. "
Quote: Svetlana. 63

I believe that your daughter is not hungry enough to eat that much bread, so let her eat to her health. "

That's right, if you use hot bread in limited quantities and not every day.

Everything is learned in comparison and empirically: try to eat hot bread every day, a whole loaf for the whole family and observe the behavior of your body and your family - this will be the answer to the question "is it possible to eat hot bread."

And with this question "is it possible to eat hot bread?" it is better to go not to the Internet, but to a dietitian doctor, to your pediatrician, and with a justification why it is possible or not, what consequences may be today and in the distant future, especially in a child, especially in a girl.

And our ancestors were not fools at all, modern medicine still uses their developments, such scientists as Pascal, Avicenna, Pavlov, Pirogov and many others ...
Admin, and what do you think, is it possible to use heated bread? My husband and I love fresh bread, and if it is yesterday or the day before yesterday, and even from the refrigerator ... we heat it up in the microwave, then it is warm and as if fresh I understand that we are deceiving myself, but I think it tastes better when heated
Olya, at the beginning of the topic it is said about hot, just baked bread. In such bread, the baking processes are still going on, the maturity of the bread, according to technology it is still "raw" bread, and it needs to cool down to room temperature, then it will not harm the body.
Bread for 2-3 days and further, from the refrigerator, freezer - this is "yesterday" bread, fully ripe.
Therefore, heating slices of bread for 30-40 seconds in a microwave does not harm the body, you just heat the bread, revitalize it
Admin, thank you very much! I read with great pleasure
Admin! And thank you very much from me, I also read it with great interest.

Girls, health! Eat the "right" bread and have real pleasure!
Admin, and many thanks from me, very interesting article and great news about heated bread Now I will eat without any further thoughts
Admin, thank you for sharing such valuable information
Quote: Admin
Therefore, heating pieces of bread for 30-40 minutes in a microwave does not harm the body, you just heat up the bread, revitalize it
Tatyana, and 30-40 minutes in microwave is not too much? Maybe seconds?
Quote: Admin
I bring to your attention material from the book "How to teach a wife, how to treat yourself, how to find out your fate"

- Tatiana, this is strong, thanks! sorry there is no button ", I wanted to throw on my page
Quote: gala10

Tatyana, and 30-40 minutes in microwave is not too much? Maybe seconds?

Galinka, just now I saw your post. Of course, 30-40 seconds is enough to warm up !! THANKS for the hint
Quote: Admin
If you have something to say about "why can / can not use hot bread and pastries?" - please take part in the topic!

A very relevant topic, I came to it myself purely from practice, namely: I began to notice that fresh hot bread causes some kind of discomfort in the stomach, and the same bread the next day - no problems. Then someone wrote to me that eating steamed bread is harmful, I need to let it cool down - everything fell into place for me.

But even now I sometimes sin with warm bread - well, I just can't resist when I cooked it myself and it is so ruddy hot, and it begs to be in my mouth Why shouldn't you eat hot bread and pastries?
naturally in moderation, a couple of pieces at most, or even one. I think each organism has an individual sensitivity to this type of food, I have apparently increased, I will not eat a lot of warm bread, then I suffer for a long time ...
We were told by the doctors that we should not eat hot freshly baked bread, as it is bad for diseases of the liver, pancreas or stomach.
If a person already has a chronic liver disease, pancreas, then it is better for him to eat completely cooled bread, and even better, yesterday's.
I think that now the doctors will catch up and tell us everything (otherwise I can only tell from the "sick" side).
And I, when I came to my grandmother in the village (Perm region), always cut circles when she took out bread from the oven and begged. But she never gave hot bread, she said that he needed to rest. And I ate a warm salmon with homemade sour cream. How delicious it was.
When the baked product is removed from the oven, it still continues to bake until it reaches room temperature. It is the achievement of the room temperature by the product that is considered the moment of its final preparation. Due to this property of the baked product, it is necessary to carefully observe the baking in the last minutes of cooking and set it aside before, and not after the product is finally ready.

