By the beginning of July, the strawberry season begins. Raspberries, cherries, currants and gooseberries are still ripening, but the strawberry family already pleases us with their unique taste. But it is worth noting separately the medicinal properties, thanks to which this wonderful berry is considered almost the most medicinal plant in our country, and perhaps in the world. But first of all, let's make some clarifications regarding the names that we will have to hear - strawberries and strawberries.
This summer, I made sure that even the villagers do not always know how they (berries) differ from one another, and, therefore, do not understand which of them we are talking about.
In Russian, the word "strawberry" refers to a crop that many of us grow on our private plots or on plantations in agricultural firms. "Strawberry" grows in forests and meadows. It has less weight and size, but it is considered healthier than its capricious garden relative. Since childhood, I have been picking strawberries with my friends - a large (hazelnut-sized) berry of almost regular spherical shape. You yourself understand that it was possible to pick up a bucket of such berries in a few hours. Then I did not even think that in the coniferous forests of another region (later I moved here with my family), no one knows anything about this berry, because it is simply ... not there! But the local population collects ... wild strawberries - an elongated berry and very tender. They are much smaller than strawberries, and therefore they had to be harvested for a long time and patiently.
This berry is divided into two varieties: "garden strawberries" and "forest strawberries", since they are both derived from "strawberries", but ... Let's say, eating a glass of strawberries is not the same as swallowing the same amount of "strawberries". Consequently, these relatives are distant from each other both in properties and in pharmacological action. But we all know that it is almost impossible to provide our own family with a sufficient amount of strawberries, even if it is a harvest season. Therefore, someone is trying to grow tasty and fruitful "strawberries" in the beds, feed their grandchildren and make jam for the winter. Others walk during the season through the forests and meadows in search of "strawberries" and, if they are lucky, pick this sunny berry for their grandchildren, for jam and for drying. Which berries are healthier?
That's when you need to contact a specialist. And most of them agree on a single opinion: the forest, that is, the wild relative of the "strawberry", is several times more useful, and therefore more desirable. Hence the simple conclusion: you should eat wild berries during the season as much as you can get! Any preparations lead to a significant loss of vitamins and healing natural substances. When consuming these blanks, one can speak conditionally about health improvement. In addition, the plant itself can be harvested (dried), not the berries - this is the best and more useful way to stock up on vitamins.
But "strawberries" (garden strawberries) really need to be harvested. Moreover, due to its large size and juiciness in finished form, it turns out to be tastier and more tender than wild strawberry. From it you will get wonderful jams, jams, fruit drinks, compotes. And now let's try to figure out which nutrients are in such a beautiful and fragrant berry as wild strawberry. The leaves contain tannins, flavonoids, a small amount of alkaloids, as well as ascorbic acid (in fresh leaves it is up to 280 mg, that is, 100 g of berries gives an almost daily dose of vitamin C).Fresh fruits of wild strawberry contain carotene (0.5%), vitamin C (up to 50 mg, compare with leaves), vitamin B, flavonoids (pelargonidin galactoside, cyanidin glycoside), malic and salicylic acid, tanning (up to 0.4% ) and pectin (up to 1.5%) substances, sugar (up to 9.5%), aromatic compounds and salts of iron, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus and manganese.
What can be said about the medicinal properties of wild strawberries? Are they already wonderful, as experts say about them? Are they as wonderful as traditional healers speak of them? Let's reflect. I am sure that most will agree with me: the main property of a berry is its taste and aroma! Just inhale the aroma from the royal berry basket. Here the soul will rejoice! And if the soul is happy, consider that you are already on the way to recovery.
Now more specifically. Firstly, strawberries quench thirst well, which is especially good in the summer heat and during periods of dehydration. Secondly, a handful of berries is a wonderful appetite stimulant, which turns out to be very appropriate for people with stomach ulcers or diseased intestines. Considering that strawberries and strawberries exhibit active anti-inflammatory properties, their benefits in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, gastritis with low acidity, atonic constipation is indisputable! But the properties of the royal berry are far from being exhausted by this! Others are well known: anti-atherosclerotic and antithyroid, which allows you to eat berries without fear hypertensive patients and patients with thyroidin. In both cases, the forest strawberry normalizes the functions of the blood vessels and the thyroid gland. And strawberries and strawberries will help patients with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and even gangrene!
It is noticed that with constant consumption on an empty stomach at least 1-2 handfuls of berries throughout the season or 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of their juice - small stones and sand dissolve in the kidneys and gallbladder, in other organs and joints (osteochondrosis, gout), with hepatitis and diseased spleen. I'm not even talking about vitamin deficiencies, no matter how difficult they are! In ancient times, when there was no smell of pharmacological preparations in beautiful shiny packages, zemstvo doctors tried to treat even diabetes mellitus using strawberries! And they treated him, because they did not realize that he was incurable!
In addition to what has already been said, wild berries are very useful in the fight against colds of any etiology (including fever and cough), hypochromic anemia, diarrhea in children, many female diseases - inflammatory, ulcerative, metrorrhagias. Strawberries (juice and tincture) are often used against edema, bronchial asthma, insomnia and even neurasthenia. In addition, this berry is an excellent pacemaker that regulates the work and contraction of the heart, enhances its amplitude.
Internal recipes
1.2 tbsp. l. of dried fruits, pour a glass of boiling water. Drink on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 100 ml.
2. Pour 200 ml of a tablespoon of the crushed mixture of dried leaves and strawberries - 3 such doses should be drunk throughout the day.
3. Pour 20 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist, use according to Art. l three times a day.
Allergy to strawberries (someone was not lucky!), Gastritis with high acidity, chronic appendicitis, long-term kidney pain or attacks!
External use: when caring for the face, hands and body, as well as in the process of treating cuts, wounds, acne, lichen, rashes, eczema. Recipe: 1 glass of fresh fruit is infused in 300 ml of vodka for 30 days, after which the lesions are wiped with tincture diluted in half with water. The same solution is used to gargle as an antimicrobial agent.
Novikova A.