Italian sourdough (Levito madre)

Recently I shared my joy and talked about the real Italian sourdough from the master Francesco Favorito that came to life after three years of vegetation in the freezer. Of course I stirred her up, she fermented again and smelled yogurt and violets, but what an Italian sourdough is in practice, I could not even imagine! Now you will see for yourself that Italians are real bread wizards! Only they can nurture and tinker with their leaven like this: they bathe it, and swaddle it, and tie it with a string, and keep it under strictly defined conditions. No wonder they look like a blossoming flower, beauty!

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

It's somehow easier with us, especially with rye sourdough: once a day, we fed it and it's done. Italians have a completely different approach to sourdough, despite the fact that its essence remains the same and at its core, like any sourdough, is a symbiosis of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. The Italian sourdough is called very beautifully - levito Madrewhich means "mother yeast".

I will briefly list some of the characteristics inherent in the Italian sourdough:

- Levito madre is bred and fed most often with white flour with strong gluten, since weak gluten will quickly degrade from the effects of acids in the leaven. At the same time, I will note that I feed my "Italian" with ordinary white flour with a protein content of 10.6%, as they say, the rich, the more happy. And the water I have is a local spill, and the air does not smell of Italy, but, I must confess, I think that technology and experiment are more important))

- When breeding sourdough, fruits are most often used (sometimes just mashed in puree right along with the skin), rich in sugars and wort from them (mainly grape) and other natural sweeteners (but commercial yeast is not used). Since Levito Madre is derived from white flour, which is poor in enzymes, it is sweetened with fruit to stimulate fermentation.

- Levito madre is usually conducted with a humidity of 50% (but it also happens to be 100-130% humidity), when the amount of flour is twice the amount of water. The thick consistency makes the flora of the starter more stable, we talked about this in this article.

- Such a leaven lives, as a rule, at room temperature or in the refrigerator. It can "live" in a high glass cellar or jar, cut with a cross, can be stored tightly wrapped in a towel, or it can live in water (wrapped in a towel or without it).

- They feed the sourdough that lives in the refrigerator every two to three days, while the sourdough that lives at room temperature needs to be fed twice a day. Given that this is a very thick leaven, which is not easy to work with, home bakers often keep it in the refrigerator to reduce the frequency of feeding.

And now - Cremonia for feeding Italian sourdough (this is, however, like a ceremony, not a routine procedure, as we are used to). In general, this is precisely the whole secret of the Italian leaven.

They take a lump of sourdough that comes up (the sourdough should be at room temperature, that is, give it a couple of hours before feeding), if necessary, unpack and cut off the upper layers, leaving the middle (the most active part of the sourdough), cut it into pieces and send it to take baths.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

To do this, dissolve ½ tsp in a liter of warm water. sugar or honey and send the sourdough cut into pieces there. It is kept in water for 15-20 minutes, and then it is squeezed well, of course, the sourdough from this becomes more vigorous, but at the same time excess acid is removed from it.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

After the squeezed sourdough is weighed, an amount of flour equal to the weight of the sourdough is added + 20% and half the weight of the sourdough culture of sweetened water and beat well blender... Professional Italian bakers advise using a blender, so the leaven will completely dissolve in water and be saturated with oxygen. For kneading steep sourdough dough, it is also advised to use the technique - kneaders and mixers to get a smooth, homogeneous dough. In fact, to knead such a tough dough until smooth, you need to try, so this advice is obvious and understandable. But while I work with my hands, I somehow don't want to drive my seven-liter Ankarsrum because of a piece of leaven.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

But this is not all, for the starter culture to be well stored, it is necessary to shape it correctly and organize the storage conditions. A ready-made smooth lump of dough after a short stay (5-10 minutes) is rolled out with a rolling pin or with the help of a pasta machine and rolled into a tight roll. The roll can be folded in half if it is long.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

We now have several options for action:

First: the resulting lump of starter culture can be cut with a cross so that the depth of the cuts goes 1/3 deep into the dough, but not deeper, straighten the corners a little and put the starter culture in a cylindrical vessel greased with vegetable oil. The incision, in addition to symbolism, has practical significance, this is how the aeration of the inner layer of leaven occurs

