Many people who seek to get in shape believe that pasta and noodles should be excluded from their diet. But this is not entirely true: not all pasta spoils the figure. It is enough to ask people who have been to Italy: the basis of the diet of the inhabitants of this country is pasta with all kinds of sauces, and, despite this, among them one can rarely meet obese people. The whole secret lies in the quality of pasta: they must be made from durum wheat. |
Typically, fast food is high in soy, fat, sugar, butter, fried meats, salt, cheese, mayonnaise, and obviously calories. The biggest disadvantage of fast food is its negative health effects. It is a fact that fast food is more dangerous than unhealthy homemade food, as it contains more nutrients in the form of unwanted salt, fat and various additives (artificial chemicals). |
Every housewife uses vegetable oil for cooking, the entire population of our planet uses it for food, and when you come to a store, your eyes run up from a rich assortment of species and producers. Oil is vital for the human body, as it contains vitamins, nutrients and special fatty acids that protect cells from the harmful effects of the environment and destruction. |
There are a lot of nuances in kitchen work that not only save our time, but also allow us to make food tasty, and the dishes served to the table beautiful. Often, housewives do not even suspect that properly selected cooking "tools" and dishes could help facilitate their culinary work. What are the most common mistakes made in the kitchen because of knives, pots and pans? |
Very often you can hear from young and not so housewives that they spend a lot of money on food. It seems to be nothing supernatural and do not buy, no delicacies, but the money still flies away like a pipe. Of course, products are not cheap these days, but this is not always the case. Typically, we simply misuse the products we purchase. In this article, you will learn a few secrets on how to properly purchase and use food. |
This unique fruit can be used for treatment, disinfection, cleaning, and even in cosmetics. You can eat it, drink its juice, extract essential oil from it. He looks beautiful. It is sold all over the world at an affordable price. Apparently, you also have it in your kitchen. What is this fruit? Lemon! |
Food can be prepared in a variety of ways. Each of them can have both its undeniable pros and cons. Also, with various cooking methods, the formation of substances that are not very useful for the body can occur. But they can be significantly reduced if another method is chosen for the preparation of this or that product.The goal of any housewife is to preserve in the fullest possible form the useful properties and energy value of products. |
According to dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, author of the famous book How to Get Rid of Wrinkles, antioxidants are the modern fountain of youth. “Antioxidants are needed to keep your skin beautiful,” says the renowned dermatologist. - Also useful are anti-inflammatory drugs, which, as their name implies, fight inflammatory processes both inside our body and outside. In addition, they prevent the appearance of wrinkles. " |
How to decorate the walls in the kitchen in such a way that the interior acquires a unique individuality and completely transforms? To do this, you do not need to use expensive accessories and materials. Often, the budget for the repair and decoration of the kitchen space is inflated to the point of indecency, but the result in the end becomes, if not deplorable, then very depressing. But sometimes your kitchen only needs a few bright touches to make it play in a new way. |
If you stay outdoors for a long time in winter, let it be walking, fishing or hunting, the piercing cold chills you to your bones. And despite the fact that you are wearing several sweaters or pairs of socks, you gradually freeze .... In such a situation, a sip of hot tea, coffee or soup will be indispensable. Experienced people, leaving the house, do not forget to take a thermos with them. And in order to navigate well in the variety of choices, you first need to clearly understand what you primarily expect from the purchase. |
Mother Nature's fantasy knows no bounds. Some of her creations are striking in taste, smell and shape. It would seem that bananas with seeds, assorted pineapples or hairy coconuts will not surprise anyone. This short excursion will introduce you to exotic fruits little-known in our latitudes and expand your horizons. |
The word "smoothie" has recently entered our lexicon. This delicious cocktail has rightfully taken one of the first places in many diets. Smoothie bars and smoothie cafes began to appear. But most importantly, useful and interesting - the drink itself can be a wonderful diet! The smoothie diet itself becomes a real celebration of great mood and great taste. After all, this thick drink can be prepared in a matter of minutes. |
You can use any color in the kitchen. The main thing is that they should be well combined with each other and fit into the entire interior. How will lighting depend on the shade of the kitchen? First of all, the kitchen should have functional lighting. It is better to choose a bright white glow color, as it does not distort the color of the products. Place it so that there is no shadow from the cabinets on the work surface. Additional light can accentuate the kitchen model, its texture and color. |
Before the New Year holidays, when abundant feasts are expected, almost all people watching their figure are tormented by the same question: how not to get better and maintain health and at the same time not deny yourself goodies? Two festive weeks before and after the New Year are a riot of culinary fantasies and an endless "feast for the belly." It is very difficult to control yourself when the table is bursting with delicious dishes. |
Each person seeks to learn something new, experience vivid emotions and replenish the baggage with knowledge about the world around him. Someone goes on a journey, enters an educational institution, and especially refined natures immerse themselves in the world of gastronomy. Those, whose amount on a bank card is measured by several proud numbers with a solid number of zeros, do it with special aesthetics - they have access to the most expensive delicacies in the world. |
