This plant, which got its name from the Latin Salvere - to heal, has about 700 species. But the most famous are two - medicinal sage and clary sage. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of sage. The person uses the leaves collected during the flowering period, the roots and the stem.
Sage in medicine
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, did not call sage "sacred herb" for nothing. The leaves of the plant have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent and blood-purifying properties. Both tinctures and decoctions from dried leaves are used. Fresh leaves are applied to tumors, decoctions are used to rinse the mouth with angina, stomatitis, with "sticking" in the corners of the mouth.
In ancient Egypt, after bloody wars, women were ordered to eat sage forcibly. By this means, the rulers raised the birth rate. In addition, the sap of the plant was considered a sure remedy for female infertility.
Tea with the addition of a decoction of the leaves helps to stop lactation. Which is very useful for gradually reducing breastfeeding.
Gastritis, colitis, kidney and liver diseases - sage can be used everywhere in folk medicine! It is used to make an excellent remedy for profuse night sweat, a remedy for hypertension. But, like any medicine, decoctions and infusions should be taken only after consulting a doctor. You cannot self-medicate. After all, as you know, each remedy may have contraindications.
The plant contains up to 2.5% essential oil, which is recognized as the most important medicinal component. It contains cineole, camphor, alkaloids, tannins, ursolic and oleanolic acids.
Sage: culinary uses
In the art of cooking, leaf powder is prized for the bitter-spicy flavor it gives to dishes. Young fresh leaves are used as additives for salads. Vegetable and fish dishes will only benefit from the skillful use of the plant's dried leaf powder.
Fillet of meat, cooked after processing with sage, acquires a delicate and piquant taste, and is easier to digest.
Dry ground leaves are used in the technology of making known types of cheese. In South America, refreshing nectars are made from the roots and young stems of sage. But it should be remembered that sage is a specific seasoning and has a very strong aroma.
Sage: application today
This medicinal plant was grown in pharmaceutical gardens even under Ivan IV. By his order, the Aptekarskaya Izba was created, a kind of pharmaceutical research department of that time. At the behest of the king, the healers and clerks of this institution collected information about all the medicinal plants that were known. "Greek tea", as this plant was called in those days, was not in the last place in the lists of the Pharmaceutical Hut.
In modern gardens, sage is used not only for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, but also for decoration, and to create a "aromatic corner" of the garden. Light green leaves with a grayish tint give a decorative effect to flower arrangements, and the whole flowering bush, especially in sunny weather, exudes a unique aroma.
Sage is an amazing plant that has helped people for many hundreds of years, and continues to be beneficial today.