I have an LG 2001 stove ... the dough was kneaded in the "Dough" mode, and bread was baked in the "Cupcake" mode .... yummy
Raw materials | Quantity, kg |
Peeled rye bakery flour | 60,0 |
Wheat flour of the first grade | 40,0 |
Pressed bakery yeast | 0,5 |
Table salt | 1,4 |
Total raw materials: | 101,9 |
Are we talking about fresh yeast? Not about dry? For fresh - something is not enough ...
Fresh yeast 2 gr.
Considering that we have different flours, then I suggest not adding flour, but reducing the water.
added 20 grams of rye and 20 grams of wheat flour. The gingerbread man has formed a round, pretty one.
For three hours, he stood. 60 minutes is the maximum.
I stood for 3 hours ... I had to leave, came back, and it went up 2.5-3 times, but the top is flat again, all bubbly and perforated))) resembles sourdough. In short, baked again with a flat top.
Just about fresh. If we take into account that we are preparing "liquid yeast", and this (albeit with a stretch, but still) is an analogue of dough, then the amount of yeast is halved.
Are we talking about fresh yeast? Not about dry? For fresh - something is not enough ...
Considering that we have different flours, then I suggest not adding flour, but reducing the water.
For three hours, he stood. 60 minutes is the maximum.
Of course it would! I once baked it on the main program. I started kneading and called urgently to work, so I turned on the program (I have it for 3 hours) and rushed off, returned to the end of baking and was stunned by the result and got up and baked.
Viki tell me, if I hadn’t been smart over time, would I have succeeded?
The result will be completely different. It will make bread, but not this one.
Will ripe dough go instead of sourdough?
Is this a problem? A "semi-finished product" to start? He's - it couldn't be easier, and Darnitsky will be so delicious!
Well, I have no leaven
The simplest option is rye flour, water, a little yeast, mixed and left for 2 days. Then two feedings (in one day) and a very lively thing turns out. More details here: https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/index.php@option=com_smf&topic=42973.0... Darnitsky works great on her!
What does "semi-finished product" mean?
Bravo! How beautiful, both the crust and the crumb - well, everything is fine!
Here are some pictures of my second creation.
Then I apologize in advance for such an answer, but I do not know how to do it right. I just took my first "semi-finished product" 285g and put the very bread into it without any refreshment. And then she fed starting from one spoon in two stages. It was delicious, honestly! I hope that you will not be disappointed either.
I finally delivered the semi-finished product. When it's ready, is it straight and take 285g? No extra refreshment? Apologies in advance for stupid questions
How to prepare the starter culture:
- 1 tbsp. l. any active starter culture + 55g peeled rye flour + 60g water - mix. Leave warm (28-31 *) for 3.5 hours.
- add 110 g of peeled rye flour and 100 g of water - another 3.5 hours in the heat.
Knead the dough and leave to ferment for 1 1/2 hoursand the second time -
Now you need to shape the loaf and place it in a well-oiled bread pan. Leave warm for 60 minutes?
Yesterday I made bread - I and my family really liked it,
You can prepare it at a time, starting with one spoon, but for two it is usually more active somehow. I like to cook more with two feedings, and my starter culture seems to like it too.
Does the starter preparation consist of 2 stages?
Oh, I'm afraid that "or how." Sourdough is an insidious thing: today she is in a good mood and it raises bread in an hour, and tomorrow it can raise it for an hour and a half. In the mode limited by the HP program, you can keep within once, and then not twice. I would have turned on the "rye", but before baking, I looked in, if it did not rise enough, then you can turn it off, wait and turn on the "baking", only so that at the beginning of baking it could rise a little more, or the roof will fall.
And if you bake in HP, can you use the "Rye" mode or what?
Good luck!
Today I will repeat.
Super super!
Of course! Like this:
Viki, I have dry yeast. Should they wander for 1.5-2 hours too?
Hello Andrei! You have not been heard for a long time. You leave us for a long time.
Hello everyone!
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