Continuation: Pizza makers: Princess, Tristar, Travola, GF, etc. (2)

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza maker Princess 115000
The device for making pizza at home
30 cm (12 inches) non-stick pizza baking plates
Automatic temperature controller, control lamps for mains and heating
Heat insulated handle, stable rubber feet
Power supply: 230 V, 50 Hz. Power: 1500 W.
New Princess Announcement
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Quote: Vitalinka
You cannot cook in foil envelopes in our oven, you can only lay it on the bottom!

what devices do you buy to use Princess

Comparison of Princess and Travola (anavi)

Ariete 908
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Other recipes for a pizza maker and pizza oven

Vegetable pizza in BBK grill and Princess pizza maker + comparative review of grill and pizza maker, video (Manna)

Sweet "pizza" (Manna)
Fried potatoes with onions and garlic (Manna)

Tsvetaevsky apple pie (kubanochka)
Cake cakes (kubanochka)
Pizza "for everybody", recipe (Song*)
Apple pie on unleavened yogurt dough (Margit)
Yeast dough pie stuffed with canned saury, tomatoes, grated potatoes and cheese (Cvetaal)
Sweet curd tortilla (Cvetaal)
Miner's fried potatoes (SnieZhinka)
Kutaba stuffed with raw minced meat (irman)
Very pliable and manageable dough for thin pizza (kirch)
Puff bagels with cherries and apricot jam (kirch)
Potato focaccia (pizza maker Princess 115000) (Sneg6)
Cottage cheese pie (francevna)
Cabbage pie from Tatiana Tolstoy (Pichenka)
Potato pie a la vertuta (pizza maker Princess 115000) (win-tat)
False puff pastry cakes for Napoleon on prescription Stern (Olima)
Liver cake (Olima)
Dried Fruit Cupcake (GuGu)
Chicken breast with mushrooms and cheese (Irina.)
Couscous with vegetables and mushrooms (Dimoshka)
Mayonnaise and egg topping for pizza a la Rossini (Jiri)
Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole in Princesses and Travola (Jiri)
Shaped fish pie on prescription Lyulek (jk_x)
Oatmeal cookies in accordance with GOST according to the recipe of Irina Chadeeva (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (Seven Years)
Pork chops on the bone under a fur coat (Alena Yurievna)
Ossetian type pie with cabbage and eggs (mikhaska)
Julifera recipe yeast-free pizza (mikhaska)
Julifera recipe yeast-free pizza (auntyirisha)
Lean honey sponge cake on prescription Lyudmila_Belgorod (auntyirisha)
Tsvetaevsky apple pie (Pizza maker Princess 115000) (Vasilika)
Cheesecake on prescription Stеrn (Vasilika)
Kefir pie with currants and raspberries on prescription SanechkaA (Podmosvichka)
Summer pie with berries on prescription Natusik (Podmosvichka)
Madeleine with ground ginger and nutmeg (MarinaK)
Pancakes (Pchela Maja)
Pancakes (Irsha)

Uzbek flatbread, molding (Elena Tim)

Dumplings in the pizza maker Princess 115000: from Irsh, from Sandy

Matnakash on prescription Lenusi (GenyaF)
Homemade shortbread cookies without eggs on prescription Elven (GenyaF)
Cake "Honey fluff" with a light custard on prescription Helen-01 (GenyaF)
Vernisag biscuit with minced salmon (GenyaF)
Chicken Roses or How to cook boneless chicken drumstick (GenyaF)

Adjarian Khachapuri (m0use)
Cakes for "Ryzhik" on prescription tsvika (m0use)
Chicken drumsticks with diced potatoes (m0use)

Chicken wings (Vinochek)
Chicken drumstick (Vinochek)
Selyansk-style pizza (on grated potatoes) in the Princess 115000 pizza maker (Vinochek)

Omelette recipe for 20 eggs (mur_myau)
Public catering recipe (on egg powder) omelet (mur_myau)
French fries (pre-blanched) (mur_myau)
Spicy pork with adjika (pizza maker Princess 115000) (mur_myau)
Pizza on a thick base with crab meat (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (mur_myau)

Unpretentious pizza in Pizza Maker Princess 115000 (Admin)

Waffle cutlets (MariV)
Soda dough pie with apples (MariV)
Kystyby on prescription Margit (MariV)
... the way. Just putin (Princess pizza maker) (MariV)
Chicken Breasts with Cheese and Bacon at Travola (MariV)
Cakes for "Napoleon" (MariV)
French milfeuille turned Russian napoleon (MariV)

Chocolate muffins in silicone molds (Anastasenok)
Oatmeal cookies GOST (USSR) on prescription Rem (Anastasenok)
Pie with grated potatoes and finely chopped chicken breasts (Anastasenok)
Chicken tabaka (Anastasenok)

