What is wholemeal flour - why and how to eat it, and how is it different from whole grain flour?
Increasingly, in various recipes, in health programs, one can hear about the need to use coarse flour or "whole grain flour" in the diet.

In order to have a sufficiently complete understanding of the essence of the issue, as well as for its further competent use in your own culinary practice, you need to at least briefly touch on its history.

Isn't it surprising that out of all the variety of earthly fruits, it was the seeds of cereals that were chosen as the basis of the food pyramid of almost every developed civilization. Be it ancient Rome, Egypt or the Mayan or Inca civilization.

Nondescript, absolutely unappetizing in appearance, incredibly laborious to cultivate, it was grain that took a dominant position in the diet of every cultured people. Common sense dictates that it is in the grain that there is everything necessary for human life. The reasons for this phenomenon are far from accidental. Why this happened is not a separate discussion within the framework of this article.

Grain grain composition
A - the longitudinal layer of the fruit shell;
B - the transverse layer of the fruit shell;
B - tubular layer of the fruit shell;
D - waterproof and pigment layers of the seed coat;
D - swelling layer of the seed coat;
E - aleurone layer of the endosperm;
F - starch cells of the endosperm.

What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?

Explanations for the figures:
Wheat grain is covered with a brownish shell, which gives, when milled, bran, which is richer than whole grain, protein, vitamins and especially cellulose (A, B, C, D, E).
There is an aleurone layer of small granules (E) under the shell.
The rest are thin-layer endosperm cells filled with starch grains and particles of gluten, which gives the dough its viscosity (G).
The germ at the base of the grain is rich in oil as well as protein and minerals.

What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?

What is wholemeal flour - why and how to eat it, and how is it different from whole grain flour?

Increasingly, in various recipes, in health programs, one can hear about the need to use coarse flour or "whole grain flour" in the diet.

In order to have a sufficiently complete understanding of the essence of the issue, as well as for its further competent use in your own culinary practice, you need to at least briefly touch on its history.

Isn't it surprising that out of all the variety of earthly fruits, it was the seeds of cereals that were chosen as the basis of the food pyramid of almost every developed civilization. Be it ancient Rome, Egypt or the Mayan or Inca civilization.

Nondescript, absolutely unappetizing in appearance, incredibly laborious to cultivate, it was grain that took a dominant position in the diet of every cultured people. Common sense dictates that it is in the grain that there is everything necessary for human life. The reasons for this phenomenon are far from accidental. Why this happened is not a separate discussion within the framework of this article.

Grain grain composition
A - the longitudinal layer of the fruit shell;
B - the transverse layer of the fruit shell;
B - tubular layer of the fruit shell;
D - waterproof and pigment layers of the seed coat;
D - swelling layer of the seed coat;
E - the aleurone layer of the endosperm;
F - starch cells of the endosperm.

Explanations for the figures:
Wheat grain is covered with a brownish shell, which gives, when milled, bran, which is richer than whole grain, protein, vitamins and especially cellulose (A, B, C, D, E).
There is an aleurone layer of small granules (E) under the shell.
The rest are thin-layer endosperm cells filled with starch grains and particles of gluten, which gives the dough its viscosity (G).
The germ at the base of the grain is rich in oil as well as protein and minerals.

It is easy to guess that in order to increase the content of vitamins and microelements in flour, it is necessary to use for its production the embryo with a shield, the aleurone layer and part of the endosperm adjacent to the aleurone layer.

Perhaps one of the most common products made from grain is flour.

Flour - by definition - is a food product obtained by grinding grains of cereals and other crops used for the preparation of bread, pasta, confectionery and other things. Distinguish flour depending on the type of raw material: wheat, rye, oatmeal, etc., as well as by purpose, that is, grade. It is obtained with a one-time, wallpaper or varietal - repeated (stepwise) grinding. It is believed that initially grinding was carried out using a mortar or grain grinder, then millstones. At present, grinding on cast iron rollers is the most widespread throughout the world.

For the sake of completeness, a few words should be said about high-quality flour.

Chronicle indications indicate that at the end of the 14th century, “stepwise grinding” began to spread in Russia instead of the more primitive one-time grinding. Its essence is in obtaining parts of grain of various sizes and quality - grains, during the initial crushing, followed by their separate, fine grinding into flour. This method of grinding makes it possible to extract from the grain the maximum amount of endosperm free from the shells in the form of flour.

