Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Category: Blanks
Kitchen: Russian
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class


leaves of fireweed (ivan-tea) 1 kg or more

Cooking method

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Ivan-tea will bloom a little, from this very color -
Early summer, goodbye, hello, half day summer ...
A. Tvardovsky

If the fireweed (Ivanov's tea) has already blossomed, then it's time to go for it to the nearest meadow and start preparing tea with an amazing taste and nectar smell for the whole next year. It seems to me that I have never tasted this tea tastier. The same opinion is shared by everyone I give them - they drink, they admire, and then they ask for the recipe. Actually, you can find recipes for Ivan tea on the Internet, but almost all sites cite excerpts from an article by engineer Odintsov "Forgotten drink" from the magazine "Science and Life" for 1989. It is difficult to prepare the "correct" Ivan tea according to this article and quotations - many questions arise during the preparation process. I threw out more than one batch of tea until I got it. All the nuances have been taken into account in the recipe that I am posting here, therefore, the difficulties in making willow tea from the acquaintances to whom I give this recipe usually do not arise.

Although it takes about a day to prepare a batch, not much of our participation will be required. The main thing is to follow the process, and the tea is prepared as if in passing. Try it! You will see that it is not difficult at all.

Ivan-tea, Koporsky tea, Ivanov's tea, Russian tea ... All this is the name of the same tea from narrow-leaved fireweed, which grows in huge quantities almost throughout Russia. Here he is, dear, I ask you to love and favor.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

The secret of making Ivan tea is fermentation, as a result of which some of the insoluble (nonextractable) substances of plant tissue are converted into soluble and easily assimilated ones. These are the substances that give the taste, smell and color to tea.
The process of making fermented Ivan tea consists of several stages.

1. Collection of leaves
Leaves are harvested in June-August from the beginning of flowering fireweed to the moment of its pushing. It is necessary to collect in dry weather, away from roads and polluted places, preferably in shaded places along the edge of forest clearings. The leaves of such plants are more tender and juicy, they curl more easily and ferment better, and the tea from them is tastier.

It is convenient to collect willow-tea leaves, holding the stem at the peduncle with one hand, and holding the stem down to the middle of the stem with the other (in the photo, this part of the stem is limited by red ribbons). The lower leaves are left on the stem, since they are coarser than the upper ones. It is advisable to leave 3-4 tiers of leaves under the flowers. The plant needs them to lift moisture from the roots and collect dew. This method of collecting leaves does not harm the plant - it continues to bloom and gives seeds.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Here, for the next batch of Ivan tea, I collected a full packet of leaves (1.2 kg) **.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

I recommend collecting fireweed flowers separately, so that later, after drying, add them to ivan tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

2. Withering leaves Withering is necessary in order to make it easier to process the leaves in the future. In addition, excess moisture in the leaves does not allow for high-quality subsequent fermentation. As a result, the tea will be of poor quality. The collected leaves are examined, the damaged ones are removed. And there may also be snails, we remove them too. It is better not to wash the leaves before withering, since beneficial microorganisms participating in the fermentation process can be washed off. Then the leaves are laid out indoors on cotton or linen in a small layer (3 - 5 cm). It is necessary to control the process and periodically stir up the leaves so that they wither evenly. Try to keep the rays of the sun out of the leaves, otherwise the leaves will dry out and not wither. For the same reason, leaves should not be dried outside, because the sun and wind will quickly dry the leaves, which will complicate their processing and worsen the quality of future tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

On average, the process takes 12 hours. On a dry, sunny day, the process is faster, on a rainy and cool day - longer (a day or more). The best temperature for wilting is considered to be 20 - 24 ° C at a relative humidity of 70%. A relatively heavily withered leaf curls better and produces more good teas than an unfinished leaf. The remaining moisture content in the sheet should be 60-62%. The readiness of the leaf is determined by squeezing the leaf in half. If the "crunch" of the central vein is felt when the leaf is folded, then the leaf is not yet ready. The end of withering can be determined in another way - when a handful of withered leaves are strongly squeezed into a lump, it should not open. Here, I tried to squeeze the leaves into a ball after 4 hours of drying. They crumble:

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

And these leaves have already wilted:

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

I tried to squeeze them into a lump, and it did not crumble:

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

If the leaves have already withered, and I do not have time to deal with them, then I wrap them in the same cloth on which they dried. So the leaves can lie until we are free. Withered leaves can be stored for 1 - 2 days in the refrigerator (in a bag).

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

If the house is very damp or, conversely, dry, or there is no time to stir up the leaves, then you can wither them in cotton or linen... For this, it is advisable to choose a fabric as dense and thick as possible (bedspreads, towels, tablecloths, sheets). To do this, spread the leaves in a thin layer evenly over the fabric, fold it as shown in the photo and twist it as tightly as possible. The fabric will absorb excess moisture, the leaves will not dry out and will become very pliable for further processing. We check the readiness of the leaves in the same way - by squeezing a handful. If the leaves have not yet wilted after 5 - 6 hours, then they can be transferred to another dry cloth and the wrapping process repeated.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

3. Preparing leaves for fermentationAt this stage you need destroy the leaf structure before saping, which allows the most complete extraction of useful substances from the plant and better fermentation. The leaf juice contains enzymes, i.e., substances directly responsible for fermentation. If the juice is not enough, then the fermentation will not be of high quality, which will affect the taste and aroma of the tea.

You can destroy the structure of the leaves in several ways.

3. 1. The first method - rolling the leaves by hand.

Take several leaves (7 - 10), roll them with effort several times between the palms, until the leaves darken from the emerging juice. As a result, rolls up to 10 cm long and 1 - 1.5 cm thick will be formed.In the future, the rolls are cut and obtained small leaf tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

This process is laborious and time consuming. If you have a large company, then you can wind the rolls pretty quickly.

