Instant yeast

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Instant yeast

For the first time in my life, I really started using instant yeast a couple of weeks ago, after reading from Calvel that, unlike pressed and dry active yeast, this yeast does not give yeast flavor and aroma to products even when using very high amounts of yeast in the dough. ... That is, according to Culvel, emphatically wheat bread is obtained with instant yeast and it is easier for a baker to control the appearance, taste and aroma of products by manipulating the processes of fermentation and baking of dough with such yeast. Long fermentation at low T - a powerful aroma, small amounts of yeast in the dough - a golden (non-combustible) crust even in pastries, etc.

I cannot show in the picture the aroma of bread made from dough fermented for a long time in a cool way. But here's how the amount of yeast in the same recipe affects the color of the crust and its quality. The small loaf on the left has 2p more instant yeast than the loaf on the right. The more yeast, the darker the rind. Regardless of the amount of baking.

Quote from Calvel (2001, The Taste of Bread)

Instant yeast

Instant yeast

In other words, instant yeast is the freshest yeast, because only fresh yeast has no "yeast" aroma, only the aroma of freshness. The pressed yeast begins to die and smell of (dead) yeast as soon as the pack is unpacked and under imperfect storage conditions and over time it smells more and more of yeast, sweetish and with some bitterness, and the strong yeast aroma of dry active yeast is noticeable as soon as you open the jar, therefore that every dry yeast ball is literally covered in a crust of dead yeast cells. In this sense, instant yeast are considered the most neutral in smell, pressed fresh yeast (at the time of packaging at the factory) in second place, and active dry yeast that smells the most.

Then I found confirmation of this fact that instant yeast is "non-smelling" from Cook's Illustrated. They tested yeast in all of their yeast recipes and taster groups, and actually discovered yeast flavor in the non-flavorful items on pressed or dry active yeast. There was no such aroma with instant. In pastries, the aroma on any yeast was the same, the difference was subtle, and they explain this by the fact that there the aroma and taste of honey, milk, butter, vanillin, etc. interrupt the yeast aroma even from dry active yeast. make it invisible.

Quote (Cook's Illustrated, September 200, Yeast Types)

Instant Yeasts: Also called "Instant," "Rapid Rise," or "Bread" instant yeasts are also processed to 95 percent dry matter, but are subjected to a gentler drying process than active dry. As a result, every dried particle is living, or active. This means the yeast can be mixed directly with recipe ingredients without first being dissolved in water or proofed. It is in this context that the yeast is characterized as "instant." We prefer instant yeast in the test kitchen. It combines the potency of fresh yeast with the convenience of active dry, and it is considered by some to have a cleaner flavor than active dry because it contains no dead cells. (In our months of testing, we found this to be true when we made a lean baguette dough but could detect no difference in flavor when using the two yeasts in doughs made with milk, sugar, and butter.)
Of course, the statement that in instant yeast every cell is alive contradicts an article from the website of King Arthur flour, which claims that dry active yeast contains up to 70% dead yeast, and dry instant yeast - about 30%.


Active dry yeast is live yeast that’s been dried, a process that kills up to 70 percent of the yeast cells. These dead cells surround the live cells, acting as a cocoon to protect them. For this reason, you must “proof” active dry yeast - dissolve it in water, to expose the live cells - before baking with it ....

Instant yeast is also live yeast, but it’s been dried at a much lower temperature, and using a different process. Only about 30 percent of the cells are dead, and therefore it begins to work much faster than active dry yeast

Well, okay, let them break spears between themselves and test the aromas and the number of living cells. I just want to bake bread and it was interesting for me to try instant yeast, its effect on the aroma and appearance of bread. I don't really need to use them, because I can buy fresh pressed in a bakery and dry active ones. They are always available at the grocery store.

I bought instant yeast from the most interesting and famous brands and started baking. How I have suffered! HORROR. The dough behaved as if it had gone crazy. Well, very unusual. I felt uncomfortable and started buying bread for my family in the store! Just in case of fire. What I did with instant yeast, I simply could not be guaranteed to serve it on the table. I was kneading the dough, not knowing in advance what I would get. Unbelievable, but it is a fact.Instant yeast turned out to be more than just dried yeast. This is a different yeast (other strains of baker's yeast). It is just as much different from fresh and dried fresh and dried ones that we are used to (housewives of my generation, let's say), as wild tremors in sourdough or on the surface of fruits differ from store-bought ones in a pack (wild ones are 200-300 times weaker than store-bought ones). They (for the most part) are designed for recipes created in the West AFTER 1970. Only one sort of instant yeast proved to be suitable for baking according to GOST recipes and technologies and according to any other recipes with the traditional process of fermenting the dough (sponge or non-steam with fermentation for more than 1 hour).