At the end of the 19th century, five varieties were distinguished, or as the “five hands” used to say only wheat flour:

coarse, candy, grains of the first hand;
the first pervach, krupchatka friend, the second hand;
second pervach, sleeveless;
Easter cake;
hooks, knockout.

Small bran - kneading, large - shapsha.

Modern technology for making flour means that the grain is first ground and then sieved through a sieve. The finer the grind, the more "ballast substances" can be weeded out. The "purest" flour in this sense is flour of the highest grades. Fine grinding allows you to filter out absolutely all "impurities", including the flower coat and grain germ (vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, etc.), including fiber, leaving only pure starch (carbohydrates). The nutritional value of such flour (the amount of kcal) is really very high. But from the point of view of the biological value of the product, it is a carbohydrate "dummy". In such flour, nothing useful and necessary for the body remains. He cannot create new cells from carbohydrates, for this he needs all the variety of macro- and microelements laid down in the whole grain by nature.


Today, modern industry offers 4 varieties of wheat flour:

premium flour,
flour of the first grade,
flour of the second grade,

and two varieties of rye flour:


All these varieties, both in the past and in the present, differ from each other in the size of grinding and the ratio of the peripheral parts of the grain (shell and embryo) and flour grain (endosperm).

Wheat flour varieties differ from one another in yield (the amount of flour obtained from 100 kg of grain), color, ash content, varying degrees of grinding (particle size), the content of bran particles, and the amount of gluten.

According to the percentage yield of flour when grinding grain, flour varieties are divided into:

grit 10% (it is obtained only 10% of the total amount of grain in a volume of 100 kg.),
top grade (25-30%),
first grade (72%),
second grade (85%) and
wallpaper (about 93-96%).

The higher the flour yield, the lower the grade.

Krupchatka - consists of homogeneous small grains of light cream color, which are particles of endosperm (grains) with a size of 0.3-0.4 mm, does not contain shells and soft powdery particles.

There is almost no bran in it. It is rich in gluten and has high baking properties. Grit is produced from special varieties of wheat and is distinguished by the larger size of individual particles.

It is advisable to use this flour for yeast dough with a high sugar and fat content for such products as cakes, buns, etc. For unpalatable yeast dough, grit is of little use, since the dough from it is poorly suited, and the finished products have poor porosity and quickly stale.

Flour of the highest grade - consists of finely ground (0.1-0.2 mm) particles of endosperm, mainly inner layers.

It differs from grains in that grains are not felt between the fingers when rubbed. Its color is white with a slightly creamy shade. Premium flour contains a very low percentage of gluten. The best category of the highest grade is called "extra". It is often used as a thickener in sauces and is also suitable for baking.

This type of flour is most common in the manufacture of the highest grades of flour products. Wheat flour of the highest grade has good baking properties, products made from it have a good volume and fine developed porosity. This flour is best used for shortcrust, puff and yeast dough, sauces and flour dressings.

First grade flour - soft to the touch, finely ground, white with a slightly yellowish tinge. Flour of the first grade has a fairly high content of gluten, which makes the dough from it elastic, and the finished products are of good shape, large volume, pleasant taste and aroma.

Flour of the first grade is good for uncomfortable baking (rolls, pies, pancakes, pancakes, sautéing, national types of noodles, etc.), and for baking various bread products. Finished products from it stale more slowly. High-quality bakery and confectionery products are usually made from high-grade wheat flour.

Second grade flour - consists of particles of crushed endosperm and 8-12% of the mass of flour of crushed shells. Flour of the 2nd grade is larger than the flour of the 1st grade. Particle sizes 0.2-0.4 mm. The color is noticeably darker due to the high content of the peripheral parts of the grain - usually white with a yellowish or grayish tint. It is white in color with a noticeable yellowish or brown tint, contains up to 8% bran, it is much darker than the first-class. It is light and dark.

The latter is better in terms of baking qualities - baked goods from it are fluffy, with a porous crumb. It is mainly used for baking table varieties of white bread and non-flavored flour products. It is often mixed with rye flour. This flour is used in the manufacture of some confectionery products (gingerbread and cookies).

