Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves

Category: The drinks
Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves


needles with twig tips 50-60%
frozen leaves of garden plants of natural fermentation 40-50%

Cooking method

  • An excellent tea option with high taste and aroma properties for busy and lazy tea-makers. It is done very quickly and simply, you can immediately prepare a large amount, you can use it literally in a couple of days. You need to prepare this tea at the end of the tea-making season - in late autumn, when it has already froze repeatedly, but there are still many leaves on the trees. The basis is made up of needles of various tree species - pine, juniper, thuja, cypress, spruce. You can collect one kind of needles. We simply cut off the needles with scissors, either by cutting along the branches (this is convenient for a pine tree), or with the tips of the branches. I had pine needles + cypress + juniper in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • The second, smaller part is a mix of leaves of garden plants of natural fermentation. That is, we collect frozen leaves, which have already gone through the freezing-thawing process a couple of times right on the tree. Thus, the leaves have already naturally passed the withering procedure and hardening process to prepare for fermentation according to Zechariah... And you just need to collect the leaves of garden plants, ready to be rolled into tea. They are collected very easily, as they simply crumble into bags. I just collected from under the snow frostbitten mint, apple tree, spirea, plum, raspberry, oleagus, black currant leaves (these simply struck me with their pronounced aroma, which clearly intensified after several freeze-thaw cycles):
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • These are the leaves and needles I typed:
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • Since there is no need to wither the needles, and the leaves were already prepared, I simply shook off the snow and dried them. For which I spread it out on a sheet for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the ice evaporated and the snow soaked into the fabric. Leaves and needles can be additionally wetted, but it is better not to defrost:
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • I ran it twice through the meat grinder. After the first time the granules were loose and non-uniform, after the second time they were strong and homogeneous. At the same time, the aromaaat was stunning - the New Year's smell of frosty needles (due to mint leaves) with notes of a green apple (due to spirea leaves and apple trees).
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • Despite the fact that it is useless to ferment needles, I still left the bucket for 2 hours to ferment because of the leaves. And she was not mistaken - the aroma clearly intensified, the bucket was very foggy due to active fermentation and self-heating.
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • Dried at 50 * -53 * From 5 hours, dried in a bag for 2 days. The aroma of frosty pine needles with fruity notes for the whole house!
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • I brewed it immediately. The color is beautiful, rich and thick. The taste of the tea is clearly coniferous, with a chill of mint and fruit aroma. You can drink and brew immediately.
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
  • Tea has a pleasant taste, New Year's aroma, creates a good mood and helps in the treatment of respiratory injuries after ARVI.

Amazing tea! Thanks for the recipe !!!
How beautiful, soulful and comfortable. Great recipe !!!
Angela, Tatyanathank you girls! Do it for health and pleasure!
There is no limit to perfection! Bravo! Tomorrow I'll see if I can find anything else under the snow.
Thank you Lina for the recipe!
Bravo, Linochka. We never stop there. That seemed to be all, well, what teas can be in November, well, except from the freezer? But no, it's a pity that I have already closed the summer season. But I took it away to bookmarks. Thank you, you are not ours.
Luna Nord
Linochka, thank you! We urgently need to return to the country!