Fleishmann's RapidRise Yeast (QuickRise in Canada), that is, fast yeast (rapidly activated and rapidly dying in the dough) turned out to be unsuitable even for a relatively fast, unpaired dough with a fermentation of only 2 hours, with one stirring. This yeast is designed to ferment for 10-20 minutes, as in the Khrushchev dough. That is, this dough is practically no-time dough, like soda dough! Quick yeast dough knead, intensively develop gluten in it by kneading? and after 10-20 minutes of rest, the blanks are formed and put on proofing, baked. Fast instant yeast CANNOT (according to the company website) be soaked in water (I have tried it, and in fact I CANNOT), it then ceases to be "fast". They must be mixed with flour and other dry ingredients and filled with hot (55C) water.

I tried to knead the dough on fast instant ones in the traditional, unpaired way: I soaked the yeast in warm water, kneaded the dough, fermented it for 2.5 hours with one kneading and then molded, 1 hour proofing and baking. The dough was inhibited right before our eyes. Instead of a normal process - more and more rapid swelling after each kneading, it behaved the other way around: it grew more and more slowly and less and less and the loaf turned out to be 20% lower than usual, even with three times compared to the usual amount of yeast. In short, they should be used for their intended purpose, as indicated on the jar! For quick patties and buns.

Instant yeast

Fleischmann's instant yeast for bread makers is also designed for a very short-term fermentation of unpaired dough, about 1 hour.

The scent of the yeast of this company turned out to be the strongest smell in dry active yeast, a weak yeast smell in instant yeast (fast and instant for bakeries) and a complete absence of smell, pure aroma of freshness from a jar, in instant yeast for pizza.

Instant yeast

I also tried baking with instant yeast, not for busy housewives, working modern mothers and wives, who have only 10 minutes of time for bread and pies dough, but for professional bakers who have time in bulk and who can ferment the dough even for days if they so you want to develop the aroma and taste of the bread. For this purpose, I purchased SAF yeast, known in Russia for SAF-moment fast-acting yeast for home baking and SAF for muffins, similar to Fleischmann's fast yeast, which I described above. Here SAF is better known for baking instant yeast SAF-red pack and SAF-gold pack (SAF-Red, SAF-Gold). If anyone is interested if someone is from Toronto like me, then you can buy them here. In the same store, you can buy bakery ammonium if someone bakes confectionery products in accordance with GOST.

Instant yeast

Instant yeast in a red pack is intended for quick types of dough - from 10 to 60 minutes of fermentation after kneading the dough. They recover quickly when soaked in warm water or when mixed directly with flour. A new, even more powerful strain of instant yeast, it is called the new generation yeast - SAF instant Premium, sold in an even more red pack. This yeast produces 30% more gas, which allows you to either ferment the dough faster and ferment the products faster, or reduce the amount of yeast in the recipe by 30% (and thus the products will be better stored, less stale). Products with this yeast grow very high in the oven (huge oven spring).

Instant yeast

For all other types of dough (and not just for muffins) yeast in a "golden" pack is intended. So if you knead the dough for a non-steam dough according to GOST, which is fermented for up to 5 hours, and even more so for sponge dough, you need to use this particular yeast. They are great. They perfectly raise both rich and non-dough dough, both salty and unleavened, both steep and liquid, both fast safe and slow sponge. They don't die halfway. The dough continues to grow briskly, no matter how much you crush it.

On the left - bread crumb on osmotolerant yeast from SAF (3% sugar in the dough), on the right - on fast-acting yeast from Fleischmann (the same recipe)

Instant yeast

I am probably the very last housewife in the world to try instant yeast baked goods for the first time 45 years after they went on sale. This is a very interesting yeast, it really doesn't smell and has great lift, but it is specialized. They must be handled as indicated on the package or manufacturer's website. I probably won't buy instant ones for housewives, simply because they are expensive (in terms of a gram of yeast) and I rarely bake from quick yeast dough, like Khrushchev's. But the "golden" SAF's won my heart. I want to bake with them! The most delicious challah in my life is made on them, including challah according to the recipe of GOST 1938-88. The purest, wheaty aroma and taste of bread. Well, just generally.

A comparative table for "lifting force" (how much the dough swells in 2 hours, how much gas one or another yeast emit) allows you to determine when using yeast. Instant yeast will either raise the dough faster than pressed yeast, or you need to take a smaller amount so that the dough fermentation takes as long as the pressed yeast dough!
Admin insert:
Enzymatic activity of bakery instant yeast - the table is large, will not fit into the topic, it can be viewed on the website itself

According to the baker's bulletin from Lallemand, a major producer of instant yeast (in particular, the Fermipan brand), instant yeast can be mixed directly with flour when kneading the dough at a slow speed, i.e. if yeast is mixed directly with flour, then the dough must be allowed to swell, then slowly and knead it thoroughly - by hand or in a mixer, preferably with autolysis, so that the yeast is properly soaked inside the dough and distributed inside. However, the maximum activity of instant yeast (and, thus, the smallest amount of them in the dough is required) is achieved precisely when they are soaked for 10 minutes either in warm (40C) water, or in a warm liquid flour mash (1 part flour + 5 parts water, 40C). Pre-soaking the yeast allows it to be used in dough without autolysis and when kneading the dough in a combine (with knives). When soaking instant gold, I got a wonderful, lush bread according to GOST and according to American recipes, designed for 2-4 tbsp. l. (20-40 g) dry yeast, even 0.5 g (1/8 h. l.) instant yeast per 1 kg of flour in the dough! Here is such

Instant yeast

Instant yeast

Instant yeast

Instant yeast

For me, with my so far little experience of using instant yeast, the correct method of storing them remains a mystery. Opinions differ greatly on this matter. Even manufacturers on their websites disagree on opinions and recommendations. It is clear that there are people who have stored instant yeast for 10 years at room temperature (or in the cold) and still fermenting dough with yeast from a pack of ten years ago with good results. On the other hand, it is also understandable that manufacturers advise professional bakers to store the yeast for only three days after opening the package. Instant yeast is very porous and reacts instantly with oxygen in the air.