Wallpaper flour (wholemeal flour) - is obtained by grinding the whole grain. The flour yield is 96%. The flour is coarser, the particles are less uniform in size. It is produced from all types of soft wheat varieties, it contains 2 times more bran than flour of the 2nd grade, color with a brown tint. In wallpaper flour, the content of bran particles is the highest. According to its baking properties, it is inferior to varietal wheat flour, but it is characterized by a higher nutritional value. The shells of grain contain protein substances, vitamins of groups B and E, mineral salts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. The kernel of the grain is rich in starch and contains significantly less protein and other nutrients than its peripheral layers. Therefore, flour made from whole grains or with the addition of finely ground bran in their nutritional value is significantly superior to high-grade flour. Wallpaper flour is used mainly for baking table breads and is rarely used in cooking.

Coarse wallpaper flour is the largest flour grinding.Accordingly, the wallpaper flour is sifted through a coarse sieve. During wallpaper grinding, absolutely all the components of the grain remain in the flour. This is the flower shell of the grain, and the aleurone layer, and the grain embryo. Accordingly, wallpaper flour retains all the biological value of whole grain, and all its healing qualities for the human body. Accordingly, the flour produced during wallpaper grinding can be called coarse flour, due to the content in it in a large number of coarse parts of grain shells. Although its correct name is still "wallpaper flour".

Flour is fine and coarse.

Wholemeal flour - whole grain flour. With coarse grinding, almost all the grain is ground into flour, which consists of large particles, contains cell membranes, bran (2nd grade wheat, wallpaper).
Fine flour Is flour from the endosperm, i.e. the inner part of the grain. With fine grinding, white flour, tender, consists of small particles of grain, the outer layers of which are removed (wheat 1st grade, premium grade). Contains mainly starch and gluten and practically does not contain fiber.

The finer the grinding and the higher the grade of flour, the less proteins and especially minerals, vitamins, and more starch in it.

As for the terminology, the coarsely ground grain is called meal, and the finer grain is called flour.

The flour obtained during a single grinding can be called "whole grain" (since all parts (100%) of the whole grain: fruit and seed coats, embryos, endosperm particles, etc. remain in the flour).
However, until recently, it was better known under the names "fodder" or "fodder".
For the sake of truth, It is worth noting that flour, ground in a mortar, in a coffee grinder or on the rollers of the grinding system at a mill, will be very different from each other, and their baking properties will also differ.

Some 50 years ago, the bulk of all bread produced in Russia was baked from wallpaper varieties of flour. Its difference from whole grain flour is that the fruit shells are partially removed from the coarse flour (the yield is 96%, not 100%), a small amount of bran is selected and the embryo is partially removed. It is also more leveled in size, which is not unimportant for its baking properties.

Thus, coarse flour includes:

wallpaper flour (96% of the flour yield of their raw materials)
whole grain flour. (100% flour yield


Why is interest in coarse flour, etc., so increased? whole grain flour now? After all, the beneficial properties of these two types of flour have been known for a long time. And why she was not so appreciated before. There are several reasons.

1. It is believed, and confirmed by various experiments, that the body is quickly saturated by using products made from wholemeal flour.

This happens because such bread takes longer to digest, and also because of the large amount of fiber in it, which is not in finely ground refined flour. Respectively, you can eat less coarse flour than fine flour. So, in our age of diets, coarse flour has become much more preferable for many than fine, well-sifted flour.

2. An overabundance of the daily diet of a city dweller with flour products of the highest grades, devoid of fiber.

Our ancestors ate daily "black" bread, as it was then called, that is, bread made from coarse flour. Refined white flour was used to prepare "holiday baked goods" and treated as a delicacy.

There is a widespread belief that white flour could not be produced in sufficient quantities at that time. This is not true. In Russia, they have always been able to cook refined white flour. This is absolutely not a complicated process and everyone can make premium flour at home having only a pestle, a mortar and a fairly fine sieve, that is, what was in every home.

However, the use of white refined flour was prohibited during fasts, along with animal products and was considered a sin, which indicates a sufficient knowledge of human physiology and an absolute understanding of the "inferiority" of refined products. Our ancestors always treated them as a "delicacy" and never considered them food.

Today, the daily consumption of premium flour baked goods is the norm. Buns, loaves, confectionery, ordinary white bread and other "delicacies" made from flour of the highest grades are deprived of B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, as well as fiber, since they with the shell and embryo go into bran during grinding ... With sifting out after grinding grain, more than half of all microelements are lost with waste. Up to 20% of anticarcinogenic selenium is lost, which protects us from the development of tumors and the absence of which disrupts the entire mineral metabolism of the human body.

