In order to properly organize food in the summer, you must first of all take into account the correct choice of products and their transportation. In recent years, the climatic conditions in our region in summer are very reminiscent of the tropics, which means that the problem of food freshness and safety at this time of the year is very relevant, and the process of choosing food, transporting, processing, preparing and eating it should be taken very responsibly.
It is disappointing that most food retailers are more interested in marketing than consumer health and safety. And in summer, the likelihood of various intestinal infections, poisoning is quite high, which may be due to improper storage of goods, violation of sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules. Therefore, many television programs in the summer are devoted to the proper organization of food, in particular the topic of food selection.
So, when making grocery purchases, you should adhere to the following rules:
• always pay attention to the date of manufacture of this product, which is usually indicated on the label. It is better to refuse a purchase if the product is running out of shelf life, especially if it is overdue;
• dairy products, meat and fish, eggs, baked goods and confectionery with oil creams require special attention. Often, well-known manufacturing firms monitor the quality of their products more than small obscure workshops located on the outskirts of cities. In addition, reputable enterprises always have the opportunity to transport their products in special refrigerators, which is extremely important in hot conditions;
• if the purchased product still raises doubts about its freshness, then it is better to refuse to use it, because treating an intestinal infection is much more expensive and problematic than buying a new fresh product;
• Protect yourself from buying imported vegetables and fruits. Buy what grows and ripens at a given time in your area. Think before you buy grapes in December, strawberries in May, and watermelons and melons in June.
• dairy products are a separate topic. Now it is no secret to anyone that the quality of purchased fermented milk products leaves much to be desired. Fortunately, there is no shortage of yoghurt makers and special starter cultures on the modern market, which are freely sold even in the smallest city. Therefore, kefirs and yoghurts can be prepared at home and monitor the conditions and terms of their storage. For your information: every second child who is in the infectious ward in the summer ends up there thanks to "Rastishka" or "Mashenka";
• It is important to take care of the transportation of purchased products in advance in the summer heat. You can buy for these purposes cooler bag or make it yourself if such a purchase is not affordable. As a last resort, it is possible to purchase thermal packs.
All these rules for organizing food are very important in the summer in order to preserve health and feel good in the heat.
Savenkova A.