In one of the books about Ivan-tea, it is said that old people were taught to roll rolls of leaves from one to eight: "one-two - a ball of leaves, three-four - the ball is drawn into a sausage, five-six - we press harder, seven - eight - the twist manages to roll between the palms several times and collect the juice. "

3. 2. The second method is kneading and crushing the leaves.

This method is similar to the process of manually kneading dough. With vigorous squeezing movements, the leaves are "kneaded" in a deep and wide bowl for 15 - 20 minutes. As a result, the structure of the leaves is destroyed and sap is released. The leaves darken, become thin and slightly curl. During kneading, you need to periodically loosen the lumps and separate the stuck together leaves. In the future, from such leaves it turns out large leaf tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

3. 3. The third method - twisting the leaves in a meat grinder (grid with large holes).

Let the meat grinder cool down periodically. Depending on the number of leaves, this takes 10-15 minutes. The result is granulated tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

It is believed that the most "correct" tea is obtained by processing the leaves by hand. But I really like granulated tea, and I harvest it in large quantities, so I twist the leaves in a meat grinder. Everyone decides for himself which way to choose.

4. Leaf fermentation

The quality of this process determines the properties of tea - the taste, aroma and benefits of the drink. Leaves prepared by one of the above methods are laid in a layer of 7 - 10 cm in an enamel, ceramic or plastic container. If the leaves were twisted in a meat grinder, then crush them a little with your hand.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

If the leaves were rolled or mixed, then we put oppression on them.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Cover with a damp linen or cotton cloth and place in a warm place to ferment. Periodically check if the fabric is dry. If it is dry, then we wet it again.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

How long fermentation will take, you cannot say for sure - it depends on the temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation process. Too high temperature and overexposure are dangerous - tea acquires the smell of low-grade tea. The optimal temperature for the fermentation process should be considered 22 - 26 ° C. Below 15 ° C, the fermentation process stops, at a temperature of 15 - 20 ° C its beginning is noted, above 30 ° C part of the soluble fermentation products that give strength and "body" to the infusion becomes insoluble, while the pleasant aroma of tea is lost.

If the room is cool, you can wrap the container with the fermentable mass with several jackets and blankets. During fermentation, the mass is self-heating, and this temperature is sufficient for high-quality fermentation.

Fermentation time and quality is closely related to sheet layer thickness... With a small amount of leaves, fermentation will not be of high quality. Therefore, you should collect enough leaves for the batch of tea.

The end of fermentation is a change in the color of the mass from green to green-brown, as well as a change in the herbal smell to a strong floral-fruity aroma. Distinguish three degrees of tea fermentation - light, medium and deep.

When light fermentation the leaves are fermented until the first signs of a fruity-floral smell (3 - 6 hours). The brewed tea has a mild taste and a delicate but strong aroma.

Tea medium fermentation (10 - 16 hours) is obtained with a pronounced aroma, moderately tart taste with a slight acidity.

Tea deep fermentation (20 - 36 hours) - tart, without sourness, with a relatively light aroma.

It is best to choose the time for yourself experimentally, preparing weak, medium or highly fermented tea - it all depends on preferences and tastes. I prepare tea with different degrees of fermentation, then I mix them in different proportions and get teas that are very rich in color, taste and aroma.

It is important not to miss the moment of the end of fermentation, otherwise the mass may become moldy. It is better to under-ferment tea than over-ferment it.

5. Drying

If, in preparation for fermentation, the leaves were rolled between the palms into rolls, then after the end of fermentation they must be cut with a knife into washers up to 0.5 cm thick. You can cut the rolls and before fermentation... Then the mass will be denser and fermentation will be better.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

We spread the fermented mass on baking sheets covered with parchment, in a layer of 1 centimeter and gently loosen it so that there are no lumps.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Dry tea in the oven at a temperature of 100 * C 1.5 - 2 hours. Keep the oven door slightly ajar. Then we lower the temperature to 50 * - 60 * C and dry it completely until the moisture is completely released. Stir the tea periodically and check the readiness of the tea leaves by touch. I mix the tea as follows. I lift the opposite corners of the paper, then the others. Tea is going to the center. Then I gently level the tea with my hands on the baking sheet (it does not burn). You can also stir with a spatula, but when stirring with your hands, the tea practically does not crumble than if you do it with a spatula.Well-dried tea has the color of ordinary tea, tea leaves break when squeezed, but do not crumble. When the bulk of the tea reaches this condition, we take out the trays from the oven and let the tea cool down to room temperature. Carefully! When tea is overexposed during drying, an admixture of the smell of burnt paper appears in the smell of finished tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

This is how dried large leaf tea looks like:

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Drying tea to remove residual moisture we carry out in a bag of thin fabric (in an old pillowcase) in the breeze in the shade in dry weather or in a room in rainy and damp weather. Shake the bag periodically so that the tea dries faster.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

It is difficult to say how long the tea will take to dry. It depends on the weather. It happens that in damp weather, when the house is damp, tea is dried for a week. And in dry weather, one day is enough. If it is impossible to create conditions for drying the tea, then you can heat the oven to a minimum, turn it off and hold the tea there until the oven has completely cooled down (stir the tea periodically).

Well-dried tea is practically odorless and produces a dry rustling sound when shaken in a bag. If the tea has a strong aroma, it is not dry yet. Well dried tea granules do not crumble or crush, but break.

It is important to dry the tea well, otherwise it may become moldy during storage.

You can dry tea in a thick-walled frying pan... For this, the mass is dried in small portions over medium heat with constant shaking for 30 minutes. Then reduce the heat and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring the leaves / granules to dryness.

You can successfully dry tea in airfryer... In the Hotter airfryer it happens as follows. Put the tea in the heated AG on a tray and dry first for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 * (medium speed), stir after 10 minutes. Then dry for 20 minutes by 85 * or 105 * (depending on how the AG heats - the speed is average). Dry at 65 * (medium speed). During the whole process, periodically stir the tea to dry evenly. Be sure to keep the lid ajar - you can put a skewer.

