Delayed speech development in children

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Delayed speech development in childrenFor all parents, their child is the most special. And this is partly true - each baby is unique and develops individually. All children go through the same developmental stages at about the same time. Small deviations are possible, but if all the terms of the norm have already passed, it is worth sounding the alarm. When does the border of the norm for speech development lie? And from what moment can you worry about speech delay?

There is no exact answer to these questions. It is necessary to closely monitor the child almost from birth, because not noticing important details, you risk losing precious time.

At about 1.5 months, the baby begins to gag. By the age of 7-8 months, he pronounces a variety of syllables. And by the year should have a dozen words available. These, of course, are not real words, but for a child they are significant, because with his "am-am", "b-bi" or "kup-kup" he calls objects or actions, which means he learns to communicate. At one and a half years, children already have a vocabulary of 50 or more words, and by the age of two - up to a hundred, even then they learn to build small phrases, for example, "Mom, give me."

Delayed speech development in childrenA three-year-old child already speaks in small sentences from the subject, predicate and object, for example, "we are going for a walk." And by the age of 4, even strangers should understand your child's speech. This framework is, of course, not strict. A slight lag of 4-5 months is not scary, but if the baby is stubbornly silent at 2, and even more so 3 years, you must definitely contact a specialist. Unfortunately, often the diagnosis "delayed speech development" is made only after 3 years, and in order to ascertain this fact, you need to be tested by a neurologist, speech therapist and psychologist.

The reasons for the development of such a delay can be hereditary indicators, complications during pregnancy, trauma during childbirth or in the first months of life, especially the social environment and psychological connection with the mother. Children who have hearing problems have great difficulty learning to speak, so when diagnosing speech delay, it is necessary to check the child's hearing. Girls start talking earlier than boys, and this also needs to be taken into account. It is also possible that speech is not in demand for a child - he expresses his desires with gestures or facial expressions, and the mother understands him.

But in this case, you need to talk to the little one as much as possible, provoke him to speak and provide him with maximum contact with "speaking" peers. A positive example will help the child overcome the barrier of silence, and at best, a so-called "speech explosion" can occur, when a child who has practically never spoken before begins to rapidly learn speech and masters it in the shortest possible time. Classes with a speech therapist are also very useful for children with this problem.

In no case should things be left to chance, otherwise time may be lost to correct the formation of speech. After all, speech is perhaps the most important psychological process in the first years of life. Thanks to her, the child develops memory, attention, thinking, imagination. If the child does not speak even at the age of 5, then, most likely, this indicates a mental retardation. The kid does not receive from the environment the information that other children have long mastered, he may develop psychological trauma, and he will withdraw into himself. In such cases, drug treatment is already required.

Therefore, the earlier the developmental delay is diagnosed and the necessary measures are taken, the greater the likelihood of an early adjustment without harm to the child.


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