Well, again, I'm with the zoogleies. Where I downloaded it from, I don't even remember. Probably with Aromarty again.
Tibetan milk mushroom
This wonderful discovery happened many millennia ago. Buddhist monks who lived in Tibet noticed that milk is fermented differently in their clay pots: in some vessels, which the monks usually washed in mountain running water, yogurt was obtained of one quality, and in other vessels, which the monks usually washed in mountain ponds and lakes , the curdled milk was obtained of a different quality, and much more pleasant to the taste. Moreover, a particularly strong healing effect of the last yogurt on the functioning of the human body (liver, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, heart, etc.) was noticed. Over time, cluster-like protein compounds began to appear in this yogurt, which savvy Tibetan monks found worthy use in medicine and cosmetics.
The yogurt, which was obtained thanks to the vital activity of these protein "clusters", the monks called the elixir of youth, because people who drank it systematically did not grow old for a very long time, practically did not get sick and were always in excellent shape. With the help of protein "bunches" practically any milk was fermented: cow, goat, sheep, horse. The result was always great: the resulting drink extended youth and healthy life. This is how the "living medicine" was discovered, which we call today "Tibetan milk mushroom".
For centuries, this milk mushroom was kept in strict secrecy by the peoples of Tibet. It appeared in Russia quite recently, only in the 19th century.
One of the key problems on the way to eternal youth, unfading health and, possibly, immortality is the problem of food rotting in the human gastrointestinal tract. The trouble is that most of our diet today is "mortified" food. The rotting products of such food entering our body are those poisons that sharply shorten our life and ultimately kill us from the inside. In this sense, it can be argued that death was invented by the person himself. This has already been discussed in more detail in the section "What are the benefits of a" live medicine "for people?
And, imagine, the Tibetan milk mushroom is that elixir of life, which can almost perfectly help us in solving this problem (almost, because some people have already managed to clog their bodies so much that irreversible changes have occurred in it) ...
Kefir, obtained by fermenting ordinary milk with this live fungus, brings the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in full order, eliminating a lot of other problems of our body along the way (see below). Moreover, it neutralizes and removes from our body the very poisons that are formed as a result of food putrefaction in the intestines and which are absorbed into the bloodstream before it is taken and poison absolutely all cells through the blood vessels.
The Tibetan milk mushroom easily removes a bunch of other trash from the human body: the remains of antibiotics, synthetic tablets and other "gifts" from the pharmaceutical industry; compounds of heavy metals that enter our body along with the city air, and sometimes with water from the city water supply; radionuclides; salts deposited in the joints; he also dissolved "stones" from the kidneys and gallbladder; pathogenic, pathogenic microorganisms; other compounds hazardous to our health.
Tibetan milk mushroom is today the most powerful and at the same time the only natural antibiotic that is absolutely harmless and absolutely safe for the human body. This is stated by the researchers and doctors themselves.
Tibetan Milk Mushroom is by far the most powerful natural remedy for any allergy. Moreover, he completely cures it by eliminating the very causes of this disease.
It is worth briefly listing some other great advantages of this wonderful "living medicine". Tibetan milk mushroom stops the liming of capillary walls; cleans blood vessels; normalizes appetite; heals ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract; breaks down fats and reduces weight in case of obesity; resolves tumors; relieves fatigue; increases tone and performance; rejuvenates the skin; strengthens hair; protects the intestinal flora from the death of beneficial bacteria; when taken together with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, it smooths out their numerous side effects; lowers blood sugar levels; normalizes blood pressure; rejuvenates every cell of the human body; restores and strengthens "masculine strength" (potency).