Tea can be dried using the method used by Chinese manufacturers for certain types of tea. This method is called "fry". To do this, at the beginning of the drying, set the temperature 125 - 150 * for 10 - 20 minutes. This temperature allows the sugar of the plant juice to caramelize on the top of the granules and, as it were, seal the rest of the juice inside. Then dry the tea as described in the recipe. This method makes it easy caramel flavor and tea flavor.

If you have collected fireweed flowers, then do not dry them together with the fermented mass, since the flowers dry out faster and at a temperature of 100 * C they can simply burn out. It is better to dry them separately in an oven or electric dryer at a temperature of 50 - 60 * C. They dry pretty quickly.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

I will add that during drying, there is such a magical aroma in the whole house that just because of this it is worth making Ivan tea at least once. 6. Tea storage Fireweed tea is stored in a dry, dark place in glass jars with plastic lids, birch bark or metal boxes. I store tea in disposable plastic containers with an inscription on them indicating the date of preparation and the degree of fermentation of the tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Tea is aged in cans / containers for at least a month for the so-called dry fermentation... If you try to brew tea immediately after preparation, it may not impress you - you haven't brewed it yet. The longer the tea is stored, the better it becomes.

I wonder all the time - where does this "additional" smell come from after aging the tea? In a month - better than in a week. In a year, better than six months. And so on. Wonders! The longer the tea is stored, the better it becomes.

For daily use, I pour tea into metal boxes.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

I like to mix Ivan-tea with dry fireweed flowers, dry berries of wild strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, mint, lemon balm, oregano.... ... - it turns out very beautifully, and the tea acquires a new taste and aroma.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

7. Brewing tea

Rinse a clean kettle with boiling water, pour 1 - 2 teaspoons of tea per glass of boiling water, pour hot water, cover with a towel, let it brew for 10 minutes, then pour into cups without diluting with boiling water. And immediately pour the kettle over the second time, because the second infusion of tea is even tastier and more aromatic than the first. After another 15 minutes, pour the tea into cups - no need to let it stand still. And do not brew the same tea the next day! Even if you only poured it once, it won't work well after a break. Koporsk tea is drunk hot, warm or cold. When warming up cooled tea, try not to allow even the slightest boil of the drink. The subtle aroma will disappear immediately.

Leafy brewed tea is lighter in color than granular tea. Therefore, if you want a darker infusion, then make granulated tea.

You can drink willow tea with dried fruits, honey or jam. Sugar makes tea sugary. But you can drink without anything. The taste is already very good!

And this recipe branded Gorodets tea from fireweed I read in the brochure of Margarita Voronina "Gorodets tea is a joy to the soul, health to the body."

Bring the water to a boil (when the bubbles begin to come off the bottom). Prepare two teapots - a large one and a smaller one. Pour one teaspoon of ivan tea (per glass of water) into a small teapot, pour boiling water over and leave for 7-10 minutes. Then drain into a large kettle. Pour boiling water over the steamed tea leaves and insist again. And so - up to four times. For the last time, leave the brew for no more than three minutes. This is done in order to consistently extract useful ingredients from fireweed. The famous hanerol, which helps prevent malignant diseases, is extracted for the third or fourth time.

That's all, our Ivan-tea is ready! When you first taste it, do not try to immediately compare the taste with something you already know, do not try to understand what it looks like. Fireweed tea is unlike anything, it has its own taste, its own and unique. Enjoy this taste!

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class


If most of the plants are rich in either tops or roots, then the fireweed gives itself to people. Our ancestors ate the starch-rich roots of Ivan tea like potatoes. Bread was baked from ground dried roots. The leaves were used for cabbage soup and tea. The pillows and mattresses were stuffed with flower fluff. Two-meter stems were split into fibers, processed and woven from them coarse canvases (that's why he has another name - wild flax). In addition, fireweed is a famous honey plant. Bees store up to a thousand kilograms of honey from a hectare of willow thickets.

Of course, few people will now want to process the stems on linen or bake bread from the roots of fireweed. But everyone can make healthy, and just delicious tea.

Fireweed tea has been drunk in Russia since ancient times. In the heat, he quenched thirst, warmed in the cold, healed the sick, invigorated the tired. ... ...

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Most of this tea was prepared in the village of Koporye near St. Petersburg. Therefore, they began to call the drink, and later Ivan-tea itself, Koporsk tea.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Hundreds of poods of Ivan-tea from Koporye remained inside the state, and a large one was exported. Abroad, Koporye tea was as famous as Persian carpets, Chinese silk and Damascus steel. In a word, he personified Russia, was its trade mark.

A curious fact - Great Britain sold Indian tea from its vast plantations, but she herself preferred to drink Koporsky tea, annually purchasing it from Russia in tens of thousands of poods. Why is that? Maybe because to sophisticated Englishmen, Russian tea seemed tastier and healthier than an exciting and tart Indian drink? ...

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

But the popularity of the Koporye product gradually turned out to be so great that it began to undermine the financial strength of the East India Tea Company. The owners of the company could not stand such a strong competitor in the tea market anymore. And, in the end, the Indian planters got their way: the trade in Koporye tea in England was suspended. Gradually, the Europeans got used to the Asian product more and more. And the First World War that began soon, then the October Revolution, the civil massacre and the economic blockade of Russia completed their dirty work: the production of Russian tea in Koporye was practically destroyed. Gradually, even the mention of it began to disappear from the memory of the people. By and large, since then Russia has never produced or drank its wonderful, healing, unique tea. And now the great national wealth remains practically ownerless.

