What should a modern book be like to be a real counselor to a child, to help a child choose an ideal that he wants to imitate? Who should create a book for today's and tomorrow's reader? The book is a special "commodity". It is spiritual food that is needed today, tomorrow, and forever. No one doubts that the process of creating children's literature has become spontaneous. Now you can print a book to anyone and in any edition, if you have money. |
Your own world, where you are its sovereign owner ... Say, unrealizable? Children in the sandbox think differently! Sand is versatile: it easily takes the form of a human sculpture and just a pasochka. It has existed for billions of years! This is a symbol of the earth - the ancestor of life ... Psychotherapists are happy to use its properties during sand therapy. Children especially like this process. |
Each child, in order to fully develop, learning about the world, needs a balanced diet, rich in vitamins. The fact is that cognitive functions, that is, the ability to learn, depend on whether the growing body receives the required amount of vitamins. Attention, learning, memory - all this directly depends on the amount of vitamins consumed by the child. |
“We all come from childhood,” it's just that some part with it easily, others - hard and painful. Someone in the first years of their life was absolutely happy, others happily forget the early days, which were far from cloudless, and these memories do not bring anything pleasant. First of all, it depends on the parents, but there are different situations: poverty, illness, orphanhood ... |
Each parent faces many difficult tasks and one of them is to teach your child how to handle and manage money correctly. After all, children do not yet know their value, where they come from and why they are needed, for them money is just multi-colored pieces of paper. We offer you some practical advice, following which you can easily cope with the task at hand. |
There are several factors that can contribute to your child's poor performance. Knowing about each of them, you can predict the child's behavior and help him overcome the obstacles that have arisen in front of him. Psychological and moral assistance will have a beneficial effect. At the same time, one must not be mistaken in the choice of tactics of behavior. All this will contribute to the restoration of positive academic achievement, increased diligence and desire for knowledge. |
A large flow of assimilated information, the use of information technology, as well as the spread of computer games have influenced the development of a child's personality in the 21st century. Today, the number of children and adolescents who are able to work with various kinds of computer programs, including games, has significantly increased. |
Today it is a common thing to take a child to a kindergarten or school in the morning, and pick him up after school. Family travel on weekends has become the norm. But if children are traveling in the car, the responsibility of the driver at the wheel increases many times over. Comfort and safety must be created for the child in the cabin. No matter how much the parents love the child, their hands do not provide this. |
Do you really need a kindergarten? Indeed, sometimes it may seem that after greenhouse home conditions and relationships, parents shift from themselves some of the worries of raising him to the shoulders of strangers. And the baby will be forced to be in a team of people like him every day, where it is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately choose who you want to communicate with and with whom you don't. And a lot will need to be done on their own, not relying on mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother. |
To an outsider, all newborns appear to be the same. But this is not the case. What makes the crumbs so different, and what factors influence their formation? Human development is programmed for the long term, its parameters are recorded in the genetic code of the child - even before it appears in the desires and heart of the mother. Weight and height, the moment at which the teeth will erupt or when he learns to walk - these are just some of the evolutionary steps that make the first year of the baby the most extraordinary in human life, these are alluring secrets that an adult cannot always penetrate.
It's no secret that for a small growing organism, sport is simply necessary. In addition to the enormous health benefits, for many it is also a hobby, hobby and, possibly, future profession. The task of parents is to identify in time the potential abilities of their child and choose the kind of sport that is suitable for him. Team views are not suitable for children who are leaders by nature. Chances are, your child will not want to share the reward with others. |
For all parents, their child is the most special. And this is partly true - each baby is unique and develops individually. All children go through the same developmental stages at about the same time. Small deviations are possible, but if all the deadlines for the norm have passed, it is worth sounding the alarm. When does the border of the norm for speech development lie? And from what moment can you worry about speech delay? |
A student's home workplace should be looked at very carefully to make sure 100% that everything possible has been done to prevent vision problems. The ideal option is to do your homework in daylight, but this is far from always possible. After school, the child must definitely visit the fresh air. He usually sits down for his lessons at sunset, and in the middle of winter - after. |
The psyche of children is such that they trustfully perceives all the information offered. Tons of information garbage are constantly falling on the minds of kids, which also includes various advertising. Blocks of advertisements on television, posters and banners on the street form a distorted idea of goods in a child and a desire to buy everything at once. |
So what is the “perfect mom”? It is very difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Someone already considers themselves to be a completely fulfilled and absolutely ideal mother, while someone remains dissatisfied with the result of their activities all their lives. And does mom have to be so perfect? After all, we are all not perfect and are prone to make mistakes, and it is so important that the child grows up with the understanding that the mother is also a human being, so she cannot always fulfill all his needs. |
Since childhood, a person is familiar with the world of yard games. Previously, they played under any circumstances: whether it was rain or a broken knee.Nowadays live leisure in the fresh air is increasingly being replaced by TV, the Internet and other gifts of computerization. However, it should be remembered that yard games are not just games, because during them "training" is carried out.