In a textbook for Canadian bakers, the authors write that three days is too conservative an estimate. Bakers often store open instant yeast in the refrigerator (in a sealed container) for weeks or months without doing anything.Scientific studies of the stability of Fermipan yeast have shown that when storing the yeast closed after opening the pack, at T 3C (in an ordinary refrigerator), opening the pack 3 times a week, the activity of dry Fermipan yeast (the amount of gas they emit) decreases by about 8% for 4 months. That is, instead of 2g of yeast in the recipe, you would have to use 2.18g or lengthen the fermentation and proofing period for a few minutes to get bread of the same quality and splendor. When storing an open pack at 25C, it was necessary to lengthen the proofing by almost 2 times, from 30 minutes to 50 minutes, in order to get bread of the same splendor.

But for us, for home bakers ... Where is the golden mean? Where to store them after we have opened a large pack, which will last for almost a year? The advice of manufacturers and authors of books falls into 2 categories: (1) store in the freezer for up to several months, hermetically packed, so Beranbaum advises Rosa Levi (2) to store in the coldest place (0-4C) in the refrigerator, hermetically packed (from several weeks up to several months, depending on the brand and yeast strain).

I put half in the refrigerator and half in the freezer. Let's see how they behave over time in the same recipe, compared to yeast from a freshly opened pack. Proponents of non-freezing instant tremors (for example, Maggi Glaser) mainly argue that water crystals in yeast rupture cells when frozen. Although there is so little of this water in instant yeast, only 3% (compared to 70-75% of water in compressed yeast, which is often frozen), it shouldn't even be said about it, but all the same: on the Russian site of the Pakmaya brand yeast, SAF-Nevada and "Voronezh" is written in black and white - you can not freeze. By the way, it also indicates that the lifting force of the Voronezh and SAF Nevada is 2p more than that of Pakmaya (30 minutes and 60 minutes, respectively). And the sellers of the latest red version of SAF instant yeast nevertheless guarantee that the instant yeast will not do anything even after 5 years of storage in the freezer. ...

I wonder what kind of yeast do you use, in particular which instant yeast, in what quantities per kg of flour, and how do you store it?
COMMENTS LYUDMILA from the site:

1. I also thought that living is more correct. I did not take into account the fact that living things start to deteriorate immediately after they are packed and sent for sale, and in the store we never know how fresh they really are. And instant ones are exceptionally neatly dried fresh ones, so to speak, and they are sealed at the apogee of their freshness.

But instant is always a different strain than the pressed yeast strain. This is a yeast that can sleep for a long time and wake up as if nothing had happened, maintain its viability in a vacuum package filled with an inert gas, up to 2 years at room temperature, up to 5 years if in a freezer. The pressed ones retain their viability from 2 to 6 weeks at 0-4C.

2. Of course, if you put more than the norm, but ferment in a normal (unaccelerated) time, the yeast begins to die and hence the smell. In general, I say, instant yeast of different brands and different varieties can even have a faint yeast aroma in a jar. This, in principle, should not be!

I found a jar of instant, opened 3 months ago, the smell of yeast in it was already quite distinct by that time, and started the dough with double the rate of yeast. A yeast note in the smell was clearly felt in the bread. It was very unusual for me, but interesting!

3. They were pressed for no reason a month ago in the refrigerator, they got moldy !!! that's when I first doubted that the bakery sells them VERY fresh. They themselves buy large briquettes of yeast without a production date on the pack (probably it is on the box, I don't know), and for retail sale they cut the pack into pieces of 25,50,100g each. In general, there is no guarantee - how much they later lay in the fridge in the bakery.

But in general, yes, with pressed it is cozy so, even on a grain, even on a pack of yeast, the backwater dough will not let you down. And no mysticism about storage.

4. Svetochka, on them the bread is so wheat that it was amazing for me. I did not expect. It's like living your whole life in sunglasses and suddenly taking them off and seeing real sunshine. I can say for the first time smelling the "pure2 wheat aroma of bread, thanks to the instant yeast."

Therefore, I shared my story.

But on the other hand, the last two weeks of baking on Instant have been very soulful, a real roller coaster. They turned out to be so different in quality, highly dependent on the specialization of the yeast. Now I calmed down after I was convinced that SAF_golds are like fresh pressed ones, only better, they are needed very little in those types of dough in which you have to put increased amounts of pressed ones - in a steep or very soft dough.

