
If you buy whole grains from organic or bio-based stores, make sure the grain is ergot free. Ergot is a fungal disease that occurs most often on rye.
Instead of a grain, a purple-black ergot appears on the ear, containing poisonous substances. They can cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Therefore, inspect the grain upon purchase, if necessary, sort it.
Even in biologically clean fields, cereals can contain heavy metals from the air. Therefore, it is recommended to buy "cleaned grain".
During processing, the outermost layers of grain are removed and, along with them, harmful substances. Vitamins, ballast and mineral substances in this case are almost completely preserved

Good flour should have a creamy hue, smell like freshly ground grain, squeak when squeezed with your fingers, not leave a mark on them or stick to them.
There should be no crunch when chewing flour.

Taste - no foreign aftertastes, not sour, not bitter, dry to the touch, without lumps, sweetish taste.

To the touch, the good-quality flour is dry, tender, fine, although grainy, sticks to the hand, easily squeezes and crunches at the same time.

If you squeeze flour in a fist, a lump forms, which easily crumbles in an unclenched palm; if it does not form, then there are a lot of minerals or bran in the flour, and if the lump does not crumble, then the flour is raw or soaked.

Press the flour with your finger - you should get a uniform, smooth depression, with a clear imprint of skin convolutions, otherwise the flour contains a lot of bran


Has a moldy, musty or other off-odor, bitter, sour or other taste, crunch on the teeth, the presence of barn pests.

Spoiled flour tastes bitter or pungent, "scratching" in the throat or sweetish.

The flour obtained from the grain, which is affected by the weevil, is bitter. Sprouted grain flour has a sweet taste.

Also, the flour becomes sweetish and smells like honey if the grain is heavily infected with mites; this smell remains in bread baked from this flour, the taste of such bread is bitter.

Flour contaminated with flour beetle smells harsh, unpleasant.

Take a pinch of flour, squeeze. If dense lumps form, then the flour is too wet (such flour cools a hand immersed in it, while dry flour does not).

To determine whether starch was added to the flour, the flour is stirred in water, filtered and one drop of iodine is added to the filtered liquid. If at the same time the liquid turns more or less blue, then starch is mixed with wheat flour.

To "refine" spoiled flour, alum is often added to it. They have a strange property - they make it possible to bake "good" bread from spoiled flour - loose, light and not quickly stale. However, it should be remembered that alum is harmful to humans.


A small amount of flour is mixed with one half (by weight) of water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which is left alone for three hours.Then this mass is placed in a rag bag and washed, gently kneading it with your fingers, under a light stream of water, until the water becomes completely transparent and a thick, viscous, elastic cake - gluten remains in the bag.
If the flour is good, the gluten obtained in this way should be a homogeneous, yellowish-white mass that easily stretches into thin threads. If the gluten is heterogeneous, lasts little, with a greyish-dirty tinge, it means that the flour is overripe, musty or contains impurities.

The dark color of the gluten indicates the admixture of rye flour, and the greenish color indicates the admixture of pea flour. (If you leave some of the water that was used to wash the flour at room temperature until fermentation begins, you can determine if there are admixtures of legumes or legumes in the flour, because such fermentation is accompanied by a disgusting putrid odor, instead of the lactic acid so characteristic of fermented pure wheat flour.)


Individual consignments of flour of the same type, available at the bakery's warehouse, can differ significantly in their baking value. If at the bakery the flour was put into production in separate batches, then the bread would have been (depending on the quality of the given batch of flour) either good or bad.
To avoid this, it is customary to make up a mixture of different batches of flour, in which the shortcomings of one batch of flour would be compensated by the good qualities of another, before starting flour into production.
So, for example, flour that is dark or strongly darkens in the process of baking bread from it should be mixed with light and non-darkening flour, weak flour - with strong flour, flour with a low gas-forming ability ("strong for heat") - with flour having a large gas-generating ability ("Weak for fever"), etc.
When composing a flour mixture, the laboratory of the bakery must determine the indicators of its main baking properties, primarily the indicators of strength and gas-generating ability.
Composing a mixture according to these indicators is facilitated by the fact that, using the rule of proportion, it is possible to calculate in advance in what ratio the batches of flour should be mixed so that their mixture meets the given values ​​of these indicators.
Experiments carried out both in laboratories and in production conditions have shown that the deviations of the actual values ​​of the gas-forming ability and strength of the flour in the mixture from the calculated ones, calculated on the basis of the indicators of the mixed batch of flour, are relatively small and have no practical significance.
An exception may be when one of the mixed lots of flour is derived from a very heavily sprouted grain or from a grain that is severely damaged by a turtle clone. In these cases, the calculated ratio of the mixed batches of flour should be pre-checked by the method of test baking of bread from this mixture and, if necessary, adjusted accordingly.


