Each child, in order to fully develop, knowing the world, needs a balanced diet, rich in vitamins. The fact is that cognitive functions, that is, the ability to learn, depend on whether the growing body receives the required amount of vitamins. Attention, learning, memory - all this directly depends on the amount of vitamins consumed by the child.
Therefore, it is necessary to give vitamins to every child.
Unfortunately, statistical studies show that in different regions of Russia from 40 to 80% of preschool and school children suffer from a lack of vitamins. Very often, children have a lack of several vitamins at once (polyhypovitaminosis).
Doctors attribute this, first of all, to the fact that modern food products provide the child's body with vitamins only half. Thus, answering the question of whether it is necessary to give the child vitamins, it is worth noting that parents first need to provide him with proper nutrition. Vitamins should enter the children's body not only in the form of multivitamin complexes, but also in the form of fresh food.
However, if there is no personal plot of your own, then it is almost impossible to provide a child with a full-fledged diet, especially in the winter-spring period, since goods from supermarkets often contain harmful substances that negate all the benefits of these products. Parents should be aware that there are no apple varieties that can last until March and still keep the perfect look. Therefore, they must take into account the fact that store fruits and vegetables are processed with preservatives, which significantly increase their shelf life.
However, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for vitamins. You need to give a child a vitamin only as prescribed by a doctor, since first it is necessary to establish which vitamins the child's body lacks. In addition, there are some groups of vitamins, the intake of which cannot be combined with certain micro- and macroelements.
Very often, parents give their children vitamin complexes, but many doctors do not recommend doing this, since complex vitamins are poorly absorbed by the child's body. The effectiveness of vitamin prevention increases if the child is given the necessary vitamins separately from each other (monovitamins).
Among the signs of hypovitaminosis in children, it is necessary to note such symptoms as prolonged bad mood, lethargy, small rash on the body, sticky lips, as well as peeling on the skin. If a child develops such symptoms, you should not hesitate, since a prolonged lack of vitamins can lead to much more serious consequences, including a decrease in visual acuity, the appearance of eczema spots and dermatitis, disruption of the digestive tract, seizures, etc.
All this suggests that the child needs to be given vitamins, especially in the winter-spring period, when the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables consumed is significantly reduced.
Savenkova A.