Smoking men

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Smoking menProbably, in the life of many women, and especially young girls, there was a period when a real man was associated with a cigarette. A kind of noble superman hero who, having defeated all the evil around him, wearily takes out a cigarette and lights up, releasing puffs of blue smoke. The creation of such an image some time ago was facilitated by the cinema. In those not very distant times, of course, it was known about the dangers of smoking, but the problem was not as acute as it is now. According to sociology, Russia is in the list of the most “smoking” countries. It's time to sound the alarm!

According to psychologists, smoking does not at all symbolize masculinity, absorption tobacco smokerather, it speaks of internal psychological discomfort. The desire to smoke comes from a feeling of powerlessness and weakness and subconsciously makes the smoker remember the times when he was protected from the troubles of the surrounding world by maternal care, sucking milk from her breast. On a mental level, smoking helps the smoker to forget real troubles and return to the days of carefree childhood. I lit a cigarette and life becomes easier.

However, this is not at all the case! Everyone knows about a horse that was killed by a drop of nicotine, although hardly anyone saw the death of this unfortunate animal. Everyone knows what changes in the body smoking leads to, what diseases await a smoker with experience. But not everyone knows how smoking affects the male body. And the influence is very harmful, even worse than you thought.

Boys who were born to mothers who smoke have smaller testicles than their peers born from non-smoking women. These boys have significantly underestimated the level of the hormone that affects the production of sperm, when they reach adolescence, these children have a significantly lower concentration of sperm in the seminal fluid. According to statistics, if a pregnant woman smoked 10 or more cigarettes a day, her son's sperm density will be 48% lower than that of his peers.

Smoking menAs you know, nicotine is a destroyer of the nervous system, including those parts of it that control libido. Research in this area confirms the fact of a significant decrease, and in some cases, complete disappearance of attraction to the opposite sex in experienced smokers. About 10% of cases of impotence in men are associated with tobacco use. The level of infertility among young smokers is more than 2 times higher than the average.

During the experiments, it was found that under the influence of tobacco smoke breaks occur in the DNA molecule, while its structure changes. And this is fraught with the appearance of defective genes that can cause deformities and neuropsychic disorders in offspring. Developmental anomalies in children whose fathers smoke are 5 times more common than in children of men who have a negative attitude to smoking.

An interesting fact - scientists have calculated that each year of tobacco use reduces the male dignity of the smoker by 1 millimeter. By simple multiplication, it is not difficult to calculate how much the reproductive organ of a tobacco lover will be smaller in comparison with his peer who leads a healthy lifestyle.

Dear women, and especially lovely young girls, before you decide to connect your life with a smoking person, think and remember that a smoker, if he does not have it now, will certainly have big problems in the future with the level and quality of male health.


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