Green Ivan tea

Category: Blanks
Green Ivan tea


Blooming Sally from 1 kg and more

Cooking method

  • “People drink tea,
  • to forget the vanity of the world "
  • Teng Yen
  • Dear Chaedels and Chaiemans!
  • I am bringing to your judgment the result of my "experiment". Green tea from our beloved fireweed, or, to put it simply, Ivan tea.
  • There is not much information about the process of making green tea, but I really wanted to try to make it.
  • So, let's begin...
  • I collected clean leaves in the evening after a rather hot day, I got a little more than 3 kilograms.
  • I put them on withering. In the morning of the next day (12 hours have passed), the weight decreased to 2300g, that is, wilting "removed" the liquid from the leaves by more than 30%.
  • Pre-prepared clay pots (which I use for cooking meat, etc.) by thoroughly rinsing with soda and "roasting" for 30-40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 240-260 * to avoid the presence of unnecessary odors in the tea.
  • Then she put the leaves on clay pots in the amount of 5 pieces, covered with a wet linen cloth and closed them with lids. She laid the leaves pretty tightly. In the 6th (at my own peril and risk) I put a withered sheet, scrolled in a meat grinder. (And of course the leftovers were sent to the usual fermentation for making black tea).
  • I sent all the pots to an oven preheated to 100 *.
  • Green Ivan tea
  • After 15 minutes, the temperature dropped to 60 *.
  • I intended to languish for 12 hours, but during the day periodically looking through information about green tea, I decided for myself that the phrase "put on languor for the night" gives me the right to reduce this time to 8-9 hours (an experiment after all), although I I do not exclude that longer languor will change the taste of the tea. And then Ivan-tea's leaf is still young and tender, but a little later - you can try to increase the time of simmering.
  • I naturally pulled out the first pot with a twisted sheet.
  • Green Ivan tea
  • The granules in it turned out to be the same as I put them, dense. The smell is floral honey. The contents were immediately sent to the oven for drying at 60 *. The tea dried quickly enough.
  • I decided to split the whole sheet.
  • Green Ivan tea
  • From 3 pots I twisted by hand.
  • Green Ivan tea
  • And from 2 - twisted in a meat grinder.
  • Green Ivan tea
  • "By hand" - the leaf was spinning easily and dense "cigars" were obtained, after scrolling the palms were sticky (I am already silent what they are "black", and even a lemon does not take blackness!). I cut it and sent it to the oven and electric dryer.
  • I did not like it twisted through a meat grinder after languishing - it crumbled and when scrolling, an oily liquid was clearly released. But! "it already exists and it cannot but be" - she also sent it to the oven to dry. Dried in the same way as granulated - at 60 *, the drying time will definitely depend on many factors - from the "soaking time" to the humidity in your home.
  • Here is the tea after drying ... the first rolled after withering and the second hand rolled after languishing.
  • Green Ivan tea
  • Green Ivan tea
  • After drying, the smell naturally changed ... In the leaf it slightly decreased, in the scrolled one it became somehow "deeper". Taste ... naturally more pronounced when scrolled.
  • Tea after brewing.
  • Green Ivan tea
  • After the tea has dried in the oven, it must be dried in a dry, ventilated room. And then, of course, tea must be removed for dry fermentation, it is advisable to pour it into a glass jar. And I think that he needs to "insist" for quite a long time (at least 3 months).
  • Enjoy your tea party!

Time for preparing:

24-30 hours (collection + withering + languishing + processing + drying).

Cooking program:



I don't really like green tea myself ... my husband drinks it more.Today he liked the taste of "scrolled", BUT we know that our tea needs to be infused, and, apparently, dry fermentation will take much longer for him than for ordinary tea.
But such tea has a place to be!
And more ... the same method can be used to make green tea from the leaves of garden trees and plants. So "we only dream about peace"!
And many thanks to Lyuda lappl1 for her support! Without her, I would not have risked either the experiment or the recipe itself.

