"Women! We will blow off the soot from you, cleanse your nostrils from smoke, ears - from noise, - one of the literary characters of Yuri Olesha promised in the 1920s. - Listen, mistresses, wait! We promise you: the tiled floor will be flooded with sun, copper vats will burn, the plates will be lily clean ... and such a fragrance will float from the soup that it will become enviable for the flowers on the tables. "
Tiled floors, sparkling copper vats - we will smile at these dreams. Today, this level of comfort in the kitchen has been greatly surpassed. Remained in the irrevocable past are kitchens with primus stoves, kerosene stoves and a single tap from which cold water flowed. The modern kitchen is plastic furniture, steel and nickel of sanitary equipment, enamel of pots and sinks, the heat of gas or electric stove... Odors in the kitchen can be easily eliminated with electric air fresheners, range hoods or deodorants.
In general, it should be noted that new trends often penetrate into the dwelling precisely through the kitchen (why else, by the way, we start from this room in the apartment). Technically complex devices were the first to settle here - gas and electric stoves, refrigerators, mixers, other equipment. In the kitchen, new types of furniture, new methods of its design, new ways of placing it are being tested. New finishing materials were the first to appear in the kitchen. In general, the kitchen can be considered an experimental laboratory. And we will help you experiment with it.
On weekdays, from morning to evening, family members practically do not see each other. When the family gets together in the evening, it is more often in the kitchen. A well-equipped kitchen becomes a place of pleasant pastime. This is no longer just a utility room, a working room, but a kind of wardroom, in which households gather not only to eat prosaically, but also to talk, to see each other's smiles.
The dining room maintains family ties. The hearth will not let the family unit fall apart.
Therefore, the kitchen in the house should be viewed not as a place of exile - don't many women think so? - but as a creative laboratory, in which, by the way, men can experiment.
If the kitchen becomes attractive to all family members, then the housewives will feel relief. After all, they used to rush alone between pots, stove and sink, and now they get the opportunity, without interrupting their culinary activities, to communicate with their husband and children. Yes, and the onts are no longer kept by bars, waiting for a bowl of soup to be served to them, but without reminders or prodding they are included in the economic process: who will peel the potatoes, who will bring in the garbage, who will wash the plates.
Based on this, you look differently at the purpose of the kitchen. In fact, there is no business or occupation that could not be done there. In the first place, of course, are traditional activities: cooking, washing dishes... The necessary products are stored in the kitchen. Naturally, they eat in the kitchen. And besides, they read, sew, iron, watch TV shows, arrange gatherings, just talk and receive guests. Accordingly, the kitchen furnishings are also changing.
The minimum set of furniture and equipment in the kitchen is as follows: stove, sink, work table, refrigerator. Whatever the size of the kitchen, these items can be considered a must. Although, there are options. The refrigerator, for example, for lack of space is sometimes escorted into the hallway, or even into the living room. This measure, of course, is forced, it is more convenient if the products are always at hand during cooking.
To these items can be added wall cabinets, floor cabinets, appliances to facilitate cooking - electric meat grinder, deep fryer, toaster, electric juicer etc...
There are not many options for placing furniture and equipment. Slightly because there are two objects in the kitchen that are difficult to relocate - the stove and the sink. As practice shows, the arrangement of equipment should be started with a wash.
Sinks are cast iron, with an enamelled inner surface, and steel. There are one or two shells. A double sink is more practical, since in one sink you can wash dishes with powder or soap, and in the other you can rinse them with clean water.
Primary food processing and dishwashing is the main purpose of the sink. This takes more than a third of the time the hostess spends in the kitchen. You can't move the sink too much, since it is rigidly connected to the water supply and sewer systems, so the corner farthest from the window, where sanitary communications are usually connected, is the most suitable place for it. Builders always put it there.
Because the washing intended for washing and. therefore, * there must be appropriate tools and equipment nearby. We hang a dish-drying cabinet right above the sink. There are also brushes, a washcloth, ruffs, detergents - it is better to place them on a separate, easy to clean shelf.
The sink bowl usually rests on a special bedside table, in which it asks trash bin... We will put it there. Better yet, get a bucket with an automatically opening lid - it's more hygienic and more convenient. In the remaining free space in the nightstand, you can place detergents, deodorants, empty cans and bottles - candidates for a collection point for glass containers.
It is logical to install a cutting table next to the sink. This is the main workplace in the kitchen. Therefore, there should also be working tools - knives, spoons, beaters, cutting boards, a meat grinder, a vegetable peeler, etc. All this can be hung over the table or in a cabinet or placed in the upper pull-out drawers of the table. The table itself contains non-perishable groceries - flour, sugar, salt, pasta, cereals, canned food. Kitchen towels and mittens with which you can take hot dishes should also hang right there. And here's an unexpected option: glass jars screwed to the shelves by the lids.
Further in the direction of travel - a plate. Above it, at a height of 60 centimeters, it is advisable to install an electric air purifier. This appliance is used to catch and filter steam and odors generated during cooking. Thanks to him, furniture and walls are protected from the damaging effects of steam. In order to economically use energy on an electric stove, you need to have the appropriate cookware, the diameter of the bottom of which exactly matches the diameters of the heating discs.
Thus, we have formed a technological unit for cooking. The final chord in this composition will be the setting refrigerator.
It is impossible to imagine a modern kitchen without a refrigeration unit. We are constantly experiencing a lack of time, so we buy products for future use, we hide the spoiling in the refrigerator. The refrigerator should be positioned so that it is always at hand and at the same time does not interfere. The task is not easy, therefore it is worth moving it around the kitchen, trying how convenient it is to use it in one place, then in another. The latest models of refrigerators allow you to change the canopy of the door, keep this in mind when rearranging.
