Now I read it in another topic:

Quote: himichka

The remains are eaten by the dog in the form of porridge with sourdough. Poor dog!

himichka, how could I not have thought of a simple solution myself!
Thank you for telling me. My "baby elephant" will not even notice that sourdough has been added to the evening porridge with meat.
Throwing away the leftovers, for example, is very unpleasant for me.
Of course, God doesn't know how much: 56-60 grams daily. But this is wrong.

I want to tell you about my "findings"

I have a leaven - "eternal from Luca"
Lives for the 3rd month.
I thought, I thought, how to use unnecessary sourdough ...
Here's what I came up with.

1. Used it as filling in a bigus (I love it, I do it regularly). I think that you can try adding to the sauce for meat, acid in a portion of the sourdough should not be. lot.
2. I also found a recipe Polish soup - ur... Quite a lot of sourdough is added to this soup, it turns out to be thick, like jelly. Tasty, although not quite traditional. But my husband said that this soup can be included in the menu.

3. Made face masks.
Usually, the following yeast masks are recommended:

Yeast face mask. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add rye flour and stir everything until the consistency of sour cream. Keep in a warm place for a day. Then the leaven is applied to the face and neck in a thick layer. This mask makes the skin soft and supple.

It is clear that the sourdough is ready, I also added sour cream so that the skin does not tighten too much. My skin is oily, and this mask came in handy.

Maybe someone will add their own options?

Or are you throwing it away?
I make pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, batter for fish and vegetables from excess sourdough, you can try to wash your hair with rye sourdough like with shampoo - someone has already written about this, it degreases your hair very well. I think that you can make kvass for okroshka using rye sourdough (this is not for everybody, personally I hate okroshka), which, you know, is white and sour ...
I think that if you strain yourself, you can come up with many more ways to use the leaven!
Oh, I also tried to make a face mask (yeast type).
It was impossible to tear it off. Tear off 10 minutes - so stuck. At least crying. True, I smeared myself with pure leaven.

In general, I throw away the leftovers. There are about 40-50g of them. Especially not to attach anywhere. Is that feeding them to a larger volume and then in business.
Quote: Lenny

True, I smeared myself with pure leaven.
Lenny, and you try to add sour cream. Or unrefined vegetable oil. The result is completely different.
Quote: Lenny

Is that feeding them to a larger volume and then in business.
If you bake leavened bread every day, there will be no leftovers.
But this does not work out - we cannot master so much bread.
Quote: Zefirka

Lenny, and you try adding sour cream. Or unrefined vegetable oil. The result is completely different.
Yeah. Next time I will definitely do something about it.
This torture in its purest form - never again
Boo Boo
Oh, just don’t give the animals leaven. I scold my husband all the time, constantly trying to feed the leftovers to the dogs.
Quote: BooBoo

Oh, just don’t give the animals leaven. I scold my husband all the time, constantly trying to feed the leftovers to the dogs.

Boo Boo, and I also scold, and say that the dog is not a pig.
But why not add 40-50 grams of yeast to the porridge?
We add ourselves?

I wrote about soup-zhur. Even more sourdough goes there - it turns out like jelly, so thick ...
This soup is called in Belarus and Poland the soup of longevity. It is precisely because of the leaven that it is considered so beneficial.
And what harm to the dog?
There is also flour. And it is not advisable to feed the animals with bread, bakery and pasta.
True, I feed my pancakes with homemade bread. Just a little bit
Quote: Zefirka

I wrote about soup-zhur. Even more sourdough goes there - it turns out like jelly, so thick ...
This soup is called in Belarus and Poland the soup of longevity. It is precisely because of the leaven that it is considered so beneficial.

And the recipe for the soup is mo-o-o-o-can ???
LightOdessa , sure!


Jour is categorized as vegetable soups and can add a new flavor to a vegetarian meal. (not necessarily vegetarian, add meat, in particular smoked meats)

Zhur is being prepared on vegetable broth. The peculiarity of Zhur, which distinguishes it from other soups, is the use of liquid rye sourdough dough as a thickener and sour base - the so-called "white borscht".

