A large flow of assimilated information, the use of information technology, as well as the spread of computer games have influenced the development of a child's personality in the 21st century. To date, the number of children and adolescents who can work with various kinds of computer programs, including games, has significantly increased.
If before the 90s, teenagers called watching TV and listening to music among their favorite activities, then in recent years their hobby for the computer has supplanted them.
According to statistics, every sixteen-year-old teenager has played a computer game at least once. Along with computerization, the negative consequences of this process, its negative impact on the social health of children, appeared. The most common among these is computer addiction. This term is relatively new, it appeared in psychology in 1990. Psychotherapists define this habit as a type of psycho-emotional addiction. Its meaning is that the computer acquires power over a person. Over time, for a teenager who has fallen into such an addiction, the main thing is not the result of the game, but the process itself, in which control over time is lost.
The first signs of a child's computer addiction are:
• skipping school to play a computer game at home or visit a computer club;
• sitting at the computer at night;
• eating during a computer game;
• lack of other hobbies;
• The total time spent at the computer exceeds the time spent doing homework, walking, talking with parents and peers. Adolescence is a period of expansion of social and social contacts, the formation of values. An addicted child limits his or her social circle to a computer. In such children, as a result, there is a lack of life experience formation, the complexity of social adaptation, infantilism in solving important life issues, poverty in the emotional sphere, somatic disorders occur (decreased vision, increased fatigue, poor posture). The circle of interests decreases, there is a desire to create their own "cozy" world, that is, to escape from reality. Instead of solving the difficulties that arise, the child is immersed in the game. There he is strong, courageous and successful.
But the time spent at the computer does not make a child strong and successful in real life, in which he feels discomfort, weakness, and even defenselessness. “Mistakes” that a teenager cannot correct as easily as in a game, cause him various mental abnormalities - from isolation to complete opposition to the rest of the world, from aggression to depression. Psychologists believe that the main cause of childhood computer addiction is a lack of communication with parents and peers. Parents who, due to excessive work activity, are not able to devote enough time to communication with children, often try to financially compensate for their absence. Thus, the computer first replaces communication with parents, and then parents become "superfluous" in the life of a teenager.
The results of long-term observations have shown that in most cases, children who have inadequate self-esteem (decreased or overestimated) become addicted. It is difficult for such children to communicate with classmates, whose circle is not always able to perceive the child as he is. And the virtual computer world gives them the opportunity to realize themselves, despite their complexes, shortcomings and ambitions.Also, a child's computer addiction is due to the parents' propensity to any other types of addiction (drug, alcohol) that can be transmitted at the genetic level.
Keeping your child safe from computer addiction can:
• bright, eventful and interesting life;
• the ability to feel excitement or risk outside the game;
• the ability to express aggression in an acceptable way;
• the possibility of realizing their interests.
To prevent computer addiction, parents should be guided by the following psychological and pedagogical recommendations:
• teach your child to treat the computer as a technical device and not as a means of getting emotions;
• do not allow children 3-5 years old to play computer games;
• do not allow your child to eat while sitting at the computer;
• do not allow to play computer games before bedtime;
• limit (do not prohibit) the time of "communication" with the computer. The recipe for any addiction - alcohol, computer or TV - is a complete communication of all family members.
Beshliu S.