1. All types of allergies.
2. All cardiovascular diseases.
3. Hypertension of any origin.
4. Benign tumors.
5. All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including ulcers, dysbiosis, etc.).
6. Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
7. Cancer (prevention and pre-initial stage).
8. Diseases of the lungs and respiratory system (including tuberculosis).
9. Kidney disease.
10. Diabetes mellitus (cannot be combined with insulin !!!).
11. Diseases of the joints.
12. Infectious diseases.
TOTAL: the same kind of hundred diseases are recruited as in the case of sea rice, so it makes no sense to list the same thing twice
100 grams of kefir, obtained by fermenting ordinary milk with Tibetan milk mushroom, contains:
(1) Vitamin A - from 0.04 to 0.12 mg (a person's daily requirement is about 1.5 - 2 mg, 0);
(2) Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - about 0.1 mg (a person's daily requirement is about 1.4 mg, 0);
(3) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - from 0.15 to 0.3 mg (a person's daily requirement is about 1.5 mg, 0);
(4) Carotenoids that are converted in the body into vitamin A - from 0.02 to 0.06 mg;
(5) Niacin (PP) - about 1 mg (the daily requirement for a person is about 18 mg, 0);
(6) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - up to 0.1 mg (a person's daily requirement is about 2 mg, 0);
(7) Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) - about 0.5 mg (a person's daily requirement is about 3 mg, 0);
(8) Calcium - 120mg (a person's daily requirement is about 800mg, 0);
(9) Iron - about 0.1 - 0.2 mg (a person's daily requirement is from 0.5 to 2 mg, 0); it is worth noting that the higher the fat content of this kefir, the higher the iron content in it;
(10) Iodine - about 0.006 mg (a person's daily requirement is about 0.2 mg, 0);
(11) Zinc - about 0.4 mg (a person's daily requirement is about 15 mg, 0); it is also worth noting that this kefir stimulates the absorption of zinc already present in the body;
(12) Folic acid - 20% more than milk; it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the fatter the kefir, the more folic acid it contains;
(13) lactic acid bacteria (lactobacillus, 0);
(14) yeast-like microorganisms (not to be confused with nutritional yeast !!! Modern research has shown that nutritional yeast added to bakery and confectionery products promotes the development of cancer cells and suppresses healthy cells in the body, 0);
(15) alcohol;
(16) many enzymes useful for the human body, acids (including carbon dioxide), easily digestible proteins, polysaccharides, as well as vitamin D.
Comments on the chemical composition of the infusion (kefir) of the Tibetan milk mushroom:
Folic acid is of great importance in slowing the aging of the human body and protecting it from cancer; necessary for blood renewal and antibodies production; especially important during pregnancy.
Calcium is essential for the nervous system, teeth and bones, a remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis.
Iron is essential for nails, skin and hair, and prevents depression, sleep disorders and learning difficulties.
Vitamin A is necessary for the skin and mucous membranes, prevents the development of cancer and infectious diseases, as well as visual impairment.
Vitamin D strengthens teeth and bones, inhibits the development of inflammatory processes, and increases concentration.
Thiamin (vitamin B1) prevents nervous disorders, in high doses it has analgesic properties.
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is a guarantee of cheerfulness and good mood.
Niacin prevents irritability, blood vessel disease, and myocardial infarction.
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) promotes the functioning of the nervous system and a more complete assimilation of proteins.
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) prevents the development of blood vessel diseases.
Carbonic acid stimulates appetite, tones up.
Iodine normalizes the function of the thyroid gland.
Polysaccharides cleanse the body of toxic substances, regulate blood cholesterol levels.
Proteins improve the absorption of minerals.
Lactobacilli (lactobacilli) are responsible for healthy gut microflora.
Yeast-like microorganisms (not to be confused with yeast!) Are responsible for a healthy intestinal microflora. Once again, it's worth pointing out that yeast-like microorganisms should never be confused with nutritional yeast (food yeast). Modern research has found that nutritional yeast added to bakery and confectionery products promotes the development of cancer cells and suppresses healthy cells in the body. The yeast-like microorganisms found in Tibetan milk kefir are the exact opposite of food (culinary) yeast fungi.
Alcohol is contained in kefir in very small quantities and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom easily reduces weight in obesity. His whole secret is that he breaks down fats not to fatty acids, which accumulate in the liver and are converted there again into fats, but converts these fats into simpler compounds, which he himself then removes from the human body.
In order to lose weight, you should drink an infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom every day, half an hour after meals and once or twice a week arrange fasting days on the basis of this Tibetan kefir, as well as apples, pears and honey.