"White borscht" is stored in a cool place in tightly closed containers for no more than half a month. To prepare the starter culture, pour boiling water over two glasses of rye flour, stirring and bringing to the consistency of a batter. After the cooked dough has cooled, add another liter of warm water to it and put a crust of black bread for souring. Pour into a glass dish, tie with gauze, and leave for fermentation in a warm place for three days. (as you understand, in our case, the leaven is already ready)

To prepare Zhur, you need to boil a vegetable broth from carrots, parsley roots, celery with the addition of leeks and dried mushrooms. (I did it without mushrooms, broth on potatoes, root celery, carrots, fried onions)

Pour unstrained "white borscht" into the vegetable broth at the rate of half a liter of "borscht" per liter of broth. The zhur should be quite thick and sour.
(since our sourdough is thicker than "white borscht", it took less of it. And, in general, everything is exclusively to your taste)

Add the crushed clove of garlic to the boiling Zhur.
Salt to taste.

Potatoes with Zhur can be served in two versions.

In the first version: put four diced potatoes in boiling Zhur, boil, season with garlic.

In the second version: boiled potatoes with onions, fried in vegetable oil, serve in a separate bowl with Zhur.

In the cafe "At Yanosik's" Zhur is served with sausage boiled in Zhur. The sausage is supposed to be removed, cut and put back into the bowl with Zhur.
The zhur can be seasoned with brisket fried in a pan. It is advisable to take the brisket (50 g per serving) not too fat.


Recipe from the Internet.

Pokhlebkin also has recipes for zhur.

I did the option with the smoked brisket dressing, diced and fried.
The soup turns out highly satisfying.
Quote: Lenny

There is also flour.
Yes, there is flour.
I have rye sourdough.
Well-known breeders recommend giving your dog rye crackers.
(I have a Central Asian, breeder - Elena Mychko).
We give porridge wheat - there, in general, wheat.
And also oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley.
I do not know, of course, about other breeds, m. B. they should not be given flour mash.
For my boy, who weighs under 90 kg (I'm not kidding), 40-50 g of sourdough will not harm any porridge in any way.
Mine too. He is our hunter. He eats everything that we do, plus porridge with meat and a little bit of sourdough there when it is cooked.
And today I have invented yet another way to "utilize" the "extra" leaven. I used it as a "white sauce" for fish. The leaven was slightly peroxidized, so a little (2 tsp) sugar was added to it. At the bottom of the microwave dish 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, onions cut into rings to close the bottom, 4 minutes at 100% power until the onions are browned. The fish, cut into thin slices ~ 1.5 cm, is placed on the onion, on top, too, the onion with rings, salt, pepper and pour the sourdough mixed with milk (I had whey, so the sauce turned out to be like a jelly), pour the fish and sprinkle with grated cheese on top (I had a melted one, cut into small cubes). Do not cover. 10 minutes at 100% power, then pierce the resulting mass a little in several places so that the juice flows everywhere, and another 10 minutes. It turned out quite good fishy something in the sauce.Tasty!

My fish is lean, so I sprinkled it with vegetable oil on top.
Quote: SvetaOdessa

and pour the sourdough mixed with milk (I had whey, so the sauce turned out to be like a jelly), pour the fish and sprinkle with grated cheese on top

ABOUT! I still have ice cream cream. This business. I liked your idea.
I'll do it tomorrow. Only in the microwave, I do not like to extinguish. Recently I bought a cast-iron saucepan, baked in it in the oven, like in a Russian oven.
I've already made fish, but without sauce, just with vegetables.
And about the white fish sauce - an idea. Light acidity will not spoil the fish.
The girls, purely by chance, found a unique way to utilize the excess leaven. I simply dry it at 30-40 degrees, grind it back into flour and use it in baking as flour
I left and dried all the leaven, and I had three of it, that is, in a total mass of 500 grams. I arrived, rehabilitated the Frenchwoman, and began to bake bread, as luck would have it, the flour ran out, and the dough was thin and I threw 100 grams of sourdough and ... the dough came up so quickly !!!!! And the bread turned out to be such a yummy, I had never got it like this before. I wanted to take a picture, but I ate it while I returned. And today I threw a couple of spoons into the apple pie ... the taste also changed for the better ...
please tell us in more detail, how do you dry it? Spreading on paper? or in some other way? and then? 30-40 degrees - is it in the oven?
First, I make the dough out of sourdough like for dumplings, then I roll it out 2 mm thick, the thinner, the faster it dries. The first time I dried it on a battery, it was 30 degrees. The second time it was necessary to quickly do all this and I baked the bread, waited until it was 40 degrees in the oven, put it in and closed it for the night, took it out in the morning, it was already dry. And now I am dry at a room temperature of 27 degrees, but it was dried for 2-3 days.
I dry on baking paper, sprinkled with flour. I store it in a glass container with a lid. Grinding first in a blender, now in a combine through a coffee attachment.
When you start to grind, you will immediately understand whether the leaven has been completely dried ... you should get a mass like flour, not in lumps ... if in lumps, then it is better to dry it again.
dan_Ira, awesome idea Probably only our women are capable of such inventions. I'll try to do the same with mine
Girls, I mixed flour for the sake of the experiment (150% by weight of the sourdough), rubbed it with my hands, then rubbed it through a drushlag mesh somewhere 2mm by 2mm and dried it in a lukewarm oven.
dan_Ira, himichka, girls, thanks for describing the process!
If I had gone into the topic earlier ... I ruined my leaven, it’s hot now, but I’m left unnaturally fed.
Now, behold, I revived it, but the result is not the same.
Although it raises the dough, there is no taste. And she began to taste bitter. I had to throw it out.
But if I had dried it, I would have restored it.

