Your own world, where you are its sovereign master ... Say, unrealizable? Children in the sandbox think differently! Sand is versatile: it easily takes the form of a human sculpture and just a pasochka. It has existed for billions of years! This is a symbol of the earth - the ancestor of life ... Psychotherapists are happy to use its properties during sand therapy. Children especially like this process.
In dreams and in reality
What part of our experiences do we bring to the conscious level? An adult only in some cases confesses: "I was scared", "Something is uncomfortable for me" or "I am angry." The rest of the emotions are hidden deep in the subconscious. And even a small child is not always able to understand his own experiences! Most of our mental life is secret. Here the little one was not allowed to play with a mobile phone. Someone will express a violent protest and get their way. And someone will hide an unsatisfied desire deep inside. The kid gets upset because mom is too busy. Or because the teacher praised another girl.
Reasons for repressed emotions - a lifetime! But we have the opportunity to act out our experiences. It's about spontaneous creativity. The little one draws scribbles, sculpts an abstract figure ... Do you think this is just self-indulgence? No, thus, the baby "lives" unconscious emotions, they take real forms. This means that the psyche is self-healing. After all, who knows what kind of work repressed feelings do in our subconscious? The method of sand therapy is based on the fact that in the process of playing the baby transforms the energy driven into the depths. He's just doing something with sand. And in a metaphorical sense, he lives his inner states.
Sand therapy is shown to everyone, without exception! It is good because the baby can solve almost any problem. After all, everything that he needs, he does himself. Therefore, it does exactly the way it should. “There are no rules in this game. The world that the kid has built does not need interpretation. Only the process is important.
Just a game
At the dacha, in a secluded corner of the beach, a place for therapy is suitable where no one will disturb you. Prepare a jug of water next to the sandpit to moisten the sand and make it pliable. Lay out everything that can reflect the world of the crumb: figures of people, animals, shells, pebbles, favorite toys, symbolic images of the moon and the sun ... Anything! It is desirable that objects are made of natural materials: wood, clay, metal, bone, feathers ... When we come into contact with natural elements, we give them some of the negative energy. Start playing. First yourself! After all, we taste the soup before offering it to the baby? Try the sand by touch. Make a slide or groove. Draw a circle or put a handprint ... Absolutely haphazard!
A little later, you will have a desire to give your sandy world some specific shape. Where will the little man be? And his other half? Create! The result of your creativity - the image of the sand world - is called a mandala. An experienced psychologist, looking at her, can comment on your condition. But is this the main thing? Disable intelligence while playing with sand.
Let the feelings come out! Looking at you, the baby will connect to the game. Step aside. Don't bother him. The session lasts exactly as long as the child wants. It is advisable to practice therapy from the age when he says "I" about himself - from 3-4 years old.
War of the Worlds
The classical approach to therapy involves three stages of playing with sand.
• Chaos
The kid randomly grabs toys, mixes them with sand ... He lives his feelings. Expresses the inexpressible. This is how children play in the backyard sandbox before their personal boundaries are formed ... Let your son or daughter be small!
• Fight
The heroes of the sand world argue and fight. The toddler splashes out internal aggression. Safe way!
• Conflict resolution
Doesn't it come? So, the baby does not need it yet! How a baby plays with sand is his own business. There is no need to stand over his soul, looking for signs of a certain stage. Is he just manipulating sand? This is good, the therapy is going well. Destroys, plays out battle scenes? Whatever the little one does, we have no right to interfere, unless, of course, we are asked. The kid must be completely safe. What he created is inviolable!
Safe is not only a world where enemies cannot penetrate. This is one where no one will evaluate it, correct it, control it: "Oh, you have some kind of a curve slide!" Or: "Where is the brother in the composition?" Safe means accepted unconditionally. Only if this condition is met, sand therapy has its healing miraculous meaning.
Alisa w