Added Sunday, Nov 06, 2016 8:49 PM

Lina, can you not “eat” everything from the mozhevelovye? I read somewhere that there is something poisonous, how can you recognize which one?
Linadoc, Linochka, Linulechka !!!
Well, you're just a magician !!! It will be necessary to urgently collect the leaves and make such a seagull !!!
Thank you, my dear, for another Masterpiece !!!
I took the recipe to the "bins"
Hope, Natalia, Ludmila, Borisyonokthank you girls!
Quote: Nadyusic
I'll see if I can find something else under the snow
Ooooh, there is a lot of interesting things to be found there, I didn't show everything. But the black currant leaves smelled like a masterpiece. Moreover, I did them according to Zechariah, but I didn't get such a result. Nature has done better
Quote: Natalia-65
what teas can be in November
Natalia, you can make from conifers all year round. And then there were ready-made leaves. I do not propose to open the season again, but you can open a little
Quote: Lucilia
Mozhevelovye can not all "eat"?
Juniper can do anything. I widely use cones, berries, and twigs for smoking. Now for tea. But yew is poisonous, it contains cyanogenic compounds (taxifyllin), it is impossible. But the most delicious is from cypress. In second place is pine.
Quote: Borisonok
It will be necessary to urgently collect the leaves and make such a seagull !!!
Do, Cat, certainly! Simple, tasty and healthy!
I confirm that the tea is simply amazing. I did it and already drank it, and I treated my friends. Everyone liked it. I'll go to the dacha for another week, I can collect more leaves.
Irina, exactly, who had time, he and ate I collected, made and drank So I also sawed pine branches, like they hung over the wires, well, I collected a couple of bags of the AUCHANOV foliage. Everything lies in the gazebo, waiting for me
Linadoc, I thought that the harvesting season was already closed: girl-th: it was not there, tea-makers went hunting Linochka, thanks for sharing!
Bravo! Sumptuously! Thank you very much! Madly in love with making tea. I will definitely use the recipe.
Linadoc, I have a package of frozen Ivan tea in my freezer. Do you think it makes sense to marry him with a pine tree? Or flies separately, cutlets separately Ivan tea is better on its own, but pine with fragrant leaves?
Quote: Loksa
it was not there, tea-makers went hunting
Aha, should we be in sorrow ?!
Quote: Tumanchik
Madly in love with making tea.
Uraaaa! Ours has arrived!
Quote: Elena-Liza
does it make sense to marry him with a pine tree?
Elena, it makes sense. The idea is this: the benefits, taste and color of Ivanushka will perfectly combine with the same qualities of "Frosty Tea", but when the taste of this tea wanes, Ivanushka will only bloom in all its glory and decorate the tea.
Linadoc, Thank you. So I will definitely try!
Thujone contains thujone, is it kind of poisonous?
Quote: udalov

Thujone contains thujone, is it kind of poisonous?
Here's a quote: The fundamental component of thuja oil is thujone, which is a nerve poison with an abortive effect.

The use of thuja in medicine
Traditional medicine uses drugs based on thuja for the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis, uterine and intestinal bleeding, bronchial asthma, prostate adenoma. Basically, infusion is used for treatment and different methods are used for its preparation:
Method one
Dry chopped thuja shoots - 20 g
Hot water - 1l
The mixture is infused for five minutes in a sealed container, and then filtered. The infusion should be taken at least three times a day, one glass.

Method two
Dry chopped shoots of thuja - 10 g
Water - 1/2 l
The components are mixed and boiled for two minutes, then infused for ten minutes. The prepared infusion should be drunk within 24 hours.

Luna Nord
I didn't manage to make Linochkin's seagulls. As soon as I read the recipe, I rushed to the dacha.She cut off the whole mozhevelnik, prowled under the snow in search of currant leaves, picked pears from the branches ... and along the way an apple tree, raspberry, wild rose, blackberry. I brought three packets home and took the meat grinder from the tea house ..... I did everything as Lina advised, but no, my meat grinder does not want to twist these leaves, even kill her. She took out her electric Vitka, she doesn't want to. Growls, strains, but does not want to chew the leaves. I gave up this venture, it will be a pity if Vitka burns out at work. Now I think, what to do next with the raw material, what am I poking around in the wet snow in vain? Or do you have to throw it away?
Lucilia, Luda, my winter leaves were not as wet as in summer, too. Well, you don't need to dry them

I have an Axion meat grinder - twisted 12 liters without stopping. I'll probably change the knife after the season.
Luciliawhy throw it away! I personally haven't twisted anything for a long time! Especially snow berry - it is always very dry! Finely chop or break, make a mix, and the work will not be lost. I have already dried the bag from the first frost! In the past year, in general, practically only "winter" leaves were prepared.
I also did great without a meat grinder. Cut, dry, and break. I brew and drink through a strainer.
Quote: udalov
Thuyon contains
That's right, that's why it is thrown in small quantities, like juniper. Mostly pine and cypress.