Coconut cake "Amazing tenderness" on prescription Giraffe (lyudmia)
Cabbage casserole in the pizza maker Princess 115000 (lyudmia)
Cookies with cottage cheese and apples on prescription salomeya29 (lyudmia)
Minced chicken cutlets (lyudmia)
Curd casserole "Delicate" on prescription celfh (lyudmia)
Puff pastry brushwood (lyudmia)

Chicken Kiev (pizza maker Princess 115000) (Irrashine)
Cottage cheese biscuits and cherry fingers (Irrashine)
Spicy omelet (Irrashine)
French fries without oil (Irrashine)
Curd in the pizza maker Princess 115000 (Irrashine)

Bagels with apricot jam (marlanca)
Biscotti with dried cherries and walnuts (marlanca)
Vegetables with meat (marlanca)
Banana cupcake (marlanca)
Shortcrust pastry apple pie (marlanca)
Oatmeal cookies on flakes in the Princess 115000 pizza maker (marlanca)
Puff croissants with nutella (marlanca)

Mini pizzas "snails" on prescription Pulisyan (Elena Gar)
Baked potato (Elena Gar)
Cupcake "Can't be cheaper" (no eggs) on prescription Omela in silicone molds (Elena Gar)
Puff pastry envelopes with mozzarella and smoked sausages (Elena Gar)

Khachapuri Megrelian (spring)
Focaccia with garlic and dill on prescription koziv (spring)
Crostata with apricots on prescription natapit (spring)

Pizza (dough thickness 1cm), recipe (Natalishka)
Puff pastry cheesecakes (Natalishka)
Lubricate, recipe and cooking method from Moonlight (Natalishka)

Chicken cutlets with cheese (Tanyulya)
French style meat with potatoes (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (Tanyulya)
Chicken fillet baked in the Princess 115000 pizza maker (Tanyulya)
Puff pastry pie with potatoes and chicken (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (Tanyulya)
Potatoes with meat and tomatoes with a mayonnaise-cheese crust (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (Tanyulya)
Minipizzas in pizza makers Princess 115000 and Travola SW302T (Tanyulya)

Focaccia - classic, with potatoes, onions (3 options for Pizza Maker Princess 115000) (Omela)
Curd cake with raisins (Pizza maker Princess 115000) (Omela)
Lean Pie with Potatoes (Pizza Maker Princess 115000) (Omela)
Hearty potato, brisket, apple and onion casserole (Omela)

Pita serbian classic (Masinen)
Garlic baguettes (Masinen)
Bosnian corn tortilla (Masinen)
Omelet (Masinen)
Cottage cheese casserole (Masinen)

Potato pie with mushroom caviar (Linadoc)
Open apple pie (Linadoc)
Squash pie, recipe (Linadoc)
Lahmajun, recipe, more (Linadoc)
Khychiny (Linadoc)
Baked peppers (Linadoc)
Cottage cheese and apple casserole (Linadoc)
Mini-bags, recipe (Linadoc)
Cheesecakes (Linadoc)
Cheese pizza (Linadoc)
Baked potatoes with cheese (Linadoc)
Apple pie (Linadoc)
Focaccia, recipe (Linadoc)
Pretzels (Linadoc)
Apple Pie with Streusel (Linadoc)
Onion buns with cheese (Linadoc)
Weimar Onion Pie (Linadoc)
Cabbage pie with mushrooms on beer dough (Linadoc)
Lorraine chicken pie (Linadoc)
Kurnik in pizza maker Princess 115000 (Linadoc)
Ciabatta (Linadoc)
Cheesecakes with jam and cottage cheese (pizza maker Princess 115000) (Linadoc)
Cookies "Devil's Kiss" in the original recipe (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (Linadoc)
Pie "Snails" (Kuchen "Schnecken") (Linadoc)
Vegetable tortillas (Linadoc)
Liver cutlets with buckwheat (Linadoc)
Curd muffins (Linadoc)

Dough for two pies (Linadoc)
Pizza dough (Linadoc)

Kutaby with herbs and pickled cheese (princess pizza maker) (Babushka)
Apple Cinnamon Cake (Princess Pizza Maker) (Babushka)
Diet Zucchini Casserole (Princess Pizza Maker) (Babushka)
Eggplant casserole with herbs (Princess pizza oven) (Babushka)
Casserole in the form, recipe (Babushka)
Pie with minced chicken, onions and potatoes (Princess pizza maker) (Babushka)
Potato-mushroom pie with feta cheese and herbs (Princess pizza oven) (Babushka)
"Balish" with chicken, potatoes and onions (Princess pizza maker) (Babushka)
Pie with rice, chicken and quail eggs (Princess pizza maker) (Babushka)
Pie with cabbage and egg (Pizzepech Princesses and Jamie Oliver HomeCooker Philips HR1050 / 90) (Babushka)
Pear cake with lemon zest (Princess Pizza Maker) (Babushka)
Minced chicken and Filo dough snail pie (Babushka and Mirabel)
Chicken cutlets (Babushka)
Bavarian Blackcurrant Cupcake (Schwarze Johannisbeeren Kuchen) Princess Pizza Maker (Babushka)