Be sure to make a stand under the refrigerator. Its advantages are obvious: it is more convenient to use the device, you can place items or food items necessary in the kitchen in the stand. Stands are sold in furniture stores, but this product is not difficult to build yourself. The simplest option: two rows of bricks and a board on them. More complex: a drawer with a door. Remember to make sure the stand is stable enough.
It must be remembered that the refrigerator should never be placed next to the stove.The work table should always be between the sink and the stove, since any other arrangement will significantly lengthen the path of movement in the kitchen. The dimensions of kitchen equipment and their location should be subordinated to the creation of convenience in cooking. It is estimated that when a person is working in a bent position, energy is consumed 14 times, and standing - 3 times more than sitting.
The kitchen will take on a finished look when we put a dining table with chairs or stools in it. Even if the kitchen is very small, you should still try to squeeze in these furnishings. In case of an acute lack of space, you can make 1 folding table or folding. A set of folding chairs will match it. You can eat in tight quarters and not offended. In addition, on weekdays, family members usually have breakfast, lunch, dinner at different times.
In the event that the kitchen space allows this, then it is worth considering how to put a normal dining table. Depending on the composition of the family, the area and proportions of the kitchen, it can be of different sizes. It is good to install a narrow sofa or bench along the wall. If the seat of this bench is made on hinges, and from the front side, the gap between the supports is blocked with plywood or a board, then you get a chest. By the way, the first such chest was constructed in Italy back in the 15th century. There is always something to put in this chest.
A convenient place for a table by the window - the illumination is sufficient, and you can always see what is happening outside, what the weather is. By the way, there will be a thermometer mounted on the outside of the frame.
The houses built recently have narrow walls and, accordingly, no wider than them - window sills. It is worth considering how to make them more spacious. Either adapt the board, or reinforce a long shelf right next to the window. On the windowsill, you can place a lot of necessary things, from dishes to flowers.
It is good to have a shelf for magazines and newspapers in the kitchen next to the dining table.
And why not place a notice board on the wall, in a conspicuous place. Yes, yes, a board on which family members could exchange information. For example: "Don't forget to go for bread" - this entry is for my son. “It would be nice to hand over the laundry to the laundry” - this one is for my husband. And the husband, in turn, can write: "I will come late - a meeting," etc. An ordinary notepad placed in a prominent place can serve as a notice board.
The TV will also be useful in the kitchen. But, of course, its screen should not be too large. The place for it is chosen so that it can be viewed from anywhere in the kitchen. In this case, two conditions must be met: the first is away from the stove, and the second is that no direct light from the window falls on the screen.
Even the smallest household is accompanied by a multitude of documents - bills, certificates, instructions for caring for devices, warranty cards. They are lost, disappear, and in fact often there is a need for them. To keep them at hand, you need to set aside for them a special folder with several compartments. In the same folder, you can store a notebook with calculations of family income and expenses.
We have placed furniture and equipment in the kitchen, hung shelves and utensils, placed food and dishes, now it is time to think about how to give the kitchen its own unique look. For a start, you can take a closer look at its color scheme, tint something, repaint another, cover with a film. Curtains will give the kitchen not only coziness, but can also become a starting point for creating bright contrasting spots on the walls, cabinets, and tabletop.
It is hardly advisable to cover the table in the kitchen with a tablecloth, it will quickly get dirty. Better oilcloth with a cheerful pattern, matching in color or contrasting with the color of the curtains, the color of the plastic of kitchen furniture. If you still insist on a tablecloth, then cover it with transparent film. What if table top made of plastic, you don't need to put anything on it at all.
All utensils, including festive dishes, are best kept in the kitchen.If pots, teapots, pans are elegant, pleasing to the eye with their shape, rich color, fresh pattern, then it is a sin to hide them behind cabinet doors, it is better to put them on open shelves.
Often a parallel telephone is installed in the kitchen. For him, as well as a notebook, a telephone directory, a pencil, a place should be provided.
Look for a place in the kitchen for a small mirror. The hostess will need it to make sure she looks good in an apron too. A mirror, located, for example, along the cutting table, will create the illusion of a vast space.
You can glue plastic hooks on the refrigerator and hang towels, aprons on them.
A person with skillful hands will adapt a folding ironing board in the kitchen.
Bunches of onions, dry red pepper, garlic will decorate the interior of the kitchen, give it originality, bring a fresh flavor.
On the walls you can hang still life, decorative plates.
Flowers are essential in the kitchen. They have a beneficial effect on the mood, with their whimsical lines they break the monotony of the situation. A different kitchen resembles a greenhouse.
Copper antique looks good in the kitchen interior samovar... And the modern electric also fits into her environment. Not to mention the fact that with an influx of guests, he helps to serve them without hassle during the tea ceremony. By the way, in order to be able to quickly deliver the samovar to the guests in the common room, you need to get a serving table on wheels. They are found in hardware stores, but with a certain diligence you can make such a table yourself.
You can place any appropriate collection in the kitchen, for example, wooden spoons, antique kitchen utensils, ceramic figurines.
In some apartments (for example, hotel-type apartments), instead of a specialized kitchen area, niche kitchens are arranged. In fact, this is a cabinet with kitchen equipment, separated from the living room by a curtain, doors, shutters, and a sliding partition. Such a cooking site can only be arranged by a young family who does not want to burden themselves with household chores. A sink, a stove (for sanitary conditions, it must be electric), a cabinet, sometimes a cutting table - that's all the decoration of such a niche.
With such a tiny kitchen, you have to show maximum ingenuity to place utensils, dishes, cutlery in a limited space. Basic principle: nothing more.
Andreev N.A. Our house