Ivan tea is a perennial herb up to 1.2 m high with a thick rhizome, lanceolate leaves with glandular denticles and large purple-pink flowers in the final inflorescence-brush; the fruit is a box. Distributed in extratropical zones of the globe. Grows on forest edges, glades, embankments, clearings, burnt-out areas, along roadsides; blooms in June - August. Rhizomes and leaves containing up to 20% tannins, up to 15% mucous substances, vitamin C, sugar are used for food. Young root suckers and shoots of willow tea are eaten boiled with butter (like asparagus), added to the soup instead of cabbage. The rhizomes are sweet and are eaten raw and boiled. In the Caucasus, an alcoholic drink is prepared from rhizomes, flour is made from which bread is baked. Dried leaves and flowers are brewed to make a strong and tasty tea. Salad and puree are prepared from young leaves and shoots. Leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering (June), dried and stored in a sealed container. Rhizomes are dug up in the fall or early spring and stored as root vegetables.

Helen, smart girl! A much needed recipe! Green tea lovers will appreciate it!
Girls, try to make Ivanushka like that! It seems to me that this can be done with the leaves of garden plants. If I loved green tea, I would definitely do it!
Lenochka, thanks! Cool recipe!
lappl1, Lyudochka, thanks! The tea is really interesting, but it still has to stand and stand! So wait!
Quote: Borisyonok
he still has to stand and stand!
Lenochka, well, that's understandable! But it is also clear that your tea turned out to be exactly green. And this is the main thing!
Lenochka! A lot of work has been done, an excellent master class! Many thanks from our entire family! We love variety, we will plan an outing for Ivanushka !!!
Rada-dms, Olenka! Thank you very much for your attention to my recipe! I tried ... this is my "Firstborn"!
Helen the cat, interesting tea turned out! I really like the color of the leaf! Maybe I'll try, but what is his taste? Maybe even a bit bitter?
Thanks for the recipe
Loksa, Oksanochka, thank you!
Leafy has not yet infused, but granular - the taste is already showing, and it really has a subtle bitterness.
Hopefully, after dry fermentation, the leafy one will also show its flavor.
Borisyonok, thanks for the tea. I just love green tea. I will definitely try.
I just didn't understand: before sending the pots to the oven, cover them with a wet or dry linen cloth? Doesn't it light up at 100 degrees?
Galyunyushka, Galina, thanks for the tip ... already fixed.
The fabric will naturally dry out pretty quickly, but won't catch fire - that's for sure!
Elena,: rose: everything is so beautifully decorated, the tea turned out wonderful.
I put dry pots in the oven or soaked them in water. when cooking, it is always recommended that they do not crack. Or 100 degrees is not a very high temperature.
francevna, Alla! Thank you!
I didn’t soak the pots, they are "fighting", and the temperature is really not very high.
And the tea really turned out to be not bad, of course, the leaf tea is more like a real one ... now it remains to wait until it undergoes a long dry fermentation.
Borisyonokwhat a good recipe. And how did I not see him before? This year I make black teas, and next year I will definitely make green ones. I like green tea more.
Luna Nord
Helen, you are a miracle! Thank you! I don't drink green myself, but my son and daughter will love it!
Quote: IrisKa_B
what a good recipe. And how did I not see him before?
IrisKa_B, Ira, because I, you bastard, did not give a link to him in the subject of other teas. But now justice has triumphed. I made a link in the Tea Gazebo. and in all tea recipes gave links in the comments. Now, when the Chef gives the opportunity to edit the topics, then on the first page of all tea recipes I will make links to Lenochkin's tea.
IrisKa_B, Irina, Lucilia, Lyudmila! Thank you for your attention to the recipe. I haven't drank it myself since the experiment - I can stand it!
lappl1, Lyudochka - thanks for the link! Maybe someone will come in handy! I will be very glad!
Borisyonok, yes, you can already drink. I am very interested in what you did. I made green, but not at all according to your technology. I feel that I did the wrong thing. he also got burned in my oven. And according to your recipe I never did it. I couldn't find any pots.
Quote: Borisyonok
Thanks for the link! Maybe someone will come in handy! I will be very glad!
Helen, of course, will come in handy. Here I will make a link to the first pages of all the recipes, they will start doing everything right away. And I, too ... I will get special pots.
Elena, now I have 300 grams of grapes, 550 raspberries and 120 grams of green raspberry ovary. Will you be able to make green tea from them? Is freezing out of the process here?
lappl1, Lyudochki! One of these days I will definitely try - my sister came to visit - a gourmet and a lover of my tea, so we will try with her ... I will immediately report what happened!