Ossetian pies with potatoes, Adyghe cheese and homemade feta cheese (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (Babushka)

Olive oil with garlic, pepper and basil for pizza (Babushka)
Meat with vegetables in the princess 115000 pizza maker (vernisag)
Lasagne with chicken in the pizza maker Princess 115000 (vernisag)
Chum salmon under a fur coat (vernisag)
Pear pie (vernisag)
Fish pie (vernisag)
Sand roll, walnut with apples (vernisag)
Cheesecakes on shortcrust pastry (pizza maker Princess 115000) (vernisag)
Puff pastry pie in pizza maker Princess 115000 (vernisag)
Chicken with potatoes (vernisag)
Choux pastry yumbriki (vernisag)
Gingerbread with jam (vernisag)
Baked vegetables with cheese (vernisag)
Meat pie (vernisag)
Chicken kebabs (vernisag)
Meat balls in a potato-cheese coat (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (vernisag)
Jellied Cabbage Pie (vernisag)
Hazelnut shortbread pie with apples (Princess 115000 pizza maker) (vernisag)
Pies with potatoes and minced chicken on curd dough (vernisag)
Pizza sauce (vernisag)
Dutch roll (vernisag)
Lean chocolate manna with nuts (vernisag)
Lean berry biscuit (vernisag)
Biscuit with cabbage (vernisag)
Fried potatoes (vernisag)
Potatoes with mushrooms in the shape (vernisag)
Pie with mashed potatoes, cheese and smoked sausage, dough on kefir (vernisag)
Gratin with potatoes and ham (vernisag)

Rolls with meat and vegetables in a flat cake (bukabuza)
Rye donuts (bukabuza)
Smoked chicken (bukabuza)
Dumplings baked in sauce (bukabuza)
Chapati (bukabuza)
Pizza on kefir dough with cheese soufflé (bukabuza)
Potato and chicken casserole (bukabuza)

Fruit and berry pie on curd dough (oven or Princess pizza maker) (Rada-dms)
Juicy chicken pie on rye-wheat dough or any of your choice (Oven or Princess Pizza Oven) (Rada-dms)
Cinnamon tortilla with sun-dried apples (quick recipe for an oven and egg-free pizza oven) (Rada-dms)
Rye cheesecakes with cottage cheese (Rada-dms)
Rye shortbreads in the pizza maker Princess 115000 (Rada-dms)
Mediterranean style vegetable kaleidoscope (Rada-dms)
"Berliner Apfelkuchen" - Berlin apple pie (Rada-dms)
Schokoladen-Birnentorte German pear cake (Rada-dms)
Diet chicken cutlets (pizza maker Princess 115000) (Rada-dms)

Pampushki with garlic, recipe (annnushka27)
Meatballs in sauce (pizza maker Princess 115000) (annnushka27)
Ossetian pies on prescription zalina74 (annnushka27)
Amber cake on prescription lappl1 (annnushka27)
Gingerbread with burnt sugar on prescription lappl1 (annnushka27)
Honey cake (annnushka27)
Quote: MarinaK

here is the link to the instruction 🔗

Quote: mur_myau

1.heating temperature.
2.then (round / U-shaped)
3.reflector-reflector (yes / no)
4.height to cover (cm)
5.stone (yes / no), stone (removable / non-removable) (steel / aluminum), colors (red, black, gray, etc.)
8.your impressions (rating - excellent / good / satisfactory / poor)
PS Baking time !!! Please add in item 1
Quote: Linadoc

1.T is not indicated anywhere (I think 250 * C), and the power is 1500W
2.the shape of the ten is unknown, since non-removable non-stick surfaces (they are not smooth, but some kind of rough)
3. There is no reflector, but the top heating seems to be there.
4.The height inside, judging by the height of the cake, is 4-4.5 cm.
5.No stone
6.the top is non-stick aluminum,
7.the color is red,
8. So far, the impressions are good (but they don't look a gift horse in the mouth). The price on the sites is reasonable.

Quote: MarinaK

No timer... But coating in Princesk I like it very much, nothing sticks to it

Quote: Lyalya Toy

Girls who were looking for a pizza oven?


Quote: Linadoc

Or maybe I will brazenly climb in while I'm sitting on a pine tree (here, it's generally comfortable - there is a breeze, no heat and no mosquitoes!). I compared the crust from the stone and from the Princess, there is no difference at all IMHO. But, IF YOU PUT ON A HEATED SURFACE. That is, when I threw pizza (albeit on paper) into a preheated pizza maker and onto a preheated stone in the oven, the result is almost the same. The time is different (1.5-2 times, this is true), but the result is very similar.
Quote: Linadoc

Before Princeski I did it in the oven on the stone. There is something to compare. I have had a stone for 2 years in an electric oven and a year in a gas oven. Electricity is the worst (in terms of time and money), gas is a little better. And after the arrival of Princess, life became much better.

Quote: kat-rin-ka

Girls, can you please tell me, does a 4 cm baking dish fit into the princess?
Quote: Linadoc

she is not needed in a princess, nothing sticks or burns... But if you really need it, it will pass.

