Clove oil is used in cosmetology, dentistry, tobacco and perfumery industries. It is also successfully used in medicine - clove oil normalizes blood pressure, protects against infections, relieves pain, accelerates wound healing, etc. Clove essential oil is added to preparations for skin and hair care, anti-cellulite products.
Essential clove oil is used to treat stress and shattered nerves - the active elements that make up its composition are able to warm the body and soothe nervous tremors. Inhaling vapors of clove oil, a person gradually calms down, tension disappears and a gradual recovery of strength begins. Aromatherapy sessions using clove oil are useful every day during periods of physical and mental stress, during exams and preparation for them, after moving or important events in your personal life. If you want to recover faster from a serious illness or surgery, then arrange therapy sessions in the morning and in the evening, followed by relaxation.
Topical application of clove oil helps to cope with various skin diseases - it heals acne, pustular eruptions, boils, scabies and festering wounds. Oil carnation possesses antiseptic and disinfecting properties, therefore it is used to disinfect indoor air during periods of epidemics of viral diseases.
The use of oil is also widespread in the treatment of ailments of the genital area - the substance enhances sexual desire, as it is a natural aphrodisiac. Inhalation of the scent of essential oil of cloves is used in a comprehensive program for the treatment of female infertility, irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
Essential oil can be used in pure or mixed form. For cosmetic purposes, it is combined with honey, lemon, grated vegetables and fruits - the oil enhances the beneficial effect of other components. Clove oil is added to the bath in mixed form - it is dissolved in a small amount of milk or honey, then poured into water along with other essential compounds. For external treatments, make the essential oil less concentrated by diluting it with water. Inside, clove oil is taken together with honey, washed down with plenty of water. Toothache is relieved with a mixture of clove oil and any vegetable oil.
The use of clove oil should be limited to people with blood pressure problems, and it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. If you have signs of increased nervous excitability, then before using clove oil, you should consult a neurologist. When using the oil internally and externally, the dosage should be strictly monitored - the oil can cause burns on the skin and mucous membranes. Before using the oil, a test for the tolerance of the composition should be carried out - lubricate the place at the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction for a day.
Take advantage of the experience of oriental medicine, which has been using clove oil for a long time and everywhere.