How long does the dried live? Where do you store it? In the refrigerator or at room temperature?
Quote: Zefirka

dan_Ira, himichka, girls, thanks for describing the process!
If I had gone into the topic earlier ... I ruined my leaven, it’s hot now, but I’m left unnaturally fed.
Now, behold, I revived it, but the result is not the same.
Although it raises the dough, there is no taste. And she began to taste bitter. I had to throw it out.
But if I had dried it, I would have restored it.

How long does the dried live? Where do you store it? In the refrigerator or at room temperature?
I store at room temperature, in a dark place , it is better in a cool place (such as a cellar or a bath), but not in the refrigerator ... Theoretically can be stored for 6 months, practically, my grandmother dried both the leaven and the dough and kept it, for example, we somehow found its remnants, it took at least five years to dilute the dough with water and nothing ... everything went well and the bread was odorous, but yeast was added (with fright). The main thing is to make sure that the leaven does not become moldy, but this, alas, happens ...
And then when you dilute the leaven with some water when baking, see how it behaves ...
For the experiment, I dried three leavens, wheat, rye and rye-bran.And she baked bread on them, although they were stored for several days. So wheat, baked normally, without any special incidents, rye raised the dough by 2 times, it could no longer, and rye-bran, on the contrary, raised the dough strongly, but the salary is not the same and the taste is fresh ...
And one more way to use excess sourdough, or rather even two ...
Wonderful kvass recipe:
For 5 liters of water:
1-2 liters of medium-ground crackers (or 600 g), I make crackers from unsuccessful rye bread or from the remnants of the sourdough, just add the malt, ferment and dry the crackers (everything is leavened), but the best combination is from Borodino bread;
200 g of sugar;
200 g rye or ... sourdough.
Malt 50 gr ... (but you can do without it)
I pour boiling water over the crackers and wait until it cools down at room temperature. I brew the malt separately, boil it a little. After cooling down, I mix both malt and crackers, sugar and sourdough (I took both dry and liquid, less dry, 50 g more liquid). I mix everything until smooth and put it at room temperature for a day. Then I drained it into a bottle, added raisins and refrigerated for 3 days, then you can drink ... It turns out much tastier than the store one and quenches thirst well. If kvass was prepared before, I think the recipe can be counted for light types of bread and sourdough, I deliberately cooked dark, my family tastes so much :)
Ira, how many crackers have you written, and how much rye sourdough? I don't want to bake bread for the sake of kvass.
Quote: himichka

Ira, how many crackers have you written, and how much rye sourdough? I don't want to bake bread for the sake of kvass.
I am writing as I did:
For 5 liters of water (+ liter for brewing malt) = total 6 liters of water
600 g rusks
50-70 g dry sourdough (I think you can do everything a hundred), to be honest, I did it by eye ... but something like this ...
50 g malt
200g. sugar (less or more, depending on what kind of kvass you want sweet or not).
Mom made on purchased Kievsky breadcrumbs, also nothing kvass, but then ...
6 liters of water
100g sugar
200 g wet sourdough (she took rye-bran sourdough)
Her kvass is lighter, more sour
Mom made kvass differently, put a dough of warm water and sourdough, when a cap of bubbles appeared, added sugar, and mixed thoroughly. Separately, I poured warm water (so that my hand did not burn) crackers ... set to cool. And only then I mixed everything up. And for fidelity, she added 1 tbsp. l. bran (so as not to be lost). Day in a warm place, then poured into 1.5 liters. bottles, added to the bottle 5 pcs. raisins and in the refrigerator, today they tasted, nothing too ... but weaker than mine, my taste and bubbles are stronger But her taste is more sour, I think that's the thing for the summer, but then I think I'll have to experiment with sugar ...
Thanks, we will try. I drink everything that is wet, but somehow I never made kvass, I must try.
Quote: SvetaOdessa