Quote: Linadoc

People, I already wrote that I throw off the blades sprinkled with semolina with plywood... She cut the blade herself with a jigsaw from 3 mm plywood, sharpened the edges with a file and emery.I pour semolina generously, twitch at first back and forth, if it drives well, I throw it off on a stone.
Quote: kubanochka

Here the girls complained that the baking paper was burning, I understand that not in the Princess, but in higher-temperature specimens. For sale is a heat-resistant fabric for baking and nets, somewhere in the kitchen trivia they were repeatedly shown. Yesterday, when I was baking three pizzas, the question arose about transferring the pizza to the oven. Well, okay, I put the first in a cold one, the second on a metal pizza net, I thought about the third ... How to send it for baking without a pause between pizzas? Then I took this heat-resistant mesh and cut out a circle with a diameter of 30 cm and sent the pizza to the oven right on it... All! I have solved the problem with the transfer! And no paper is needed, nothing will stick or burn.
Quote: kubanochka

Maryka, I bake straight with a grid... With the mesh that my coating will not be scratched. Today I will take a picture and show you what the net is, how it fits into the Princess.

Quote: Olga y

The girls with my Princess came and a 4-sheet booklet for use and a recipe for the dough. High quality flour 300gr. salt 1 tsp, sugar 1 tsp, olive oil 1 tsp, yeast 25 grams, lukewarm water 1 cup. Well, the types of pizza are listed.
Neopalitan: tomatoes, mozzarella.
Margaritta: tomatoes, mazzarella, basil, olive. oil.
Marinara: tomatoes, garlic, oregano and olives. oil.
Romana: tomatoes, mozzarella, anchovies, oregano, olive. oil.
Venetian: tomatoes, mozzarella, German sausages, origano, olive. oil.
Capricciosa: tomatoes, mozzarella, mushrooms, artichokes, boiled ham, olives and olives. oil.
Prosciutto: tomatoes, mozzarella, Parma ham, olive. oil.
Four cheeses: tomatoes, mozzarella, stracchino, fontina, gorgonzola (this cheese is sometimes replaced by ricotta)

Quote: Linadoc

Virgo, I report. Today I got the Princess Pizza Maker. I'm happy so far. I immediately bungled 4 (!) Pizzas. All were baked for 15 minutes.
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Of course, I didn't make a perfect circle. But it's delicious - brisket, tomatoes, olives, basil, cheese. I barely managed to take a picture - dare the zhoriks. It is large, for pizza at 30 cm, everything turned out a little less for me, about 27 cm. The coating seems to be quite good, wait and see. Tomorrow I am planning focaccia and khachapuri (I have a lot of whey and cottage cheese).
Quote: julia_bb

Linadoc, the pizza looks good, and I think it's delicious, like everything else with you! And where is the photo of the stove itself?))
Quote: Mirabel

LinadocThe pizza is very tempting!
How? 4 pizzas in 15 minutes?
Or was each baked for 15 minutes?
Maybe I don’t understand something, I don’t pretend to have a high knowledge of baking and the taste of pizza (although I ate in pizzerias in Italy), but it seems to me that it’s not much worse than the Princess of famous ovens. Only if it takes more time to cook.
Quote: Masinen

Linadoc, the pizza turned out great! And 15 minutes isn't much.
Does it taste like a pizzeria?
Quote: Linadoc

And this is my pizza in the oven: Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
It tastes like a pizzeria (as far as I remember, I was there a long time ago, about 10 years ago).
Each pizza was baked for 15 minutes, but I decided that 10-12 minutes would be enough for the second and the next one. The bottom is crispy, the dough is fluffy. It does not fry a lot from above, it is quite light there. Your dough, on whey.
Quote: Linadoc

The pizzas turned out to be somewhat elongated, because from habit I could not throw the pizza off the spatula into the oven. She pulled, pulled, then pulled the shovel. So she stretched out. But by the 4th pizza, I figured to sprinkle the shovel with semolina and everything turned out much better. In the oven, I shape the ciabatta on paper and put it on the stone with the paper. And here I decided without a paper. I'll have to try with paper.
Quote: Linadoc

Here, I took it off from above, it is quite large - it occupies almost the entire surface of the plate, next to boxes. But flat - 6cm.
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Quote: julia_bb

Ooo-oh, life is more beautiful than in the photo, straight Ferrari
Quote: Linadoc

Rada-dms, this is the prize for the best recipe of the month, not a purchase. But I'm sooooo happy that the oven doesn't need to be driven. After work I will do the focaccia, take a picture and, if I have time to report. Then to the dacha, there is almost no Internet.
Quote: Linadoc

Girls, as promised - focaccia in Princesses.
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
I put it in a sheet of paper already warmed up with a sheet of paper, diameter 30 cm (on the entire surface), rested against the top surface, but did not burn, baked for 20 minutes. I am sooo happy - I put it on, took it out and cut it.No ovens, no dancing with tambourines.
Quote: Rada-dms

Linadoc, lovely focaccia, and the top is uniform! And you can bake all kinds of bannits !! Eh, I would have for a summer residence now, otherwise I am going to burn out in a micro-convection oven
Wonderful prize !!! Congratulations again !!!
Quote: Linadoc

Girls, thanks! I am very pleased myself. Height, by the way, 5.5cm! This is actually an oooo-huge cake (30cm diameter, 1cm holes!)! Now I'll take it to the dacha (to the sandwich maker that has settled there), if the wiring withstands, I will bake a bunch of things.

