Types of fermented milk products |
Among the fermented milk products, in addition to kefir and sour cream, buttermilk, yogurt, acidophilus and yogurt can be distinguished. ButtermilkButtermilk, made by both artisanal and industrial methods, has almost the same nutritional value. Buttermilk, obtained by churning butter from unpasteurized cream, has a sour taste and contains small particles of fat. In dairies, buttermilk is obtained by adding a sourdough prepared from pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized skim or partially skim milk. Buttermilk - what can be replaced? Curdled milkIt is a high quality food product that should not be neglected, as the nutritional value of milk does not change at all when it is fermented. Lactic acid streptococci, harmless to the body, ferment lactose to lactic acid, which, in turn, acts on proteins, causing them to coagulate. Sour milk is used for food immediately after fermentation, because when standing, it acquires an undesirable aftertaste. One of the best ways to use large amounts of curdled milk is to make Cottage cheese. A small amount of curdled milk can be used to make pancakes, tortillas, tea biscuits, as well as seasonings and chocolate cakes. When replacing fresh milk with sour milk in a recipe, use it in the same amount, adding 1/2 teaspoon of soda and 2 teaspoons of baking powder to each cup. AcidophilusFor the preparation of this fermented milk product, starter cultures are used from pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus, acidophilus bacillus and kefir fungi. After sterilization, the milk is cooled to 37 ° C and the starter culture is added. The mixture is kept at this temperature until a solid clot forms (usually 18 to 24 hours). YogurtIt is a liquid fermented milk product usually sold as a curd. When making yoghurt, milk is evaporated to three-quarters of its original weight, and then the starter culture, which is a combination of three types of lactic acid bacteria, is added, filled into sterile bottles and closed. Maintain at 45 ° C until fermentation occurs, cool to 10 ° C and store at this temperature until use. In terms of nutritional value, yoghurt is superior to fresh whole milk.It is easily absorbed and has the ability to slow down the development of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria. Milk products: homemade, culinary recipes |
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