Painted, fed, stuffed - the variety of fish assortment in our market is amazing. The modern market opens up to consumers an incredible selection of products for every taste. As they say, if only there was money. But such a diverse, at first glance, choice actually hides dozens of tricks of unscrupulous sellers and suppliers, and at the same time - hundreds of health hazards for everyone who dares to purchase a low-quality product. |
Favorable dishes are an irreplaceable household item, without her participation even the most delicious dish will be untouched. The best examples, which look expensive and luxurious, are kept in a cupboard behind glass doors by the hostesses to keep them until the next celebration. At such moments, "dish beauty" hits the table, turning it into a festive attribute. |
Every dish, like every person, has a story. Your favorite delicacy can tell you which country is its homeland, what path it had to overcome to be on your table, how old it is and who cooked it first. What do you know about your favorite culinary creations? Here are some delicious and exciting stories. |
On a holiday, rarely a man dares to give his beloved woman pots or an iron. Household appliances that are used daily by a woman are not original gifts. But deep down, any woman wants to get everything that will contribute to family comfort. And here such prosaic things as pots will by no means be an exception. |
Ask dieters about their relationship with delicate, sweet, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate pieces. Get such an eloquent answer that, unable to bear it, run to the store for your favorite tiles. This is exactly the effect that stories about chocolate of losing weight martyrs produce, because they come out of the mouth with smacking and sighing, and a brilliant shine appears in the eyes. Yes, only those who have been deprived of this delicacy for a long time can appreciate the taste of chocolate. |
Choosing a kitchen unit is a rather important process. Most likely any of us would like her to be pretty and serve us for many years without causing unnecessary trouble. And the selection of a countertop is the most crucial moment when choosing a kitchen, because a large amount of work is entrusted to it: mechanical stress and temperature loads. But, of course, it is worth thinking about its aesthetic value. The most important is the material from which the tabletop is made. |
By the beginning of July, the strawberry season begins. Raspberries, cherries, currants and gooseberries are still ripening, but the strawberry family already pleases us with their unique taste. But it is worth noting separately the medicinal properties, thanks to which this wonderful berry is considered almost the most medicinal plant in our country, and maybe in the world. But first of all, let's make some clarifications regarding the names that we will have to hear - strawberries and strawberries. |
French fries are one of the most famous fast food dishes, common among people all over the world. Whether it's "chips" in the UK, "French fries" in France, or "standard fries" in the US, no one can resist the smell and taste of freshly cooked fries. Now these crispy fried bites are incredibly easy to make at home. If you don't like frozen convenience foods from supermarkets, here are some interesting recipes that you can try yourself without much effort. |
The kitchen is a place of spiritual unity for the whole family. It is thanks to this that there is a desire to equip the kitchen not only as a convenient room for cooking, but also as a cozy rest room. Everything is important in the kitchen: ceiling, walls, furniture and floor. Kitchen flooring needs to be made practical and not devoid of home comfort. Classic options are ceramic tiles, parquet base and linoleum. |
At Conan Doyle's, the butler Barrymore prepares oatmeal for Sir Henry every morning ("The Hound of the Baskervilles"). Indeed, in England this unpretentious dish - porridge - porridge - is consumed by both lords and members of the royal family. Oatmeal normalizes fat metabolism. Have you seen a lot of obese Englishmen? Oatmeal has a low glycemic index, which is an indicator of the effect on sugar levels in the body. The product is slowly absorbed, thanks to this, we do not feel hunger for a long time. |
Starch is characterized by instability in thermal action and easily changes its physical and chemical properties during intense heat treatment. Heating above 50 ° C and in the presence of moisture leads to irreversible swelling of starch grains and their possible partial gelatinization, and at temperatures above 80 ° C - even cracking of the grains, as a result of which they lose their characteristic luster (chandeliers) and become dull. |
Capsicum is perhaps the most popular spice in the world today, with significant health benefits. The Indians of South America have been consuming the fruits of hot peppers for 7000 years. The cooking of Indian, African and Asian peoples is simply unthinkable without him, although he appeared there only after 1492 thanks to Columbus, who brought paprika from America to the Old World. |
For many people on earth, it is a daily food product, for those suffering from gluten allergies, it is a full-fledged substitute for bakery products, and for specialists it is the possibility of preparing various dishes, except for popcorn. Corn or maize, as it is also called, is the second crop after wheat cultivated by mankind. In developed countries, it is used mainly as feed for livestock or as a raw material for the production of bio-fuel for cars. |
The kitchen is becoming more functional. New mechanisms help to better equip the space and find the most rational solutions. These are various corner options, roll-out systems, which are responsible for ensuring that you have everything at hand. And also capacious vertical storage cabinets. The CleverStorage concept includes the CONVOY system. On an area of 0.5 m2, the supplies of a family of 3 are placed. One such cabinet replaces 4.5 conventional ones. It is both convenient and space is saved. |