But still, in the 90s of the last century, the revival of the former glory of Ivan-tea began. More and more enthusiastic producers of this primordially Russian drink are appearing. More and more people are mastering ancient recipes and preparing Ivan tea on their own for themselves and their loved ones.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

What attracted Ivan-tea to modern connoisseurs?

Well, first of all, its unmatched taste and aroma.

Secondly, by its composition. The aerial part of ivan tea contains vitamin C (this antioxidant is 6.5 times more in fireweed than in lemons), carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A), B vitamins, mucus (polysaccharides), pectins, chlorophyll, tannins (up to 20 %), organic acids, phytosterols (including beta-sitosterol), triterpenoids, coumarins, flavonoids (including quercetin and kaempferol), a small amount of alkaloids, as well as macro- and microelements (especially high concentration in leaves and flowers of Ivan tea iron, copper and manganese are also found in the leaves and flowers of fireweed in significant amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, boron, nickel and titanium).

With a pleasant taste and aroma, a drink based on brewed Ivan-tea not only perfectly quenches thirst (both hot and cold), but also has a wide range of healing effects, tones, relieves fatigue, gives strength and vigor.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

A drink based on ivan tea does not contain caffeine, oxalic acid and purine bases, which are harmful to human health, unlike black tea or coffee.

With regular use, decoctions and infusions of ivan tea:

- improve the composition of the blood (including increasing the level of hemoglobin). Ivan tea, when consumed regularly, helps to restore the normal acid-base balance of the blood. Iron, vitamin C, vitamins of group B, copper, manganese, nickel, contained in the composition of ivan tea, improve the hematopoietic function;
- increase the efficiency of assimilation of nutrients from consumed food products, as well as improve carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
- have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
- have a beneficial effect on the functional state of the prostate gland and other organs of the male genitourinary system, help to increase potency and improve erectile function. Long ago, rich in beta-sitosterol, willow tea was widely known in folk medicine as a "male herb", that is, as a medicinal plant that helps to improve men's health;
- contribute to the restoration of normal blood pressure;
- reduce the increased excitability of the central nervous system, help eliminate insomnia, headache and the consequences of psychoemotional stress. Ivan-tea is an effective natural sleeping pill, which, unlike pharmaceutical medicinal sleeping pills, is not addictive and has no side effects;
- contribute to the elimination of constipation, have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and protective effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, promote the speedy healing of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract affected by the inflammatory and ulcerative process,
- restore the optimal balance of intestinal microflora;
- have a choleretic effect;
- exhibit antiviral and antiallergic activity;
- activate the processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin areas.Wound-healing properties are possessed by such components of fireweed as tannins, carotenoids and chlorophyll;
- have a moderate analgesic effect. The relief of pain is facilitated by flavonoids, mucus, magnesium and alkaloids contained in the leaves and flowers of ivan tea;
- help to increase lactation and improve the quality of breast milk;
- help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The "cleansing" property of Ivan tea is largely due to the composition of its leaves and flowers of flavonoids and pectins;
- improve the work of the endocrine system;
- have an antioxidant effect, reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases (scientific studies have revealed the content of low-toxic compound hanerol in fireweed narrow-leaved, exhibiting antitumor activity);
- help to improve the condition of the skin and prevent its premature aging. The leaves and flowers of ivan tea contain substances that promote the natural synthesis of collagen, which gives the skin its elasticity and firmness.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Regular use of broths and infusions based on ivan tea increases the effectiveness of prevention and treatment:

- iron deficiency anemia;
- gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis;
- diseases of the male genitourinary system (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.);
- female and male infertility;
- arterial hypertension, cardioneuroses (neurocircular dystonia);
- kidney and bladder diseases (including urolithiasis and cystitis);
- diseases of the respiratory tract (including pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and acute respiratory infections caused by the influenza virus);
- diseases of the spleen;
- dermatological diseases (allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, acne, etc.);
- gout;
- herpes.

An impressive list of useful things, isn't it? But that's not all.

I recently read this story. Almost half a century ago, one Leningrad military man participated in nuclear tests on the territory of Kazakhstan. There he received a hefty dose of radiation. He tried all known treatments, but they were ineffective. And then someone brought him Ivan tea from the pharmacy. A miracle happened: the disease stopped in just a few days. His comrades, who received the same dose, have long since died. And he survived. Then he remembered that his grandmother owned many bakeries in Moscow, where Koporsky tea was also sold. With the funds received from the sale of Ivan tea, his grandmother built five churches in Moscow. Two of them have survived to this day - near the Sokolniki and Sokol metro stations. By the sheer size and splendor of these temples, one can judge the income that Ivan-tea gave.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

And for contrast - about the usual Indian, Ceylon and Chinese teas.

Biologically active substances (caffeine, theobromine and theophylline) found in green and black tea can increase blood pressure, artificially stimulate the production of certain hormones, and have diuretic (diuretic) properties. Diuretics are known to have one bad side effect - dehydration, thereby flushing important salts from the body and promoting blood clots.

Besides caffeine, tea contains theophylline. In certain quantities, it is useful for the body, in particular for the kidneys, respiratory organs, blood vessels, etc. ... But it is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, abnormal acidity in the stomach - the harm of tea for this group of people is the most palpable, since theophylline promotes increased production of gastric juice, which damages the epithelium of the stomach, exacerbating its disease. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink tea on an empty stomach, even for healthy people in this regard.

There is evidence that tea can negatively affect the bones, breaking down calcium - bone tissue becomes thinner, and this can contribute to the development of osteoporosis.In addition, tea is capable of destroying tooth enamel, which inevitably leads to tooth decay.

There is a certain harm to tea for women during pregnancy. It's the same caffeine. In addition, tea interferes with the absorption of vitamin B9 (folic acid), which is very important for the normal development of the fetus.

It was also found that for people with low blood pressure, drinking tea can cause an even greater decrease in it, as a result of which a person can feel weakness, malaise, darkening of the eyes and even fainting can be observed.