5. It seems to me that they can still be stored in the freezer, since stores guarantee their freshness for 5 years if kept frozen. Instant ones in a frozen test suffer, it has been proven. But if I switch completely to the golden SAF, then I would still prefer to keep it in the refrigerator, and not in the cold.

You and I think about the same - about small hermetically packaged portions. I packed my pack in tiny canned food jars, there is a completely sealed lid with a rubber gasket and about 4 tbsp. l. tremors will be disturbed.

6. Saf-Levure is a dry active yeast. The best dry active in the world, most likely. Take them as much as instant by weight or 2 p less than pressed ones.

7. Instant can be soaked in water in a ratio of 1: 3, say, for 1 hour. l. Instant in a warm coffee cup, splash 1 tbsp. l. warm (40C) water and stir. Leave for 10 minutes, then add to the dough.

If in a flour mash, then it doesn't matter how much yeast is in the mash. I just take flour and water (40-45C) from the recipe in a 1: 5 ratio, say, 10g flour and 50g water, and add yeast there and leave it for 10 minutes. But the minimum amount of talker to yeast should be 1 part yeast 1 part flour and 5 parts water.

8. Ira, what you sell as baking yeast is fast-acting instant yeast, like our QuickRise and RapidRise, with which I broke off when I tried to bake bread on them (I added a career for comparison to the article above - the crumb is on osmotolerant versus fast yeast crumb). They are not bakery, but for what is called "homemade baking": baked to the table and ate while it was hot (pancakes, pancakes, pies, brushwood, quick buns for dinner, etc.). That is, they are designed for dough, which does not ferment at all after kneading, but only give it a little rest after kneading and immediately mold buns out of it. For some reason vanillin and yellow pigment carotene are added to it. What for???

And the osmotolerant ones should be sold in a gold bundle, according to the SAF website for the Russian market. Maybe in specialized stores for bakers? This is exactly baker's yeast, specifically for real yeast bakery products with freshness periods of up to three days and more.

9. For every pot - its own six
Masha, hi! if you use instant fast instead of active, then there should be a distinct difference in the behavior of the test, yes. But if you use instant bakery, from large packs, then everything should work out great there. I myself have had such a mess on this matter for a long time that I cannot convey. There are many opinions everywhere, but little specific information, whether in books or on websites.

Now everything seems to have cleared up and the baking is very good. Wheat bread (completely without sugar in the recipe) - it is probably better to bake on traditional pressed or pure sourdough; pancakes and pancakes, fried pies and whites, large pies from sour yeast dough - on dry active; and everything else - on osmotolerant (like SAF-Gold) or on bakery instants (SAF-Red).

Krasnodar - phenomenally good bread. And big, yes.Now in our family we call it Pan de bienvenida ("Welcome" bread), I bake it when my husband or son returns home from trips. And I found a special huge German uniform from the Kaiser firm just for him. An impressive hero turns out! And mind blowingly tasty too

there, in the table inside the article, the recommended amount is indicated in the first column for a sponge, unpaired, unpalatable or slightly tasty dough and the amount for a very rich (more than 20-30% sugar by weight of flour) dough.

generally speaking, it is recommended to take "golden" safovskih 0.4 from the amount pressed in any recipe, or 0.75 from the amount of dry active indicated in the recipes.

For example,

(1) the recipe says "take 10g of compressed yeast."
0.4 x 10g = 4g gold SAF

(2) The recipe says "take 8g (sachet) active dry yeast"
0.75 x 8g = 6g SAF instants in gold packaging.

12. So far I have tried the oven with different types of dry from Fleischman and with osmotolerant ones from SAF and I must admit that SAF-Instant Gold is the best thing that I have ever tasted in my life in terms of yeast. Just amazing quality yeast.

I used to bake only with fresh, pressed yeast, and now I bake only with SAF-gold, they turned out to be even better than fresh ones, it's just amazing! With them, I always get bread, according to any recipe. Now I'm even afraid to try other brands of yeast or other types of SAF yeast ... what if the bread won't work?

13. About Voronezh, I read that they are NOT tolerant (otherwise it would have been written on the website). There it is not clear about the dosage, on this and the same page they write to take them 3 and 6 times less pressed () BUT they have a lifting force, yes, 2 p more than Russian pressed ones.

Angel - he produces Chinese yeast in a white pack like ordinary instant yeast, for dough without sugar or with a small amount of sugar, no more than 70 g of sugar per kg of flour in the recipe (in baked goods, usually 140-150 g of sugar per kg of flour and more).

Angel osmotolerant (for dough with 50-250 g of sugar per kg of flour) are sold in silver and gold packs, as well as osmotolerant 2 in 1 in a red pack

THANK YOU LYUDMILE / mariana-aga for such an interesting and informative material Instant yeast

Hopefully the discussion on the forum about dry yeast will calm down a bit.
To judge - you need to know and understand a lot!
There is an osmotolerant yeast that has been in contact with air for years without losing its strength.

Yeast Nevada 0.5 kg package - opened in early March - the lift has not decreased. Of course, they are poured from the original packaging into an airtight glass container. Stored at room temperature.