The color of the flour is determined by comparing the test flour with a known flour sample (reference). The determination is carried out in diffused daylight, and the flour should be of the same moisture content and size. The difference in color appears more clearly if pressed flour samples are immersed in a bath of water at room temperature for 1-2 minutes, remove and compare their color. This is a wet sample.


Fresh flour has a faint, characteristic smell. A musty and sour smell of flour indicates that it is tainted or made from stale grain.
Flour has the ability to absorb foreign odors that may appear when transporting flour in contaminated wagons or when stored in inappropriate warehouses.
To detect the smell, a small amount of flour is warmed in the palm of the hand with the breath and then the smell is determined. You can also put flour in a glass, pour hot water (60 °), cover, let stand for 2-3 minutes, drain the water and detect the smell.


Flour of normal quality has a slightly sweetish, almost bland taste when chewed. A slightly acidic taste indicates that the flour is stale, and a clearly sour or bitter taste indicates that the flour is spoiled. The bitter taste can also be caused by the presence in the grain from which the flour is obtained, such impurities as wormwood, vazel, etc. The flour from sprouted and frost grain has a sweetish taste.
By chewing a pinch of flour, the absence of crunching on the teeth is established due to the presence of sand, earth, and similar mineral impurities.
Pest infestation. The presence of granary pests - beetles, butterflies, ticks and their larvae - is not allowed in flour.


The moisture content of flour is of great importance. Dry flour (up to 14%) is well preserved throughout the year. Medium dry flour (14.5-15.5%) can be stored only in the cool months of the year, and moist flour (15.5-17%) only in winter. In warm months, such flour cakes into lumps, heats up by itself, barn pests easily multiply in it, mold and bacteria develop. Dry flour in the process of making baked bread has better swelling properties; the dough from it does not stick to the machines.
The moisture content of the flour is determined mainly by drying 5 g of flour at 130 ° for 40 minutes.
Moisture not only plays a decisive role in storing flour, but also affects the yield of bread. A 1% increase in moisture reduces the bread yield by about 1.5%. It should be noted that rye flour is characterized by increased (in comparison with wheat flour) hygroscopicity.

Ash content

The ash content of flour is the main indicator of its grade. Ash content indicates the presence of minerals in flour. Mineral elements are concentrated mainly in the shells and the nucleus, therefore, the better they are separated, the lower the ash content of the flour. Ash content standards for bakery wheat flour (in%, no more):
grit 0.60; premium grade - 0.55; 1st - 0.75; 2nd - 1.25; 2nd from durum wheat - 1.75; wallpaper - 1.90. The ash content of rye flour is set within the following limits (in% on dry matter); seeded - 0.75; peeled - 1.45; wallpaper - 2.00. The content of metal impurities in flour should not exceed 3 lg per 1 kg.
For each type of flour, the standard and temporary technical conditions establish a certain ash content in terms of dry matter of flour. Deviation from the norms is allowed no more than 0.05%.
The size of a metal particle in the largest dimension is allowed no more than 0.3 mm. Metallic impurities can remain if flour is not thoroughly cleaned on magnetic devices before packaging. The mass of ore and slag particles should not exceed 0.4 mg.

Grinding size

The coarseness of the grinding is determined by sifting the flour through two silk sieves. Flour of the highest grade is sieved through one sieve (the number of the silk sieve corresponds to the number of threads per 1 linear centimeter). The upper sieve, more rare, serves to determine the amount of large particles of flour (sieve residue), the lower, more frequent, for small particles (passage through the sieve). When sifting premium flour through a sieve No. 43, the residue on it should be no more than 5%. Flour I of the first grade is sieved through two sieves. On the first (upper) - No. 35 - the remainder must be no more than 2%, the passage of the gum through the second sieve - No. 43 - must be at least 75%. The rate of dough formation depends on the grinding size - large particles of flour swell more slowly than small ones. On the other hand, excessively chopped, ground flour is more easily exposed to the action of enzymes, when it burns, it is more likely to go rancid, and products made from it have a smaller volume.