The harm of tea can be caused not only by the components that it contains, which negatively affect health. There is also a human factor - the dishonesty of manufacturers or suppliers. There are times when manufacturers add dyes and flavors to classic tea, which implies complete naturalness.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

And for packaged in bags, granulated or small-leaf tea, tea is taken of not the highest quality or just tea dust.

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

So comparisons are not in favor of foreign tea ...

Ivan tea, of course, can be bought in online stores. But he stands there not at all democratically. The price for a one-hundred-gram pack is from 200 to 500 rubles. Making Koporye tea with our own hands, we get a lot of pleasure, benefit and tangible benefits. I love this tea so much that I sincerely believe in its revival throughout Russia. And the fact that the day is near when the primordially Russian drink will again be in every home (sorry for the pathos)!
Drink, drink to your health
Pure fresh ivan tea,
Drink Russian expanse
The scent of healing spells!
Drink the honey of flowering meadows
Soft pink nectar
You won't find a better tea
Light the samovar!
On your birthday, on your wedding day,
To avoid going to doctors
For love and for God's sake
Drink good Ivan tea!

Note from lappl1:

* I calculated "Net" time of their employment when preparing the last batch of granulated willow tea:
1. Collecting leaves (excluding travel time) - 10 minutes.
2. Withering of the leaves (unfolding the leaves and tedding them) - 3 minutes.
3. Grinding leaves in a meat grinder - 15 minutes.
4. Fermentation (wetting of the dried tissue, controlling odor, color and end of fermentation) - 3 minutes.
5. Drying of willow tea (laying the leaves on baking sheets, occasionally stirring, lowering the temperature, putting the leaves in a bag for drying and hanging it outside) - 5 minutes.
6. Sending tea for storage (pouring ivan tea into a container, signing a sticker) - 2 minutes.
Total - 38 minutes.

** Tea yield: The weight of the collected leaves is 1.2 kg. The volume of finished tea is 1 liter. Ready tea weight - 270 gr.
Now, a little bookkeeping. If we take the lowest price of Ivan-tea in online stores of 200 rubles, it turns out that, having spent 38 minutes on preparing 270 grams of tea, I saved my family 540 rubles. And if you take into account that during the season I prepare about 10 kg of tea, it turns out ... In general, a decent amount is obtained. Of course, we don't drink all 10 kg as a family. I pack most of them in boxes and bags made by my own hands ... And useful, unusual, beautiful gifts are ready! Suitable for any holiday - for New Year, Christmas, March 8 ... So go ahead, dear bakers, to nature, for fireweed. It's time to stock up on tea!

Thanks to everyone who inspired me to make this wonderful tea.
Fermented teas from other plants can be prepared using the same principle. You can read about the features of their fermentation in the recipes:
Fermented tea recipes from different plants:

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Green Ivan tea
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Ivan-tea "White-pink" (from the tops)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Ivan-tea "Fluffy" (from immature seed bolls)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Ivan-tea autumn
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Related fermented willow tea with various additives
(Galina Iv.)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Granulated tea from fireweed flower brushes
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented tea made from leaves of garden and wild plants (master class)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Country tea (fermented) - seven in one
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented tea "Currant Benefit" from black currant leaves and other garden plants
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Method of hardening tea leaves in preparation for fermentation
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class "Frosty tea" from conifers and leaves of natural fermentation
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Green tea from the leaves of garden and wild plants + Bonus - dried strawberry tails
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented Geranium Meadow Leaf Tea (Mullah Herb)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented tea "Mojito" from mint leaves, grapes and cherries
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented tea from garden leaves with fruits and berries (Fruit tea)
(Natalya Koval)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Green tea - fermentation in Brand 100 yogurt maker and Brand 701 multicooker.
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented tea and fiber from aromatic herbs
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented raspberry leaf tea "Radushka"
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Tea additives. Tea substitute (we prepare healthy products from the cake from the juicer)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Italian macho hair (fermented willow leaf tea)
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented rose petal tea
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fermented flower tea "Garden Mix"
Recipes using fermented ivan tea stems:

Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Fiber from Ivan tea
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Kissel from fiber from Ivan-tea
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Wheat-rye bread with fermented tea infusion and oatmeal
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class Oatmeal cookies with fiber from Ivan tea

- Rubel - a device for grinding leaves for loose tea - lappl1.
- Roller - a device for grinding leaves for loose tea - Mandraik Lyudmila
- The process of grinding leaves on a roller
- Ivan tea, meat grinder and freezing. Is it worth it? - Andrey A
- Ivan tea or lemon. Where is more vitamin C? - Andrey A

Links to answers to frequently asked questions:

For a beginner. The correct approach to making the first tea (* Anyuta *)
Tea problems. What should be done to find the error?
Debriefing (tea failed - at least three conditions were violated when making tea)

Brief instructions for making tea Description, Scheme
What is the difference between herbal and fermented teas?
What affects the quality of tea?
Natural fermentation
Aroma test for future tea
Snails on leaves

To wash or not to wash the leaves? 1 2 3

Twist the leaves in a meat grinder or twist by hand? 1 2

Leaf twisting grinders 1 2 3 4

Why do the leaves crumble when twisted in a meat grinder? 1 2 3

How to cut leaves for loose leaf tea?

Effect on Fermentation of Insufficient Manual Leaf Processing

Chopping leaves on a combine

The effect of fermentation on the medicinal properties of plants 1 2 3
What conditions do you need to create for good fermentation? 1 2
How to ferment tea with what layer? 1 2 3

At what temperature should tea be fermented?