So, in any enterprise there are specialists, and there are specialists in the position of a specialist (this is about who wrote the answer to you)
Roglik56 Once again, in practice, after opening a 500 g pack of yeast, I fill them in 3-4 jars with a screw cap and store them in the refrigerator at T * 3-5 * C. Do not lose their properties for at least 6 months !!! And this is practice! Not speculation or theory
I always use Fermipan yeast - I'm happy with the result! Here on the forum I read that it is better to store dry yeast in packaging in a dry cabinet to avoid condensation when removed from the refrigerator. So, my yeast went bad after 2 months. The bread has become pale and does not rise. I sinned on HP.
It's good that I froze the other half of the 500 gram package. Now everything is fine again. I keep the doji in the freezer, and for daily use I put it in a small bag with a zip lock and just keep it in the refrigerator.
Fast-acting dry baking yeast, SAF-MOMENT. Manufactured by Saf-Neva LLC. Russian division of the Lesaffre group. Manufactured on 04/12/13. The box was purchased in September. Expiration date until 04/12/15. Disgusting quality! Do not rise at all. 60 pcs. What to do?
Quote: anakhoret

Fast-acting dry baking yeast, SAF-MOMENT. Manufactured by OOO Saf-Neva. Russian division of the Lesaffre group. Manufactured on 12.04.13. Box purchased in September.Expiration date until 12.04.15. Disgusting quality! Do not rise at all. 60 pcs. What to do?

How to test and activate yeast?
anakhoret, and the back of the bag is regular white or red? I saw such in the store, I did not dare to buy. Maybe a fake?
I take in boxes, at a small wholesale base. Before this incident, everything was fine.
Instant yeast
Instant yeast
Eggheads suggest - possibly leaky seal of the bag. As a result, condensation and humidity are too high.
Quote: anakhoret

Instant yeast

Check the bread recipe itself, what is included there and in what quantity. According to the photo, the top of the head is good, but the crumb is very dense, most likely there is little liquid in the dough
Recipe-1h. l. yeast, 400gr. wheat flour, 260 ml. water + 1h. l. salt + 1 tbsp. l. sand + 0.5 h. l. mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l. grows up. oils
Quote: anakhoret

Recipe-1h. l. yeast, 400gr. wheat flour, 260 ml. water + 1h. l. salt + 1 tbsp. l. sand + 0.5 h. l. mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l. grows up. oils

The recipe is correct, but at the time of the bookmark the bookmark could be mistaken. This I can draw a conclusion on the density of the crumb. The bread itself rose normally. If the error is in flour or water, the dough is dense and has difficulty rising normally.
The bread recipe is simple, I often bake bread from so much flour, the crumb is airy
Therefore, I sin on yeast. Because with the same recipe and ingredients, bread rises from time to time.
Quote: anakhoret

Therefore, I sin on yeast. Because with the same recipe and ingredients, bread rises from time to time.

The rise of bread depends not only on the yeast! If the dough is tough like dumplings, the yeast will not raise the dough with all its desire.
And the amount of flour and liquid will never be constant, a lot depends on the liquid and the moisture content of the flour, and on the weather outside the window ...
And check the yeast for activity (link above), if the activity is good, then the matter is in the approach to all other conditions for kneading dough and proving
Dough for pancakes, with yeast from this batch, also does not rise.
Tatyana, again I appeal to you for help.
I use Saf Instant yeast for baking bread - these are:
Instant yeast

For baking bread in a bread maker, I usually use 2/3 of the norm, for example, if the recipe indicates that you need to use 1.5 tsp, then I put 1 tsp. And then, the bread rises very much!
2 days ago I started to bake bread in the oven in a sponge way. Mostly fresh yeast is indicated in the recipes. I baked "Sieve bread" and it seemed to me that I used too much yeast - 1 tsp.
Now I'm going to bake "White table bread on a long dough (oven)". The recipe states that you need to take 6 grams. fresh yeast. tatulja12 wrote that for this bread she took 3/4 teaspoons of Saf-Moment. But this topic says that you need to take less instant yeast than ordinary dry yeast.
I tried to count Saf-Moment to Saf-Instant. It turned out a little more than 1 g. Saf-Instant yeast. It seems to me that I was mistaken. I would be very glad and grateful if you check me. After Sitnoye bread from the oven, I really don't feel like eating bread from a bread machine.