Quote: Lucilia
Growls, strains, but does not want to chew the leaves
This is strange! I have no problems at all. Calmly frozen leaves swallowed, albeit the old Vitesse meat grinder. I threw a little bit, as always helped with a stick, I don't use a crush because it is useless in this case. But she chewed coniferous branches thoughtfully, but chewed.

Elena Kadiewa
Let me also report on Frost Tea ... no-Linin! Yesterday I received a package from her, and the first thing I did was weld it. I don't know the tastes of cypress and juniper, but conifers are caught clearly, not as richly as cedar, but very unusual and peculiar. I liked the second brewing even more - the currants, a hint of prunes, and tooonko-raspberries were revealed. Tasty and unusual ... what can I say, I dragged the leaves of apple trees (!) And some needles from the street, now I will twist them in a manual meat grinder, that's what a life-giving kick does!
And I also have her assorted tea with assorted candied fruits and fiber from raspberries and LAVENDER! real, not chemical! How lucky and happy I am!

Added Thursday, 01 Dec 2016 06:23

Linadocand apple tree ice cream is worth adding, huh?
Elena Kadiewa, Lena, that's lovely! Described so delicious and aromatic!
Happy for you! What else is needed for happiness in this winter and cold time
Quote: Elena Kadiewa
How lucky and happy I am!
She was sweeping the leaves from the apple trees in the yard and was so sorry that they were not in tea !!!!!
Luna Nord
Quote: Lichka
She was sweeping the leaves from the apple trees in the yard and was so sorry that they were not in tea !!!!!
Elena Kadiewa
Yeah .... incurable ... not a single doctor will help!
Quote: Elena Kadiewa

Yeah .... incurable ... not a single doctor will help!

Quote: Linadoc
The second, smaller part is a mix of leaves of garden plants of natural fermentation. That is, we collect frozen leaves, which have already gone through the freezing-thawing process a couple of times right on the tree.

Thanks for the great idea!
With the current incomprehensible climate, not only people, but also plants are in constant confusion.
This fall, for example, late chrysanthemums did not bloom at all, but blackberries and raspberries are in green leaves. Twice frostbitten. Will be working !
Quote: Elena Kadiewa
conifers are caught clearly, not as richly as cedar, but very unusual and peculiar. I liked the second brew even more - the currants, a hint of prunes, and tooonko-raspberries were revealed.
Quote: Elena Kadiewa
apple tree ice cream worth adding, huh?
Better to melt it and eat it like that - nectar
Quote: Elena_Kamch
Described so delicious and aromatic!
In-in, and I'm about the same
Quote: Lichka
so sorry they weren't in tea
Angela, so I regretted it and it ended ... with tea
Quote: Elena Kadiewa
not a single doctor will help!
Dohtur will not help, but he himself will draw even more into this matter

Quote: Zeamays
blackberries and raspberries are in green leaves. Twice frostbitten. Will be working !
This is the right approach! And the result will please
Tusya Tasya
Quote: Linadoc
Juniper can do everything
Juniper Cossack is positioned as poisonous
Natasha, this one is, yes, poisonous, but no one will make of it either - it has a sharp unpleasant aroma. I'm talking about an ordinary juniper. I have it growing on the site, but from the neighboring forest. So I used it. But the most fragrant tea is from cypress and pine, they are best used.
Elena Kadiewa
Since my electric assistants are not with me, I had to turn on someone else's! manual meat grinder. It took an hour, it got a little screwed up. She spat, cut everything finely, dried it. I didn't ferment, but this is the main mistake. But everything is dry, as I did not crush-sting ...
I brewed it. Color, astringency, but the aroma ... of autumn leaves, slightly pine needles. Of course, I understand that the composition is not the same as that of Linadocbut not fragrant, I didn't like it.
The bottom line is that if you do it, then only according to the recipe, even if not with the composition, but what is typed.
Flax, that's right, you can't get a good aroma from dry chopped non-fermented leaves. The leaves, although withered by nature and natural fermentation, should still not be completely dry. And you need to scroll for juice, and if it is not enough, then you can add a snowball. And be sure to ferment after that in a warm place.
Elena Kadiewa
Linadoc, so, what am I talking about?
If you want delicious, do it right!
Well, not a very good result, a good experience!
Quote: Elena Kadiewa
not very good result, good experience!
Elena, philosopher
Quote: Linadoc

Flax, that's right, you can't get a good aroma from dry chopped non-fermented leaves. The leaves, although withered by nature and natural fermentation, should still not be completely dry. And you need to scroll for juice, and if it is not enough, then you can add a snowball. And be sure to ferment after that in a warm place.