Why and when do you need oppression during fermentation? 1 2 3
Fermentation in a ham maker

How to dry tea 1 2 3 4 5
Drying temperature 1 2

Drying tea in a dryer 1 2 3
Airfryer for drying tea (paramed1)
Peculiarities of tea drying in a FAN (Galina Iv.)
Features of drying tea in a convection oven - Tricia
How to tell if tea is dry?
Why do you need to air-dry tea in a bag?

Why is there a "bath" smell (the smell of brooms) of ready-made tea? 1 2 3 4 5
Why is tea odorless?

Why is brewed tea light in color? 1 2
Why does tea have a herbal smell?
The reason for the fishy smell of tea

Making tea using the sweating method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rada-dms 36-hour fermentation tea without grinder or curling
How to store tea?

How to “fit” tea into your personal schedule?

1 2 3 4 5
How to achieve the strength and astringency of tea?
Why does tea grow moldy when stored?
How much tea to procure?
End of the fireweed season

DIY tea gift wrapping 1 2 3 4 5, Carton for packaging, Gift stickers
Disposable tea bags for brewing tea leftovers after drying tea - elena kadiewa, Natalishka, businkairika

Wu Wei Xin "Encyclopedia of Healing Tea" (excerpts):
- Tea classification
- Harvesting raw tea
- Transportation of tea leaves
- Withering
- Twisting
- Fermentation
- Drying
- Green tea production
- Yellow tea production
- Red tea production
- Changes in the chemical composition of the tea leaf
- Factors affecting the quality of the tea leaf

