This topic provides information:

Basic concepts and composition of milk.
Skimmed milk, buttermilk and whey.
Ionic milk.
Milk processing at home.
Milk and fermented milk products.

Milk is rightfully considered one of the wonders on Earth. For its high nutritional value it was called “white blood”, “elixir of life”, “source of health”, “juice of life”.

Milk is formed from those substances that enter the mammary gland along with the blood. Something new is formed from the constituent parts of the mother's blood, which is necessary to maintain the life that has just arisen. Therefore, physiologically, milk is designed to satisfy all the needs of a living organism.

Milk was widely used as an antidote for poisoning. Milk is able to normalize metabolism, it is useful for people working with radioactive and toxic substances. Milk is also useful for the majority of the population of large industrial cities. And for residents of rural areas, it is often one of the main consumer products.

In terms of the richness and diversity of its chemical composition, milk is far superior to any other food. It contains over a hundred different substances, including more than 30 fatty acids, 20 amino acids, 3 types of milk sugar, 15 vitamins, 40 minerals, carbohydrates, various enzymes, hormones, pigments and other substances necessary for the body to maintain normal life. This characterizes milk and products derived from it as the most complete and easily digestible.

Milk contains the largest amount of water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins and mineral salts. In addition, milk and dairy products contain significant amounts of vitamins A and B.

Water ensures the dissolution of a number of important substances in milk (milk sugar, mineral salts, water-soluble vitamins and other substances), the formation of a colloidal system that allows it to be pasteurized, sterilized, poured into various dishes, consumed as a liquid product and a soft drink.

Milk proteins are the most valuable constituents of milk. They are healthier than proteins in meat and fish and are digested faster. The main role of proteins is to create new cells and tissues in young growing organisms and to restore obsolete cells in adults.

The composition of milk minerals includes salts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, lactic, sulfuric, citric, hydrochloric acids. Calcium and phosphorus are the main trace elements involved in the formation of bone tissue. Phosphorus is involved in numerous physiological processes, including carbohydrate metabolism, and is also required for muscle contraction. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity and normalizes the work of the heart muscle. Potassium is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, and is also necessary for muscle contraction. Sodium increases the activity of digestive enzymes and promotes the penetration of carbohydrates and amino acids into cells.

Vitamin A - retinol - promotes the growth and development of the body, as well as the normal function of the epithelium of the mucous membranes and skin and increases the body's resistance to infections. Retinol strengthens vision, supports cholesterol metabolism, strengthens the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin B1 - thiamine - anti-neurotic. It increases working capacity and is necessary for a person in excess amount during hard mental and physical work.Vitamin B2 - riboflavin - is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, stomach, normalizes vision, affects the growth and development of the fetus, participates in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, in the processes of tissue respiration, promotes growth and weight gain, especially in children, as well as in synthesis of hemoglobin. Vitamin PP (B3) - nicotinamide is a specific agent that improves carbohydrate metabolism, has a vasodilatory effect and has a positive effect on hemodynamics. Nicotinamide improves the functional capacity of the liver through a detoxifying effect, stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, and also regulates the level of cholesterol and lipoproteins.

Milk contains carbohydrates in the form of milk sugar - lactose. Lactose, decomposing in the intestines to lactic acid, creates an acidic environment that inhibits the reproduction of putrefactive and promotes the development of acidophilic microbes, which is especially important for infants. Milk sugar also promotes better absorption of calcium, which prevents the development of rickets in children.
Milk fat, like other dietary fats, is primarily a rich source of energy for the human body. Milk fat is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it favorably from other fats of animal and vegetable origin. It has a low melting point - 27-35o C. It is lower than the temperature of the human body. Due to this, fat passes into the human intestine in a liquid state and is easier to digest.

In the process of processing milk into butter, cheese, cream, sour cream and cottage cheese, a lot of skim milk, buttermilk and whey remain. These products are sometimes incorrectly referred to as “by-products”. In fact, they are highly nutritional. Their average chemical composition is shown in Table 8.