I sprinkled overdried and frostbitten sea buckthorn leaves with water and crumpled with my hands before fermentation, I was afraid to burn the meat grinder.
It seems to have turned out well ... I'll go and smell it again
Girls, please run here:

Let's help our Lyudochka
Linadoc, I remember you with a kind word!
Brewed this morning frosty tea, bastard!
Frosty tea made from conifers and naturally fermented leaves
Girls, Happy New Year!
Good mood and all the best!
Quote: Lichka
I brewed frosty tea this morning, bastard!
Angela, Tatka1, girls, and all other friends and tea-makers, sooooo glad that this recipe brought you pleasure, joy and health! This is what I wish you in the new year! This recipe brought me personally and many of my new and old friends a lot of pleasure, warmth and joy with friendly communication and creative inspiration! It's just a miracle that I managed to prepare a few kilograms of this tea, enough until next New Year,

even with the many gifts for the New Year, made with love and inspiration! Thanks to Lyudochka, the founder and moderator of this topic

Linochka, dear! Sorry for looking at your recipe late! At first I "chilled" without an Internet. And then they seemed to poke my nose into him, but somehow it spun and started spinning ...
Now I'll fix everything quickly - I'll make links everywhere ...
But in fact the recipe ... It's a masterpiece! Unfortunately, we have not had a single leaf on trees and bushes since the end of October. And getting to the pine tree is a problem of problems. And the grape grinder broke down in the summer. Maybe next year everything will grow together. Then I will definitely cook it.
Thank you, my dear, for continuing to delight us with your tea finds.I am sure that you will give us something else in the season! I, in any case, really look forward to it!
Happy New Old Year! I wanted to make such tea, but while I was getting ready, the leaves that had been frozen and defrosted by nature were already dry. Sprinkle them did not dry. It will be necessary in the fall, when they will freeze and melt several times, but have not yet dried to collect. But Lina described this tea so deliciously that I wanted to try something similar. I brewed a rustic tea with the addition of pine shoots and fermented mint. The tea turned out to be very tasty. It was noted by everyone who tried it. Now I will definitely make such delicious tea. Lina, thanks for the delicious recipe!
Made tea. With needles of cedar, pine. I ground the Christmas tree with branches. Raspberry leaves, apple, pear, strawberry, black chokeberry. Tea is as sweet as licorice. Fermented in the mult overnight sweetness is not harmful.

Still the leaves are dusty, my hands were dirty, could I wash them?
Quote: Barkentina
Tea sweets like licorice
This fall foliage has accumulated fructose and complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are not harmful, but useful.
Quote: Barkentina
the leaves are dusty, my hands were dirty, could I wash them?
I wash and then wither. In the process of withering, they not only dry out, but also colonize with microorganisms necessary for fermentation. So it's okay.
Thank you. Calmed down. Is it better to peel the needles of a Christmas tree or are the branches not scary?

The meat grinder copes. The granules are dense. I ground 2 times
Quote: Barkentina
Is it better to peel the needles of a Christmas tree or are the branches not scary?
On the contrary, they are welcome. This will give a more pronounced aroma.
Lina, I finally got to your "frosty"!
How did the complete restoration of scent coincide with my readiness for this tea, eh?
True, 50% of the conifers I have not recruited (there will be Crimean pine and high juniper), but somewhere around 30%. And fresh mint is not enough, but I think it will be possible to add dry mint later to ready-made tea, if that.
Looks like I can do it before Friday / before departure.
All in anticipation. Thanks for the recipe!

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