- Gift set "K & P R E Y" from satin synthetic ribbons

This is work and material! There are no words!!! : rose: I'll try to do it according to your method !!! And I will send the recipe with a link to this material. I also love this Tea (with a capital letter), now it has already become at a fabulous price, especially in a well-known store here, but I still buy it! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elena Tim
This is work! Very impressed! I read it with great pleasure! I do not know if I will ever do this, but of course I am taking it into service.
Lyudmila, an incomparable excursion! I really liked it! Thank you for a very interesting story about such a wonderful tea!
Elena Tim, can you imagine, Len, I sit, I drink this tea and then bam, and this recipe !!
Elena Tim
And I sit, drink nothing, choke on saliva!
Buy, or what? We must once begin to join the beautiful!
Elena Tim, this is an unusually tasty tea, you can even drink it with milk or cream;) I bought three types (by the way, according to your tip to the germinator) and described them for one girl, so I can share my impressions, even though I’m never a taster
Ludmila, amazing and very interesting, and very useful topic about Ivan tea. Thank you very much.
I, unfortunately, never drank Ivan-tea, but I really want to ...
Cool!!!! Very interesting, I don't know if I will try or not, but very interesting and useful information. Most likely I will try.
Here is a selection!
In general, I like to collect and dry various herbs. And I've been staring at Ivan tea for a long time, but all my hands did not reach ...))) And after such a detailed material, it is simply a sin not to go for the leaves. You just need to find a cleaner place, otherwise we have a railway nearby and the rains are now loaded. But before August, I think I will have time.
Definitely: bookmark and try it !!! Thank you for the revival of Russian traditions
Super! There are simply no words, such a huge work!
About a year ago I heard about Ivan-tea and its properties, then the whole thing caught fire ... well, even somehow it went out with time, and here on you - again this information ... you need to do if you really don't cook, then at least look where ready to buy
Luda, thank you very much for your efforts! Everything was very interesting and easy to read! I wanted to ask, do you make tea in separate containers of different fermentation? or just take the right amount of tea with the desired degree of fermentation from the total mass after a certain time?
Great! Thanks for the useful information! I would like to try, especially since it is visible and invisible around it!
Lyudmila, thank you very much for such an informative master class, it was read in one breath, thank you.
Thanks for the great excursion! I have known about Ivan-tea for a long time. We collect it, but we have never fermented it. About 2 years ago I heard about the possibility of its fermentation, but I have not met such a detailed description (and even with pictures). I will definitely try! Directly inspired!
I just discovered the taste of this tea a month ago. Really tasty and aromatic, and also so healthy.
Lyudmila, thank you very much for your work!
Lyudmila, thank you so much for the detailed instructions for making Ivan tea! For the second year I have been hatching the idea of ​​making it, now is the time to do it. I looked through a lot of information on how to make Ivan tea, but you have so many valuable advice from personal experience !!! I am delighted with your work and how detailed, clearly you described the whole process!
Natta de facto
Just unbelieveble!! Thank you! I live in Ukraine, and Koporye tea is almost unknown here. Here, I read your material, now I will go to my relatives to look for Ivan tea. Or, if I don’t find, I’ll plant him, for the sake of such tea ...
It is very interesting and everything is systematized. Last year I was taught and everything worked out right away. All year I drank this tea and treated my friends. And now you can give them a link. I will add my observations.After twisting, I poured the leaves into the pan, closed the lid and put them in the oven preheated to 50 grams and turned off. Further, everything is the same as the author of the recipe. Someone put it in hot water or directly on the first tray of an electric dryer with a low temperature. I emphasize, this is not for drying, but for fermentation. I read that you need to drink tea no earlier than a month later, but a year has already passed and the remaining tea is very fragrant.
Thank you so much for the master class !!! Soon Ivan tea will bloom with us. I will definitely try. I would like to continue.
Ludmila, cool! Everything is so detailed and clear. I will definitely try!
And we don't have Ivan-tea growing here (((And I love it so much, the flowers and tea! In Murmansk every summer I collected and prepared, I got an article in the local newspaper at the dawn of perestroika, so I tried it. The tea is delicious! And more I boast, about three years after the article I happened to see white willow tea, this is a great rarity. ”In that article, they asked to report on meetings with white fireweed, but I didn’t, I felt sorry for him for some reason, I was afraid that for some They will dig up some experiments, but it was so gentle. I went to that place for a couple of years to admire, and then the flower was gone (((
Rada-dms, Elena, lu_estrada-Lyudmila, Tanyulya, Mariii, Galyunyushka, Leka_s-Alena, irysikf-Ira, MariS-Marina, TS06101964-Tatyana, VGorn-Victoria, nakapustina-Natalia, Ne_lipa-facto Victoria, Florich Irina
Thank you all, dear girls, for appreciating my work, for your gratitude and emotions that my recipe caused. I am very, very pleased! Moreover, this is my first recipe on the Bread Maker! I would be glad if you try to make this tea. The first or second time you will need to pay more attention to tea, and after working out the recipe everything will happen on autopilot. Moreover, such a benefit is in it! Do not regret it!
Luda, I wanted to ask, do you make tea in separate containers of different fermentation? or just take the right amount of tea with the desired degree of fermentation from the total mass after a certain time?
Quote: GenyaF
And we do not grow Ivan-tea here (((
Zhenya, where I lived almost 3 years ago - in Kazakhstan, it does not grow either! And when we moved to live in Russia, I saw this beautiful plant in my meadow. I wondered what it was. I asked local grannies. They said it was Ivan tea. Naturally, I went to the Internet for information ... And gasped !!! Then I could not walk by the fireweed. Naturally, I did. Only by the end of the season did all the technology work out. And last year, everything went like clockwork.
Quote: GenyaF
And I also boast that three years after the article I happened to see white willow tea, which is a great rarity.
But I didn't even read about it, and didn't even see it. Very interesting! Thank you, Zhenya, for the interesting addition!
Ira, no, at a time I make tea of ​​one degree of fermentation. And I mix it later, after "dry fermentation", in autumn and winter, before drinking tea - right in a box for daily use. We drink tea according to our mood - today light fermentation, tomorrow - deep, today with fireweed flowers, tomorrow - with lemon balm or dry strawberries ... In general, what kind of tea your heart desires ...
Oh, what material, what work! Very interesting, visual and great! Need to try.
Quote: Elena Tim
And I sit, drink nothing, choke on saliva! Buy, or what?
Lena, no need to choke ... On the weekend - on the train, in the near Moscow region, pick up a couple of packets of leaves. And in a day the tea is ready! Of course, a little bit of the wrong aroma and taste will be until it has been brewed for a month or two, but still, the taste of fresh tea is good too! You will please your soul, for sure!
Trendy-Julia, + Gala + -Galina, thank you ! I am very pleased that you liked it. And be sure to do it! It's actually very simple!
Quote: Rada-dms
I also love this Tea (with a capital letter), now it has already become at a fabulous price, especially in a well-known store here, but I still buy it! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rada-dms, indeed, it’s not clever to write about this TEA in lowercase letters - only with a respectful big one ... And, yes, the prices in stores for it, to put it mildly, are surprising ... After all, these are not plantations that need to be worked on. Fireweed grows by itself, without human intervention.
Quote: Rada-dms
that I can share my impressions, even though I have never been a taster
Thanks for the experience, Rada-dms! And in this case it is not necessary to be a taster! If something is good, then you will like it anyway, without special training ...
Quote: Tanyulya
I don’t know if I’ll try or not, but very interesting and useful information. Most likely I will try.
Quote: Mariii
In general, I like to collect and dry various herbs. And I've been staring at Ivan tea for a long time, but all my hands did not reach ...))) But until August, I think, I will have time.
Quote: Galyunyushka
Definitely: bookmark and try it !!!
Quote: VGorn
I will definitely try! Directly inspired!
Tanyulya, Galyunyushka, VGorn, Mariii, fedorovna1, be sure to cook! Don't even hesitate! In such cases, I adhere to the Eastern wisdom: "It is better to do and regret than not to do and regret." But with Ivan-tea, you will definitely not regret it. Although, I'm lying, you will regret - if you do little of it ...
Quote: Florichka
After twisting, I poured the leaves into the pan, closed the lid and put them in the oven preheated to 50 grams and turned off. Further, everything is the same as the author of the recipe. Someone put it in hot water or directly on the first tray of an electric dryer with a low temperature. I emphasize, this is not for drying, but for fermentation. I read that you need to drink tea no earlier than in a month, but a year has already passed and the remaining tea is very fragrant. More details: https://mcooker-enm.tomathouse.com/in...on=com_smf&topic=389191.0
Irina, thanks for the addition! Yes, by fermenting the pot of leaves in hot water or el. dryer, we will thereby speed up the fermentation process. I did not do this, but in cold weather I wrapped the container with leaves with blankets. Due to oxidation during fermentation, the leaves are heated, thereby the temperature of the entire mass increases by itself, without additional heating. And with your method, fermentation will be faster. How long did you ferment?
As for the scent, yes! I wrote about this in the recipe. That's where what comes from? The container with dry tea is closed, and the aroma after a year or even two (I haven't tried it anymore) is much stronger than the original one!
Quote: Ne_lipa
For the second year I have been hatching the idea of ​​making it, now is the time to do it. I looked through a lot of information on how to prepare Ivan-tea, but you have so many valuable advice from personal experience !!!
Victoria, thank you! Indeed, I also did not find detailed recipes for making Ivan tea in the internet. I had to work out this recipe through trial and error. So, Vika, now we will definitely have to make tea. It's about time! While the leaves are young and juicy! Although I did it in August, it also worked out well, however, the meat grinder had to grunt - the leaves became coarser and it was more difficult to twist them. But even then I adapted - I froze the leaves, then they easily grind.
Quote: Natta de facto
Here, I read your material, now I will go to my relatives to look for Ivan tea. Or, if I don’t find it, I’ll plant him, for the sake of such tea ...
Natta de facto, but this is interesting - to plant ... Seeds then have to be collected in August, when the fireweed has faded. And he loves the land that is not well-groomed, but scorched. In this period of growth of fireweed, you need to collect seeds:
Ivan tea (fermentation of fireweed leaves) - master class