The number of these products is quite large. Special calculations have shown that about 30 million tons of them are produced annually. This amount of skim milk, buttermilk and whey contains more than 2.2 million tons of dry matter. They include about 13,000 g of milk fat, 932 thousand tons of milk protein, 1 million 200 thousand g of milk sugar and more than 200 g of vitamins. In order to understand more tangibly what this means, it is enough to report that the entire vitamin industry of our country produces about 50 g of vitamins per year. This is 4 times less than the vitamin content in these products. In terms of their nutritional value, all these products are equivalent to 8 million tons of meat in carcass weight; it is known that many wonderful food products can be made from skim milk, buttermilk and whey. They are useful even without special processing, just in pasteurized form. Let's take a look at the nutritional benefits of each of these foods. Skimmed milk. It is very useful for people who need to limit the use of fats, ie, with atherosclerosis, obesity, liver disease, diarrhea, etc. It contains a lot of vitamins and mineral salts.

Of return you can also produce many different products: protein milk, miner's drinks, milk chocolate drinks, diet drinks with ice cream, tea drinks, raspberry drinks, honey drinks, etc. You can also make acidophilic yeast milk from skim milk, kumis, milk-protein paste, unleavened cottage cheese, Belarusian blade cheese, berry, fruit, nuts, etc.

Buttermilk... This product is obtained from the production of oil. Buttermilk is an excellent remedy for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It differs from other products in the richness of lecithin. Buttermilk is very useful for people with atherosclerosis and hypertension. It is also very helpful for those with bowel disorders.

In addition, the following buttermilk products are produced in our country: amateur milk, fermented milk dessert drink, school drinks, dietary and acidophilic drinks, belgus creamy product, pasteurized and dietary cottage cheese, dietary and soft cheeses.

Serum... It can be sour (when making cottage cheese) and sweet (when making cheese). Serum is also a very healthy product. It contains the most complete milk proteins - albumin and globulin. It can be used instead of milk in the first, second and third courses. You can also make many different products from whey - milk kvass, food and okroshky kvass, birch and amateur carbonated drinks, milk champagne, beer, cheese paste, albumin-curd cheeses, albumin milk for children.

In recent years, products from skim milk, buttermilk and whey with the addition of vegetable fats have been mastered in our country and abroad. These include special, acidophilic, dietary and Almaty milk, Kazakhstani cottage cheese, dietary cheese, Dzhambul cheese. The technology of cheese with the addition of vegetable oil has also been developed in our republic.

This relatively new dairy product is intended for feeding infants. A way has long been sought to change the properties of cow's milk in order to bring it closer to that of a woman's. For this purpose, milk was diluted with decoctions. However, this decreased the nutritional value of milk. Without dilution, the child's body was unable to digest cow's milk. The reason for this was that it contains mainly protein, casein. Proteins, similar to the protein of human milk, it contains a small amount. As a result, when cow's milk coagulates in the baby's ventricle, a rough, difficult-to-digest clot quickly forms. In this regard, cow's milk, being complete in terms of the amino acid content, was inaccessible for an infant.

Special studies have found that the nature of protein curdling depends on the ratio of casein and calcium in milk. A new special treatment method - ion exchange - managed to change this ratio for the better. It turned out to be sufficient to remove 20-22% calcium from milk and replace it with an equivalent amount of sodium and potassium in order to change the curdling nature of milk casein in the right direction. At the same time, the acidity of milk is reduced to 16-17 degrees, and the curdling time is lengthened, and delicate flakes are formed, like when curdling breast milk.

In the process of processing with cation exchangers, the content of vitamin B in milk is somewhat reduced. But this is easy to compensate. All other nutritional properties of milk are fully preserved. In ion-exchange milk add 3% sugar, better than purified lactose. As a result, 100 g of the product contains 80-85 calories. At present, the technology of ion exchange milk powder and kefir has also been mastered. These products are successfully used to feed sick and weak children.



