Do you really need a kindergarten? After all, sometimes it may seem that after greenhouse home conditions and relationships, parents shift from themselves some of the worries of raising him to the shoulders of strangers. And the baby will be forced to be in a team of people like him every day, where it is unlikely that he will be able to immediately choose who he wants to communicate with and with whom he does not. And a lot will need to be done on their own, not relying on mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother.
If you decide to send your child to kindergarten, will he be able to buy really useful ones there?
Communicating in the garden: pros and cons
Communicating daily with other children, the child can "pick up" both good and bad. However, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that the degree of “sticking” of bad habits or non-literary expressions depends, first of all, on whether the parents explained and demonstrated “what is good and what is bad” well enough by their example.
Another problem can arise if the child is taught to share toys at home, sweets, and just a good mood, or, on the contrary, with no one and nothing to share. In the first case, the inability to protect their interests can lead to the fact that the baby will be offended by all and sundry. And the problem of whether a kindergarten is needed will arise simply because the child will be against it. In the second case, he can remain in complete isolation from the group with a bunch of reclaimed toys.
However, such imbalances in home education will inevitably begin to smooth out, because after a close family circle, the child willy-nilly will have to expand his circle of communication, if only due to the fact that he will spend several hours a day with other children. And all children have different habits, characters, manner of communication. But even despite the fact that at such a tender age it is still difficult to develop your own line of behavior, the kindergarten will help the child form the primary communication tactics from the positions of “I” and “other”, “I” and “we”. Gradually, the child will be able to learn how to choose the right communication tactics on their own. And this ability will help him later quickly adapt in the school, and much later in the student and work collective.
Kindergarten: a parental view
And what if the parents decided to send the child to kindergarten when he was barely 1.5-2 years old? What useful knowledge will appear in children for whom verbal communication skills are not yet available? After all, it happens (and quite often) that a child at this age not only does not know how to use a potty, but does not even know how to draw the attention of an adult to the fact that something hurts him. Children, of course, also communicate with each other. But up to 3 years old, each child exists, as it were, in his own world, and it is difficult to call such communication full-fledged; for the time being it boils down to joint walks and short-term group activities. Children at this time study the world, look closely at it and gradually begin to imitate what they see. Even in communication with each other. But then the children, who are taken to the garden almost from the cradle, get used to the daily routine much faster and do not worry so much about separation from their parents for a long, long day.
And what else would you order parents to do in modern conditions, who sometimes have to go to great lengths to give their child to Kindergarten? It is enough to imagine a common situation. The exhausted parents, who work from dawn to dawn, are utterly exhausted in pursuit of the blessings of this world, and by the end of the working day there is a completely natural desire to rest. However, the child, on the contrary, wants to run, jump, play, draw. Preferably with mom or dad (or both). Thus, a dilemma arises: leave work for a while and give yourself completely to the child or work fully so that he does not need anything. Few parents will agree to exchange the prospects of giving their child a good education, or at least feeding, dressing, shoeing him no worse than others for momentary joys. Therefore, if not only mom and dad, but also grandfathers and grandmothers work, there is no need to choose, by and large, and there are no questions about whether a kindergarten is needed.
Educator's tasks
Educators are, of course, not parents, but nevertheless, at least in order not to violate the job description (not everyone goes to work with kids by vocation), they will have to carry out daily work on the development and upbringing of children. And these are games, and classes, and preparation and holding matinees. In other words, everything that a little child's heart and the inquisitive mind of a child so longs for. And here a lot already depends on the teacher: praise, regret, just talk with each child in the conditions of total overcrowding of preschool institutions, not a single teacher will have enough time or mental strength. But it is quite possible to bring to the attention of parents that their child needs something other than standard activities. At least in order for the kindergarten to become another step towards the perception of a little person of this world as grateful and caring.
Presnyakova E.