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

And about the vessel is important: in order for the leaven to retain its properties and gluten in good condition as long as possible, it is really important to choose the right vessel. The glass, cup, mug (made of glass or food-grade ceramics) must be narrow enough and large enough (two to three times the volume of the starter culture) to support the walls of the dough, otherwise the gluten will weaken. It is also important that the leaven can keep the shape of a ball, that is, the dishes should be exactly cylindrical, and not square or something else. If you compare the starter culture that was stored unsupported in a wide cup or jar and the starter culture that was stored in a suitable narrow vessel, the gluten state of the second is much better. I checked on the park and was very surprised how big the difference was. My leaven, which was kept in the refrigerator in a wide vessel after three days of storage, was sticky and smeared, and the leaven from the cup, the walls of which did not allow the leaven to spread in breadth, remained firm, albeit softer.

Second the way of storing the starter culture is anaerobic, that is, practically without air access: a smooth lump of dough is wrapped in a bag or cling film, and then in a linen towel and pulled with a thread. I liked this method most of all, the starter culture during such storage (3 days in the refrigerator) was practically non-acidic and kept its elastic gluten for the longest time. I confess that once a day or two I unraveled my leaven, rolled it over, rolled it again with rute, checked how she was doing, and then swaddled it again and sent it to the cold. Probably, this was not necessary, even if she was mature and plump, but she could not resist. After each workout, after a while, she returned to her lush volumes.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

And here is the sourdough on the cut after 3 hours of fermentation in a warm place and a day in the refrigerator:

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

By the way, the starter culture "designed" in this way can still be stored in water. Fill a bowl with water at room temperature, put a roll of sourdough in it and refrigerate after three hours. To be honest, I did not try to store the sourdough in water, I was quite satisfied with the second method - in cling film and a linen towel.

As with any starter culture, it is important for an Italian starter to start fermentation in a warm place before going to live in the refrigerator, this is important for the stabilization of the flora. Certain types of bacteria, which can produce aromatic substances in warmth, are inhibited when the temperature drops to 10 degrees. Therefore, before you steam the prepared starter in the refrigerator, it must be left until the visible beginning of fermentation and the volume approximately doubles.

To admit, when I tried to figure out the feeding scheme and the life of the Italian sourdough, I got a little confused, therefore, for myself and for you, I will write down the scheme for feeding the ripe Levito Madre.

1) Let the sourdough from the refrigerator warm up to about room temperature.
2) Cut off the top layers of the sourdough (cut off pieces are the "surplus" and "leftovers" with which we constantly struggle, baking pancakes, waffles, pancakes and even bread).
3) Cut into pieces and bathe in sweetened water for 15-20 minutes, squeeze well.
4) Weigh and place in the blender bowl.
5) Add sweetened water equal to the weight of the starter culture.
6) Add twice as much flour, mix, knead to get a smooth dough.
7) Roll it into a layer, roll it up.
We cut it with a cross and put it in a narrow vessel oiled with oil or wrap it in foil, and then in a linen towel. We pull the towel with nikta so that the bundle with the leaven does not unfold during the ripening process.
9) After three hours, when fermentation begins in the leaven and it increases in volume, we hide it in the refrigerator.

I don’t know, maybe it’s to me, not accustomed to such curtsies and ceremonies with its sourdough, that it seems that the Italian sourdough is just a pampered princess compared to my rye. The first impressions and thoughts of leading the sourdough in Italian is awe and reverence for the "mother's yeast", which really looks like a sacred ritual. Each step and action has its own meaning and practical significance, everything is done to obtain a specific result and specific properties, stability and the highest quality of bread. In Italy, sourdough has been baked for centuries and there has never been a decline in interest in sourdough and leavened bread. As a result, there is an unrealistic multitude of varieties and types of bread of the most ordinary and most unusual shape, strong bread traditions. It is customary there to bake with sourdough, it is customary to share sourdough, conduct master classes and bake and sell leavened bread in bakeries. This cannot but captivate and beckon, you certainly want to touch this huge and generous culture of Italian sourdough bread.