Milk cleaning aims to remove visible mechanical impurities (particles of feed, litter, wool, etc.) by filtering the milk when draining. As a strainer, you can use cotton filters, flannel, cheesecloth folded in three or four layers, nets made of synthetic fabrics (lavsan, nylon, etc.). Milk cleaning is more convenient to carry out using a special sieve - strainer.

Cooling... In order to preserve milk, it should be cooled as soon as possible after milking. At home, in summer, milk is cooled in glaciers or cellars using prepared ice, as well as in cold water (well, spring).
The best way to preserve milk is to refrigerate it in your home refrigerator. Milk chilled to + 10 ° C can be stored for up to 24 hours, and at + 5 ° C for up to 36 hours.

For long-term storage in the winter, as well as in the presence of low-temperature refrigerators, milk can be frozen. To preserve the structure of the milk, the layering method is recommended for freezing. Milk is poured into special dishes (baking sheets) with a layer of 2-3 cm, after it freezes, a new layer is poured, etc. Frozen milk is stored at low temperatures.

Pasteurization... The main changes in milk after milking occur under the influence of microflora, which causes its sourness and the appearance of various defects that are dangerous to human health. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules for obtaining milk significantly reduces its bacterial contamination.

To combat microflora, milk is neutralized using high temperature (pasteurization, boiling, sterilization). Pasteurization destroys 99% of microorganisms, with the exception of spores, boiling - part of the spores, and sterilization - all spores.

When heated, the gases dissolved in it evaporate from milk, proteins (albumin and globulins) coagulate and precipitate, enzymes are destroyed, some of the mineral salts precipitate, etc. Heating to a temperature of 80 ° C and above gives milk a special taste and aroma ... When boiling, these changes intensify, valuable substances are lost within 15-20%, therefore there is no need to boil milk, especially pasteurized milk, without special need.

At home, milk can be subjected to long-term pasteurization at a temperature of 63-65 ° C for 20-30 minutes, and then cooled. For the purpose of pasteurization, it is better to place milk in water preheated to a boil. With this mode of pasteurization in milk, there are minimal changes in quality. Milk can be pasteurized by heating up to 72-74 ° C with exposure for 30-60 s or up to 85-87 ° C without exposure. In case of contamination of pasteurized (boiled) milk again by microflora, it deteriorates faster than raw milk and becomes bitter.

Preparing baked milk. Boil the milk, pour it into a lined earthenware dish or cast iron and put in an oven or oven for 1.5-2 hours. The resulting froths from fat and proteins should be periodically immersed in milk. When the milk acquires the appropriate creamy color, the heating process is stopped, then the milk is cooled.

Separation... Milk is subjected to separation to obtain cream of any fat content. For home processing of milk, the industry produces small separators with a capacity of 30 to 100 liters per hour with a manual electric drive (Saturn, Volga, Ural, Plava, etc.). It is recommended to install them in a heated room on the edge of a stable table or on a special stand vertically without distortions (using a plumb line and level). The assembly, disassembly and maintenance of the separator is carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer upon sale.

Separate strained and fresh milk, preferably fresh milk; cold milk must be heated to 30-35 ° C. Pasteurized or boiled milk is processed much worse, there are large fat losses. Gauze (in 2-3 layers) or other acceptable (lavsan, nylon) fabric is preliminarily tied to the separator receiver, through which milk is filtered during its filling. Then slowly and smoothly, gradually increasing the speed, rotate the handle of the separator to 60-65 rpm. The electrically driven separator is connected to the network. When it reaches the required number of revolutions (they will know about this by stopping the signaling by the bell), the receiver tap is opened, and the milk begins to pass into the drum for separation. To keep the process continuous, milk is periodically poured into the receiver. The fat content of the cream is adjusted by turning the cream screw with a square hole. When turned to the right, it is screwed in and the fat content of the cream increases, and vice versa.
At the end of separation, up to 1 liter of skim milk (skim milk) is poured into the receiver and, without turning (or turning off) the apparatus, wait until the return flows from the cream cone. This means that all the milk fat has been removed from the drum and the tap on the receiver must be turned off. After skimming the milk, the dishes and the separator drum are disassembled, washed with cold water, warm soda solution (0.5%) and clean water. Separator parts are laid out on the table to dry. The rubber ring is washed in clean water and dried.The plastic parts of the separator cannot be stored at subzero temperatures, they become brittle, in order to avoid darkening, it is not recommended to dry them near a stove or in bright sunlight.

