For the modern person, the kitchen is not just a place to eat. The whole family gathers in this room and invite friends to an evening tea party. The kitchen is a kind of corner in which the comfort and home warmth are most acutely felt. That is why all housewives are trying to equip this room so that it would be comfortable for all family members. And along with this, create the most convenient place for storing kitchen utensils and preparing food.
The Egyptians brought its fragrant and sweet fruits as a gift to the gods about three thousand years ago. But even today, its juicy slices take the throne place on our autumn table. And if you try hard, then at the spring one too. In general, following the historical truth, it would be more correct to call the melon "mataji": this is how they respectfully refer to the woman, the founder of the genus in India - the homeland of most varieties of wonderful fruit known now. |
The first sweets began to be made back in Ancient Egypt from dates and honey. And the Romans made sweets from nuts and all kinds of seeds. What are modern sweets? The word "candy" originates from the Latin confectum, which translates as "prepared potion." Antiquity pharmacists called candied fruits processed into jam, which were used for medicinal purposes.
Speaking of a raw food diet, they mean a special nutrition system, the diet of which includes foods that have not undergone heat treatment: raw and dried vegetables and fruits, root vegetables, sprouted cereals, eggs, milk, nuts, seafood, jerky and fish.
In order to properly organize food in the summer, you must first of all take into account the correct choice of products and their transportation. In recent years, the climatic conditions in our region in summer are very reminiscent of the tropics, which means that the problem of food freshness and safety at this time of the year is very relevant, and the process of choosing food, transporting, processing, preparing and eating it should be taken very responsibly.
He was born the sixteenth child into a poor French family. When the boy was 9 years old, his father took the boy to the main city gates of Paris and left him to fend for themselves. If this boy had the opportunity to see his future, he would see glittering halls, richly served tables full of exquisite dishes and kings who raise glasses in his honor.
The humble hunt is wonderful - to take mushrooms. And in abundance, when they grow up with whole families, the soul doubly rejoices in the gifts of the old pine forest. Mushrooms start the season - morels snowdrops and stitches. They last until mid-June. And immediately russula take the baton, then boletus, spikelets and chanterelles, a little later a second layer of whites appears, the most productive. In a rainy warm summer, Berendey's pantries are rich in mushrooms.
There is a great variety of different spiders on earth, and they successfully fulfill their mission, intended for them by nature.But in those places where the spiders are of huge size, they are also eaten. Even very dangerous and poisonous.
You need to feed yourself and your family at home, take something for lunch with you, give your children to school, or eat in a cafeteria, cafe, and you also want to sit in a restaurant, at least occasionally, and there are still holidays, family events - food takes a significant place in your life and in the family budget.
The human body, both throughout the year, and especially in spring, urgently needs unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic, contained in sunflower and corn oil. These oils are a valuable source of the energy we need, with about 900 kilocalories in every 100 g.
A plate model is a rule for filling a plate with food according to a certain pattern. It allows you to visually estimate what and in what quantities you should eat in order to lose weight and not harm your health.
A low shrub with thorny shoots is called a gooseberry. It blooms in May, bears fruit in July - early August. The flowers are small, greenish or reddish. Fruits - berries of various sizes, shapes, colors with high taste. The pulp is very juicy, covered with skin and contains many seeds. For long-term storage, the berries are frozen or sprinkled with sugar. Due to its taste and nutritional qualities, gooseberries are called "northern grapes".
According to statistics, Cuba is far from the first place among the producers of coffee beans. About 20,000 tons of coffee - almost the same amount is produced, for example, in Haiti. And the area of coffee plantations on Liberty Island is the same as in Costa Rica - 90,000 hectares. Although in Costa Rica, due to its high yield, coffee is harvested seven times more than in Cuba.
KITCHEN (from German Kuche - kitchen) is a room for cooking (the old name is a cook).
The kitchen is the comfort of a home, it is rightfully considered the heart of every house or apartment. This is where we prepare food. Regardless of where we live, in a private house or apartment, the kitchen is one of the most important places where all relatives gather from time to time to eat or just chat over a cup of coffee. Guests are often received here, sharing news, emotional experiences and impressions at a joint meal.