The acidity of premium and I grade flour should not exceed 3 *, and grade II flour - 5 *. An excess of acidity standards indicates stale flour. The content of dusty metal impurities in 1 kg of flour is allowed no more than 3 mg, the size of each particle in the largest linear dimension should not exceed 0.3 mm, and the mass of ore and slag grains should not exceed 0.4 mg.
Wheat flour of the first grades with an acidity above 4-5 ° is already suspicious in terms of freshness, just like flour of the 2nd grade, the acidity of which is above 7 °.
When storing flour (especially in unfavorable conditions), molds and bacteria develop in it, enzymatic processes of decomposition of substances take place, and this leads to the accumulation of acidic substances in the flour. A sharply increased acidity of flour serves as a more objective sign of its staleness than a change in smell and taste.
The acidity of flour is expressed in degrees of acidity. Degrees indicate how many cubic centimeters of normal alkali solution is required to neutralize the acids contained in 100 g of flour. Fresh wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade has an acidity of no more than 3 °, flour of the 2nd grade and wallpaper - no more than 5 °.
To determine the freshness of flour, it is also proposed to set the acidity of the fat of the flour. When storing flour, fat is broken down into glycerin and fatty acids and the acidity of the fat increases.

Staying flour

Ripening is the process of improving the baking properties of freshly ground flour during storage. Freshly ground flour from grain of a new level is characterized by increased activity of enzymes, relatively weak gluten, and has a low water absorption capacity.
Bread made from freshly ground unripe flour turns out to be vague, with a dense and sticky crumb, and reduced porosity.

When matured, freshly ground flour acquires normal baking properties. The essence of flour ripening is to increase the strength of flour as a result of the oxidative effect of atmospheric oxygen, peroxides and free fatty acids on gluten proteins and enzymes.

The time required for the flour to ripen depends on its type and original quality,
grain maturation before grinding, flour temperature, the higher the grade, the slower
it ripens.
Under normal storage conditions, wheat varietal flour ripens within 45 - 60, and wallpaper 20 - 30 days.

Flour roll

Before starting production, the quality of flour is checked, sorted and sieved. Flour has different properties, therefore, before starting in
production produces a roll of flour - mixing the same type of flour, but with different baking properties.

Harmful impurities in flour

These impurities include ergot, smut, bitterness, knotweed, cockle. The content of smut, ergot, bitterness and vazel together should be no more than 0.05% (including bitterness and vazel no more than 0.04%). A doll is allowed no more than 0.1%.
Admixtures of rye and barley flour are allowed in wheat flour up to 5%. Sprouted grain flour can be up to 3%. All these impurities are determined by analyzing the grain in mills after cleaning it on machines before grinding.

The baking properties of flour

Baking properties are understood as the ability of flour to produce a sufficient amount of bread of proper quality. The behavior of the dough during processing (kneading, fermentation, cutting, baking) is also taken into account. Baking properties are determined by test baking in laboratory ovens according to a special method with constant yeast quality and a certain dough recipe.

Bread is baked in molds (shaped) and on a sheet in the form of round bread (hearth).

The resulting molded bread is weighed - the bread yield is recognized, and after cooling, its volume is determined. Calculate the yield and volume of bread from 100 g of flour on dry matter. In the hearth bread, the diameter (along the bottom crust) and the height of the bread are measured. The height to diameter ratio of the hearth bread characterizes the quality of the flour.

Good flour gives about 400 ml of tin bread, and the ratio of height to diameter for hearth bread made from it is 0.40-0.45. To some extent, the baking qualities of flour can be judged by the quantity and quality of gluten and the enzyme content of the flour.
Bakery flour quality assessment

Flour is the main raw material in baking.The quality of bakery products, in addition to the correct conduct of the technological process, is largely determined by the quality of flour. The currently existing techno-chemical and organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of flour cannot yet give a complete picture of the quality of bread that will be baked from a given flour sample. A baker, having only physical and chemical indicators of flour, usually indicated in certificates (quality documents) for flour, cannot correctly build a technological process. The technological process, as we will see below, changes depending on the quality of the flour. The most correct and complete picture of the quality of flour can only be obtained from a test baking of bread. Test baking determines the so-called baking capacity of flour.

Baking ability is understood as the totality of individual quality indicators of flour, which further determine the quality of bread. Flour possesses good baking ability if it produces bread with a large volume, elastic crumb and good crust, if the technological process is carried out correctly. The baking ability is also characterized by the water-absorbing ability of flour, that is, the ability of flour to absorb a certain amount of water when kneading the dough, the weight yield of bread and the behavior of the dough during kneading and fermentation (the dough should be elastic, not sticky and not spread quickly on proofing).

