Every mother, almost from the moment the child is born, begins to think about preparing the baby for kindergarten. This question causes excitement and anxiety for most parents. They do not know how to prepare the baby for this first important event in his life. The adaptation of the baby to the child care institution will be painless if the parents begin to prepare him for this in advance.
About 3-5 months before entering the kindergarten, start talking with your baby about this topic. Tell him what a kindergarten is, why it is needed, what the children do there. When you go for a walk with your child and walk past the kindergarten, always remind him how lucky he is to come here in the fall. In the presence of your child, discuss the kindergarten you have chosen in a positive way with others. The kid should see how happy his mother is, then he, after you, will look forward to September. Tell your child about the kindergarten routine. The more you do this, the easier it will be for your child to understand how the day goes by in this institution. After a detailed story, ask the child if he remembered everything, if he understands everything.
Little ones are most afraid of the unknown. If he knows everything about the garden, then he will not be afraid of him. But there is no need to describe the situation in too rosy colors. Do not discuss your worries and experiences with the child, as they will immediately be passed on to the baby.
Tell him about the difficulties that await him in kindergarten, and how he should cope with these difficulties. Explain to him that he will not be alone in the group, there will be many more children, so the teacher's attention will be paid to everyone, not just his person.
Teach your toddler to interact with other children while walking outside. Explain that other people's toys should not be taken away, but politely asked, offering your own in return. As for the situation when at first the mother goes to kindergarten with the child, there is no consensus on this score. Some psychologists say that there is nothing wrong with this, that the child adapts so much faster. But there is another opinion, according to which such a visit leads to a longer and more traumatic adaptation of the child's psyche. In addition, other children do not understand why someone's mother is here, but his mother is not. Come up with your child's farewell system, rehearse it at home.
It is worth remembering that the adaptation of the baby can take up to six months, so do not rush to go to work, so that at any time you can adjust to your child. The more a child can build warm relationships with a large number of people in a group, the faster adaptation will take place. Your task is to help him in this. Ask your child at home about the children he has made friends with, call them by name, tell them what good parents they have. In no case do not frighten the child with the kindergarten. Support him during adaptation, talk to him more, hug, kiss and take his hand.
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