Read the details here:
Admin, oh, how many pies were baked inside us. Thank you !
I think that hot bread is unhealthy because it quickly turns into a lump of dough inside the digestive tract, because it is still breathing, and we throw it into a humid environment. I have had an ulcer since the age of 15, already scarred, but during exacerbations, I subconsciously reached for stale bread - you eat less of it and there was no stake in your stomach, I bought the freshest bread at the bakery and left it without a bag for a day, then ate it. But it is tastier, of course, warm bread ... with milk or butter ... mmm ...
just on the topic I'll ask - you need to cool it down to room temperature, but if it is baked at night, how to cool it and not let it dry out until morning? I'm not sure about the towel, it will take moisture, and then give it back by morning ...
Quote: Why Much
If a person already has a chronic liver disease, pancreas, then it is better for him to eat completely cooled bread, and even better, yesterday's.

my mother, when the bile was removed, was strictly forbidden to eat fresh bread. now she only eats rye for 2-3 days ... already used to it. I don’t know the details, but in fact they added something to the diet about bread.
Try to hide and hold hot bread without chewing it behind your cheek, you will immediately understand why you cannot eat bread hot. On the teeth and tongue, the temperature of the bread is not so sensitive, but thin tissues are more sensitive. And most likely everything is elementary .. Eating hot bread can damage the walls and mucous membrane of the esophagus.
My personal opinion.
Truly hot bread should not be eaten simply because of the real risk of scalding. But already cooled from hot to warm, formed bread can really be harmful? In the village I was always treated to fresh warm bread with fresh milk, sometimes with liquid fresh honey.
No obvious harm!
Quote: Stradivary
In the village I was always treated to fresh warm bread with fresh milk, sometimes with liquid fresh honey.

Did they bake bread with yeast in the village? For some reason I think not
Quote: IYulya
Try to hide and hold hot bread without chewing it behind your cheek, you will immediately understand why you cannot eat bread hot. On the teeth and tongue, the temperature of the bread is not so sensitive, but thin tissues are more sensitive. And most likely everything is elementary .. Eating hot bread can damage the walls and mucous membrane of the esophagus.
this moment does not prove anything, otherwise it turns out that you cannot eat hotter at all. It's about the bread / loaf itself.
Quote: Mams

Did they bake bread with yeast in the village? For some reason I think not

Yeast. Baked in a Russian oven. It was stored for at least a week, because they baked a lot at once.
Thanks a lot for the explanation. I work as a baked goods seller, and it often happens that guests ask for baked goods that have just come out of the oven, while ignoring the one that was baked several hours earlier, but is quite usable. Or they ask when it will be fresh. Also, when I put it on the window, the first question I hear is - is it still warm? Such situations are terribly enraged and sometimes I tell the guests that they can't eat warm bread, but I can't really explain why, I just know that it can hurt my stomach. Now I have a valid answer.
Stradivary, we brought it from my grandmother, it was stored for several weeks (ate sparingly, took care))! She baked in a traditional Russian stove.
Yes, very interesting information, I also heard something like that.
Thanks to Admin for the article. Hot bread is very tasty, but it should be eaten within the normal range, I think.
$ vetLana
Why is hot pizza okay but hot bread not?
$ vetLana, the pizza dough is thin, it has a lot of crust, and the crust is not crumb, it bakes in its own way, it is t a little higher on it than inside the bread, and it is closer in properties to crackers.

And the pizza cools faster than bread, while you cut it and bring it to your mouth - the piece is no longer hot.
$ vetLanabecause it can cause heartburn or volvulus. Hot bread is sticky, so imagine what will form in your stomach.
$ vetLana
chel00I know that. But pizza is eaten hot.
$ vetLanayes, but the pizza is not so plump and goes along with other ingredients that make the digestion process easier. I am not quite an expert in this, correct me.