There was a recent study published in the Journal of Cancer that showed a link between white bread consumption and an increased risk of cancer. The study found that people who eat mostly white bread (up to 5 slices per day) have twice the risk of kidney cancer than those who eat little white bread (no more than 1.5 slices per day) ...

Purifying flour from the so-called "ballast substances", a person removes from it all biologically valuable components: vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, dietary fiber (fiber), etc. Refined white flour of the highest grades is a "carbohydrate dummy" that does not carry nothing but harm to our body.

It is not for nothing that there are popular proverbs: "The whiter the flour, the faster you will die," "White flour, white death," etc.

Simple consumption of grain bread can fill the deficiency of many vital substances for our body. First of all, it is dietary fiber, which is sorely lacking in the diet of a modern person. We need fiber:

- Firstly, to cleanse the body of toxins and poisonous decay products. Without the presence of coarse dietary fiber in the diet, all harmful products accumulate in the body, which is the cause of many serious chronic diseases.

- Secondly, it is food for our little helpers - intestinal bacteria (intestinal microflora), on which 90% of our health and our immunity depend. They keep us warm and protect us from disease. As soon as they get the food they need, they immediately get to work. Their direct responsibility is to maintain the vital functions of all our organs.

Removing the flower coat and grain embryo, we "cleanse" food from B vitamins and the most powerful antioxidant, the "vitamin of youth" - vitamin E. Deficiency of iron and zinc leads to many serious irreversible diseases: anemia, infertility, deterioration of vision and memory, malignant formations, etc. We throw it all out in the form of bran, calling it "ballast substances" to calm the conscience.

Over many millennia of evolutionary development, our body has adapted so much to the chemical composition of cereal grains that they have become for us not only food, but also medicine. Our organism was built and evolved on the diversity of the structural composition of grain. The whole grain of Russian cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, millet contains almost everything that our body needs. It is foolish and illogical to refuse the healing agent given to us by nature.

From the baker's point of view, whole grain flour is of no value, it is not so easy to bake good bread from it, and even more so sweet rolls or buns, other varieties existed for these purposes. Whole-grain dough does not rise well, often falls off, and the finished bakery product has an unsightly gray color.

From the above, it follows that the easiest way to start with whole grain flour is to make pancakes, pancakes, waffles, or just tortillas.

The situation is different with coarse flour - "wallpaper". It is most suitable for making bread, hearth baked or shaped bread. A roaster, a deep frying pan or an ordinary saucepan can act as a form at home. And instead of yeast, use sauerkraut brine as a sourdough.

What other recommendations can you make for using these two flours, whole wheat flour and wholemeal flour, in home cooking?

Firstly, it never hurts to lightly dry and sift the flour before use, to enrich it with oxygen;
Secondly, it will not be a shame if you add a little good, that is, with a high content of gluten, premium or first grade flour, then the result will be more predictable.

To increase the biological value of your baked goods, it is recommended to use flour from other cereals, the full range of which is presented in the section of our catalog "Coarse flour" produced by the peasant farm "Belovodye". For example, barley and oat flour contain unique water-soluble dietary fiber "beta glucans".
From coarse flour, bread is obtained even according to the standard program in a bread maker. The only thing is to bookmark half of the bread, otherwise it will not rise.

Flour bleaching technologies
And finally, we want to warn the reader that the premium flour is white, but with a slightly creamy shade. Nevertheless, almost all premium flour in stores has a pronounced white color.

Here is what the manufacturer writes about the technology for the production of "extra" class white flour on one of the forums:

"Extra variety (" White Queen "," French Thing ") is the whitest flour, since it is made from the very heart of wheat grains, so there are few coarse particles of grain shells that give the baked goods a dark color. tons of grain ".
That is, for the flour to be truly white, you need to take flour "from the very heart of wheat grains."

Considering the whiteness and low price of flour in stores, we dare to assume that real white flour cannot be so cheap (30-40 rubles / kg).

