Currently, this formidable disease ranks second in the cause of death, both in our country and around the world. The word "stroke" comes from the Latin "I jump." It also means "blow", which leads to acute disturbance of cerebral circulation, which, in turn, causes damage to brain tissue and disorders of its functions.
Previously, this disease was the prerogative of the older generation. Now the stroke is younger. Most often, a stroke occurs when hypertension, aneurysms, heart disease, atherosclerosis, as well as in violation of blood circulation, spasm, vascular dystonia, significant fluctuations in blood pressure. This disease can also be caused by heavy physical exertion, as well as trauma. At risk are people of advanced age with heart disease, arterial hypertension, patients with diseases: diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction. To prevent this disease, there are preventive measures, which, unfortunately, our compatriots do not know or neglect.
You need to know that after forty comes a critical age when you should listen to your body: control blood pressure and blood counts (sugar and cholesterol levels), as well as lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Try to adhere to a diet, control the amount of carbohydrates, do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol. It should be remembered that those who like "salty" will develop arterial hypertension much faster than those who consume salt in moderation. By the way, fat was also included in the “black list”. It helps to increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
Therefore, one must not forget to be periodically examined. Every six months, an examination should be carried out, which includes general and biochemical blood tests, determining the level of cholesterol in the blood. You need to do an electrocardiogram and electroencephalography... If the examination reveals some deviation from the norm, doctors will advise how to proceed. All these activities belong to the complex prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, which help to reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes.
There is no such thing as a "pre-stroke state" in medicine, but there are factors that provoke the development of a stroke. The first in importance that can be corrected is high blood pressure. After all, the disease can provoke a hypertensive crisis with high blood pressure, which is accompanied by headache and dizziness; uncompensated diabetes mellitus with essential hypertension; deep vascular lesions by atherosclerosis against the background of diabetes mellitus or hypertension. All of these factors contribute to the development of stroke. And don't forget about age. As mentioned earlier, blood vessels in older people are more vulnerable to stroke. But heredity is important, in which the tendency to this disease persists. But the brain reacts somewhat differently to ischemia. If the heart can be myocarditis - a pre-infarction state, then there is no such concept regarding the brain.
The development of a stroke in the end result can lead not only to uncompensated diseases, but also smoking, alcohol abuse, high cholesterol and blood sugar, a passive lifestyle and stress, as already mentioned. A combination of two or more factors can be the impetus for the development of this insidious disease.
A general stroke reveals itself as muscle weakness, numbness in one half of the body: legs, arms, face; a person has complete or partial loss of vision, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, and speech impairment. All these manifestations are characteristic of the classic stroke. In this situation, it is important that the person is not himself, because in this state he is not even able to call doctors in order to get qualified medical care as soon as possible. In such circumstances, the subsequent condition of the patient, and, ultimately, his life depends on the provision of urgent medical care.
Asya Novikova