Quote: lappl1

And be sure to do it! It's actually very simple!
Ludmila, after such an exhaustive master class, I consider it my duty to make such tea
Galina, I look forward to impressions of the process and the result! Good luck!
Scops owl
Lyudmil, I'll look for Ivan-tea in the village. I also want to try to cook, if I can collect
Ludmila, Thank you. Impressed. On weekends to the forests, to the fields to look for fireweed, and I will definitely do it. He used to grow up in the country, but we brought him out.
And melissa also needs to be fermented, otherwise such a gorgeous bush has grown in the garden.I just thought to dry it in an electric dryer, or do I also need to ferment?
N @ dezhd @
This is just a storehouse of information about Ivan-tea, in great detail, everything is on the shelves, even though right now go and collect the leaves. Thank you
My grandmother made various herbal teas, in the summer we go to the mowing, and after collecting hay she also managed to pick up different herbs, but I was small and was not interested in cooking technologies.
And I have already persuaded my husband to go to the forest for herbs on Saturday. Moreover, after 14.51 Moscow time, the day of the summer solstice begins, the most magical time for collecting herbs. I will combine useful with magical pleasant, the main thing is that the weather does not disappoint.
Lyudochka, is it necessary to ferment it, or can you just dry it?
Quote: E.V.A.75
Is it necessary to ferment it, or can you just dry it?
E. V. A. 75, if you simply dry the fireweed, then, of course, it will be useful. But it won't be tea anymore. And just a medicinal infusion with the smell and taste of the herb. The fermentation process gives the fireweed an indescribable smell and taste - from the herbal smell after fermentation, the fireweed acquires a fruity-floral-honey oromat. And the color of fermented willow tea also turns out to be the usual "tea" color, moreover, transparent. The infusion of simply dried fireweed due to the mucus in its composition turns out to be cloudy. like a medicinal infusion - and that's great! But not for tea ... Mucus protects the stomach from the aggression of gastric juice. For those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, I advise you to take a decoction of ivan tea leaves 20 minutes before meals. After 3 days, there is an improvement!
So, if we decide to make tea, then fireweed needs to be fermented. If you just treat it with it, then you can simply dry it.
But fermentation is no big deal. This I just wrote so much to take into account all the nuances. And if you start doing it, you will see that everything is not as difficult as it seems.
Quote: Scops owl
I will look for ivan-chai in the village. I also want to try to cook, if I can collect
Larissa, everything will work out - and find and collect. Ivan tea is growing throughout the Moscow region, so everything will be OK.
Quote: Deva
On weekends to the forests, to the fields to look for fireweed, and I will definitely do it.
Elena, and it is right ! Only it is not necessary to look for it, it grows everywhere. I'm glad I inspired you to tea!
Quote: Deva
And melissa also needs to be fermented, otherwise such a gorgeous bush has grown in the garden. I just thought to dry it in an electric dryer, or do I also need to ferment?
It is better not to ferment lemon balm and mint. They already have a good aroma after the dryer. And after fermentation, the smell and taste are very pungent. If only add a little to tea mixes ... Then yes!
Quote: N @ dezhd @
even though right now go and collect the leaves. Thank you. My grandmother made different herbal teas, in the summer we go to the mowing, and after collecting hay she also managed to pick up different herbs, but I was small and did not care about the cooking technologies.
Hope, which means that you must definitely go, collect leaves and make tea ... Grandma would approve!
My grandmother was also treated with herbs and lived to be 100 years old. Our grandmothers knew a lot. And we did not ask them at the time. But nothing, now the information is available, so we can handle it ...
Quote: Mariii
And I have already persuaded my husband to go to the forest for herbs on Saturday. Moreover, after 14.51 Moscow time, the day of the summer solstice begins, the most magical time for collecting herbs
Mariii, Well, thank you ! For the "magic" ... And I did not know about it. So, we will collect grass on Saturday.
Well done, your husband! But in the old days, Ivan tea was called a man's grass! So he is very good for our men! Happy trip to you with your husband and good rest!
I have to try to plant fireweed here, and suddenly ... It remains to get hold of seeds.
Lyudmila, thank you for reminding me about this wonderful flower! I threw pictures of the process to my husband, I'm ready to twist it myself)))) got
The tea is wonderful, I have been making it for 3 years already, I just didn’t even think that it would interest anyone, and it’s so well planned. The material collected is wonderful. Thank you lappl1
I collected herbs in a large box of eggs for 1 year, worked for a long time, not 1 or 2 hours, dried in a cast-iron pan, it seemed to me not 1 day, but the result was impressive.
The second year she burned the meat grinder, but she did not refuse the grass.
Twist och. long.
Girls, the result is worth it
My aunt has had a noise in my head for many years, and so it diminished and gradually went away, I only slept very well. warmly dressed in a warm stole, now the norm. only because of this I will collect.
Pts like my daughter, she brews directly into the mug.
In reality, both green and black tea can be made from one herb, depending on the frying.
Dry you will not regret it.
Lyudmila, I didn’t time out, I was guided by smell and sight. But three times exactly the oven heated up and the pan was there every time for about 2 hours. So 6 hours were spent on fermentation. This year I will try, as my friend did - I will put a 40 g pan on the first tray of the dryer. It's so cold in our apartment now, it's unlikely that even a blanket will help, and it's more convenient for me to do this.
How beautiful everything is! Thank you very much! It is read in one breath .... I will definitely try! Several times I read about Ivan-tea, but it was always frightened off by the huge amount of manual work (to dry, twist, etc.). Our family has been preparing various herbs for a long time. The obligatory list includes Kuril tea and thyme, which we add to tea and drink separately ... Now we will definitely add Ivan-tea to the list. Fortunately, we have him in Siberia, well, just heaps! And he still does not even think to bloom ..... there is time to get ready!

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