This also happens because, in order to reduce the costs of procurement and in the flour-grinding industry, grain with defects is purchased on the market, the processing of which obviously threatens to deteriorate the baking properties. Such purchases are usually justified by the alleged subsequent sorting of high quality grain. How it is carried out in practice is a special problem and requires separate study and coverage.
Basically sorting, the preparation of the so-called "grinding batches" is a "dilution" of good grain with low-quality ones and, as a result, a targeted decrease in the quality indicators of flour and bread. For example, in accordance with the established procedure, it is allowed to sort fusarium grain to normal, which "enriches" flour and bread with toxins - the strongest poisons, of course, harmful to humans, but the content of which has been set at permissible concentrations.
Grading is carried out en masse to the standard and grain affected by the bug-turtle, although it is known that bread cannot be obtained from such flour. A serious factor in the deterioration of the quality of bakery flour is the action of some administrations that force flour mills to buy grain with defects in their regions in order to support local agricultural producers.
Most often, in recent years, flour from grain is supplied for the needs of bakery,
struck bug-turtle. In such flour, as in grain, the activity of proteolytic enzymes is very high, destroying the protein structures of the dough, and the gas and shape holding capacity is low. The bread is small, sharply diffuse, with reduced porosity and inelastic, poorly loosened and dark crumb, the crust of the bread is covered with small cracks and has an unmarketable appearance.
Technological tricks of bakers, as a rule, do not give significant results. To some extent, only the possibility, if any, of using flour in a mixture with a good-quality one, saves, and then only after changing (on the go, which rarely does without loss of quality) the technological regime with the use of additives (entails an increase in costs), an increase in acidity (the taste changes ), decreasing humidity and yields (direct losses).
In the flour of sprouted grains are very active amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes, as a result of which it has a too high gas-forming, but low gas-holding capacity. There are many water-soluble substances in flour -
breakdown products of starch and proteins. Sugars give flour and bread a sweet taste, due to the presence of dextrins, the crumb becomes sticky, crumbling, a lot of unbound water is formed in the dough, and it liquefies significantly. Due to the caramelization of sugars, bread made from such flour has an overly dark-colored crust and a darker crumb, which is very noticeable in products made from varietal wheat flour. The crust usually flakes off, the crumb is characterized by large, uneven porosity.
In the production cycle at bakeries and bakeries, the situation can be corrected only by mixing flour from sprouted grain and defect-free, although some positive results can be obtained by increasing acidity, adding ripe dough and acid, reducing moisture, lowering the baking temperature and several other techniques.
When grinding, use also frosty the grain is unripe, the formation processes of which are incomplete. Flour made from such grain has the same disadvantages as flour made from sprouted grain, since it contains a lot of water-soluble carbohydrates and proteins.
The first is characterized by a low gluten content and poor quality - short-growing or even crumbly, and the bread has a malty taste with a dense crumbling crumb, the color of which is darker than usual. When kneading dough from such flour, it is advisable to increase its humidity (within the normal range), lower the process temperature, and increase the acidity.
The results, however, will be subtle. Flour from grain exposed self-heating or drying at elevated temperatures, has the same defects as frost grain flour. It can correspond to the indicators of the standard, except for the reduced gluten content and the quality of the short-growing. However, in terms of baking properties, it sharply differs from normal flour - a lower activity of enzymes, a low gas-forming ability, the presence
denatured proteins.
The crust of the bread is dense, low-volume, with an underdeveloped thick-walled porosity, the crust is very pale, despite the fact that the dough contains a lot of sugars. For some correction of such flour defects, it is advisable to add flour from sprouted grain, excessively enriched with enzymes, when kneading.
It is also useful to part of the flour, if possible, brew, add amylolytic enzymes, use liquid yeast.
In this case, the duration of proofing and baking should be increased. Among
flour defects encountered in practice must be attributed freshly ground
flour, especially from freshly harvested grain. Such flour has an increased activity of enzymes, but this disadvantage, unlike others, can be completely eliminated by introducing a flour laying regime for at least 10 days, if it is ground from ripe grain.
When used in the production of bread flour from immature grains use the appropriate techniques typical for the processing of flour from frost grain. It is still not possible to completely eliminate the consequences of using flour from unripe grain.
Defective flour should also include flour contaminated harmful microorganisms. The most widespread processing of grain affected by spore bacteria
potato sticks and fusarium mold. Almost all of its microorganisms and products of their vital activity pass from such grain without additional processing into flour.
The number of microorganisms in flour directly depends on their presence in the grain, and this process is not sufficiently controlled.
Bread made from flour with a high content of potato bacillus spore bacteria during storage under normal conditions (optimal temperature is 30 ... 35 'C) already in the first day acquires a characteristic fruity smell, then the crumb becomes sticky and then collapses. Such bread must be destroyed.
Known methods of combating potato disease in bakery conditions are increasing the acidity of dough and bread (using liquid yeast, ripe dough, etc.), replacing (if possible) accelerated technological modes with the classic dough-dough scheme. Equipment, inventory, walls, floors, in order to avoid the spread of infection, must be treated with acetic acid or special preparations.
When growing grain using intensive technologies in the southern regions, a dangerous fungal disease of grain occurs - fusarium... Poisonous waste products of fungi are dangerous for humans (and animals).
Radical methods of combating fusarium and reducing toxins in flour are not used, therefore fusarium grain, depending on the degree of damage
processed into flour as an admixture to healthy grain under special control and within the limits allowed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, or destroyed.
There are no technological methods for reducing the amount of toxins in bread, therefore
at bakeries and bakeries with suspected toxins in flour
from fusarium grain, control over the presence of mandatory records in quality certificates should be strengthened and the attention of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities and the State Agricultural Inspectorate should be drawn to these cases.
There are other microorganisms harmful to humans in flour - bacteria, yeast, molds and actinomycetes, described in specialist literature. Fortunately, they do not appear en masse or die when baking bread.
All of these defects relate to wheat flour processed on
bakeries and bakeries in Russia.
According to observations, rye flour used in bakery generally meets the standards and requirements of the bakery industry and is less problematic.
Rye flour differs from wheat flour in its properties, it always contains a lot of amylolytic enzymes, starch is easier to break down and has a lower gelatinization temperature than wheat flour starch.
Rye flour contains more sugar, so its gas-forming ability is always high. Often, due to the high activity of enzymes in the dough, a significant amount of dextrins accumulates and the crumb becomes sticky, crumbling.
Therefore, the quality of rye flour is determined by its autolytic activity - if it is high, then the quality of the flour is low.