After baking and evaluating bread, individual quality indicators, expressed in numbers, with the help of formulas, are reduced into a single figure, which conditionally characterizes the baking capacity of this flour. The higher this figure is, the better the baking ability.

The baking ability of flour is determined mainly by the chemical composition of the flour and the presence of enzymes in it. Taking into account that the chemical composition of flour and the formation of enzymes in the latter depend both on the grain and grade (yield) of flour, and on the conditions for further storage of flour, the baking ability can be very diverse. This is especially the case when working with wheat flour.

The soil and climatic conditions of the regions in which the grain grew affect the chemical composition of the grain. On the other hand, there are different varieties of wheat, which in the same area produce different grains in quality. Flour of the same yield, obtained from such wheat, has a different chemical composition. In addition, different varieties of flour can be obtained from a certain grain, depending on the method of grinding. Each type of flour will differ in chemical composition and have a different baking capacity.

High grades of flour, containing a small amount of bran and elastic gluten capable of resisting, have good baking ability. On the other hand, low varieties of flour, with a high content of bran and with a weak viscous gluten, which gives a loose dough when proofed, are characterized by poor baking ability.

The baking qualities of flour are also characterized by the weight yield of bread. This factor is of great importance for baking. In most cases, the greater the weight yield of bread, the higher the weight yield of the dough from a given type of flour. In turn, the weight yield of the dough depends on the water absorption capacity of the flour.

The water absorption capacity of flour is the ability of flour to absorb water to form a dough of normal consistency. The normal consistency of the dough (state of the dough in terms of strength, density) is not constant for all varieties of bakery products. So, when baking tin bread, the dough is always weaker in consistency than for hearth. Therefore, a normal consistency dough for pan bread will not be suitable for a hearth. This is taken into account when determining the water absorption capacity of flour.

The water absorption capacity of flour is determined by the ratio of flour and water in the dough, which depends on the quality of the flour.Flour is dry, with good gluten, aged, absorbs more water than wet, with insufficient maturation and weak gluten. With an increase in the percentage of flour yield, the water absorption capacity increases, since the bran absorbs water well. The higher the water absorption capacity of the flour, the greater the yield of the dough, and, consequently, the greater the yield of bread (baking) such flour will give.

The water absorption capacity of flour, depending on the quality and grade, ranges from 40 to 75%.

For certain varieties of flour, the water absorption capacity is determined by the following figures:

Wheat flour of the highest gradeabout 50 ° / o
1st grade wheat flourabout 52 ° / o
Wheat flour 2nd gradeabout 56 ° / o
Whole wheat flourabout 60 ° / o
Rye wallpaper flourabout 70 ° / o
Peeled rye flourabout 68 ° / o

The water absorption capacity of flour can be determined by several methods. The most convenient and more correct method is to gradually add flour to a certain amount of water. To do this, 25 cm3 of water is poured into a porcelain cup, to which flour is gradually added, and the dough is kneaded to a normal consistency. The resulting piece of dough is weighed on a scale, then the amount of flour in grams used to knead the dough is determined, and the result is expressed as a percentage.

Suppose that the weight of the dough was expressed in 75 g. Flour was required: 75 - 25 = 50 g. Therefore, the water absorption capacity of this flour will be: approximately 50%.

The results obtained are of course indicative. When preparing the dough in production, it is necessary to make an amendment, taking into account the properties of the subsequent swelling of the flour during fermentation, as well as the recipe (oil, molasses, sugar, eggs, etc.).

To determine the baking ability of flour, there are a number of methods (Neumann, Saunders), but all of them are required when carrying out a laboratory setting and therefore may not always be applicable.

In addition, the expression of flour baking ability in one number does not give a complete picture of flour quality.

For a technologist, a baker, it is important to have separate indicators characterizing the quality of bread, such as the color of the crumb and crust, taste, smell, bread volume, porosity, vagueness, etc. It is also important to determine the defectiveness of flour (maltiness, crunch, potato disease). The identification of individual indicators of flour will make it possible to compose such a bulk (roll) in production, which will ensure the baking of bread of the best quality. This leads to the fact that the test baking is produced in a more simplified way.