francevna, Alla. The freezing process really falls out here, it seems to me that it will be necessary to increase the soaking time. After a good withering, I would put the leaves of raspberries and grapes in whole and would probably languish for about 14 hours, after all, they are harsh compared to Vanya. And then I would make a sheet.
lappl1, Lyudochka ... what do you think?
Quote: Borisyonok
One of these days I will definitely try - my sister came to visit - a gourmet and a lover of my tea, so we will try with her ... I will immediately report what happened!
Helen, we'll wait.
Quote: Borisyonok
After a good withering, I would put the leaves of raspberries and grapes in whole and would probably languish for about 14 hours, after all, they are harsh compared to Vanya. And then I would make a sheet.
I think so. And a sheet necessarily. well, Allochka is no stranger. she makes a sheet.
lappl1, I prepared my green one like this: I cut a fresh leaf into 2cm, then steamed it in colo-slag over boiling water in a saucepan, crumpled it with my hands (the leaf changed color to khaki and became sticky), put it in a ceramic bowl and covered it with wet gauze - left for a short fermentation at 25 * C for 4 hours. Then he dried everything in a pan for half an hour, dried it on the window under a napkin for a day, and put it in a jar. The tea was green in color, the infusion was yellow, the taste was floral-raisin without bitterness. A year later, the leftovers of the tea acquired an almost black color, the aroma intensified, the color of the tea leaves almost did not change, the taste was rich raisins. Green Ivan teaGreen Ivan tea
Granular green did this: steaming in a bag - a day, a meat grinder, put everything in a pot (I put it on a window in the sun, it warms up well with thick walls), cover it with wet gauze and for 4 hours until a fruity smell appears, then drying at 60-80 * From - 2-3 hours, then dry in the dryer - until dry (1-4 hours). That's it - the tea is ready, it has its own taste - it doesn't look like green Chinese (I've tried them about 45 names). Fermented sea buckthorn leaf tastes like green Chinese.
Alexei, if you made fermented sea buckthorn tea, share your experience on the topic of gardening, many wanted to do it, but there was no positive feedback.
Why wasn't that? I wrote a review on sea buckthorn fermented in garden. And yes, it looks like good green tea! And their steamed mulberry tea is very similar to green. Zakhary wrote about this, I made it according to his recipe and also unsubscribed in the garden.
Quote: Lyoshka
I cooked my green like this
Alexei, I have not made green willow tea and will not do it anymore (ivan tea does not grow in my new habitat) ... If you like it, then, of course, you need to do it. And the author of the topic Borisyonok promised to tell us about the taste of her tea. It’s very interesting what she did there. Helen, answer me ..
lappl1, Lyudochka!
I brewed tea back in August (ripened for about 3 months), the color turned out to be green tea, but the taste is clearly Ivan-tea, although it can still be expected from "Green" tea from Vanechka. I left my "Green" "alone" for a few more months. Yesterday the truth opened and just sniffed, the smell has clearly changed. I did not brew, I will tolerate ...
I made a conclusion for myself ... 1) I will definitely do it next season, 2) I will languish longer and 3) I will only do leaf.
It seems to me that every tea we make has a right to exist, only some sort is more, and some less!
And Green Tea is generally not for everybody, personally I am completely indifferent to it, and my husband and daughter simply adore it ... (by the way, in order to avoid my husband's "criticism", I removed this tea further).
Borisyonok, Helen, it's great that your tea has found its lovers.
By the way, every year I dry ivan tea, twisted in a meat grinder, but not fermented. Just for medicinal purposes. So, after a year it looks a little like grass. More and more like tea in taste and aroma.
Lyudmila, you will not share how you use unfermented Ivan tea. I dried it a lot this year. I now have problems in terms of oncology and as I understand it, it is better to drink it unfermented.
Olga7, answered in a personal.
Dear Chaedels !!! Tell me, please, is it possible to use a slow cooker for languishing (there is a program for languor, there is a program for yogurt)?
I ask the question because I really want to make green tea from fireweed for growing sourdough (I am deeply involved in sourdough bread and this sourdough is very interesting)
Cartoon and use it! On the program, heating is just the required 60 degrees!
Irina, and you, in a multicooker, what kind of tea do you make, granules or leaf tea? And how long do you need to keep in the MV at 60 * C? Then, as I understand it, you need to dry at the same temperature in a dryer?
I only make granulated teas, keep it at 60 'for 10-12 hours, and then dry it in a dryer at a maximum of -70'.
Quote: filirina