Milk is not sufficiently separated (skimmed) if it has a low temperature or is poorly cleaned of mechanical impurities, as well as if the drum is not assembled correctly, its nut is loosely tightened or it is low set (the cream partially gets into the return), the drain screw is not adjusted or its hole is clogged ...

Milk or return flows out of the separator in case of poor fastening of the drum nut, damage to the rubber ring, low fit of the drum (return falls under the horn), incorrect installation of the ring, float or blockage of the float chamber tube. The separator trembles, and extraneous noises appear in it if it is poorly fixed on the table, when the rotation transmission system is worn out.

The performance of the separator decreases when the tube of the float chamber is clogged, when the receiver valve is not opened sufficiently, when milk is acidified (spaces between the plates are clogged), and lubricating oil is contaminated.

Home pantry
Comp. V. Dontsov, V. Baklanov, V. Brodov, N. Mikhailov. -
Moscow: Sunday, 1992 .-- 432 p.
You can also read about milk and fermented milk products here: Different milk, cream
Quote: Admin
For long-term storage in the winter, as well as in the presence of low-temperature refrigerators, milk can be frozen.

Oh, how interesting !!!

And then how to properly defrost it in the refrigerator?

And milk soup / porridge will turn out from it, right?

Does the milk texture change after defrosting?

Why didn't I freeze it, but somehow I didn't get to freezing milk ...

Although sometimes relevant, yes ...

Tanechka, very grateful for the information !!!

I have never frozen milk, I can't say anything.
But, I suspect that such products as milk, cottage cheese, sour cream should be defrosted only in the refrigerator at a low temperature and slowly.
Cottage cheese, soft cheese change their structure, become grains and drier (soft cheese gives whey, and crumbs), I don't like this, so I let it go for heat treatment, for cheese cakes and the like.

Try to freeze yourself small portion, then defrost and look at the result, cook a test portion of porridge - then you yourself will understand and evaluate the result
When I was little, my grannies bought frozen milk from the market, it was frozen in such flat circles. Then the milk was put at room temperature, and then it was necessarily boiled. And that's all, it turned out to be ordinary milk.
I still remember, the market, ruddy aunt, always with oversleeves, and such circles lie one on top of the other on the oilcloth.
It was in Siberia in winter, of course.
I now have another topic that is relevant, but apparently it is very possible to freeze milk,

because, for example, breastfeeding is frozen in special bags and can be stored for up to a year (depending on temperature), but it is recommended up to 3 months, and then defrosting to feed the children. And now all mothers are advised to have such a frozen product in stock in case of illness or a long absence.

Quote: Lerele

When I was little, my grannies bought frozen milk from the market, it was frozen in such flat circles. Then the milk was put at room temperature, and then it was necessarily boiled. And that's all, it turned out to be ordinary milk.
I still remember the market, my aunt is ruddy, always with oversleeves, and on the oilcloth such circles lie one on top of the other.
It was in Siberia in winter, of course.

Lerele, girls - in those distant times, apparently so much nastiness was not thrown into milk, and grandmothers in oversleeves poured whole natural milk And now, it is not clear that we freeze
Quote: Admin
Try to freeze a small portion yourself, then defrost and look at the result, cook a test portion of porridge - then you yourself will understand and evaluate the result

Gorgeous, I'm not afraid of this word, advice, Tanyusha !!!

