The bread rises, but falls inward. The reasons that the bread falls off.
Diagnosis: The bread rises well and quickly, but at the end of the second proofing period or at the beginning of the baking cycle, the top-dome of the bread falls off.
Why does bread fall off in a bread maker or oven?There are the following main reasons:
1. Increased increase in the volume of the dough piece, high yeast content.
2. Increased moisture content in the dough piece, non-observance of the flour / liquid balance.
3. Wrong choice of baking program, time of first or second proofing, depending on the type of dough. This factor is called "the dough has stopped"
4. Increased temperature inside the x / oven during proofing of the dough.
1. Increased increase in the volume of the dough piece.The following factors contribute to an increased increase in the dough piece:
Basic: Too much yeast is added when kneading the dough, more than the standard setting.
2. When kneading the dough, there is a greater amount of sugar than provided by the standards for laying and is necessary for the dough to rise. Excess sugar greatly affects the action of the yeast.
3. When kneading the dough, salt is not included, or is included in a smaller amount. The salt controls the rise of the dough and prevents it from rising too high.
4. The bread maker is standing in a draft, or was moved or shaken while proving the dough.
5. The dough was kneaded in too hot weather, or at high temperatures in the kitchen. Here, the room temperature is superimposed on the heating temperature of the bread machine when kneading and proving the dough. When the room temperature is over 27 * C, the products are placed in a bucket from the refrigerator.
6. When kneading the dough into the bread maker, pre-heated foods were placed too much (water, milk, butter, hot mashed potatoes, etc.), which was superimposed on the heating temperature of the bread machine during the kneading and proofing of the dough. The overall temperature was higher than that for proofing.
7. Excessive proofing time of the dough before baking than is necessary for this dough recipe. The bread maker cannot independently visually control the time and degree of readiness of the second proofing of the dough piece before baking.
2. Increased moisture content in the dough piece.The following factors contribute to the increased moisture content in the dough piece:
Basic: Too much liquid was added when kneading the dough. Liquid is a combination of water, juice, eggs, and other liquid products such as cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, and others.
2. During kneading, too much cheese was added to the dough, which melted and added excess liquid when the bread machine was heated.
3. Too much humidity and warm weather, as well as high temperatures in the kitchen and outside. From the increase in the ambient temperature and the heating of the bread machine when kneading the dough, it makes the dough more liquid and softer than required by the rules of the bun.
4. During kneading, grains, bran, dried fruits, raisins, soaked in liquid the day before, were added to the dough, which gave an additional amount of moisture.
5. During kneading, more fruits and vegetables, chopped or grated, were added to the dough than was required to form a bun, and these products were added at the very beginning of the dough kneading, and were ground to a fine state with a kneading knife.
6. When kneading the dough, too much food was added and the bread maker was unable to knead the dough. There was little space for the dough piece, the kneading blade could not cope with kneading a large number of products.
7.When kneading, too much butter was put into the dough, butter in pieces, fatty foods that are also liquid. From the heating of the bread maker during kneading, hard fats become soft and give excess moisture to the dough.
8. When kneading the dough, low-quality flour, ground from sprouted or frosty grain, was laid. Therefore, flour and bread contain a lot of water-soluble substances, a large amount of starch, and due to hydrolysis, there is a lot of water in bread.
9. When kneading the dough, flour of high humidity was used.
3. Incorrect selection of the baking program, extended proofing time of the dough.If in the first two cases, the dough smells of yeast and the crumb is very wet or wet, then in this case the crumb is baked, the bread is porous and tasty, and the dome of the bread has collapsed downward, and sometimes a rush of dough is formed on the bucket along the edges. And there may be a slight taste and / or smell of leaven.
The reason is the wrong selection of the bread baking program or the dough has stood still during the proofing.
1. Incorrect selection of the baking program. For example, wheat dough should rise for a certain time, sufficient to double the dough, but if the dough has been in the oven for a much longer time, it has already risen, but continues to rise - at some stage it drops sharply, that is, it has stopped and lost its strength, overactive.
The same cases can occur with wheat-rye and rye bread, when the time allotted for proofing by the bread-making program does not correspond to the actual time, the requirements of the dough itself.
2. Temperature of the environment, premises. When proving the dough, pay attention to the conditions in which the dough is proving. The optimum ambient temperature should be at the level of 26-28 * C. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the temperature inside the dough, if it rises, then the dough will grow faster and at some point may settle and lose its shape. This is an important point: the correspondence of the proofing time of the dough (up to a doubling) and the proofing temperature (26-28 * C).
This issue is discussed in more detail in the topic.
How to check if the dough is ready for baking? Finished dough temperature4. Increased temperature inside the x / oven during proofing of the dough.Many bread bakers sin with this quality, the temperature inside the bucket during the proofing of the dough reaches 35-40 * C - which is very undesirable for the dough. This speeds up the process of raising the dough, and very high, sometimes to the very top of the bucket, but has a bad effect on the quality of the bread when baking or already ready.
It is optimal that the temperature of the dough proofing passes at T * 25-28 and no more!
At the same time, it is optimal for the dough piece to increase by about 2-2.5 times - and no more !!!
L. I, Auerman wrote that
when the fermentation temperature rises above 25 degrees, the rheological properties of the dough significantly deteriorate. In simple terms, the dough liquefies, retains its shape worse, gluten is noticeably weakened. And even worse, fermentation in a bread maker affects the dough, where fermentation is accompanied by heating to 40 degrees.
If the dough liquefies, then it is difficult for it to keep its shape, and sometimes it settles during proving or during baking.
Related material here:
How to check if the dough is ready for baking? Finished dough temperature