Yeast and starter cultures at home

From A. Andreev's book "Homemade Bread and Pastry"

In the absence of ready-made yeast and starter cultures, they use homemade ones. It is not difficult to get them at home. The simplest sour starter culture, which has been used in baking for about 5000 years, can be prepared in the following way.

Knead 200 g flour with water. Form a bun out of the risen dough, roll it in flour and let stand for several days. During this time, the dough becomes sour, dries up and hardens. The resulting sour sourdough is used as a baking powder in the preparation of bread, pastries, etc.

Sourdough can be prepared using yeast. Pour 2-2.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add 40-50 g of yeast, add enough flour to make a dough of medium consistency, let it go, then sediment. On this sourdough, you can knead bread dough, for which you need to take 600 g of sourdough per 4 kg of flour.

You can also make hop yeast at home by boiling hop flowers in water. Add flour to the resulting brown liquid after cooling. Knead a tough dough. From it make small, 60-70 g cakes, which are well dried and sprinkled with flour. Yeast should be stored in a dry place.

Below are recipes for making yeast and starter cultures.

Common yeast
1.5 cups wheat flour
0.5 cups of warm water.
Dissolve 1/2 cup wheat flour with 3/4 cup warm water. To this mixture, add 1 tbsp daily for 3 days. spoon of warm water. On the 4th day, boil the mass, stirring, with low heat. After cooling, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and the same amount - in the next 2 days. The prepared composition should be kept in a container covered with a napkin at room temperature (20-22 ° C). By the end of the week, the yeast will be ready. Store yeast in a glass jar in the refrigerator, without freezing, for 8-10 days. They can be used instead of pressed ones.

Hop and malt yeast
400 g hops
6.5 l of water,
600 g of premium flour,
600 g rye malt
20 g of compressed yeast.
Place in a large saucepan 400 g of hops (or acacia flowers), pour 4-5 liters of water, cover and simmer for 3 hours over low heat. Since some of the water will boil away, you need to add 6 glasses of water, stir, let it boil and strain. After cooling the broth to the temperature of fresh milk, put flour and rye malt into this mixture, carefully pouring hop water into the flour and stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. After that, you need to pour 20 g of pressed yeast diluted in warm water there, stir and put in a warm place. As soon as they rise well, bottle or keg, seal carefully and store on ice. For 2 kg of flour, take 1 glass of such yeast.

Liquid thick yeast
2 cups barley malt
25 g of hops,
8 glasses of boiling water
100 g of honey
0.5 cups yeast
Cook for 12 hours. Pour barley malt and hops with 8 cups of boiling water, cover and cook for 0.5 hour, stirring constantly. Then strain the broth through a sieve or linen bag and squeeze hard. Add 100 g (or a full tablespoon) of honey, boil again and leave, covered with a napkin. When the mixture is almost cold, pour in the yeast, cover with a towel and place in a warm place. After a few hours, the yeast will begin to ferment. Leave them on for a few more hours. If the yeast begins to fall off and no foam forms, then the yeast is ready, so you can immediately use it in the dough. And pour the rest into bottles and put in a cold place, where they would not sour, but also would not freeze.

Homemade yeast without using old yeast
150 g hops
15 glasses of water
1-1.5 st. tablespoons of salt
1 cup of sugar,
400 g of 1st grade wheat flour,
12 kg of potatoes.
Boil the hops several times in water, stirring with a spoon and cover with a lid. Strain, cool and put in salt, beat in 400 g of 1st grade wheat flour. Stir so that there are no lumps, cover with a towel and put in a warm place. After 2 days, boil the potatoes, rub them, mix with the prepared hop wort and let stand for 1 day. While this yeast is being prepared, it must be stirred frequently to foam.
After a day, the yeast can be poured into bottles by filtering through a sieve. Do not top up the bottles until the cork is three fingers. Cork and grind (you can fill it with paraffin), keep in a cool place, but not on ice. Shake well before use. For every 400 g of flour, take a full tablespoon of this yeast. Yeast lasts more than 2 months.

Potato yeast
15 potatoes,
2.1 / 4 cups wheat flour I or premium,
3 tbsp. breaking strong yeast.
Peel, boil and drain 10 potatoes. Rub them hot through a fine sieve, add 1.5 cups of I or premium wheat flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of strong homemade yeast, knead, put in a warm place - the mixture will soon begin to ferment. After that, put the yeast in the cold. For 2 kg of flour, you need to take half of this yeast. To the other half, add 5 mashed boiled potatoes, 3/4 cup flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast (you can brew), cook, as stated in the recipe "Homemade yeast without using old yeast", and refrigerate. The operation is repeated the next day.

Potato yeast can be prepared differently.
Boil 8-12 potatoes, rub them hot, pour 3 cups of warm potato broth, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, stir, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 25 g of vodka. Pour the resulting foam into a bottle, let it stand and put it out in the cold. In a day, the yeast is ready for use.