And I will definitely follow him !!!

Thank you !!!

Quote: kil
apparently it is very possible to freeze milk

Well, how, how could I forget about it ?!

Exactly, Irish !!!

So Korovkino is also possible !!!

Girls , thank you very much for your participation !!!
Irina F
Friends, help me figure it out please!
So! Given: homemade cow's milk.
Milk does not turn sour for a long time. Even when I put it in a warm place, for cottage cheese, I have to wait a long time.
I fill it with kefir fungus, it does not ferment! That is, it turns out like this - it costs almost a day and only a liquid substance, and then immediately it looks like stratification of milk into whey and white flakes! I will say that I have been taking milk for several months, before kefir was perfectly fermented!
The cream was skimmed from the milk, and after a few days it began to taste bitter. Previously, this also did not exist!
The sister, who at first also made kefir from this milk on the fungus, complains that kefir is not fermented! I tried the store-fermented.
I want to understand what is wrong with milk, should I take it further? Or look for a new thrush?
Look for a new thrush. If the milk is bitter, it means something is wrong with the cow. Wormwood gives bitterness sometimes, but this does not interfere with fermentation. Either the cow has to go to launch, or she has a disease.
IRINA, maybe the cow is sick and is being treated with antibiotics

I have been freezing milk for a long time! if anyone comes, be sure to almost top up the bottle, then squeeze and tighten the lid ... it will inflate in the freezer to its usual appearance, and when thawing, the milk will not leak from under the lid ...... I now have 6 boxes of dairy products frozen - milk, fat-free cottage cheese, small fat cottage cheese, butter
And I constantly freeze the whey in plastic bottles that remains after making the cheese. Great for pancakes. And yes, he inflates the bottles in the freezer, I also don't add a little.
Quote: Irina F
Milk does not turn sour for a long time

Irina, do you buy fresh milk? If so, let it sit in cold (not ice cold) water for a couple of hours in the kitchen, and only then put it in the refrigerator.
Natural lactic acid bacteria live in milk, they need to multiply during this time (two hours) in order to increase the acidity of milk. Lactic acid bacteria protect milk from pathogenic oil bacteria that give bitterness, but lactic acid bacteria die in the cold, and butyric acid bacteria, on the contrary, multiply in the cold, such milk does not sour for a long time. In the refrigerator, T must be at least 5-6 C *
Girls, and I constantly freeze milk - purchased in plastic bags (we buy milk for a week, or even more, since we rarely go to the city for shopping). I defrost it as necessary. If needed faster, then at room temperature. If I'm not in a hurry, then in the refrigerator. Only in any case, then, after defrosting, the package must be shaken and turned over several times to mix the contents. If this is not done, then first a light liquid will pour out of the bag, and then the milk itself. And if you shake the bag before cutting off the corner, then the milk will be the same as before freezing.
Quote: Irina F
I want to understand what is wrong with milk, should I take it further? Or look for a new thrush?
I would take a sample of fresh milk for analysis to the regional veterinary station. If you explain the situation to laboratory assistants, they will do the analysis in your presence, for a price, of course.

Quote: NataliARH
maybe the cow is sick and is being treated with antibiotics
And the first thing that occurred to me was the same.
When treated with antibiotics, milk turns sour perfectly (and does not necessarily taste bitter), bitterness may be from the fact that the cow is covered (it will be bitter for a while and will pass, but it can taste bitter for a long time). Try to boil immediately and then ferment, it helps. But I had a case that the milk became tainted 4 months after calving in a non-pregnant cow and could not do anything, I had to kill. Some cows have this.I myself have a cow, so I know firsthand.
Irina F
My milkmaid has not one cow, but 4! She mixes milk, so she told me. When I decided to take milk from her, I went and looked at the cows, all clean, clean barns, she treats the cows with such love!
lover, Love, I've heard that kefir fungus doesn't like boiling, that's why it didn't boil! But now I'll try!
Also, here's the situation: I made baked milk in the oven. When the milk stuck and then cooled down on the entire surface, such yellow clots formed, as if butter had frozen. Is that how it should be?