The whole flavor of French cuisine is reflected in two recipes of the favorite delicacies of the famous writer Guy de Maupassant - “Dear friend” and “Ma shushu” veal puree soups.
You may be wondering why you can make peanut butter yourself if you can buy it. Friends, only YOU can make a truly healthy oil for yourself, your loved ones and those you love. An oil free from saturated fats, emulsifiers, preservatives, colors, excess salt and sugar. Oil that will strengthen health, improve immunity, heal the heart, enrich it with vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.
Many people love mushrooms for their taste and aroma. But they are valuable not only for this, mushrooms are extremely nutritious. They contain, undoubtedly, very important for our body carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Italy is a country that in the minds of many of us is associated with a resort, where the mild climate, excellent cuisine and the unique taste of wine. In France, the word terroir has recently appeared, which means a grape variety, a collection of soil, a method of production and climatic conditions.
When we hear about fish cakes, Soviet canteens, "fish Thursdays" come to mind, and the obligatory attribute of all this is the unpleasant smell and taste of the very cutlets in which there was more bread than fish. Some have learned to make fish cakes, while others do not make them at all from the prevailing stereotype of the recent past. Our task is to debunk this stereotype.
When supermarket shelves are overflowing with greenhouse fruits and vegetables with minimal amounts of nutrients, sauerkraut is one of the most reliable sources of vitamins and minerals. It is difficult to think of something more delicious than boiled potatoes and sauerkraut seasoned with sunflower oil. But when the soul wants something more interesting ...
Coffee is exactly what many of us start with every morning. Some people spend the whole day with coffee. And some do not drink this drink at all. And everyone is right in their own way. The benefits and harms, about real sorts of coffee and fakes, about exquisite methods of preparation, etc., will be discussed further in the material.
You can't do without such a necessary thing as a cutting board in the kitchen. As a rule, there are several of them: for meat, fish, boiled foods, bread, vegetables. Some housewives use one such board for raw food, another for boiled food, and cut bread on the back.
Salting, like drying, is one of the most reliable methods of preserving food. But why does salt keep food from spoiling? What are the principles of its preservative effect?
It is generally known that the cell of a living organism includes a membrane, protoplasm, cell juice and several other elements. The substances feeding the cell penetrate into it through the membrane. This is how osmosis manifests itself.
Unusually rich in proteins, vitamins and other useful microelements, peas rightfully occupy a worthy position in the cuisine of many nationalities, and their indisputable popularity is well deserved, as it allows you to create a wide variety of culinary masterpieces. It is known that the main aspects of the use of peas mainly depend on the way they are processed.
This plant from South Asia is also called the white root. It is also grown on an industrial scale in Australia, India, China, Indonesia, western Africa, Jamaica, Ceylon and Barbados. Ginger was one of the first spices, which was brought back in the 16th century from Asia to America, where it took root and found its fans.
What do we know about rice? In Russia, rice is so recent (only a little over 200 years) that it did not even have time to "overgrow" ritual traditions. And in the East, rice is still, like 7 thousand years ago (!), Is considered a sacred grain - a symbol of life itself. Rice not only saved from hunger, but was a ritual food, currency for paying taxes and salaries.
Clove belongs to the class of classic spices. It is a flower of a tree from the myrtle family, dried in the bud stage. From the Moluccas, the spice was brought to India, Tanzania, Indonesia, Madagascar, Ceylon, where it is successfully cultivated. Cloves produce bountiful harvests twice a year, making them inexpensive and widely consumed.
Perhaps it is difficult to say which of the spaces in our house is more beloved: the kitchen or the bedroom. But we firmly know that without one and without the other a person cannot exist. Success at work directly depends on how much we are charged with fresh mental energy. Everyone knows that a mobile phone will not work if it is not plugged in periodically. But what about the man? He also needs recharging!
The confection, called the short English word "muffin", is a sponge cake with a lot of muffins, having a delicious filling in the form of raisins, nuts, candied fruits, chocolate, jam, and so on. Cupcakes are popular in many countries and are a traditional sweet treat for Christmas, New Year and Easter. They are baked either in rectangular forms, or in round ones (with a central through hole, which allows you to make a cake in the form of a large ring), or in small tins (for making piece mini-cupcakes). Sprinkle with icing sugar or icing on the finished muffins.