Quote: MarinaK

And for the fourth day in a row I have been making focaccia with dill and garlic in Princesse, I cooked it once, then my husband began to demand. But the bread does not have to be cooked yet, it is eaten instead of bread, and focaccia can be made faster than bread (in a pizza oven for about 10 minutes). And hands never reach pizza. Eh, you need to stir up some kind of open pie, either with fish or with jam.

Quote: Linadoc

Girls, I climbed onto a pine tree again. I thought about 20 meters, but fear had big eyes, I measured 13.5 meters with a laser. The mosquitoes were all blown away. Beauty ... in short, I throw it into the stove, sprinkling with semolina. Made today open pie with raspberries, and then khachapuri... I took the photos, but now I can't throw them off on the tablet, I'll throw them off later. It's good that I don't have 450g, but 250. It's okay to throw it off on paper. Baked for 18-20 minutes... Yummy !!! Lush, tasty, aromatic. No problem. How beautiful it is here, evening fog, aromas ...
Quote: Linadoc

And I in the Princess made different pies in the country. For example, a pie with sausages, cheese and herbs.
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Quote: irysikf

And how are your impressions? And seemingly beautiful
Quote: Linadoc

I'm happy so far. Such a pie is baked for about 20 minutes. You just have to get used to the amount of dough, because if there is a lot of it, then it does not rise well due to the limited volume. Best of all, the pies were made from 300g of flour. The bottom is crispy and rather thin, the top is puffy, tanned. I greased the top with an egg. She made sweet pies with fresh raspberries, made khachapuri and all sorts of mixes. I put it in the cold one, let it go up in the stove for half an hour, close it and turn it on. After 20 minutes food, everyone is happy and did not drive the oven.

Quote: Mirabel

And my neighbor baked samsa in the Princess ... well, not entirely of course ... she won't cut the meat for the filling, put the minced meat with onions. And ready-made puff pastry.
Of course, they were stunned by the taste.

Quote: Linadoc

Girls made in pritessa Serbian pita! Well this is a song !!! Mashun, special THANKS for the recipe. Of course, I changed everything a lot, for myself. Dough - flour 2c + flour 1c + whole grain in equal amounts 300g, whey 60g, 2 eggs, salt. Filling - cottage cheese 500g, cheese 200g, herbs 200g, 1 head garlic, salt, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. Baked for 20 minutes from a cold state.

Quote: kubanochka

And today I baked pizza in Princesk. While I was collecting the first one, the oven warmed up (I did not call it cold to put it), with adventures, but sent it to be baked. The second one - I sent the dough at the beginning and quickly and quickly collected the filling in Princesk. For the third pizza, I remembered that I have a special grid for baking, found it, collected it and poured it into Princeska along with the grid. All three options worked out perfectly! I am very pleased with the purchase!
Quote: Svetlana_Ni

kubanochka, Lena, have you baked in the oven before? Better than the oven?
Quote: kubanochka

Svetlana_Ni, baked and in the oven. Princesse is definitely better! I will buy another grate and bake with it, very convenient. This does not affect the result, but it is easier to send and receive. This is for pizza, and for pitta, the grill is not needed.

Quote: kubanochka

I liked the Ferrari too (in the picture). But the price! I will not even compare with the Princess. Where did the information come from that the Ferrari 450 *, the description on the last link says that 390. Ferrari - 1200 W, Princeska - 1500W. I have already thought of a stone for the Princess, today I will try. But the pizza grid suits me (for now). I think that for those who are hesitant, for a test, so to speak, you can buy a Princess (especially since the range of its use is much wider and you don't need to order from far away, I went and bought it in Yulmart). Ferrari has a temperature and time regulator. But for the cost of the Princess, you can forgive her for the lack of those.

Quote: MarinaK

Today I cooked focaccia with cheese in Princesa, the top was slightly hot, I cooked for about 15 minutes without preheating. The photo turned out to be not so voluminous for some reason
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Yesterday I did closed pie with onions and eggs on puff pastry, cooked for 10 minutes (also without heating!)... It turned out just super! In general, I cannot play enough for the second week. Husband requested a potato pie

Quote: Linadoc

Virgo, well, the Internet does not work at all for 3 days, even though I sit almost at the top. Now it seems like the wind is fair, there is something .. I made 8 pizzas, and 2 pits, and 3 lahmajunas, and 6 pies, sweet and salty. Well, it works tirelessly ... My princess. The last one is an omelet (omelette) of 10 eggs, a glass of milk, ham and 300g of herbs. THING!!!
Quote: Linadoc

Tomorrow I will make a squash cheese pie with herbs and a second raspberry pie open.
Quote: irysikf

Did you prepare an omelette in uniform? With the lid closed?
Quote: Linadoc

Ira, made right in the Princess, beat everything with a fork in a bowl and poured it into cold, and grated cheese on top. Baked for about 15 minutes. Rose almost to the full height, porous. I'll do it, I'll film it.