Ira, also pay attention, milk can taste bitter in spring (not always, and not everywhere, but it can), when cows are taken out to feed on fresh grass, this is what they will eat on the ground, right down to dandelions - this taste will be, maybe bitter and sour immediately, even very fresh. I've already passed it

Irina! Boil milk before fermentation !! No fungus!
Irina, this oil is yellowish. And regarding that there are 4 cows and she mixes milk, it may turn out that the cow is pregnant and her milk spoils everything else. And the cows have not yet been taken out to the field, there is no grass, they do not eat the land, it is cold, the wind, and mastitis does not take long to earn.
Irina F
About milk
This is what milk fermented with kefir fungus looks like (
I repeat that I used to make kefir and everything worked out great!
Ira, such a look, as if the curdled milk stood in the warmth, and started up the whey. It happens to me when I leave milk with mushroom for a long time on the table, and I do not have time to put it in the refrigerator.

Now I began to act differently: I leave the mushroom in milk right on the table, only for the night in fresh milk (from about 10-12 in the evening and until 8-9 in the morning) and in the morning you can already see that there are pits with serum on top. Immediately I put the jug of milk in the refrigerator on the upper shelf until it is completely fermented - I like thick kefir so that I can take it in layers with a spoon. And in the evening, I wash the mushroom and put it in new milk.

I also drew attention to such a nuance and I don't know how to explain it:
I bought 2-3 liter packets of fresh whole milk (which I constantly buy).
And she began to make curdled in two ceramic jugs, a liter of milk - so we eat it faster, and there is always a liter of fresh yogurt. One jug stands with ready-made yogurt, and in the second one is still preparing - right on the milk conveyor
So, from the same milk, in one jug of yogurt, it turns out gorgeous, in layers, as we like. And in the other, nothing turns out as there was liquid milk, and it remained, only it became sour.

At first I sinned on the quality of milk. But, I repeated the fermentation and got the same result, only yesterday I received sour milk instead of yogurt. At night, I put the mushroom in another jug ​​- and this morning I got a gorgeous yogurt already in the refrigerator.

I washed the jug and put it away until better times, for other purposes
Tatyana, and not cold to the fungus in the refrigerator? Or is he so tempered? Otherwise, I always try to keep it at room temperature, even heat milk from the refrigerator before fermentation. And before putting the fungus into the refrigerator, do you stir it? Is your top shelf the warmest place? It is often incomprehensible to me when a shelf is mentioned, since freezers, and, accordingly, cold or warmer shelves, are in different places.
Erhan-Light, different refrigerators set the temperature on the shelves in different ways, you need to look at this in the passport. My Liebcher has the cold shelves below. And on the upper ones there are also 8-12 * this is quite normal for vegetables, cottage cheese, milk and other things, where cold is not needed.
Or you can measure T * with the thermometer itself and decide.

The mushroom is feeling quite well and has even become "fat", it grows in breadth very successfully
Initially, with a new filling, I always heat the milk to a very warm, room temperature, and dip the washed mushroom in a bag into it - and so it stands on my table until the milk is sour, to the kefir. And then in the refrigerator for ripening.
I don't mix the finished yogurt, I don't see the point, I like to put yogurt in a glass with a spoon and so that it is thick and lay down in layers. And the mushroom in my milk floats in a gauze bag, so I'm not afraid to eat or fry it

Here, here I have already shown my grown fat man
Tatyana, Thank you. I was interested in the idea with a bag. Do you rinse right in the bag? This is probably more practical than a plastic strainer with a wooden spoon.