Instant yeast is faster than dry active yeast. We take less of them and follow the test.
First, check the yeast consumption and activity on the packaging.
And it should be borne in mind that the dough on the preliminary dough always rises faster in time, so you get an overlay - and the yeast is more active and the preliminary dough.
Tatyana, decided to show a photo of her first bread from the oven. Maybe it will become clearer where I was wrong.
So, baked bread "Sieve bread (oven)" according to the recipe of Yeleno4ka. I did everything according to the recipe, but instead of fresh yeast (12 gr.) I took 1 tsp. Saf-Instant yeast.
This is a ready-made dough before kneading the dough.
Instant yeast
She put the finished dough in a 2 liter mold.
Instant yeast
Baked in a mini oven with top and bottom shades.
Instant yeast

The bread rose so that it was sealed to the top flat sheet of thick aluminum, which I placed in front of the top shadow:
Instant yeast
Instant yeast

The bread turned out sooo tasty, but this appearance does not suit me.
I made for myself several conclusions:
1. There was a small form... But I read yours, Tatyana, the topics in which you wrote that for such a weight of dough, a 2-liter form is quite suitable. This uniform is older than me - still pre-war. In it my grandmother baked bread in a Russian stove, folded in the street. So this form is very dear to me. I would like to continue to bake in it.
2. There was a lot of yeast... In the post above, I wrote that I took 1 tsp.
I am more inclined towards the second option. Am I right or not? Or maybe somewhere else the error crept in?
Please help me figure it out!

Thank you, Tatyana, for such efficiency.
Quote: Admin
see yeast consumption and activity on the packaging
the package says that this pack weighs 125 grams. - 5 - 10 kg. flour (here is such a spread). And about activity, I did not find anything on the package.
Quote: Admin
the dough on the preliminary dough always rises faster in time, so you get an overlay - and the yeast is more active and the dough is preliminary
Do I need to cook the dough less in time or let the dough stand in the mold for less time?
It would be nice to try baking bread on the hearth, but in my oven with open shades it is not very convenient to do this. I closed the shadows on top (the top of any pastry was always burnt, and if I closed it, it stopped burning). And if I put something like a stone below, then the space in the oven will generally become low.
I probably won't let you sleep. Excuse me, please. I will wait for an answer, good night to you!
Quote: lappl1

I am more inclined towards the second option. Am I right or not? Or maybe somewhere else the error crept in?
Please help me figure it out!

You never need to build some kind of axiom "just like that" with a test - it won't work with a test! The dough is a living organism and will always be different, every new batch!
You need to observe the action of the ingredients, fix it for yourself and remember so that you can regulate them. And it's not about mistakes, but about how to fit into certain indicators in advance, knowing their effect in advance. The main thing in baking is to feel the dough!

Speaking of the shape, I did not write that bread needs to be baked in a mini oven, where there is little space and the bread will rest against the ceiling. Normal ovens have a much higher ceiling. So we select both the shape and the amount of dough and the size of the oven

Yeast also needs to be constantly checked and adjusted by sample. The experience of using instant yeast is written in this thread.
Yes, on the packaging the spread of consumption is large, so based on this, deduce for yourself some value from minimum to large - everything will depend on many reasons: and the temperature of the dough , and the quality of flour and other ingredients and additives and ....

Learning to make bread dough
And I advise you to carefully study the recipes of our authors, what and how many ingredients and what is the result in the photo

Tatyana, thank you so much for your answer! And it is very pleasant that you answer immediately, do not leave us, novice bakers, alone with our questions.
Your answers are soothing and do not give up when something goes wrong.

Quote: Admin
Speaking about the form, I did not write that bread needs to be baked in a mini oven
Yes, that's exactly what I didn't take into account. Thank you for clarifying the situation. I will choose a wider shape, and also learn how to bake on the hearth.
Quote: Admin
Learning to make bread dough And I advise you to carefully study the recipes of our authors
Oh, well, study is my favorite pastime! So everything coincided here - a gorgeous site with its sympathetic inhabitants and my desire to learn how to bake bread. And life in a village of 13 houses, without shops, with water from a well and exclusively wood-burning stove heating contributes to this!
And I understood everything about yeast - you need to try different amounts of them and find the optimal one! I must, then I will!
Thank you, Tatyana, once again! Your help is invaluable to me! All the best and the best to you!


Ludmila, Thanks for the kind words!
Good day, Tatiana!
For a long time, for all my pastries, I mainly used "Home Kitchen Fast-Acting Yeast" yeast, packs of 80 g.
I am very pleased with them! They never let me down.
And then the yeast ran out and my sonny bought a pack of "Baking dry instant yeast saf-instant @ from LESAFFRE 125, produced in the Tula region, Uzlovaya. They only say what should be mixed with flour, expiration date and no more information. The pack looks like almost the same as on the previous page with Lyudmila.

Please tell me if I took 1.5 tsp for my usual dough recipe. yeast "Home Kitchen",
how much instant yeast should be taken?

I read the topic and got completely confused! I'm braking something.

Info from the manufacturer's website:
Dry instant yeast "Saf-Instant" with a red label is recommended for the manufacture of bakery products with a sugar content of up to 10% by weight of flour.

Depending on sugar content, flour quality, recipes, dough making method and production conditions: 0.2 -3.0% of flour weight: 0.2-0.4% sponge method of dough making; 0.6-1.5% unpaired test method; 1.5-3.0% for the manufacture of frozen dough semi-finished products.