I only make granulated teas, keep it at 60 'for 10-12 hours, and then dry it in a dryer at a maximum of -70'.
I got it. Thank you.
How long has no one been in this thread. Yesterday I scored a little Vanka, wilted it and with a whole sheet in my Shtebu, for 12 hours, 60g. Today I cut it to the dryer. The smell of green tea. Now it is drying and there is such a pleasant aroma throughout the apartment, you just rock. Thanks to Elena, the author of the recipe and everyone who shares their experience in making tea !!!
liusiaThe technology in the presence of a multicooker and dryer is quite simple. And it tastes like, what kind of seagulls? You described the smells, and the taste? How worth it?
Clement, now I'll brew and unsubscribe. I already have it, I think it was infused in a container for dry fermentation. I brewed it immediately after drying, I liked the taste.

I liked the tea. Slightly tart, pleasant, barely noticeable sourness. The color is like green tea, the smell of both dry and brewed tea is very pleasant. After the second brewing, the tea became darker in color, somehow thinner in taste. Any additives and teas can be added. I will definitely make such tea and a lot.
Borisyonokwhere have you disappeared. I would like to hear your feedback. how is your brewed gull, how does it taste? Good?
liusia, and at how many degrees do you dry?
Clement, my dryer has only 50g. Here I dried it. I like tea, I like both green and black.
liusia, I will definitely make this tea one of these days
Clement, good luck to you!!! I also made tea from a young leaf, it was more delicate both in aroma and taste, now collected Vanka showed himself with a more intense aroma and taste. Today I could not resist, I brewed new tea, well, it’s very tasty for me, I can imagine how it will show itself gorgeous after aging. I have it on dry, hanging on the balcony, it's hard to pass by, such a wonderful aroma. I like this tea. I liked both the young and already mature Vanka. Many thanks to Borisenko for this tea recipe !!!
Finally, I realized what smell everyone is talking about! After 10 minutes a sweet spirit crawled out of the oven and spread throughout the apartment ... like fresh honey was poured ... drying the aroma became quieter, but did not go away. I haven't brewed it yet, but the process ... It's some kind of magic.
Girls, what you are all smart!
And all my hands do not reach to start the process.
Fistashka, the scent is magical really ... you teased me!
liusia, Lyudmila! Thank you for your attention to the recipe!
I already have a good batch of fireweed green tea ready. Then I will do it from a mature leaf.Green Ivan tea
And no one tried to simmer the stems? So fresh ... it's a pity to throw it away ...
Do you think they will turn out honeyed or not?
Fistashka, I just dried up a little and scrolled it in a meat grinder and dried, and then I punch it with a blender. In the topic for teas there is a recipe for this. Fiber from Ivan tea. And sprinkle in bread and porridge. Delicious!!!
liusia, thanks) I saw this recipe. I thought about doing it later. The opportunity to get tea from them interests precisely. I read that young stems and leaves are very similar in composition. I thought, maybe someone has already experimented ...
Fistashka, the composition of the stems and leaves are different: in the leaves there are tannins necessary for tea, and in the stems - almost none. Even tea is advised to be made without stems, since they give a herbaceous taste and a slimy, moist structure when ground in a meat grinder. I found this out as a result of experiments, tea with stems tasted more herbal, I did not like it.

If it's a pity to throw it away, use the advice liusia, Lyudmila, dry, grind in a coffee grinder and use as fiber in bread, in boiled jelly, in kvass, etc.

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