From the book of Plotnikov P.M., Kolesnikov M.F. - 350 varieties of bakery products - 1940
Have a question!
Quote: Admin
The moisture content of the flour is determined mainly by drying 5 g of flour at 130 ° for 40 minutes.
With regard to home conditions, I think you need to take more flour. More precisely, 55 grams of commercials. Also finely scatter on a baking sheet lined with paper and dry at 130 degrees for 40 minutes.
And this is where the fun begins. If flour of normal moisture content (14.5%) remains on the scales 47 g.
And if there is more or less, what will be the humidity? That is, for example, after drying, 50 grams remain. How much moisture is higher in flour?
Quote: Pimander

And this is where the fun begins. If flour of normal moisture content (14.5%) remains on the scales 47 g.
And if there is more or less, what will be the humidity? That is, for example, after drying, 50 grams remain. How much moisture is higher in flour?

And here we adjust the flour-liquid balance by adding additional flour or adding liquid. The correct consistency of bread dough depends on the moisture content of the flour: high moisture - less liquid, heavily dried flour - more liquid.

I found! GOST 9404-88, valid. Can be useful to someone (the same meticulous)

How to determine the quality of flour and grain

That is, it turns out that if less than 8 grams has evaporated, then the moisture content is less, and if the moisture content of the flour is higher, then more moisture will evaporate during this time! Applicable to our conditions with a dried sample of 50 gr. humidity will be 9.1%, at 45 gr.- 18.2%. Here!
Tell me, if gluten is added to low-quality flour (for example, from frozen or sprouted grains), will this state of affairs save? It is recommended to add milk whey, but it did not save my bread.
Quote: Newbie

Tell me, if gluten is added to low-quality flour (for example, from frozen or sprouted grains), will this state of affairs save? It is recommended to add milk whey, but it did not save my bread.

How did you find out from which grain your batch of flour was prepared? At the same time, a certificate for a batch of flour was attached, was it written on the packaging with flour, or was an analysis for the quality of flour performed?

This process of mixing different types of flour takes place directly at flour mills, where there are laboratories for monitoring the quality of flour for each grinding and there is determined the optimal ratio of what and how much should be added. Almost all flour is on sale, it is a blend in different proportions, from different fields, warehouses, current and last years, different crops in different regions, and so on ...

But, there is also not mixed flour - this is extra class flour made from first-class grain. There is also environmentally friendly flour (and grain), but their price goes off scale for three figures per kilogram. There is the purest flour of private producers, private mills. There is a gorgeous flour from Italy, France, where the price goes off scale "for its purest six".

A couple more ways to check the quality of flour:

We take a small amount of vinegar and add flour to it.
If there is no reaction, then the flour is of high quality, without the addition of chalk.

Add a little boiling water to the flour.
If this solution smells like sweetish honey, then there is a flour mite in the flour.
If the smell is sour, then the flour is already moldy and there were violations during its storage.

The question is to determine the quality of flour.
Our local farmer makes wheat flour. Something like whole grain, contains a lot of embroidery. I baked bread from this flour both in pure form and 50/50 with premium wheat. The bread doesn't taste bad. But it turns out not white, but gray. Can wheat flour make gray bread?
I asked in their shop if they had technologists to communicate, find out the composition of flour. They said that we do not have this. And the question why gray bread is obtained from wheat flour was also not answered.
How to determine the quality of flour and grain
On the left is bread made from premium flour, on the right is bread made entirely from this flour
How to determine the quality of flour and grain
Quote: Anatoly_1960
Can wheat flour make gray bread?

If the wheat flour is of the highest grade, extra, then the bread will turn out to be white, white-yellow.

If the wheat flour is grades 1 and 2, whole grain, the bread will have a shade of gray, since the flour contains bran, and they are gray.
If you add any amount of rye flour to wheat flour, the bread will turn gray and may become completely dark, depending on the amount of rye flour.

Here, you can clearly see it here, the bread is completely 100% whole wheat flour Whole grain flour gingerbread man. Master Class
Quote: Admin
Here, you can clearly see it here, the bread is completely 100% whole wheat flour. Whole wheat flour gingerbread man. Master Class

Well, the bread there is white in the context.
If you add rye flour and the bread turns gray - I already know this from practice.
Does it look like wheat flour in my photo? Maybe grades 3 or 4
The manufacturer claims that this is wheat flour, but I have doubts
The manufacturer is not a factory but a local farmer

Anatoly_1960, and you take a closer look at the whole topic, there are also very dark bread. It depends on the composition of the flour, Altai Health has 8% fiber, perhaps in yours this percentage is higher and, accordingly, the color is darker.
There is definitely more than 8% fiber. When I sifted half of the sieve, there was fiber left, well, I poured it into the bread maker.

