Clove oil is used in cosmetology, dentistry, tobacco and perfumery industries. It is also successfully used in medicine - clove oil normalizes blood pressure, protects against infections, relieves pain, accelerates wound healing, etc. Clove essential oil is added to preparations for skin and hair care, anti-cellulite products. |
Influenza is one of the most common viral infections that occurs every year like an epidemic, which leads to serious illness and even death of people at risk (older people and people with chronic respiratory diseases). The flu is transmitted by contact with sick people through the smallest droplets that get into the air when the patient coughs and sneezes. Symptoms appear one to four days after exposure. |
The Japanese are one of the healthiest nations. And all because in this country of long-livers a special place is given to healthy eating. The Japanese Diet Program developed here is an organic and smart way to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Traditionally, the Japanese diet is minimal in cholesterol, fat and calories, and is high in fiber. |
Through the eyes, we receive most of the information from the outside. That is why eye pain, as a rule, causes not only discomfort, but also fear: what happens to the eyes and what is the cause of such pain? Ophthalmologists say with one voice: it is almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of eye pain without a visit to the doctor!
Low blood pressure in medical language is called arterial hypotension. It is diagnosed when a person's blood pressure is lower than 90/60. It should be said that normal human blood pressure is usually 120/80. In some people, most often athletes, low blood pressure is considered a sign of cardiovascular health, but hypotension can often be a sign of health problems, as well as the influence of certain factors on the human body. |
Ear inflammation is called otitis media. Otitis externa manifests itself as inflammation of the skin of the ear itself or the external auditory canal. Quite often, after infections such as flu, tonsillitis, measles, the consequence is inflammation of the middle ear. Ear pain and hearing loss are signs of otitis media. |
We live in incredible times. What until recently was science fiction is now actively used in everyday life, making it simpler, richer and more interesting. High technologies help us to work, relax and even take care of ourselves. The infrared sauna is a prime example of this. |
Some of the girls are ready to make a variety of sacrifices so that the arrow on their scales shows the cherished numbers.One of the most common methods chosen by ladies to remove annoying fat deposits is, of course, diets. They are different: some of them are effective, others are not very. However, the effect that is achieved with dietary nutrition is in most cases temporary. |
Probably, in the life of many women, and especially young girls, there was a period when a real man was associated with a cigarette. A kind of noble superman hero who, having defeated all the evil around him, wearily takes out a cigarette and lights up, releasing puffs of gray smoke. Cinematography contributed to the creation of such an image some time ago. In those not very distant times, of course, it was known about the dangers of smoking, but the problem was not as acute as it is now. |
Feeling overweight? Start eliminating it immediately! Excuses should not be invented - they are not accepted! Many people mistakenly believe that by visiting a gym, they will quickly and easily lose weight. Looking forward to quick results, they quickly move on to occasional gym visits, citing the lack of "noticeable" changes in their body.
Some people love to lie on the couch and, without thinking about anything, look at the ceiling. Others relax by chatting on the phone or playing solitaire. Still others cannot sit idle for five minutes - they are drawn to vacuum, iron and knit ... In general, each of us has our favorite and, alas, the usual way of relaxation. Why "alas"? Yes, because our body quickly gets used to these rituals and perceives them not as rest, but as routine work. |
Cellulite is an urgent problem of modern women, which our great-grandmothers did not even know about. Throughout the history of mankind, the ideals of the beauty of the female body have constantly changed. The current fashion requires the weaker sex to be slim, fit and smooth elastic skin. To achieve these indicators, many girls drain themselves with diets, which often leads to disastrous results: various diseases, chronic fatigue, nervous breakdowns, deterioration of the skin and hair.
How often do we need help choosing a medicine, a comment on what we want to buy, or just some useful help. If almost all visitors need to seek advice, is it any wonder that young mothers have it much more often! And here the question arises: what kind of help can we count on?
If dreams of losing weight have long loomed in the foreground, and diets do not bring the desired effect, then it is time to radically change your attitude towards excess weight. Effective advice from British experts will not only help you get a slim body, but also improve your health.
Essentuki is one of the largest and unique resorts in our country. The history of drinking springs goes back centuries. For the peoples of the Caucasus, the water of the springs gushing out of the ground was a refreshing drink, it increased appetite and gave health. The healing power of this amazing Essentuki water was manifested in the quick recovery of the soldiers and Cossacks who participated in the Caucasian War.
Poisoning - deterioration of health, as a result of the interaction of the body with toxic substances from outside. Poisoning classification:
Neither flu nor colds are treated with antibiotics. Treatment usually focuses on relieving symptoms. Some inevitably accompany these diseases.
The characteristic taste that cannot be confused with anything else, the spicy aroma of this plant, has earned basil popularity under a variety of names.
This plant, which got its name from the Latin Salvere - to heal, has about 700 species. But the most famous are two - medicinal sage and clary sage. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of sage. The person uses the leaves collected during the flowering period, the roots and the stem.
Is your body weak, your nose is stuffed up, and your voice suddenly disappeared? Even distinguishing the scent of your favorite perfume is a problem? What is it - a cold, a breakdown due to a lack of vitamins? Or is it insidious sinusitis - sinus inflammation? How to recognize and overcome this disease in time?
Human saliva, which contains substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria, is a natural obstacle to the negative impact of external factors on teeth and gums. However, saliva alone is, of course, not enough for proper hygiene.
An unbalanced diet in childhood can lead to increased renal excretion of salts - dysmetabolic nephropathy. Such a disease is dangerous in that its progress can cause inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, and contribute to the formation of stones. But by choosing the right diet, you can avoid these health problems.
For medicinal and preventive purposes, royal jelly has been used since ancient times. Royal jelly is a highly nutritious substance, a secret produced from bee bread by the glands of nurse bees. They feed the bees-nurses their future offspring - larvae and drones. But the most important purpose of royal jelly is to feed the future uterus.
Showing your tongue is not polite. But the doctor can. And you can and even need to. This is necessary for self-diagnosis. What can your own language tell you? Do not forget to regularly stick out your tongue to yourself so as not to miss the signal that everything is not good in the body.
The boy spat to the side like an adult, and proudly took a drag on his cigarette again. He looks eight to nine years old. In the company, he was probably the youngest, and therefore proved in all the ways familiar to him that age is not an obstacle to friendship. At my remark, the boy only smiled mockingly and contemptuously, as criminals do in bad films, and swearing roughly, with an eloquent gesture showed me where I should go to stay safe.
Currently, this formidable disease ranks second in the cause of death, both in our country and around the world. The word "stroke" comes from the Latin "I jump." And it also means "blow", which leads to an acute violation of cerebral circulation, which, in turn, causes damage to brain tissue and disorders of its functions.
The immune system is one of the most important human functional systems, thanks to which our body is able to fight many dangerous environmental factors, including the impact of pathogens. Unfortunately, sometimes the immune system comes into confrontation with substances that do not pose any threat to our health. |
Today, when we have such a frantic pace of life and time is sorely lacking for everyone, we try to do everything as quickly as possible. A few years ago, everyday things, such as cleaning, washing, cooking - took a lot of our time. And everyone dreamed of something that could do all these works, keeping the time spent on them to a minimum.
Tobacco smoking is the most common risk factor for chronic noncommunicable diseases. Over the past decades, there has been no significant downward trend in the number of tobacco smokers. |