Quote: Nikavv23

I bought a Princesska stove, I am very happy the pizza was ready in 8 minutes and very tasty
My little report - while I was going to take a picture, they had already been bitten along the edge
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Quote: kubanochka

mur_myau, Lenochka, congratulations on your purchase! You won't regret what you bought. The first time I washed, rubbed, turned on the heat, there was no smell at all, and I immediately began to bake pitta in it.
And baked tonight in Princess bulk potato pie... Dough: 6 eggs, a glass of water, homemade mayonnaise (about 1/3 remained in a glass from Bamiks, in short everything that was), mixed, added 1/2 tsp baking powder. and flour until thick sour cream. Gone are 10 tablespoons with top (good top). I poured 2/3 of the dough into a cold pizza oven, laid out the mashed potatoes mixed with toasted onions and put the rest of the dough on top. Was baked together with heating the oven for 18 minutes... After 15 minutes I looked in, while I took out a dish, a spatula, it just took another 3 minutes. Very quickly, tasty, and most importantly, I disposed of the remaining mashed potatoes and mayonnaise yesterday.

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

It turned out to be a very large pie with potatoes, just huge.
And the yellow one is because the eggs are homemade.
Quote: Mirabel

LenaWhat a beautiful patty! And thanks for the recipe!
Princesska came to see me too!
But I am so tired, crawling from work that I have absolutely no strength to bake even a simple cake. And the next week will be the same
But then the long-awaited vacation begins and for a whole week of which, we will not go anywhere yet and I will bake, bake and bake in it and plan with a new Moulinex vegetable cutter, in parallel with this, clean the house and solve a lot of other matters. otherwise I’ll get fat and don’t fit into swimsuits.
And you, let's bake and do not forget to leave the recipes here.
mur_myau Lena! Happy new!
Quote: MarinaK

kubanochka, Helen, the potato pie is just wonderful! I will definitely try your recipe!
Rada-dms, the cut is loose in Princesk, it turns out, the other day the dough rose in places right up to the very lid, where it even burned a little. You need to carefully shift it. Having taken out the yeast dough from cotton, I straighten it in Princesse very carefully, trying not to damage the structure of the dough, so that it is airy, alive
Quote: SnieZhinka
Today I also ordered a princess, purely for pies
And no one has ever tried to bake pies with meat filling? I wonder if they will be baked without burning? I also try on this Princess
Biryusinka, Samsa with puff pastry and minced meat (they say!) Turns out great!
Owner girls, if it doesn't bother you, please bake some quiche or Tsvetaevsky apple pie.
Such an appetizing temka that interested me too, I thought that nothing else was needed. Girls, share the links where you bought.
Is on the ozone

There is here
Quote: Rita
bake Tsvetaevsky apple pie
I put the dough in the refrigerator, went to pick apples
Quote: francevna


I found it on several sites on the Internet for 2500r, on Ozone 2300r, but not available.

How not? Here is a link, available on request 🔗

As the bread maker gets in where, everything disappears at once, and queues appear
Ozone's Guide, like others like them, must contain our Bread Maker.

That's what I did!
So, almost Tsvetaevsky apple pie. Why almost? Yes, because instead of sour cream, homemade yogurt, and sprinkled with cinnamon on top (it was not in the recipe posted on our Bread Maker).
I kneaded the dough in a food processor:
150 g of softened butter (I have it peeled in a milk cooker according to Admin-Tanya's recipe),
1 egg,
2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
a pinch of salt,
1 tsp baking powder,
100 g sour cream yogurt,
300 g flour.
Bzhik, and the dough is ready! We send for 30 minutes to the refrigerator. At this time, we cut the apples. I need thin slices (it tastes better), but I'm always in a hurry somewhere, so I used a machine for peeling and slicing apples. And there the plates are 4 millimeters. Prepare the cream:
1 glass of sour cream yogurt,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. l. corn starch,
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 lemon juice.
We take out the dough from the refrigerator and put it in a cold Princess, forming a side

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

We spread the apples, preliminary sprinkled with starch

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Fill with cream

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

We close the lid, turn on and ... After 15 minutes ...

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

She held it for another 5 minutes. She perfectly pulled out the pie with the help of two scoops onto a pizza dish, sprinkled it with cinnamon (to be honest, while the pie was baking, I tried in vain to find powdered sugar, but there is, I know ...). And actually here ...

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

CONCLUSION: apples need to be cut thinner, stacked more (I was afraid), Princesska is suitable for such pies.

