When we leave a noisy city for the weekend in order to spend time in nature, whether it is an elementary outing or a trip to the country house, then first of all, we leave away from the city noise that affects us every day. Since the natural sounds of wildlife, be it the singing of a nightingale or the rustle of leaves, do not annoy us in any way, on the contrary, listening to them, we acquire a charge of energy, which is enough for us until the next weekend. The harmful effect of excessive city noise is considered a certain price to pay for the benefits of civilization.
Inflated irritability, psychological and nervous disorders - this is the price that we are obliged to pay because of the convenience of city life, and the different noises of the modern metropolis play not the final role in all this. If during the day, when we are at work or on the street, we are accustomed to this noise, then when we come home, we strive to get rid of them as quickly as possible by closing the doors and windows more tightly.
But noise seeps into our living space not only from the street. Unfortunately, being in our apartment, we sometimes hear what is happening on other floors. Moreover, if our neighbors are very noisy residents. And from these hums, literally, neither hide nor hide. If it's natural, nothing can be solved. It goes without saying that you can go and file a complaint with the appropriate authorities, however, as practice shows, there is very little sense from all this.
It is even better, when starting repairs in an apartment, to worry about how, after its completion, to limit the penetration of third-party noise into it to the maximum. Since convenience and coziness, which is considered the goal of any modern renovation, is probably not only redevelopment or replacement of interior decoration. In the absence of work on sound insulation, it is simply unrealistic to achieve them. Naturally, you will hardly be able to achieve perfect silence in the criteria of a high-rise building, but innovative technologies for soundproofing living space allow you to significantly increase the level of acoustic comfort.
To exclude the penetration of noise from the street, it is enough to change the window blocks during the repair process. The use of 2 or three-chamber double-glazed windows allows you to actually get rid of them completely. But it must be remembered that in this case the flow of fresh air into the living space is sharply reduced, and therefore it is necessary to provide for the presence of special devices to improve ventilation.
Noise insulation of partitions and walls in modern apartments, as a rule, is provided even at the stage of building a house. Otherwise, a frame cladding device is considered the best solution. It is performed synchronously with the main wall, and the space between them is filled with sound-absorbing material. This type of repair work is considered quite difficult, it is necessary to comply with not only construction, but also sanitary and hygienic standards, therefore they must be performed by specialists.
If you strive to provide complete interior sound insulation, then do not forget about such an important issue as good air circulation in the living space. For some time, the air in the room must completely change. Therefore, the zeal for extra sound insulation by installing special soundproof doors can become an obstacle to normal air exchange in your living space. Do not forget that the problems of sound insulation and air exchange are considered interrelated, and their solution must be approached in an integrated manner.
Karplyuk O.G.