How do unscrupulous manufacturers bleach flour?
Here is one example of an ad copy explaining flour bleaching technology:
“The grain harvest in 2010 was distinguished not only by low quantitative, but also qualitative indicators. In particular, by a high gluten content, which is associated not with an improvement in the quality of grain as such, but with a deterioration in its other indicators: starch content and grain nature.
Grains with these characteristics are called "shriveled". During its processing, the flour yield decreases, and the produced product has a whiteness indicator below that required by GOST. As a result, even the bread that was made from premium wheat flour has a "dark" crumb that is unattractive to the consumer.
To solve this problem, our specialists have developed a new ingredient - Flour Corrector xxx (whitening). This food supplement is made on the basis of peroxide compounds (dibenzoyl peroxide). Flour corrector xxx (bleaching) allows you to increase the whiteness of the flour and, as a result, the crumb of wheat bread. To achieve the desired effect, the Flour Corrector xxx (bleaching) is mixed with flour in a dosage determined according to the following data: 15 g of the corrector - 100 kg of flour - an increase in the whiteness index by 2 cu. e. The whitening effect appears within 24-48 hours. "

Bread rye flour GOST 7045-90
Wallpaper wheat flour (coarse grinding) GOST R 52189-2003

What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?
Whole grain flour "Altai Health"
Production technology and flour are patented (patent No. 2324872 dated November 30, 2005);

certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU. PR43. Н01072 (Valid from 09/11/2009 to 09/11/2012).

What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?
Whole grain flour "Altai Health"
Flour "Altai Health", unlike other whole grain types of flour on the market, is produced according to a unique technology patented by the company. This technology makes it possible to provide the average content of vitamins and microelements in flour with 125% in relation to the average content in flour, due to the fact that the grain is not only ground, but also its most valuable parts are selected - the germ and the aleurone layer. Products made from this flour have a bright grain flavor and rise well in contrast to whole grain flour.

Main advantages:
Flour "Altai Health" contains the following elements of wheat grain: embryo with a shield, aleurone layer and part of the endosperm adjacent to the aleurone layer;
Flour is prepared using torn and grinding systems;
Belongs to the class of fine flour, therefore, it can be used as premium flour;
Contains 125% of vitamins and microelements compared to their average content in the original grain, while the content of vitamins and microelements in coarse flour is not more than 95%. This is achieved through not only the correct grinding of the grain, but also the selection of the parts of the grain that are most rich in vitamins and microelements, first of all, the embryo, in which all the vitality of the grain is concentrated;
The gluten content in flour at the level of high-quality flour is 30%, while in coarse flour it is not more than 20%;
It is produced according to the patented technology belonging to the manufacturer - LLC "Basis-A", while wallpaper flour can be produced by any manufacturer;
Flour "Altai Health" due to smaller fractions and higher content of gluten allows producing the whole range of traditional products that can be baked from premium flour. Finished products are distinguished by an ideal convex shape, like products made from premium flour;
According to the results of independent testing by the forum participants, consumption of Altai Health flour products does not lead to an increase in blood glucose levels, which is an important argument for patients with diabetes.

The content of trace elements in comparison with other types of flour per 100 g of the product *:

What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?

The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in comparison with other types of flour per 100 g of product *:

What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?

New vitamin
Drobot V.I.Use of unconventional raw materials in the baking industry 1988 edition

"In the USSR, work is underway to obtain bread from finely dispersed flour from whole grain wheat and rye. This will make it possible to produce bread of increased nutritional value, as well as save 12-15% of food grain compared to varietal mills.

The technological laboratory of VNIIHP together with VNIIzerna has produced finely dispersed whole grain flour on shock-abrasive dispersers. This flour, in comparison with wheat wallpaper, contains 2-5% of the coarse fraction versus 40% in wheat wallpaper.

Finely dispersed flour, in comparison with wheat wallpaper, has a number of technological features: a higher specific surface area, increased autolytic activity and increased water absorption capacity, slightly darker color, higher ash content, acidity, gas-forming ability, increased gluten content.

Bread made from this flour on concentrated MKZ (lactic acid sourdough), differs from wallpaper flour bread with increased nutritional value, pleasant taste and aroma, and a longer freshness preservation period.
From this flour, VNIIHP has developed a new type of bread - Russian (TU 8-22-32-86), which belongs to the group of dietary products made from wheat flour for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition "S.60 - 61 - 1988 !!!!!!!!

