For decoration, they use fresh, canned vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs of various tastes and colors. So let's start with potatoes.
Dishes decorated with pie potatoes look very nice. For this, the potatoes are cut into thin strips (1.2 mm thick, 5 centimeters long), washed, dried and deep-fried. It's a good idea to arrange dishes with potatoes. Chips are thin slices of deep-fried potatoes.
Pie and chips are used to decorate hot and cold portioned meals.
Kegs, pears, garlic, nuts, cylinders, balls are ground from peeled potatoes, which are boiled in salted water and served with fish (herring) dishes.
From peeled potatoes, you can cut a tape 2-3 millimeters thick, 15-20 centimeters long around the circumference of the cylinder, after turning it off. The ribbon is laid with a bow or flower, washed, dried, deep-fried.
For the decoration of dishes, onions are widely used, which are cut across the axis into rings, and having cut the onion into 2 parts, cut across and divided into half rings. Rings and half rings are used to decorate salted fish dishes.
From even onion bulbs, you can make beautiful lilies with pointed petals. The onion is cut in the middle with a serrated line. In this case, the knife should enter to the center - the core of the onion. The more often you make the cloves, the softer the lily will be. When the line closes, the halves are separated, you get two flowers, and if you take them apart - many others, different in size. Pink lilies look attractive, for this they are dipped in beetroot paint (juice). Lilies find a place in the greenery, on a "hill" of salad, on the side of snacks. Similar lilies can be made with radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, boiled eggs, beets, apples, citrus fruits, etc.
For the decoration of many dishes, calibrated vegetables and fruits are used, which are cut in the form of scallops, stars, gears. To get them, lobe grooves-grooves are made on the fruits, and then cut across into plates. Depending on the number of grooves, sprockets or gears are obtained. Scallops are prepared in the same way: they make depressions, cut along the fruit and cut each half into slices obliquely, Calibrated vegetables, fruits decorate aspic dishes. The lemon looks especially beautiful. It is cut into thin circles, and then a cut is made along the radius and the ends of the circle are turned in different directions.
From fresh, salted, canned cucumbers, beautiful "paws" are prepared. A cut is made at the fruit at an angle, thin slices are cut without cutting the cut to the end from one of its sides, then they are flattened with a knife, slightly pressing down from above. To make "rolls" from a cucumber, cut it lengthwise into thin slices and carefully roll it up.
The original "(bells" can be made from dense fresh cucumbers, boiled carrots. First, the top of the fruit is cut into a pointed "cone and then a thin ribbon is cut in a circle, in the form of thin caps. The cap is turned over with the tip down and placed on a dish at once, 2 to 3 pieces together.
Beautiful "bows" are made from fresh cucumbers, which are cut into thin slices along the length. An elongated clove is cut in the middle of each slice, the slices are bent in half, the incised clove will "look" straight and effectively. Often, "bows" are prepared without cloves, they also look attractive. The slices bent in half are stacked completely on top of each other.
You can decorate the dish with cucumber "hearts".First, grooves are made across the cucumber (carburet), then this carbated part of the cucumber is cut obliquely at an angle, almost like "paws", cut in half perpendicular to the grooves (grooves) and, unfolded, laid in the form of a "heart".
Fresh, juicy greens of parsley, dill, celery or salad decorate the dishes. Beautiful color combinations are obtained when greens are stacked next to orange carrots, red tomatoes, burgundy beets, white and red cabbage, yellow lemons, etc. '
Decorations from tomatoes are very effective. Fresh, dense, bright tomatoes are washed, placed on the stalk and cut into thin slices with a sharp knife, then they are rolled up and placed on greens.
Beautiful tulips are made from tomatoes. The tomato is placed on the stalk, cut with a cross into 4 parts (slices), but only a dense part is cut around to the pulp. Then, in each slice, the petals are turned away, separating the skin from the pulp, and laid among the greenery.
Simple and corrugated baskets are made from tomatoes. To do this, put the tomato on the stalk, make the handle of the basket, cutting off a slice to the right and left of the handle, and the handle will remain just in the center. The pulp is selected from the basket, filled with salad and placed in greens.
Beautiful roses are very easy to cut from fresh tomatoes. To do this, they are peeled in a spiral in the form of a thin ribbon, without affecting the juicy pulp. The peel-tape is first placed in a tight roll, and then in a looser one - a beautiful rose is obtained, which is placed among parsley, celery, dill and lettuce leaves.
A small cabbage leaf looks beautiful - it looks like a mysterious shell. It is filled with salads, mushrooms, chopped herring, green peas. A cabbage leaf can be painted pink with beetroot paint, then the "shell" will be even more original.
Slices, slices of boiled eggs enliven the dishes. Chamomile is made of them, for which a thin knife is made wavy movements in the squirrel around the circumference of the sharp end of the egg, while holding the knife at an angle of 50-45 °. If there is enough protein at the blunt end, then a similar chamomile is prepared from it.
Boiled eggs can be used to make mushrooms using them to make hats and legs.
Beautiful flowers in the form of roses are made from butter. To do this, it is necessary to scrape it off, give it the shape of a flower, crush it below and connect the edges.
Many decorations can be made from green onion feathers. They are cut obliquely, turned inside out in the form of leaves and cut in the form of twigs. "Sheaves" are made from green onions: feathers are cut into a length of 10 centimeters, collected in a bunch and tied in the middle with a green onion feather. "Sheafs" are used to decorate shashliks, kebabs and other banquet dishes.
Cold dishes and snacks are decorated with palm trees. The green onion feathers are cut obliquely, then straight, obliquely and again straight, 8-10 centimeters long, the oblique end of the feather is cut lengthwise, in the form of a fine comb.
Fine thin strips are cut from green onions, which are chopped obliquely, dipped in cold water, and it becomes curly. Small slides of this straw are used for decoration.
Looks good and just finely chopped green onions.
Decoration is of great importance: it stimulates appetite, promotes better absorption of food, improves people's mood.
Dishes are decorated with only those products that are combined to taste. Remember, every dish should have its own "face". Therefore, avoid monotonous design.
Karlov L., The man in the kitchen