You can eat bread, within the normal range, in small pieces.
Quote: Tiarita
Now I have a valid answer.
I don't see any reasonable answer ... Trust your nose, tongue, and belly, who say that fresh baked goods are awesome, but while they are still hot, eating is so uncomfortable. But when it stopped, then - FAS ... But moderately ... As, indeed, everything else ...
If the bread is ready only when it has cooled down completely, then the situation is similar with meat. I do not wish you to wait in nature when your chic ready-made kebab from the tenderloin, saddle, or the back of the lamb will completely cool down, and only then "enjoy" its taste and smell ...
My first mother-in-law, from a remote Carpathian village, when she baked Ukrainian meadows with herbs and cheese (salted with homemade cottage cheese from her cow's milk) in the oven, covered the ready-made bread with towels, allowed it to cool to a temperature when you would no longer burn your tongue and palate, and gave us for a decent amount of fresh, fragrant bread. Everyone who by that time had not yet choked with saliva from smells plunged into a gastronomic orgasm ...
$ vetLana
chel00, here I am not an expert. Therefore, I asked a question here. Thanks for the answer. So far, the question has remained open for me.

Irsha, Ira, pizza is on a thick dough and baked in most cases at the same temperature as pies.
Wheat bread, rye bread, from premium flour, first, second, with bran ...

In the old days, white wheat bread was not enjoyed by poor people. Wheat is very tasty and healthy. And wheat was not available to everyone. Rye, barley, and other cereals are inferior to her in flavoring categories.

For the poor population, so that they do not feel so poor, arguments have been made since pre-Soviet times that such cereals are super-useful, and mulion of vitamins and minerals in them. And people do not know that in elite wheat of the highest grade these vitamins and minerals are also enough for the body, in excess. The body consumes them as much as it needs at the moment. And, for example, if you are not a growing kinder and not a pregnant woman, then eat at least two kilos of cottage cheese in one sitting, or one egg - the same amount of calcium will enter the body and be absorbed. So it is with cereals, their vitamins and minerals ...

Wheat of the highest grade is in great demand in very "culinary uneducated, stupid" rich countries, importing such a product from our fields, and which pay for it in currency. In whose pocket they pay is a separate issue. But the people need to explain why rye, which for some reason is not in great demand for export, is healthier than wheat, and why slag in the form of embroidery is a panacea for many ills. And about fodder grain for livestock in bread for people, I generally keep quiet ...

Well, if you have only yesterday's stale bread lying around in your store, then this, as it turns out, is truly the healthiest and healthiest bread in the world ... Glory to the Communist Party!

Shl. Hippolytus: - Are you offended? Do not be offended, after all, this is the truth, but you cannot take offense at the truth, even if it is bitter ...
$ vetLana
Kapetwhat does your last post have to do with this topic?
Quote: $ vetLana
Kapet, what does your last post have to do with this topic?
From the author's text of the topic: BLACK OR WHITE, Historical background, etc.d ...
$ vetLana
Kapet, understandably.
Ideally, of course, it's worth eating yesterday's pastries.
I found this paragraph in Hamelman's book:

From a technical point of view, bread begins to stale the moment it leaves the oven. In the same sense, we can say that people and all living things begin to die at the moment of their birth. In fact, the quality of the bread is highest when it is just taken out of the oven. If bad bread is edible only warm (if at all), then the best taste and aroma of good bread is achieved only after it is completely cooled... The warm crumb remains doughy, and the taste and aroma remain unexpressed. Some baked goods such as rye sourdough bread, achieve the best quality only In a few hours, as their aroma must fully form and settle after cooling. Have rye and rye-wheat bread with a high proportion of rye flour to stabilize the crumb and the full development of taste and aroma is required from 24 to 48 hours of exposure after baking. At the same time, the crumb loses its rubber-like properties, and the taste and aroma matures and is fully formed. Such bread stays fresh for several days.

Not a word about harm ... But it is interesting to say about rye and "leavened" bread.
Quote: Annette
Not a word about harm ...

Then start reading the topic from the very beginning ...

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