There are a lot of bread recipes on the forum from dispersed grain, with the addition of wheat flour and wheat flour - the result is amazing

Well, I have bread and a combination of whole grain flour and other, including rye

Bread recipe is easy! Take ordinary wheat or wheat-rye bread as a basis, and then replace flour with whole grain in different proportions and control the amount of liquid in accordance with the requirements of the bun

My bread recipes are here:
and here 🔗
Thank you very much, Tanya, now I understand the difference between wallpaper and whole grain flour, it remains only to find out what kind of flour we sell here under the name ... adding bran and fiber. Thank you again
I forgot to insert the name, we sell flour called Integral here

Tanya, let me insert this information into your Temka, maybe it can help someone figure it out, now I read it in the net:
In fact, comparing fiber to bran is like comparing fiber to cucumber or apple. Agree, such a question does not arise in my head.

This confusion has arisen after fiber began to be sold in pharmacies, and in its appearance it is very similar to powdered bran.
Therefore, Brenner-TV decided once and for all to save you from this annoying mess.

Bran is the shell of any grain, that is, simply the husk. But, despite this, bran is a valuable product. This part of the grain contains all the most useful that is in it. These are vitamins (mainly of group B) and potassium, and FIBER (the same fiber). These are coarse fibers, they are not digested or absorbed, they swell and help cleanse the intestines and remove harmful substances and toxins from the body. That is why regular consumption of bran can normalize the work of the digestive tract, solve problems with the removal of harmful substances and help to make a balanced diet (and not at all Activia yogurt with "pieces of fruit", a lot of sugar, flavors and carbohydrates).

And one more important point. The main value of bran - dietary fiber (fiber) begins to work when the bran absorbs water and swells. Therefore, they are recommended to be soaked in water for 20-30 minutes and then added to dishes, or consumed with liquid.
No need to gnaw them like crackers

Bran contains mainly insoluble fiber - it swells in the stomach and brushes through the intestines, helping us get rid of all nasty things, but there is little soluble fiber (it swells in jelly and prevents hunger) in them. But when you buy fiber in a pharmacy, it is a combined fiber - soluble (from berries, fruits) and insoluble (from the shell of the grain).

So it doesn't matter if you buy bran or fiber in its pure form - you still get fiber, just a little different, so it is best to combine them periodically.

Well, do not forget that fiber is not only in bran! Fresh vegetables and fruits to help you!

So, the bottom line:
1. It is better to buy fiber - this way you will get more varied types of it, but this is not so important - the bran is also good.
2. Daily allowance: 30-50 grams - no more needed. If you overdo it, you can spend unforgettable minutes in the reading and meditation room (and this is not a library).
3. It is important to drink plenty of water, otherwise it will form a lump.
4. Do not forget to also eat fiber every day, which is found, for example, in greens and raw vegetables.

I would insert the following characterization for these two concepts of FIBER and BRAN:

CELLULOSE - the roughest part of the plant... This is a plexus of plant fibers that make up cabbage leaves, peels of legumes, fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Dietary fiber is a complex form of carbohydrates that the human digestive system is unable to break down.

BRAN - not used for the production of flour outer shell of cereals.
Indeed, their diversity is striking: rye and barley, wheat and oat, even rice. When choosing, you can focus solely on your taste preferences, avoiding only those bran that may be allergens for a particular person.

Fortified bran with fruit and vegetable additives deserve special attention. These have an additional therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the body, therefore, they are even more useful - that is combining fiber and bran together.

The optimal daily dose of them is 20-35 g. A larger amount is undesirable, since it is fraught with problems with the intestines (flatulence, colic are possible).
While I was looking for information about our Integral flour .. I read very useful information about bran on the factory website. It turned out to be big news for me that the bran also contains fiber, only this fiber is insoluble, that is, the additives that you say are fruit and vegetable - this is also only soluble fiber, it is it that helps not to feel hunger for a long time, and fiber from she cleans the whole body from toxins like a brush, so it is very good to combine these two types of fiber. I also read on some Spanish site that mixing flour with bran does not produce whole grain flour, in all its qualities, since in addition to fiber and bran, the embryonic part of the grain is still needed, and white flour during its processing already loses many useful substances that are impossible restore only with additives, in short, such bread is given the name "bran". Good news for me personally, that our .Integral flour is 100% whole grain, UUUUUUUh, well, I can already make the second grade according to your recommendations, the only thing that cannot be corrected is the absence of rye flour in our market, I have not even been able to find grain yet , and I really want rye bread ..... Thank you Tanya for your attention to the topic, for my family personally, all this is very important, we strive for a healthy diet mainly because of my husband, he was found to have high cholesterol and uric acid, and the family has genetically heart problems, so for him a healthy bread is salvation ... and along the way for us too!