I had such thoughts that if coarse grinding, then perhaps there will be dark bread, but I decided to consult with professionals

So, experts conclude that the bread in the photo on the right can be made from wheat flour without rye additives?
Quote: Anatoly_1960
Well, the bread there is white in the context

Actually, I'm not color blind to see on my whole grain wheat bread with pure white crumb

How to determine the quality of flour and grain

And this pure wheat bread made from premium flour - white Wheat flour gingerbread man (master class)

How to determine the quality of flour and grain


Quote: Admin
Actually, I'm not color blind to see pure white crumb on my whole wheat bread.

Everything is relative. About my bread - this white
But we are avoiding the question. Could there be wheat bread with a lot of fiber like the one in my photo? Or is it not pure wheat flour after all?
Quote: Anatoly_1960
wheat flour with a lot of fiber of the same color as in my photo? Or is it not pure wheat flour after all?

We are already repeating ...
Wheat flour can be different:
- pure white w / s
- with partial fiber content, 1st or 2nd grade
- whole grain from completely ground wheat grain

and as an option, with the addition of another type of flour (rye, rice, and so on)

And this will affect the color of the flour, and accordingly the finished bread. And this will not in any way affect the quality of the flour itself.
Color will also be affected by the amount of fiber added.

I showed the photo above how the crumb of bread will look like.

We cook our own whole wheat flour and flour of the 1st and 2nd grade
What is wholemeal flour - and how is it different from whole grain flour?

Quote: Admin
I showed the photo above how the crumb of bread will look like.
So this confuses me. Your bread has a much whiter crumb than mine
I ask specifically for my bread, and you tell me what kind of flour can be ... I've already read about it
Quote: Anatoly_1960
I ask specifically for my bread, and you tell me what kind of flour is ...
Anatoly_1960, Anatoly, it's so difficult for us to tell you something specific from the photo. Yes, bread made from wheat flour can theoretically have crumb of this color. If it is coarse flour and contains a lot of bran.
And practically - the same crumb color will turn out when adding rye or other types of flour. We did not smell or taste this bread ...
Now, this is a more specific answer, theoretically, there can be such a color, but it is unlikely ... you still need to smell it and try.
And what are the recommendations for smell and taste characteristics to establish a more accurate diagnosis of flour
Anatoly_1960, it is easier to ask your farmer for an excursion and let him put grain in the mill and process it into flour. :-)
I posted the wrong photo
Here is bread made of 50x50 flour, premium flour, and this is wheat.
How to determine the quality of flour and grain

And baked from that flour 100% so the bread is even darker.

Quote: CroNa
it's easier to ask your farmer for an excursion and let him put grain in the mill and process it into flour. :-)
yes I already understood it, thanks. But it's not that simple. A farmer on his farm. Warehouses and a store at the warehouses in our city. And flour is made in another city, there are also warehouses and a wider assortment. They gave me excellent wheat embroidery to try.
Nothing, I will reconnoiter this case over time, I just wanted to speed up the process. I thought that from the photo they would say to me: 1. maybe this color is from the coarse grinding of wheat flour, or 2. nifiga, even if there are 50% of embroidery, then bread of this color will not be
Thank you for your willingness to help
It seems to me that the farmer will not specifically mix different types of flour, why does he need extra body movements?
It's another matter if he first grinds rye or oats, barley, and then, without cleaning, began to grind wheat - then mixing is possible.
But I cannot describe the taste or smell in words. Simply, if you ate whole grain wheat bread - imagine what it is. It has a rather strong specific taste and aroma. Therefore, small additions of other flours may not be visible unless you are a professional taster.
At the same time, it turned out for me myself that a small addition of rye flour made the bread taste completely "not wheat". But it was in premium flour bread.
Quote: SvetaI
It seems to me that the farmer will not specifically mix different types of flour, why does he need extra body movements?
So I think that there is no need to lie to him. True, I talked with the seller from the store. And the scale there is not handicraft, but more like industrial. They said they will deliver in 2 weeks. Very cheap flour and bread is not bad. I made 50% w / c and 50% of this flour, with olives, so the granddaughter touched both cheeks. In the market I bought 1 kg 8 UAH / kg, and in their warehouses they have 4 UAH / kg, but only a bag of 20 kg is enough for half a year. We must look for a companion, otherwise I'm afraid the bugs will start. And premium flour costs 10 UAH / kg and more
Anatoly_1960, only you should take into account that c / w flour is not stored as long as w / c, it goes rancid rather quickly. So don't stockpile.
Thanks for the tip. And if you put it in the freezer?
Not worth it, a refrigerator will be enough.

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We advise you to read:

Selection and operation of bread makers