The child is now making tea from apple leaves, we will open the cake now, cut a little later.
Lenochka, what a beauty!!! I'm waiting for my princess
Lena, Simply bewitching beauty! Princesses are not a pizza maker, this is a multi-store!
Len, if I don't have pizza scoops, can I replace them with something to extract this pie?
Quote: kubanochka

CONCLUSION: apples need to be cut thinner, stacked more (I was afraid), Princesska is suitable for such pies.

Conclusion: I WANT !!! Since I bake little and rarely, such a stove will suit me very much

Lenok, gorgeous pie, super! And I went to wait for my stove, while it is still possible to order. But I had it in my basket for a very long time, even deleted it twice. So it’s destiny for us to make friends with her.
Quote: Mirabel
Flax, and if I don't have pizza scoops
Mirabel, Vikus, I'll tell you a terrible secret ... I don't have pizza scoops either. I got it with these. This wooden thing was strapped to a bottle of sunflower oil many years ago, like a Gift

Listen, how lovely! This is delicious! And cinnamon in this recipe is a must. Thanks to powdered sugar for hiding from me, it would definitely be superfluous here. Cinnamon and only cinnamon! The pie is baked very well, the oven is wonderful! Only 20 minutes, and the recipe says to bake in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Feel the difference, especially in the summer with a working oven in the kitchen.

Quote: Admin

So fate is to make friends with her
Tanya, friends are not abandoned! Take your girlfriend soon

I forgot to upload a photo Here is this garbage

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Girls, I have a wide silicone fish spatula Mastrad. I use it to get the cakes from Midea and BBK. I think it will be convenient for baking from Princesses.
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Everything is clear! Thank you!
And I have nothing that wide .. let's fix the situation
And the very first thing I cooked in Princesse was Pita Mashunina
Not without some adventures, really ... I was just learning, just recognizing the character of the Princess.
Quote: kubanochka

And I decided to test my princess pizza oven. In the evening I took out a package of filo dough from the freezer ... and only today, when the filling was already ready, the oven was warmed up ... it turned out that I got out the chocolate dough ... It's good that I didn't add greens to the filling. Had to make sweet pita. All the packaging left me for 8 roses, which were placed in the center of the princess, and there was a lot of space around. It is good that it was, because the pit has grown, filling everything around, all 30 cm of the stove diameter. My mistake was that I poured the rest of the filling on the pita too early, and fried the pita on top of the lid. Well, these are such trifles compared to the taste of chocolate pita.

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
kubanochka, Lenochka, thank you so much for the Tsvetaevsky pie !!!!!
Now I definitely want her!
Here are the promised photos of the meshes I'm using.
It looks like the cover of the Princess herself

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

the bottom is slightly, quite slightly, concave, so when I send pizza on the grid, the grid touches the bottom of the oven only with its rim. The mesh itself is 1 mm above the coating and cannot scratch anything.

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

And this I cut out a circle from a thermo-mesh, and no baking paper is needed

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Maybe someone will use my ideas
The second mesh is also sold here, but also not round. Let's buy and cut! Thanks for the idea!
Here is another use case for our Princess.
Easy and simple baking cake layers. Any. I baked ordinary biscuits for the experiment.
Pour the dough with a thin layer, level with a silicone spatula (yes, anything), 5-6 minutes and the cake is ready

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Playfully baked four cakes.

Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300

Oh woe to me! We'll have to make a cake tomorrow called "Cake Disposal"

Yes, yes, yes, I bake such cakes in Midea and BBK Very convenient
sent to the order - now I will wait. I don't have an oven, so I think that the device will not stand idle :)
Virgin, very happy about the new topic! Thank you, Mannochka! Made a zucchini pie in Princesssk - delicious !!! I took the photos, I will reach the normal Internet, I will publish. In general, VERY happy! ??? 🔗
Lena, bravo! A great demonstration of the capabilities of a pizza maker!
And I imagined the faces of Italians when they were told what to do in a pizza oven! I love our forum !!!
Maybe you can make pancakes in it? A?
Does it open 180 degrees? Two. Two pancakes ...
(I didn’t get to the pick-up point on Saturday, I’m waiting for Monday).
No, does not open at 180 degrees.
Bake pancakes at VVK
It's a shame. And I was already dreaming.
I was choosing between mid and VVK and made a choice in favor of mid.
And in the grill, the second plate is embossed, you can't really bake anything on it.
Copying here:
Quote: MamLena

And here is my first first princess pizza))
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300 Many, many pizzas have already been baked)) My family and I are very happy. And this provided that I was obsessed with trying to bake pizza like in a pizzeria) Now we will no longer order from a pizzeria!
After reading and watching what you are doing, you also wanted to. Yesterday I was making pizza in the ovens, it finished me off, the heat was scorching in the kitchen. So I could not stand it, after dinner I ordered it on ozone, now in anticipation.
I think you can bake Ossetian pies and quesadillas in this pizza maker
You can, you can! I bake in the Midea grill, and it is much lower than the Princess!
Quote: Rada-dms
irysikf, so the Princess will arrive faster!
Nothing, the main thing is that the experimenter knows a lot about pizza and in the same hands the food will pass
I'm still more inclined to stone, and if everything in yours will turn out as in a princess (pies and other beauties that the girls were making here), then I will definitely try to buy it somehow :))
Kubanochka, thanks for the photo of the nets, these are the ones they sell in the Metro. I just don't like the fact that they are aluminum.
Quote: Babushka
Whip up something?
I don't know if I have time. In the meantime, I can tell you about my first impressions.