I make pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, batter for fish and vegetables from excess sourdough, you can try to wash your hair with rye sourdough like with shampoo - someone has already written about this, it degreases your hair very well. I think that you can make kvass for okroshka using rye sourdough (this is not for everybody, personally I hate okroshka), which, you know, is white and sour ...
I think that if you strain yourself, you can come up with many more ways to use the leaven!
tell me who makes pancakes and pancakes with excess sourdough, recipe or technology? otherwise it’s a pity to throw it away, but we don’t eat so much bread, we love pancakes and pancakes, I would make them just from the leftover sourdough ...
My family uses pancakes and pancakes exclusively with sourdough. Dilute a few tablespoons of the starter culture (by eye) with milk, or sour, or whey, add a couple of eggs, salt, sugar and flour to the desired consistency. You can add grated zucchini. We leave for a couple of hours. Then we fry. DELICIOUS !!!
I make pancakes with pure sourdough, no milk, no curdled milk and other k / m products.

sourdough - 400-500 g
eggs - 2 pcs
sugar - to taste, I like not too sweet - 3-4 tbsp. l. (measured from x / n)
salt - a pinch
vanillin - on the tip of a knife or a packet of vanilla sugar, if you like with cinnamon, then you can with it
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
citric acid - 1/5 tsp (you can not add)
soda - 1/3 tsp. (you can not add)
grated apple - optional - 2-3 medium (without apples)

Fry in a medium-heated skillet, spreading out with a spoon, on both sides. Lightly grease the pan with oil (I grease with vegetable oil).

Nalistniki (crepes) have to be diluted thinner, so I use water or whey from cottage cheese. If fresh milk is available, this is ideal. Apples, soda and citric acid are canceled in this recipe. I put three times less sugar, because pancakes can be with unsweetened filling, and 1-2 tablespoons more vegetable oil. Vanillin in this case is also superfluous. The dough has the consistency of liquid sour cream, should spread easily over the pan. For the first pancake, sprinkle a frying pan with oil, fry the rest in a dry frying pan. I fry the pancakes on one side, drop them on the dish with the fried side up, put the filling on it, wrap it, the unfried side turns out to be outside, after that I fry the pancakes with the filling on both sides in a frying pan slightly oiled. I like very thin pancakes, when they spread over the pan, the bottom can be seen through them.

Try it - it's just writing for a long time, and doing it - in the morning for half an hour up to 40 pieces. pancakes or pcs. 25-35 pancakes!
LightOdessa, you do not need to stand the kneaded dough afterwards? just mix everything and fry right away? or does it take some time to approach?
Summer resident
Today I made a batter for chicken chops from the "excess leaven."
100ml starter culture
100 ml water
1 egg
1h l salt
0.5h l sugar
Kari to taste
There is enough flour to make a dough like liquid sour cream.
Beat off pieces of chicken fillet and put in the finished batter for 40-60 minutes.
Then she took out one piece at a time and put it on the frying pan in the usual way. It turned out very tasty and tender. Due to the leavening sourness, a little piquant.
The leaven was raisin. We have love with her now
Today I also made pancakes from sourdough, and my sourdough is very young, I don't even know if it can be called that. I added 2 teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt + a little flour to make the dough look like pancakes. I didn't add anything else. The dough stood for about 30 minutes and I baked the pancakes. Unusually tasty, airy, barely noticeable sourness, both rose and remained, did not fall off, baked very well. So there is a place to dispose of the leaven, if there is an extra one.
Why did everyone forget about the dumplings? I also make dough for dumplings out of excess, into the freezer and eat, often we do not just cook, but also fry them, for this I add an egg :)
dan_Ira , that is, simply sourdough instead of a portion of the flour and water? and then how is the usual dough?
Pirogok, - Yes
Viki! Help! I'm here with the recipe, but I don't know where to stick it.
Pumpkin pancakes with sourdough (for those who do not like pumpkin)
Using excess sourdough
raw pumpkin 0.5 kg
large onion
a few green onion feathers
a few sprigs of dill
garlic 2 cloves
wheat sourdough 0.5 cups
whey about 2 cups
flour 1.5 cups
eggs 3-5 pieces
salt 2 tsp
sugar 1 tsp

Scroll pumpkin, onion, garlic, dill in a meat grinder. Add all other ingredients, stir and leave warm for an hour. The dough turns out to be liquid.
Using excess sourdough
Fry in small thin pancakes in a greased frying pan. There is no taste and smell of pumpkin at all, very tender and tasty.
Quote: Kalmykova