Fasting day menu. For the first breakfast - an apple and a glass of Tibetan kefir. For the second breakfast - pear, apple and a glass of Tibetan kefir. For lunch - a glass of Tibetan kefir with a slice of black bread (or without it). For dinner - pear and apple salad flavored with Tibetan kefir instead of sauce (by the way, this kefir does an excellent job of sauce!). Before bed - Tibetan kefir with a teaspoon of honey.
The value of the above diet is that weight loss will be stable: 4 kg per month. In addition, the intestinal flora normalizes, cholesterol plaques are eliminated, the hormonal background returns to normal, the metabolism is normalized. The result is a complete normalization of weight.
Recipe for making cottage cheese. Kefir obtained by fermenting ordinary milk with a Tibetan milk mushroom, including peroxide, is poured into a saucepan, put on a very "slow" fire and brought to a boil. When the kefir boils, we keep it on the fire for another 3 - 5 minutes: during this time, the kefir is curdled into cottage cheese. As a result, we get grains of cottage cheese and whey. Then you need to wait until the contents of the pan cools down a little, after which we filter what we received through cheesecloth or through a sieve. The cottage cheese remains on the gauze (sieve), and the whey goes into another container.
The resulting serum can be used in the preparation of various types of baked goods or as a cough suppressant.
The recipe for using the obtained anti-cough serum. Mix baking soda on the tip of a knife with whey (in the amount of half a glass) and drink it warm twice a day. A very effective way to get rid of a cough!
Cheese recipe. Pour 1 liter of milk into an aluminum pan, heat to bubbles, but do not boil. With the appearance of bubbles in milk, add 1 kg of cottage cheese obtained in the above way to it. Stirring continuously, let curl up. Pour the resulting mass onto cheesecloth (sieve) and let it drain. Then melt 100 g of butter, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of salt to it. Transfer the previously obtained and dehydrated mass to a saucepan, add the same melted butter with salt and soda to it and boil it all for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and add 1 beaten egg to the resulting mass, mix the contents thoroughly and pour into a mold, which we put in the refrigerator for a while. That's it, the cheese is ready.
Tibetan milk mushroom. There were no side effects when taking the infusion (kefir) of the Tibetan milk mushroom. In doing so, you must always keep in mind the limitations we have listed (see the section "Limitations of use").
We would recommend starting a Tibetan milk mushroom infusion (kefir) with a small dose: for example, no more than half a plastic cup per day for an adult and no more than a quarter (25%) of the volume of a plastic cup per day for a child over 5 years old. At the initial stage of taking this kefir, it is always better for a child to give it less: courtesy will not hurt here. Why? Because if a child at least once experiences unpleasant sensations from taking the healing Tibetan kefir (remember our words about "restructuring", restoration of the body as a result of taking "live medicine": children feel their body more acutely than adults; therefore, their reaction to incomprehensible to them sensations in the body can be the same aggravated), he will never drink it again. And we do not recommend you go against the wishes of a person, even a child.
ATTENTION ! When treating diabetes mellitus, it is impossible to combine the intake of infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom with the introduction of insulin.
Infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom. Infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face, as well as whitens the skin and fights against age spots. In addition, mushroom kefir, when regularly rubbed into the scalp and hair, promotes healthy hair, nourishes and strengthens them, and ensures their healthy growth.Tibetan milk mushroom infusion is successfully used in the fight against hair loss in both men and women.
And here is an opinion from the forum:
A very good hair mask from the Tibetan milk mushroom, I restored my hair with it after chemistry, it's just super, firstly, the hair begins to grow at an incredible speed, this is if you make a mask every day for 40 minutes, and secondly they are very well moisturized, because mushroom infused with fat milk 3.5%. At the same time, they do not fall out, only excess ones are removed during washing. In general, I recommend.
On my own I want to add that hair masks, hair rinsing, face masks from this mushroom are just awesome. I have had it for six months now, I am so happy
Simply apply hair masks and face, and mix this kefir with water in equal proportions with hair rinse.
I also have a Tibetan mushroom. I made cheese and cottage cheese according to the above recipe, it turned out to be nonsense. It is also used for leavening. Well, then I hope that the members of the forum will share their experience ...