Chickpea yeast
Crush the peas and rub between your palms to remove the skin. Pour into a bottle and pour boiling water over it, which is immediately discarded. Then pour boiling water over again, add a pinch of salt and let stand for 8-10 hours at a temperature of 35-37 ° C. Foaming should stop and the solution should become clear.
Pea yeast gives the products made from them a special taste and aroma.

Pea yeast
The easiest way to make yeast is from peas. To do this, you need to crush common peas, boil in a large amount of water, then put in a warm place.
After 2 days or earlier, a thick foam will appear on the surface, which can replace real yeast, only this requires a large amount of foam.
Wheat bran and rye flour yeast
1 part of wheat is coarser,
1 part rye deaf,
6 bottles of boiling water,
400 g barley malt
2 glasses of milk
5 proteins.
Dilute wheat bran and rye flour first with cold water, then pour boiling water over it. When brewed, add barley malt and beat with a spatula until mixture cools. Then pour in the milk, add the whites and continue whisking until a bubble forms at the top. Put in a warm place for 12 hours, then collect the foam in bottles and store in a cold place.

Rye flour and malt yeast
400 g rye flour
400 g barley malt
1 glass of honey
5 proteins,
some beer.
Brew rye flour and barley malt with boiling water. Separately dilute the proteins with beer and, after shaking, put in a warm place. After 5 hours, when the mixture begins to ferment, dilute the custard flour with it and put it back in a warm place. Soon, the chatterbox will begin to ferment and foam forms on top, that is, real yeast.
Yeast from bread and milk
0.5 kg. black bread
1 liter of sour milk.
Pour black bread with milk, insist for a day in a warm place. Strain the infusion through a layer of gauze, squeeze, strain again, after three layers of gauze. Use the infusion to prepare the dough.

Rye bread sourdough
500 g rye bread,
0.5 liters of warm sour milk,
2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
a handful of raisins.
Grind rye bread, add warm sour milk, sugar, a handful of raisins and leave for a day to ferment. Then strain and squeeze the mass. On the resulting infusion, prepare a dough (flour mash) of the consistency of sour cream. Put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. This starter should be used in small quantities and not get carried away with the introduction of baking (sugar, butter, eggs).

Rye flour sourdough
25 g of compressed yeast,
1-1.5 liters of warm Veda,
500 g rye flour.
Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add rye flour, knead the dough and put it in a warm place with a temperature of 30 ° C. After 1-2 days, the leaven can be used to make rye bread. To improve the taste of bread, instead of water, you can add 0.5 cups of curdled milk or whey from cottage cheese or skimmed milk to the sourdough. You can prepare a starter culture without pressed yeast, using curdled milk or whey instead of water.


Yeast mass
1 cup flour
1 glass of warm water
1 glass of beer
1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.
Yeast mass is also suitable for loosening the dough. Dissolve the flour in warm water, leave for 5-6 hours, then add 1 glass of any beer, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar. Put the well-mixed mass for 30-40 minutes in a warm place. The starter culture can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
Hop yeast
2 tbsp. spoons of hops,
1 cup boiling water
1 cup wheat flour
Two tablespoons of hops (dried female fruit), pour 1 glass of boiling water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Strain the broth through a sieve and bring to a boil again. Gradually pour the hot broth into a clean enamel bowl with 1 cup of wheat flour and mix thoroughly. Cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for 1.5-2 days, then cook the yeast! The dough is prepared as follows: 1 cup of yeast for 1 cup of wheat flour. The remaining yeast will lie in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, if you add 1 glass of flour to it and let it stand warm for 4 hours.
With further use, the yeast is first diluted with 1 glass of warm water and placed for 1.5-2 hours in a warm place. When kneading the dough, proceed as described above.
Yeast on raisins
100-200 g of raisins,
a little sugar.
Rinse the raisins with water, put in a milk bottle, fill with water at room temperature, add a little sugar, tie the neck with four layers of gauze and put in a warm place. On the 4th - 5th day, fermentation will begin and you can put the dough on this yeast.
Yeast with honey
A pinch of hops
15 g honey
0.5 cups of water
1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour,
0.5 tbsp. spoons of old yeast.
A large pinch of hops, a full teaspoon of yellow honey, 0.5 cups of water, boil well, transfer to a jar. When it cools a little, add 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour, stir, put in a warm place. After 2 days, the yeast will be ready. If you put 0.5 tbsp. spoons of old yeast will be ready the next day.

Bran yeast
This yeast can be recommended for baking bread not only at home, but also in small bakeries in the absence of compressed yeast. Yeast is used both in the sponge and in the non-steam dough preparation method.