Viki! Help! I'm here with the recipe, but I don't know where to stick it.
As I saw, now I need Help.
Then we will find where to "stick", now we have to run in search of a pumpkin ...
These pancakes can be made without sourdough, on kefir. But sourdough tastes better.
Good day to all! I treat Belgian waffles with sourdough, of course, with excess sourdough, I took the recipe from Nelly with Good-Cook.
14./i327/1012/ab/61ff5d229617.jpg.html]Using excess sourdough
I am now preparing to bake rye bread, so I read all sites and forums on this issue.
The leaven that Misha makes ( 🔗), you need to feed it 1-2 times a day, in accordance with this, a lot of "extra" sourdough is formed, he advises to put it in a jar and in the refrigerator, and then bake pancakes, Belgian waffles from it or fry pies from it.
I found these recipes from Luda from Toronto. I myself have not baked yet, because I do not have my own sourdough, I am still in the search stage, but I really liked the recipes.
If you want, I can lay out the recipe for pancakes, but it is long, and you can see it here:
1. 🔗 - Sourdough fried pies
2. 🔗 - Pancakes and waffles on wheat and separately on rye sourdough.
Inspired by the recipes of Ludmila from Toronto (mariana-aga.livejournal.com), yesterday I baked waffles-pancakes in a waffle iron (the name depends on the baking method, the dough for pancakes and waffles is exactly the same). The recipe was naturally adjusted to fit myself - a less high-calorie option, reduced fat content and increased the proportions of rye flour.
Using excess sourdough

Using excess sourdough
And I finally made a sourdough and baked pancakes from the "extra".
It turned out a little different pancakes than I always did, because here in the dough and, as it were, yeast and soda, but we really liked it. Moreover, they can be put overnight and baked in the morning for breakfast.
True, a few pancakes remained, and in the evening they were not so tasty, probably because of the soda.
Here's another way to use sourdough (rye):
She washes her hair great. You just need to dilute with something lukewarm, such as kefir. My hair is long at the ends, dry, so I added cold-pressed mustard oil there. It is not necessary to rinse off immediately, hold it on your hair for a while. Hair is washed easily and then looks much healthier than after all kinds of medicinal shampoos. And what is most important for me, they are easy to comb !!!
And as a scrub for the face and body, I somehow used it (a lot of leaven was left, the four-thread had no strength to bake)

Now I bake lean pancakes with apples, soft and tender, without eggs and dairy products at all
Very interesting, especially as a scrub. Need to try.
Tatiana S.
And I made kvass with onion sourdough. It turned out to be so effervescent and tasty in a day. Today we ate lean okroshka and drank so easily. I liked it very much. It was not me who came up with, one forum member shared from the site "My HP" in the topic "Onion sourdough", from where I took the recipe for this sourdough.
Girls and boys.
I use the kvass recipe that was given here in the subject.
And now the question arose of the energy and vitamin-mineral usefulness of this product.
Now I actively use the program for counting calories and vitamins, I would like to know the value of kvass.
Indeed, it contains a huge amount of lactic acid bacteria (sarychev rye sourdough).

Can anyone help me in this matter?

Thank you.
I also wash my head with the leftovers and apply it on my face. Very suitable for my oily skin
Quote: Zefirka

For my boy, who weighs under 90 kg (I'm not kidding), 40-50 g of sourdough will not harm any porridge in any way.
with the coming, I read the forum and uhhhh always dreamed of a baby of 90 kg))))))))))) God, this must be a great dog
I make a face mask: Add a little olive oil to the starter (you can use any other oil), mix, apply on previously cleansed skin, hold for 10 minutes, rinse, lubricate with cream.
And a foot mask: hold your feet in warm water (steam a little), apply a leaven mixed with oil, hold for 10 minutes, rinse, grease with cream. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
Hello. First, a question: will you get kvass without sugar? I don't eat sugar.
I made dietetic crunchy crisps or crisps out of excess sourdough (I have rye). For 200 grams of sourdough, 2 tablespoons of rye bran, 2 tablespoons turned out. l. oat bran and about 2 tbsp. l. peeled rye flour, a little salt, you can put spices, you can spoon a teaspoon of olive oil. You need to look so that the dough is like dumplings in consistency. Rolled on a table sprinkled with bran into 1.5 mm flat cakes.thick and baked. Very aromatic, bubbly and tasty crunches.

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