Neither flu nor colds are treated with antibiotics. Treatment usually focuses on relieving symptoms. Some inevitably accompany these diseases.
In fact, ARI (acute respiratory disease) is one and the same thing. More precisely, the latter is a more modern formulation of the former. The malaise develops gradually: with a runny nose, sore throat, cough. The temperature is usually not very high and does not appear immediately. Bone aches and headaches are rare.
Influenza usually starts suddenly. With a sharp rise in temperature, "colds" symptoms join it, as a rule, later. Usually the flu is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, aching joints, headache. In no case should you carry the flu on your feet, it can develop into bronchitis, otitis media and even pneumonia. To prevent this from happening, you need competent treatment, which will be prescribed by a doctor.
Unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity to see a doctor. Therefore, a minimum of medical knowledge about what we call colds will not hurt anyone.
Cough... All cough medicines are divided into two groups: those that promote sputum discharge and those that suppress the cough syndrome. The latter doctors prescribe with caution, because coughing is a natural way for the body to clear the bronchi from accumulated phlegm, and turning it off can be very dangerous. The main goal of cough treatment is not to suppress it, but to make the phlegm flow better. In addition to expectorant pharmaceutical drugs, radish juice, aloe with honey and butter, viburnum with honey help in this. Decoctions of mint, oregano, coltsfoot, licorice also have expectorant properties.
Temperature indicates that the body has entered the warpath against viruses. In the absence of chronic diseases or complications in the form of an asthmatic component or seizures, it is necessary to bring down the temperature when it exceeds the 38.5 mark. Traditional aspirin and analgin are a thing of the past - due to side effects, they are banned in many countries. And experts advise paying attention to more modern and effective drugs. It is good if the medicine you have chosen will have both antipyretic and analgesic effects, such as nurofen, for example. It will allow you to get rid not only of fever, but also of headaches, and aches in muscles and joints, which are especially common with the flu. In addition to pills, the body will need a plentiful drink: hot tea with raspberries or honey and lemon. As well as warm decoctions of chamomile and linden.
Sore throat... Do not forget to gargle every hour with broths of sage, chamomile, calendula, cooled to room temperature. As for lollipops - they are divided into two groups. The former have, rather, a preventive effect and are sold in kiosks (Tunes, Halls). However, with already frolicking pharyngitis, they are unlikely to help. And the second ones, which are sold by pharmacies, are shown just at the first symptoms of a sore throat ("Strepsils", "Strepfen"). They not only relieve pain, but also contain antiseptic components that kill disease-causing bacteria.
Runny nose... In recent years, doctors have been very worried that with a cold, many abuse vasoconstrictor drugs, which quickly facilitate nasal breathing, but are designed for long-term use. Because they can be addictive. So read the instructions carefully and do not exceed the recommended periods of use. By the way, exactly the same vasoconstrictor effect is possessed by a five-minute hot foot bath... With a short heat exposure, the vessels of the legs expand and "pull" the blood flow towards themselves, and the vessels of the head, accordingly, narrow, and breathing improves. Among folk remedies, the instillation of aloe, Kalanchoe or beet juice, cleansing the nose with a salt composition remains relevant. But onion juice should not be used to make drops, it can injure the mucous membrane.
Vizgalova A.