The most important figure in public catering is the cook. Where chefs do not work! They stand behind the stoves of factory kitchens and factory canteens, first-class restaurants and large branded cafes; they boil, fry and bake in kebabs, dumplings, cheburek, pancakes, cutlets, pies, puffs, tea houses.
The modern kitchen fully corresponds to its purpose - it is a cooking room equipped with the necessary equipment and special furniture. The appearance of the kitchen has undergone significant changes lately.
Proper storage is an indispensable condition for preserving the nutritional value of products and their quality.
Why did many of the world's great artists paint still lifes? I think, because they were attracted by the color of nature itself, which is difficult to convey on the canvas with the most skillful brush. For example, you can probably find yellow tones for lemons or green for watermelon, but it is impossible to give a photographically accurate color combination.
Creams, glazes look much more attractive if you give them a different color. This is not difficult at all, using some natural and artificial coloring ingredients.
• Before you start cooking, put on an apron, tie your hair with a kerchief, wash your hands thoroughly and brush your nails.
• Any dish that is new to you should be started only after you make sure that you understand the recipe well.
"Women! We will blow off the soot from you, cleanse your nostrils from smoke, ears - from noise, - one of the literary characters of Yuri Olesha promised in the 1920s. - Listen, mistresses, wait! We promise you: the tiled floor will be flooded with the sun, copper vats will burn, the plates will be lily clean ... and such a fragrance will float from the soup that it will become enviable for the flowers on the tables. "
The secret of using acids to flavor food has been known since antiquity. The oldest acid tested is vinegar. Even the ancient Greeks used it. No other acids were known then. The name "vinegar" comes from the Greek word "oxyus" - sour. There was a time when vinegar was highly prized. According to the historian Pliny, a special drink was prepared for the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra by dissolving pearls in vinegar.
A little over 50 years ago, a Japanese scientist, Dr. Kikunae Ikeda, decided to find out what explains the special pleasant taste of the dried seaweed "japonica kelp". The Japanese, Chinese and other inhabitants of the Far East feed mainly on plant and fish niches. To make it less bland and more appetizing, they use dried seaweed, and in particular "kelp" seaweed.
“Since the Romans, in their travels and wars, first learned the charm of spicy and intoxicating, tart and heady oriental spices, the West can no longer and does not want to do both in the kitchen and in the cellar without (expeceria) Indian spices, without spices ", - wrote Stefan Zweig in the book" Magellan ".
Before you start making a confectionery, you must carefully read the recipe and technology, then prepare the main products. The latter include flour, eggs, sugar, butter, milk, sour cream, salt, yeast.
Preservation is the processing of food in a special way in order to protect it from deterioration. A wide range of canned milk is currently on sale. In the manufacture of canned milk, the volume of the product is reduced and its preservation improves.
Among the fermented milk products, in addition to kefir and sour cream, buttermilk, yogurt, acidophilus and yogurt can be distinguished.
In recent years, evidence has emerged to support the strong link between good health and a balanced diet, which has stimulated renewed interest in the issue.
Most of the products undergo primary cold processing, during which they are freed from various kinds of contaminants, from inedible parts, get the required shape, etc.
The main purpose of primary processing is to bring the product to a state suitable for heat treatment.
Meat processing consists of the following operations: thawing - if the meat is frozen; soaking - if it is salted; washing, drying with a napkin or a stream of air; cutting off the brand; cutting: cutting, deboning, stripping the pulp.
Most food products undergo heat treatment, under the influence of which they are brought to readiness and acquire the appropriate taste, texture, smell, and appearance. However, along with a positive effect (increasing the digestibility of food, destroying pathogens), heat treatment leads to a partial loss of nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts, etc.
For decoration, they use fresh, canned vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs of various tastes and colors. So let's start with potatoes.
Ammonium is a carbonic dough ripper.
Bouquet - parsley, dill, celery in a bunch.
Bath water - metal dishes with a grate at the bottom, filled with hot water. & the utensils are placed in a saucepan with food for cooking or for keeping hot.
To get a clear broth, it is necessary to remove the foam when boiling and cook over low heat.
When cooking broths, a violent boil should not be allowed in order to avoid their cloudiness, emulsification of fats and a salted taste.
For cooking broths, soups, dairy soups, vegetable and sweet dishes, you need to have 4-5 pots of different sizes (they are aluminum, enamel, cast iron, nickel-plated).
For extinguishing, you need to purchase 1-2 oblong cast iron boilers with a lid, also of different sizes.
To give products and semi-finished products of various colors, dyes are used. They are natural and synthetic. The role of natural dyes is played by the various flavoring substances included in the formulation of products and semi-finished products that have an intense color - coffee, cocoa, sugar roast. Dyes of plant and animal origin are also natural. Of synthetic (artificial) dyes, indigo carmine and tartrazine are used.
The fish is cut into portions in different ways, depending on the upcoming heat treatment and purpose. Semi-finished products are cut for boiled, stewed, fried fish, fried fish (fried in a large amount of fat), fish in dough, cutlet mass, stuffed and jellied fish.
Beginners are generally unfamiliar with the various baking secrets. Therefore, some points are described in detail below, which are not discussed in detail in the recipes.
Kitchen utensils can be arranged in the kitchen so that they take up little space and are conveniently located. For this purpose, it is best to place them along one of the walls.
Oceanic fish is sold only frozen, whole or gutted, the so-called carcass and fillets. In the industry, only fresh, good-quality fish is frozen.
Cherry plum - garden cherry plum - a special type of plum, the fruits are yellow or greenish-yellow in color, sometimes with a red tint, sweet and sour in taste.
Artala - in Georgian - beef drumstick, as well as soup made from drumstick.
For cooking, potatoes are first of all sorted, removing rotten tubers, as well as foreign impurities. The sorted potatoes are washed and then peeled. Sprouted potatoes must be boiled well peeled and in plenty of water: under the influence of heat, solanine decomposes, passes into water and collapses.
Improper storage of food is one of the main causes of spoilage. Each product has its own requirements for the storage environment, air temperature, humidity, placement, etc. Therefore, storing food for a longer time with protection from spoilage requires special equipment and can only be carried out on a mass scale.