That is, they are not suitable for rich sweet pastries?
And it turns out (0.6-1.5% unpaired method) I can use the same 1.5 tsp. yeast or a little less?
(For a regular batch, I often use 2.5-3.5 st. Flour, that is, 375-525 g of flour, depending on my experiments. And don't get carried away with sugar? And I like to put a little more sugar than according to the recipe.)
Quote: valushka-s
how much instant yeast should be taken?
you now have instant yeast, start with regular doses and reduce.
When I put it in bread, in comparison with dry ones, I had to reduce it, otherwise the crust cracked.
Quote: valushka-s
Please tell me if I took 1.5 tsp for my usual dough recipe. Yeast "Home Kitchen", how much instant yeast should be taken?

In such cases, when the yeast is unfamiliar, it is best to follow the yeast manufacturer's recommendations first - read the dosage on the package.
Next, it is imperative to check the activity of the yeast.
How to test and activate yeast?

And then go after the fact - look at the activity of the new yeast and adjust their amount for yourself.

An increased amount of yeast is used for the confectioner, about 50% against ordinary bread, and you also need to look at the fact, do a preliminary baking test.
Quote: Admin

In such cases, when the yeast is unfamiliar, it is best to follow the yeast manufacturer's recommendations first - read the dosage on the package.
there are no recommendations on the pack. at all. only that they are mixed with flour.

so I do not like dancing with a tambourine! but apparently you have to dance, not throw out the 125-gram pack of yeast.
Thanks Tatiana and Moofiepie!
Quote: valushka-s
so I do not like dancing with a tambourine!

Then try to bookmark this table
The amount of flour and other ingredients for making bread of various sizes
Quote: lappl1
I use Saf Instant yeast for baking bread - these are:
bought the same try. I mainly bake pizza and burger buns. I used to make pizza according to the "nepolitanskaya" recipe with 2-3 grams of yeast per 1 kg, and then it seems to be more than the original recipe and stood first for 2 hours and then for another 6 hours. Recently, I have used fast-acting dry safmoment and the same for pizza - the result was always predictable and controllable, by the way the safmoment for pizza trembles for some reason it is really better to raise pizza, although there seems to be the same tremor and onion powder. So I decided to try the instant ones and the pizza dough made me very happy, but then I made buns for burgers (400 flour, 10 grams of instant tremors, 20g sugar, 10g salt, egg, water). rose weakly, and then settled a little after baking.What is the problem? And another question is how to store them? It is clear that I have the whole pack of 125g. I don't use it for a week, so I vacuumized one part and put it in the freezer, and left the second part in the factory bag in the refrigerator and clamped it with a clothespin, I'm thinking of comparing it in a week.
Quote: atrom
how to store them?
put in a sealed package and into the freezer. or just in the freezer. or how I store instant ones just in the refrigerator if I constantly use them.

Quote: atrom
So I decided to try the instant ones and the pizza dough made me very happy, but then I made buns for burgers (400 flour, 10 grams of instant tremors, 20g sugar, 10g salt, egg, water). rose weak
recipe for such or such ingredients.
Moofiepie, regarding the recipe - I reproduced it 4-5 times on ordinary fast-acting yeast and the result was always excellent and the same. True, before that, I always did it in a sponge way, mixing sugar, salt, yeast and 10% flour.
Quote: atrom
True, before that, I always did it in a spicy way
immediately the dough is mixed, and leave the dough for other recipes. just don't put it close with salt.
Please tell me which yeast is better? I bake bread (including the sponge method) on a Daewoo DI-3200S bread maker
Instant yeast
Takaya, and that and that normal yeast, I also like pacmaya.
Quote: Takaya
Please tell me which yeast is better?
they are all the same, they differ only when pressed by their quality at the time of the leaven.
I buy a saf moment myself - there are no others, especially in packages over 100 / 500gr.
A question for experienced bakers, I bought Saf Instant gold yeast, can they be used for baking ordinary bread, where sugar is 1.5 tbsp. spoons or not at all, as, for example, in the recipe for French bread? Or use it only for baked goods.

Read carefully what is written on the packaging: where, how to use and in what dosage.
KInna, Inna, as far as I remember gold only for baked goods.
Ben nevis
Good day everyone.

Objective: to bake yeast bread from white wheat flour, mixed from white wheat + CZ, white wheat + rye, as natural as possible, with a minimum of chemical additives. HP - Panasonic 2501, the oven will be according to standard programs (as an option, a combination of different programs), without manual labor. Naturally you want delicious)

The question is which yeast is best for this? After reading the forum, I got the impression that yeast like Saf Gold is not really needed and suitable for my task.
I have a good attitude to Fermipan, but I can't find ordinary Red on sale now, I only see Soft and Super 2 in 1, which contain some kind of additives. I don’t know how bad it is.

Does it make sense for my task to use not instant, but active yeast (Levure)?