Mix wheat flour of the 2nd grade with water in a ratio of 1: 4. There should be no lumps or traces of uncooked flour. After 20-30 minutes, when the brewing temperature drops to 74-72 ° C, it should be saccharified with 2 grade wheat flour. When the tea leaves have cooled down to a temperature of 35-37 ° С, add a little more of the same flour. Mix the mixture well, cover the dishes with a clean napkin and place in a warm place for fermentation for 1-1.5 days. The fermented mass (mother liquor) should settle well and have a pleasant fermented taste and alcohol-milk smell. Then add 2 grade wheat flour and wheat bran to it, mix well and leave to ferment for 4-6 hours. After this time, add flour and bran again and leave to ferment for 4 hours.

After fermentation and accumulation of a sufficient number of yeast cells, rub the mass with wheat bran (make sure that there are no lumps) and sprinkle a thin layer on a clean table for drying in natural conditions. Dried bran yeast can be used within 3-6 months. They should be stored in a double gauze bag hanging in a cool dry place.

The required amount of yeast should first be soaked in warm water, whipped with flour, let stand for 30 minutes, and then knead the dough or dough. The consumption of yeast is 20–25% of the flour mass for kneading the dough. The quality of the bread with the sponge method is better.

For example, 1 kg of 2nd grade wheat flour (or wallpaper wheat) is brewed with 4 liters of boiling water or hot decoction of hops.

Hops are used as an additive that inhibits the development of extraneous microflora due to the resinous spice-bitter substance lupulin and the presence of volatile aromatic oils that are part of the hops, which improve the aroma of bread.

The prepared tea leaves should have the consistency of thick sour cream. At a temperature of 72-74 ° C, the brew should be saccharified with 100-150 g of wheat flour of the 2nd grade, mix well and, when it cools down to a temperature of 35-37 ° C, add another 100-150 g of wheat flour of the 2nd grade. Mix the mass well, cover the dishes with gauze and put in a warm place for 1-1.5 days for fermentation. Mix the finished mother liquor and add another 200 g of grade II flour and 300 g of wheat bran to it, leave to ferment for another 4-6 hours. Then add flour and bran and then according to the described scheme.

The approximate consumption of bran yeast is about 100 g (0.5 cups) per 1-1.5 kg of flour. The proposed method can be used to prepare any amount of bran yeast.

Subsequent queen cells can be set using successfully prepared bran yeast to produce good quality bread. To do this, add 100-150 g of previously prepared bran yeast, pre-soaked in warm water, into the saccharified and cooled to a temperature of 35-37 ° C.

For artisanal bakeries, as a baking powder, it is advisable to cook liquid yeast - flour fermenting talkers. Initially, liquid yeast can be made from a ready-made mother liquor by adding a nutrient mixture (brew diluted with water) every 2 hours to the required amount, observing the temperature regime and quality indicators. Selection every 2-2.5 hours. The amount of selected yeast from the container should be no more than 50%.
Homemade yeast on kvass thick
400 g flour
2-3 cups of kvass grounds remaining after the preparation of kvass.
Pour flour into the leavened thickened, knead the dough of medium consistency and put it in a warm place to rise. After 1-2 days, homemade yeast can be used to make bread. For 1 kg of flour, you should take 200-250 g of yeast.

Homemade yeast is best collected on a sieve with the dish underneath. Then they are collected in a jar and filled with cold water. When the mixture has settled, drain the water and replace with a new one, repeating until it is completely clean. The yeast washed in this way is stored in jars in a cold place for several weeks, but it is better to dry it. To do this, the yeast is placed in a canvas bag, tied and put first in a bag with dry bran, and then in cold ash or in oven-dried sand. A day later, when the yeast becomes harder than the dough, they are cut into plates and finally dried in air. It is best to store yeast in a jar covered with gauze or in a dry, loose container. Liquid yeast will last much longer if mixed with thick molasses or sugar (for 850 g of yeast 600 g of syrup).
Much more often it is necessary to improve the quality of purchased yeast at home or start new ones on the remains of old ones. To improve weak yeast, add sugar, flour and warm water to them, stir and let stand until they begin to ferment.

You can get new yeast on old in different ways. We will indicate only two, the most simple ones.

Grind 5-7 boiled potatoes with 3 tbsp.tablespoons of sugar, add 20 g of pressed yeast, diluted in water until thick sour cream, and pour in 1 glass of warm water. When the mixture begins to ferment, place (in the bottle) on ice.
You can also dilute mashed potatoes in the form of liquid jelly, pour in 1 glass of yeast and 25 g of wine. This yeast should be put into the dough twice as much as the usual portion.

Castor oil
I thought that the sourdough was prepared without the participation of yeast. And here they are in the recipe. Did anyone make a leaven for yeast-free bread?
Kolobok II
A very interesting topic.
Could you please tell me if sour cream can be used to replace yeast or sourdough?
Quote: Gingerbread Man II

A very interesting topic.
Could you please tell me if sour cream can be used to replace yeast or sourdough?

