Not so long ago, about a man who lives in abundance, one could say: he only lacks bird's milk. Now this saying has become obsolete, as pastry chefs of the Moscow restaurant "Praga" invented a cake called "Bird's milk".
This is why we brought up bird milk when we talked about the family economy. Let's think about how to spend money wisely and try to develop a clear policy on this issue. So, tactics and strategy of reasonable spending.
Dictate of convention
Reasonable needs are called so because they come from the word "mind". Not everyone has the patience and desire to reflect on whether he needs this or that thing or not. Sometimes it is really easier to live with someone else's mind, to be guided by the “neighbor's” value system. The only principle a consumer of this type is guided by is how to keep up with others. So a senseless race begins in an effort to outdo each other. And even in the 18th century, the English economist T. Samuelson noted: "Even those expenses that people consider absolutely necessary, in fact, to a large extent do not represent a physiological necessity, but are dictated by the conventions of social life." That's it.
People who fill their apartments with things create a lot of worries and troubles for themselves. You can, of course, hang all the walls with carpets and to some extent it will be beautiful, but how long does it take to clean them of dust. Large color TV turns one of the rooms into a television room. Wardrobes are full of clothes, but you need to clean and wash them. It would seem that a spacious apartment is a blessing, but at the same time a large living space is a burden, because too much time is spent on cleaning. It is good, of course, to have a car, but it also requires care and maintenance. And so in everything.
Moderate your needs and become the owner of the whole world! - this aphorism is as ancient as the world. Smart people have long come to the conclusion that the main thing is not to get fed up. Doctors advise: you need to get up from the table slightly hungry. It is not bad to extend this principle to the world of things: let us always lack something. This is a normal condition. We agree that there are many temptations in the world that hinder the adoption of this principle. Satisfy one need, and another grows in its place. And this is based on quite understandable human desires - to live better. But consumerism is not a desire to live better, but a desire to find a job at someone else's expense, an unwillingness to work on oneself and at the same time consume more.
Anxiety for a person's soul arises when he crosses the threshold of rationality. The principle “to live no worse than others” imperceptibly develops into another principle: “to live better than others”.
It's not about things, it's about the person
We are not ascetics. Reasonableness of needs is not in their limitation.
The production of goods is growing, and our demands are also growing. But there is a need for things, and there is a need for knowledge, impressions, emotions, communication, aesthetic pleasure, in a word, in the spiritual world. And it’s not worth it, apparently, to oppose them to each other. Satisfying spiritual needs also requires costs, and sometimes considerable ones. Each person, each family must determine the range of their needs that would elevate the personality, make it deeper, more interesting, versatile.
The family must know exactly what it needs and what it doesn't. “The beggars and those in need have something in abundance,” says King Lear. Millions of people in our country acquire expensive things and do not become hoarders or moral monsters from this. Because they understand: it's not about things, not about their value, not about prestige, but about their owner - a person.
Not personal, but family
This is perhaps the most important quality: not a personal, but a family character of consumption of both material goods and spiritual ones. We must strive to create an atmosphere in the family in which any of its members would think more about others (rather than about themselves. Personal needs can and should be relegated to the background, and family, collective needs should prevail. It is not by chance that we are so persistent in advice. All financial matters should be resolved at the family gathering, it is here that it should finally be established who and what to acquire in the first place, and who can wait with what. And how important it is to avoid consumer sentiments when discussing these prospective expenses. This brings the family together, turns it into Friendly team.
The family budget is also a reflection of the reasonableness (or unreasonableness!) Of its needs.
The family's consumption model is determined and formed by the moral norms of our life. They are based on the psychology of collectivism, they are based on the ideals of social justice. And people are valued not for wealth, not for the luxury of toilets, not for a car of the latest brand, but for such attractive human qualities as decency, wisdom, modesty, openness of soul, and intelligence. These qualities cannot be acquired for any wealth. They are developed by the lifestyle.
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