A student's home workplace should be looked at very carefully to make sure 100% that everything possible has been done to prevent vision problems. The ideal option is to do your homework in daylight, but this is not always possible. After school, the child must definitely visit the fresh air. He usually sits down for his lessons at sunset, and in the middle of winter - after.
Three light sources in a student's room are the best option. A ceiling light and a table lamp are a must, and a night light is desirable. When a child is sitting at lessons, then, in addition to the table lamp, the overhead light must be on: the eyes react painfully if they are abruptly transferred from a well-lit surface to the space of a dark room.
Openwork crystal chandeliers in a children's room are inappropriate - they give additional glare, which creates an unnecessary strain on the eyes. Fluorescent lamps under the ceiling are also undesirable, as lighting that flickers at 50 Hz can tire the eyes. If a child is playing the piano, it is imperative to install a lamp on a clothespin or stand above the music stand.
In order for the table to be fully illuminated with daylight, it should be installed by the window so that the light falls from the left side (if the child is not left-handed). The room located on the east or southeast side is very good for this: in the morning it is flooded with sunlight, which has a very beneficial effect on the child's nervous system.
In a room facing west, the light regime is not entirely suitable: in the morning it is twilight, and in the evening the sun hits the eyes. If the child is engaged in the second shift, then he will often have to do his homework with artificial lighting, and if the table is by the window, then his performance may fall, and the child may become lethargic and absent-minded. The northern location of the room requires brighter lighting, close to natural.
When studying at a desk, the student's hand should not cast shadows, so the light should fall from the left side (for a right-handed person). The table lamp should be positioned so that the child does not write or read in his own shadow, and the light source should be below eye level, that is, not dazzle. It is desirable that the surface of the table is not polished.
Usually a child's workplace is also his computer desk... The width in this case should be such that the distance from the eyes to the monitor is at least half a meter. The center of the screen should be 10 cm below the line of sight.
The shade of a table lamp in the form of a truncated cone is the best option. The light bulb should not protrude beyond its limits. The bright colors of the table lamps excite the child's imagination, making it difficult for him to concentrate. A green glass or plastic shade is most suitable. The base of the lamp should not shine - this creates unnecessary strain on the eyes. The lighting fixture in the table lamp should be no more and no less than 60 watts.
Halogen bulbs give a cool bluish light. They are less tiring on the eyes, especially if you have to work for hours on the computer. Fluorescent lamps, on the other hand, produce flickering light that is not entirely pleasing to the eye. Energy-saving lamps must have a special coating, otherwise they can emit an unacceptable amount of ultraviolet radiation onto the child's skin in just a few hours.