Sour cream has a beneficial effect on fast dough, for example for pancakes, pie dough! Especially old sour cream.

For bread dough, as a yeast substitute, sour cream is not suitable, it doesn’t have enough strength for double proofing of the dough!
But as an addition to bread dough, from a few spoons to 1/2 cup will be good!
Hello. Since I'm new to baking, a question has arisen (Perhaps it will seem stupid) If I replace store yeast with homemade yeast, do I need to change something in bread recipes for HP, or are they completely interchangeable and there is nothing inappropriate to change?
Quote: PLuT

Hello. Since I'm new to baking, a question has arisen (Perhaps it will seem stupid) If I replace store yeast with homemade yeast, do I need to change something in bread recipes for HP, or are they completely interchangeable and there is nothing inappropriate to change?

It all depends on the consistency of the yeast (thick or liquid), and the method of baking in the oven or in the oven.
In any case, you will have to adjust the dough with a flour / liquid balance
Recipes can be selected from the forum.
Admin, please tell me. I'm new to bread makers. That is, if I want to bake bread on my own sourdough, without using yeast, then I really bake it it is in KP, just need to suffer and gain experience? I'll start roaring soon, read the website, everywhere there are sourdough bread recipes, but they recommend either in the oven or in the HB proto, and cook the dough by hand, but I don't have such a function in my HP (LG HB-159E) / Of course I feel I was in a hurry to buy this bread machine for my own purposes ... but the seller said it bakes with sourdough and I somehow stepped and believed what to say .. So I'm thinking of tearing my hair out from such a flight or will it still come out what? .. .:)Please tell me!!!
You should not tear your hair on yourself

Bread can be baked with yeast and sourdough in any device - oven, BREADMaker, slow cooker!

You just need to learn how to make bread dough, work with sourdough, and choose the baking mode in your oven. And for this it is not necessary to have specials. mode for sourdough and / or rye bread.

- ferments: how to grow, how to work
- sourdough bread in the SECTOR BREAD section, for example wheat bread

Pick up a recipe in the sourdough bread section, and try to repeat it, talk to the author of the recipe - gradually learn how to bake with sourdough, it's not difficult.
Quote: Lёlka

Admin wrote: For example, I now bake either with yeast, or with old (sour) doughsince there is less hassle with it, it does not require maintenance, and the result is impressive.
Tanya! where can you read about it?

Lёlka , Thanks for attention!
I have a few topics on old sour dough bread - look again!
Wheat bread on old dough dough (BEGINNING)
Wheat bread made from old dough
How I store and prepare old (sour) dough for kneading
This topic reflects:
Yeast and starter cultures at home
Old recipes for making yeast and sourdoughs
Tatyana, a good topic to study
Good afternoon, Admin!

Thank you for your (and not only) recipes and work.
I have a few questions for you:
Which yeast recipe would you recommend?
Is there an alternative (in terms of usability) to thermophilic yeast?
What do you mean by the concept of spices for bread?

tretyakova, Olga, we recall the school course in organic chemistry and do not read the articles written by someone who is not clear and why. There is no yeast that can withstand temperatures above 50 degrees, they die! And for good, without the possibility of revival. These are ordinary mushrooms, which in any state - wet, dry, pressed - do not live at elevated temperatures.
Castor oil, sourdough is the same yeast. So there is no starter culture for yeast-free bread, you know. There is a separate topic for yeast-free bread - on baking powder, soda, kefir, etc.
Thanks for your reply.
However, I would like to wait for the direct addressee's reply from rt.
tretyakovaBy the way, Olga, recently read from a blogger about thermophilic yeast. It turns out that the "duck" about their alleged harmfulness first surfaced in the 30s, and so it appears periodically once every 20-25 years. There was even a book published on this, it seems, in the 60s called Yeast Paranoia and Nonsense
Quote: tretyakova

Thank you for your (and not only) recipes and work.
Which yeast recipe would you recommend?
Is there an alternative (in terms of usability) to thermophilic yeast?
What do you mean by the concept of spices for bread?

Thanks for the kind words!

The forum has homemade yeast tested in use, use this recipe

Liquid yeast based on fruits, vegetables, herbs, tea ... (lappl1)

Yeast and starter cultures at home

There are active dry yeasts of the Saf-moment type, there are fresh pressed ones, which one to choose is up to you. We use both dry and pressed on the forum, there are a lot of Yeast bread recipes on the forum.
There are also many ways to use from the point of view of ease of use, and they all work: from dry filling in the dough to long dough. Here you also need to follow the recipe of the author, and that what result do you want to get from bread dough... For this reason, there are enough recommendations in the Basics of Kneading and Baking section and in the Yeast Bread or Sourdough Bread section.

Bread Spice Mix

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