Everything is done with high quality. The coating is both external and internal resistant. The non-stick coating is similar in quality to the BBK coating, embossed.

Just a nuance - the panels are not removable. This is to the question of cooking very dirty dishes and in comparison with BBK and Midea.

The cover "walks" in the same way as in the BBK (horizontal backlash). Although, the BBK seems to be a little more.

I liked the fact that there are no protrusions on the body around the circumference of the bottom plate - it will be convenient to wash.

There are no buttons on the case. It just connects to the network and that's it. Two lights: red - network, green - operating temperature.

The smell of new technology was present. There was also a smell during the first heating.

That's all for now. First impressions are positive
Hastily baked Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Oh Manna! Temptress! Delicious pizza!
Quote: Manna
The cover "walks" in the same way as in the BBK (horizontal backlash).
Today I finally got it, does not go and does not crawl.Apparently, whoever is lucky. Otherwise, the impressions are the same, I am happy as an elephant !!! I made an omelet with cheese and ham for the first time, just to try it, and I wanted to eat. Now I put the dough on the pizzas.
While I was examining my oven in the Boxberry, the girls asked everything about it. Everyone loves pizza.
Girls, did anyone try to make casseroles in Princesse?
And yesterday, I also received my stove! Today I made a pizza sweet (Manna, according to your recipe), and tried, a pie with apricots, which, to make in it, and even on a net, In short, I screwed up from the heart, it firmly merged into the net. Why did I plant it? Because, sweet pizza in 3 min. was fried from the heart, but this cake is tender and was afraid that it would burn out and would not have time to bake. Girls, who tried yeast pies, how does it bake without burning?
Quote: lotoslotos
sweet pizza after 3 min. was roasted heartily
NatashaYou warmed it up beforehand, right? It was not necessary Do not heat the stove, put it in a cold one - then there is less chance of overcooking, and the middle will have time to bake. This is only my theory so far, I have not really baked anything in it yet
Yes, there are no questions about pizza, they have already eaten, but roastiness, only I apparently noticed the home ones said that it seemed to me. Pie now think how to bake? And liquid ones should also be tried. The toy will not stand idle for sure!
Girls, got to the normal Internet and immediately publish a photo report.
First pita in Serbian:
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Sweet apple pie:
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
squash pie:
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
chicken liver pie with mashed potatoes:
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
Pizza makers Princess 115000, Travola SW302T, Fagor MG-300
This is from the latter. In general, I am very happy. I don't mention pizzas and focaccia at all, it's almost daily.
Well, how great! Help me soon, Pete, was she behaving decently?) Watered?
Linadoc, Class !!! Can you share a recipe for squash pie?
Natasha, I smeared the pita with an egg on top (they were heaps of me, pour wherever I get) Apple had to be urgently done, because the old apple tree collapsed under the weight of apples and these 29 kg of unripe apples had to be urgently put somewhere. Made 5 pies and 10 liters of cider.
Marina, everything is simple here: we cut the zucchini into thin slices and lay in layers, pouring each layer with a mixture of beaten eggs with sour cream (I have 4 pcs and 50-70g) with salt and a lot of greens (I have 300 grams of dill, cilantro and parsley). And a lot of garlic between each layer. And some grated cheese on top. Fast, tasty, useful and any occasion.
Linadoc, that is, is it something like a casserole? I've done this before, only grated zucchini. In the photo everything is always more mysterious
Linadoc, what appetizing pies How many minutes does the pie bake (approximately)?
Quote: Sivana
How many minutes does the cake bake (approximately)?
The cake is baked for 18-20 minutes. The sweet one needs to be kept a little less, it burned a little on top of me, but this added charm - like from the oven.
Linadoc, Perfectly! Pies for sore eyes!
Today I was able to leave work .. well, how to put it more cultured ... earlier to run away a little.
I zoomed into the store, hoping to buy a net, but they were not there: girl_sad: A store employee diligently pushed baking paper and a Teflon mat to me, convincing me that it was also very convenient and cheaper. We will look elsewhere while we have to use paper.
And she unpacked her pizza maker. Very beautiful! But I looked at it for a long time in the store and it seemed to me that it was deep enough.
A little disappointment ... max 4 cm inside in my opinion. You have to be careful with the filling in the pizza.
Maybe I'll bake some cakes later, if laziness doesn't prevail.

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Selection and operation of bread makers