A forty-year-old woman who has visited a psychologist says that she wants to know everything about the life of her thirteen-year-old daughter to the smallest detail. “I rummage in her bags,” the mother admits, “I read her diaries. If she wants to go to the cinema, I accompany her to the cinema. I need to know who she is with and what she is doing every minute. "
Every mother, almost from the moment the child is born, begins to think about preparing the baby for kindergarten. This question causes excitement and anxiety for most parents. They do not know how to prepare the baby for this first important event in his life. The adaptation of the baby to the childcare facility will be painless if the parents begin to prepare him for this in advance.
No child is born with good manners. Only over the years, as a result of personal experiments, he learns what is good and what is bad. And when he does something wrong, parents must intervene without fail. But how to punish a child so that he realizes his mistake, and this does not harm his psyche?
Teaching your preschooler to dress and put on shoes yourself, and even quickly, is a rather difficult task. Nevertheless, a child aged 4-5 is already able to do this. The most important thing for learning is time. Gathering in a hurry in the morning, when there is not enough time for anything and some of the necessary things are necessarily lost or a button comes off, the lock breaks - the mother in a hurry dresses the baby herself, not giving him the opportunity to show independence.
At what age can you introduce children to the world of beauty and the basics of science? Is this accessible to their understanding? Will they get bored? Such questions are sooner or later asked by parents who are not indifferent to the level of education and upbringing of the child, his development, the formation of interests, taste.
They say other people's children grow up quickly. And I think that our own people are not far behind. After all, only yesterday you were discharged from the hospital, there was a small, sweet lump in your arms, then the first steps, the first team on the playground, the first acquaintance with the kindergarten, someone with tears in their eyes, and someone with a smile from ear to ear , the first graduation in my life and the first in my life First class.
When you include a trip to a trendy resort in your travel plan, you might want to take your child with you. A cascade of new discoveries and a fountain of vivid images will not leave your kid indifferent, and the impressions received from the trip will remain in the memory of crumbs for a long time. To avoid the discomfort that comes with this type of travel, there are a few tips from experienced travelers.
Is your child asking for a puppy or kitten? Before you refuse or agree, weigh the pros and cons. Communication with a pet is a joy and happiness for children. With animals, babies become more independent. Pets help children overcome shyness, acquire a sense of responsibility, and get rid of many complexes. |
Here you have waited for the long-awaited moment, and your daughter was born. Of course, you hope that you will cope with all future difficulties and be able to raise a real princess from Cinderella. However, any parent understands that problems cannot be avoided here.Let's make a small list of problems (the most common ones) that arise when raising your "beauties":
Everyone has problems with teenagers. We, parents, are annoyed by their inattention, insolence, unwillingness to understand that we are doing everything for their own good. We try to talk to them calmly, they don't listen. We start shouting at them, the result is even worse. So what should we do with our grown-up children?
Gymnastics and massage are necessary for a tiny person like air! Light and confident movements of mother's hands help to develop well not only the calf, but also the baby's brain. It has been proven that the growth of brain cells and the formation of the necessary connections in it are in direct proportion to the little physical activity received. |
All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, agile and beautiful. And sports can help with this. Therefore, the child often does not have time to grow up, as parents enroll him in the sports section, often not taking into account either the child's desire or his physical capabilities. Meanwhile, if this is not taken into account, sports instead of benefits can do great harm.
Every family that has a child sooner or later asks the question of where to go to rest with the child. After all, resting with children imposes certain obligations and restrictions on parents. When planning their vacation, parents should take into account many points: the country's climate (acclimatization should be as easy and gentle as possible), the presence of children's animation, an entertainment program for children, meals, conditions for staying in a hotel with a child, etc.