I wash it right in the bag. It is completely free, a place for the growth of the fungus is left and is well washed from all sides, rinsed with drinking water from the filter. And of course, I periodically transfer the mushroom to a new bag.
Irina F
Tatyana, unfortunately, this is not over-stale yogurt!
Since I clearly understand how fermentation with kefir fungus occurs. And before it happened constantly and regularly. I left milk at room temperature with a fungus in the kitchen (23-24 degrees), thick kefir was fermented until the first whey bubbles appeared.
Now this is what is happening: the milk stands and does not think to ferment, just sour milk of a liquid consistency, like ordinary milk, and then again, and everything exfoliated, fell apart (I hope she explained it clearly).
Tatyana, I've read that the fungus is just afraid to be in milk and in the refrigerator! But, I trust the expert and will definitely try it!
Now I brought another batch of milk, I will ferment tomorrow.
Today I have already put the store! Children just demand kefir, and failures haunt me!
The most important thing is that this has happened more than once, but recently 5 times already! I'm tired of pouring out this mass, well, it's a pity for milk, of course!
Quote: Irina F

Tatyana, unfortunately, this is not over-stale yogurt!
Since I clearly understand how fermentation with kefir fungus occurs. And before it happened constantly and regularly. I left milk at room temperature with a fungus in the kitchen (23-24 degrees), thick kefir was fermented until the first whey bubbles appeared.
Now this is what is happening: the milk stands and does not think to ferment, just sour milk of a liquid consistency, like ordinary milk, and then again, and everything peeled off, opened up (I hope she explained it clearly).
Tatyana, I've read that the fungus is just afraid to be in milk and in the refrigerator! But, I trust the expert and will definitely try it!
I just brought another batch of milk, I will ferment tomorrow.
Today I have already put the store! Children just demand kefir, and failures haunt me!
The most important thing is that this has happened more than once, but recently 5 times already! I'm tired of pouring out this mass, well, it's a pity for milk, of course!

Oh, Ira, it is difficult to give advice when you don't know much about it - it's me about myself
I also act on a whim, according to my own observations, although I read a lot of books, and it seems like everything is clearly written - but this is what is called "theory"

I also had this when the milk stood for a day, but it remained liquid (but sour), then I put it together with the mushroom in the refrigerator for another day - the yogurt turns out, though thin, and there are no layers that can be taken with a spoon. On the table, to leave the dishes warm, this means the milk will peroxide in two days. Or, like me, the mushroom doesn't like dishes? Why does milk turn out well in one jug, but does not want to ferment in another? Although one batch of milk

Ira, in the book I read somewhere such a phrase that you can put the mushroom in the refrigerator. And moreover, according to my observations, he is there, well, he feels very well, swimming in milk. The main condition for the excellent mood of the mushroom and its well-being is that the mushroom must be clean, must be white, and grow well in volume. This condition is very well observed for me, which means the mushroom is healthy and its life is beautiful. I gave a link to its appearance above.

Irisha, I will try again to take a walk in my book, see if I'm reading new things that I haven't paid attention to before

Quote: Admin
you can put the mushroom in the refrigerator
I have a mushroom in the refrigerator, in water, it lived for a very long time, I regularly washed it and filled it with water again, sometimes I could pour a little milk (so that it would cover the mushroom) for a few days too, then washed it and again in water. In short, it is indestructible. mushroom, and grows like a blown-up (only had time to plant), it seems to me that he tolerates the summer heat worse than a refrigerator
Irina F
TanyushThank you for delving into my dairy problems!
You really have a fungus, it looks great - it means he lives at ease!
Today I went to my milkmaid, told her about the situation, she also does not understand anything why this is happening!
She said she gave me milk from one cow, lunch milking. True, I did not specify whether she always gave me milk from one cow or earlier she could give mixed ...
Today I took mixed milk from her morning milking.
She called me back later, worried!