Lara, you put all the concepts together!

Neither cellulosenor bran cannot be soluble, since this is a shell-husk from grains or plants! Even the peel from tomatoes, plums, potatoes, and so on (a thin layer) are fiber, they are not absorbed by the body and are excreted from the body as a whole (watch your pot yourself)
Above in the post, I wrote how fiber differs from bran.

In Russia there is very high quality and good whole grain flour, for example, Altai Health, and some others, completely whole grain and wheat and rye - I really like this flour

And just in general, any flour has a glycemic index of 100 units !!! the tallest!!! Therefore, products made from ANY flour, including bread, even whole grain, cannot be considered dietary products. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to eat according to the principle of "take bread for lunch in moderation."

Be healthy!
Tanyusha, I'm sorry, but there are such concepts as soluble and insoluble fiber, they perform different functions, and therefore the names are different, soluble thanks to water turns into a gelatinous substance in our body. And you wrote above that this is very useful for the body and here we are not talking about the glycemic index, but about the qualitative effect of fiber and other beneficial substances contained in raw flour on our body.I think that such bread, naturally prepared without butter, and for example with olive oil, and even better without yeast, and even better with sourdough, can rightfully be called a dietary product. I was very upset, in my opinion I even understood everything very well, I just wanted to share with you in this thread, maybe we did not understand each other well at some point
And in general, I was not going to eat only whole grain bread as a treatment, we eat one loaf of such bread all week, a little bit, as an addition to the main diet ... I also wish you all the best, since SW.
AdminSorry, I read very useful information, but the above phrase confused me: Premium flour contains a very low percentage of gluten. Isn't that a mess?
lavanda71, I beg your pardon, but I want to deal with these types of French flour. You write that Integral is whole grain, but what about complet? Then what does she refer to according to the Russian gradation? Everywhere I read about this flour, it is considered whole grain. There is little information about integral at all. But I thought she belonged to wallpaper. Is not it so?
Thank you very much, Tanechka !!! Important and useful information !!!

To your health!
Quote: Admin
Accordingly, the flour produced during wallpaper grinding can be called coarse flour, due to the content in it in a large number of coarse parts of grain shells. Although its correct name is still "wallpaper flour".
I bought whole-grain wallpaper flour "Uvelka", opened the bag, and there was a beautiful cream-colored flour without the usual large inclusions, tried to sift the grind like premium flour, now I'm thinking what kind of flour I got. I usually added a little whole grain flour to the pancake dough, but where to use this flour I won’t put my mind to. What can be used to make a healthy loaf or bread out of this flour, if you add rye flour, what proportions ??? help me please
Admin, thank you for your answer, but I asked a little about something else, here are pictures of flour, for comparison, the premium flour and whole grain, which I recently bought, HAVE THE SAME GRINDING!

What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?

Quote: lavanda71
now I will find out its characteristics and I will take it into account in recipes, adjusting it by adding bran and fiber
so it's not clear to me what kind of flour it is, with bran or fiber and what kind of grinding, because all this affects the final result

On the right is whole grain flour, which is darker than white. There are small inclusions in the structure, but very small ones. Mostly the flour is thin. CZ flour is always ground with bran, but very finely.

Bread from such flour turns out to be darker than white, of good quality.
The quality is influenced only by the correct kneading of the dough, the flour-liquid balance. The bread is delicious.
How to make dough Whole grain flour gingerbread man. Master Class

Help section Contents of the "Basics of Kneading and Baking" section
Admin thanks for the answer, this is what came out of this incomprehensible flour "Uvelka" whole grain wallpaper. The dough was made by eye, in light muffins: kefir about 250 gr., Flour (enough to make the dough a little thicker than for pancakes), salt, soda, 1 tsp. sugar, raisins by eye, in dark: instead of sugar, put 1 tbsp. l. honey + a little vanilla and nutmeg. Light so-so, you can eat, probably shifted the soda. Dark tastes are very good and naturally they liked it more.
What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?

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