At the same time. What is the best white flour to use for the breads described above? Do I understand correctly that you should look towards flour with a high gluten content, as an option, Italian?
Thanks to those who responded.
Ben nevis, you can use any yeast, I have never baked Saf and Levyut, and Pakmaya, and home cooking and pressed, I have tried almost everything, it seems to me, so if the yeast is good, then any is suitable for a bread machine. I myself love Fermipan Soft and Super 2 in 1 just, Pakmayu, Levure and Saf, and of course pressed yeast, this yeast has not let me down yet. The main thing is to read the manufacturer's recommendations, if you write diluted in water - I dilute, write in flour, then I fall asleep under flour.
Ben nevis
SedneIn my case, the fact is that I do not plan to somehow dilute / prepare the yeast - I will just add it to flour, sugar, etc. directly in the HP.
Quote: Ben Nevis

SedneIn my case, the fact is that I do not plan to somehow dilute / prepare the yeast - I will just add it to flour, sugar, etc. directly in the HP.
Well, look for yeast that is not active or pressed. And so all yeast, if fresh and stored correctly, will work.
Then it will be any dry yeast, but always with the inscription "fast-acting": PAF moment, for example.
Now there are many such yeast from different companies: Turkish Pakmaya, German Dr. Otcher, ours, for example, Home cooking. The tape now sells packets of fast-acting yeast in its stores under its own logo, packaged in 20 g each, it turns out 2 times cheaper, and the quality is normal, they baked on them all summer.
Quote: Ben Nevis
Objective: to bake yeast bread from white wheat flour, mixed from white wheat + CZ, white wheat + rye, as natural as possible, with a minimum of chemical additives. HP - Panasonic 2501, the oven will be according to standard programs (as an option, a combination of different programs), without manual labor. Naturally you want delicious)

The question is which yeast is best for this?
The Panasonic bread maker is almost 11 years old. The last 6 years, a model like yours. The tasks are the same as yours, sometimes experiments with leaven. I use almost all the time Saf-instant dry instant bakery, sold in packs of 500 g or less often 250 g. They are stored for a long time, in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator. Once every 2 years I replace them, although they do not lose their working capacity, it's just - well, it's time, it seems.
It comes out excellently both from wheat and with additives of various flours.
I very rarely bake with fresh ones, but if I just crumble them, then I don't like the smell of bread, therefore, if I use fresh ones, then I make dough.

Quote: Ben Nevis
Do I understand correctly that you should look towards flour with a high gluten content, as an option, Italian?
I would not immediately use durum flour, it has its own characteristics.
Try a more affordable one first. My favorites are Sokolnicheskaya and French things, there used to be an Altai fairy tale, Petrovskie Niva and Predportovaya (now they don't come across). Someone praises Ryazanochka, someone Starooskolskaya, someone bakes from Makfa.
This is from the bakery of the highest grade. I definitely add part of the 1st grade flour, it is more difficult to find, but worth it.
If a significant part is rye or some other kind with low gluten, then it is good to add 20-25 grams of semolina (durum wheat semolina) or some durum flour. You yourself will quickly get used to it.
Regarding naturalness, I have a special opinion: you can only be sure if you yourself are grinding from your grain, the rest - how and with what it is processed, with what it is impregnated, I cannot comprehend, no one will tell the truth - the market.
Ben nevis
an_dominiIf I use Saf-instant, will there be a noticeable difference in the taste of bread compared to the same Fermipan Soft?

Sedne, Thank you!

NatalyaB, Understood thanks!

I have a slight confusion with flour.
Am I correct in understanding that 1st grade flour has higher gluten, however, the strength of the flour is lower than that of the highest / extra flour and is generally more useful? Why, then, do most people use premium quality in baking? (except for economic reasons)

What kind of flour with good gluten, suitable for bread, if you look at the Italian producers?

What is the complexity of durum flour?

Quote: Ben Nevis

an_dominiIf I use Saf-instant, will there be a noticeable difference in the taste of bread compared to the same Fermipan Soft?
I have a slight confusion with flour.

What is the complexity of durum flour?

Yes, there is no difference in baking between fast-acting yeast. Now, if you take Saf for baking, then the presence of vanilla will be felt in the baked goods, since vanillin is added to them. About 10 years ago, everyone was obsessed with the emerging Fermipan, not surprisingly, since all this dry yeast before perestroika was not sold in our country at all. For example, they brought me from the GDR at one time, so my aunt simply added them to the dough along with ordinary fresh yeast, believing that it was "for taste", but this cannot be real yeast.
In addition to the Saf-moment, Dr. Otcher, Pakmaya always give good results, and ours, I already wrote about them, are also normal. After all, they are all produced using the same technologies, and if there is no defect, then the result will be the same. Buy the ones that you sell.The bags are small, take different ones and compare yourself. By the way, although everyone has their own habits, in my opinion there is no particular point in bothering with large packaging, taking measures so that they do not deteriorate during storage after opening the pack.
About flour: any high-grade cotton flour is suitable for ordinary baking and, by the way, general-purpose flour for bread too.
Durum flour is used to make pasta, it is more expensive and is not needed for bread. Also buy a pack of different manufacturers, compare. The key word is manufacturers. There is flour under the brand of a trading network, here you can run into it, since the chains themselves do not produce it, but only pack it. Once I flew in with flour from Lenta (I never take it again), and I also don’t take it in Pyaterochka under the “Red Price” brand for the same reason.
Quote: an_domini
Yes, there is no difference in baking between fast-acting yeast
I don't quite agree, the fermipan is more powerful, I put it less than the same saf. And so yes, you can make friends with all the yeast.

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