Ira, to your health! Say hello to the mushroom, let it work, stick it!
There is one more way out, you can check its effectiveness in this situation. Pasteurize milk to 85 * C, cool to 32-35 * C and then add the mushroom. It seems to me that it should help.
My thoughts about a sick cow and the treatment of her antibiotics, you wrote that you prepared baked milk, it turned out to be normal, it did not curdle during a long boil, which means milk from a completely healthy cow. Otherwise, the milk will curdle, if not all, then some will curdle.
Irina F
Quote: Admin
Ira, to your health! Say hello to the mushroom, let it work, stick it!
Margarita, yes, I will definitely try to do so!
As for the sick cow: the milkmaid, when I asked about the sick cow, was very sincerely indignant! She said that she constantly checks the cows, they take tests every six months, they constantly check for mastitis! She said that when a cow is sick, she always pours out milk.
Quote: Irina F
She said that when a cow is sick, she always pours out milk.

Yes, after intracisternal injection of antibiotics into the udder, the next 6 milkings are poured out.
Irina F
Came with a report!
Yesterday I put store-bought milk Prostokvashino on kefir - today it is absolutely thick kefir (I have never had this!).
Also yesterday I put a glass of homemade milk with a spoonful of homemade sour cream - today the yogurt turned out, though not thick.
What conclusion did I make - I have to pasteurize milk all the same!
I will try!
Irina F, it is necessary to pasteurize, I am afraid of raw milk - you can get too serious byaki from it, but about the fact that homemade milk does not have thick kefir - can you try to take milk from another milkmaid?
Quote: Irina F

Came with a report!
Yesterday I put store-bought milk Prostokvashino on kefir - today it is absolutely thick kefir (I have never had this!).
Also yesterday I put a glass of homemade milk with a spoonful of homemade sour cream - today the yogurt turned out, though not thick.
What conclusion did I make - I must, all the same, pasteurize milk!
I will try!

I already wrote about the ceramics unloved by the mushroom, the milk turned out to be thick, sour, but yogurt as such did not work out - I took out the mushroom, and left the milk right on the table for another day, it turned out yogurt that was needed
Girls, help with the problem. They transferred three liters of milk from the village, put it on the stove and wanted to cook porridge, but it curled up. Divided into liquid and curd-like mass. Where can you use it now?
Natalia, nothing new can be invented here, as usual, boil the cottage cheese to a completely separated whey (so that it is greenish-yellowish, and not milky, this means you still need to hold it on the stove), drain it, use it like cottage cheese or press it in a suspended form, getting a semblance cheese, or boil melted cheese from cottage cheese
well, whey, it will be 2.5l approximately in pancakes, pancakes, bread, so drink (if you can) or add to drinks, in okroshka, and freeze the excess
Natalia, and there are no accidentally very small children? you can make a curd for them, such a creamy, tender ... catch the curd curds, filter the leftovers, beat the curds with the addition of whey with a submersible blender until a creamy consistency, it will be 6 servings from 3 liters of milk, eat one, leave one for later, freeze the rest in portions
children are not allowed to eat low-fat foods, so such cottage cheese from whole milk is the most useful for them! well, older children do not need to whip, make ordinary cottage cheese ... you can then cook a curd mass from it if they just don't eat cottage cheese)
Natasha, there are no small children. Have grown up already. I made cottage cheese, and left the whey for the bread. How do you make processed cheese from cottage cheese?
It's a pity for such cottage cheese for cheese, fat, tasty ..... but the truth is, the cheese made from it is better .... there are many recipes on the site, I will send my method to the drug, that is not on the topic)))
Girls, help me figure out what's the matter - I'm buying homemade milk. Always with the same people. Taste satisfied, fatty, but not too much.
I decided to make condensed milk out of it - only when it acquires a brownish color it curls up and in the cold such caramel is separated from above, I will lower the water ...
tried three times - same effect

wondered - is everything all right with the milk? I give it to children
About the quality of market milk. Tricks of the sellers.

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