An unbalanced diet in childhood can lead to increased renal excretion of salts - dysmetabolic nephropathy. Such a disease is dangerous in that its progress can cause inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, and contribute to the formation of stones. But by choosing the right diet, you can avoid these health problems.
It so happens that children love some particular food, someone from childhood gives preference to meat dishes, someone likes dough products more, and someone likes dairy products. Mothers often please their children, feed them what they like the most, without thinking whether it is good or bad. The so-called "meat-eaters" are fed with sausages, sausages, smoked sausages, meat broths, include in the children's diet offal, herring, sprats. But children generally should not eat offal (tongue, lungs, heart, chicken offal) or canned fish.
Children themselves often find signs of kidney disease, who, after visiting the toilet, may be concerned about the color of urine. It is important for parents not to overlook such things. Even at home, they can independently conduct a mini-analysis: having typed the urine into a jar, it is allowed to settle for at least an hour, and then they observe the sediment, which can be white, brown or brick-red. If a brick-red sediment forms in the urine, this indicates the presence of uric acid salts - called urates. Their appearance can be caused precisely by the "carnivorous" diet of the child.
In this case, it is necessary to contact the local pediatrician and undergo an examination (do a urinalysis and ultrasound). The main treatment is diet. The doctor will suggest limiting the consumption of meat, cocoa, canned fish... It is recommended to include in the diet dairy products, fruits, berries, and herbal crops, which include lingonberry, dill, parsley, and strawberry leaves.
Normal urine is usually light yellow or straw yellow in color. If there is an increased release of oxalic acid salts (oxalates), then there is a clouding of urine, it becomes opaque. In such cases, doctors advise to exclude from the children's diet or significantly limit the consumption of chocolate, cocoa, sour fruits and berries, which contain a lot of ascorbic acid (citrus fruits, currant, rosehip). Instead, it is recommended to prioritize sweet fruits and white bread. And also take, as prescribed by a doctor, herbal teas containing knotweed, corn silk, peppermint, strawberry leaves.
Children who grow up in the village on a cow milk and dairy products, too many salts of phosphate acid - phosphates may be supplied with food. It is phosphates that color urine white, and a white sediment may appear at the bottom of the vessel, which, when dried, feels like a roughness to the touch. In this case, doctors recommend a diet that includes meat, acidic foods, vegetables, and herbal teas from lingonberry, madder dyeing, parsley, bearberry and burdock. For the prevention and elimination of urate salts, phosphates and oxalates from the child's body, the doctor may recommend mineral water.
If you do not pay attention to the salts in the kidneys, to the symptoms, to the child's diet, then this can lead to the formation of so-called "kidney stones". And this leads, in turn, to inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, inflammation of the urethra. Because of the "stones", people subsequently develop diseases that lead to high blood pressure, swelling of the face and legs, chronic renal failure.The vessels of the brain and heart suffer from kidney damage. Hypertension associated with kidney disease is virtually untreatable, which is why it is so important to prevent the formation of stones.
Asya Novikova