How to start baking with Italian sourdough.

As a rule, what we call a “starter” is used for bread - Levito Madre itself. Due to the fact that the Italian sourdough is not as sour as our rye or even wheat sourdough on whole-grain flour, after a couple of regular Italian "sacred rituals", you can start the dough right on the Levito Madre. Just in case, let me remind you that for wheat bread with rye sourdough, it is advisable to use a very small amount of sourdough, literally 3-10 grams, so that the bread is not sour. But the Italian sourdough can be taken in much more tangible quantities - 100-200 and even 300 grams at once. depending on the recipe.

If we are talking about baking bread from ordinary, not fancy dough, then the kneading may be preceded by one or two preliminary dressings, or you can use the leaven as it is. Before kneading, it is also customary to bathe it in sweetened water in order to remove excess acid, squeeze it well and then take the dough.
Not so long ago I showed my first bread on Italian sourdough, which turned out to be sooo fluffy and completely non-acidic, although I plumped the sourdough as it is, without preliminary "dispersal" with dressings and bathing in sweetish water.

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

And here, by the way, there are two more attempts at baking on Levito Madre - whole grain bread according to Francesco Favorito's recipe and a French bun. I must say that bread made with Italian sourdough turns out to be excellent, its aroma is delicious, and in itself it is gorgeous, it is simply delicious to eat. And the sourdough in terms of taste and aroma is simply incredible: if a slight sourness is guessed in the smell, then after a day of fermentation it is not even close in taste, but it tastes slightly sweet - lovely!))

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

If panettone or pandoro is to be baked with a lot of baking, the sourdough is refreshed three times before kneading with flour, on which the future dough will be kneaded.That is, they refresh it once, wait for full ripening, immediately refresh it again, wait for ripening, refresh it for the third time, and after ripening start kneading the dough. Thus, the leaven becomes the strongest and most aromatic and, accordingly, capable of raising heavy pastry.

At the end of this story, I can't help but recall my recent experiments with cold dough in the refrigerator, in fact, an attempt to befriend the Italian Levito Madre. To be honest, having worked with real Italian sourdough as expected, that is, according to the rules, it became clear to me that they were just children's toys. Real Italian Levito Madre is absolutely gorgeous and beautiful, but it also requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. Exceptional hygiene, precision and punctuality, so that the result is a lush and fragrant Levito madre and bread on it.

Author Elena Zheleznyak

I read about this sourdough on an Italian website - the author writes that they soak it in sweetened water a couple of times a year or when it is over-acidified. And with the usual top dressing, they simply add flour, water, knead, roll it into a roll, into a ball and cut it.
But kneading is strongly recommended with a blender - to saturate with air and reduce contact with hands.
I continue to rummage in Italian sources for lievito madre. It turns out that Italian bakers recommend alternating wrapped storage with storage in water. For example, you usually keep it wrapped, and sometimes you put it in water - this way the balance is better regulated.

And yet - it turns out that it is not recommended (although it is possible) to overfeed a thick starter culture into a liquid one and vice versa. Type, each variant has its own microcosm, it is better to grow a new one. They are generally very sensitive to all changes - flour, water, temperature, air - if you change, then very gradually, but better not.

I don’t know, in my opinion, my sourdough is a pedal horse, these veal tenderness to her)))
An interesting recipe for breeding lievito madre has been pulled out of the vastness of the Italian Internet: pour over meso-chopped unwashed grapes with sparkling water, leave for 48 hours, strain. Knead water with flour in the usual ratio of 1: 2, throw the ball into a container with the same grape water. As soon as it floats, you can refresh it in a 1: 2: 1 ratio (sourdough-flour-water). Repeat the same feeding (without grapes) 40 days
Interestingly, raisins instead of grapes will come off?

Raisins are the same grapes, only without water. We make raisin sourdough and it works very well.
Sourdough on grapes
Raisin sourdough, problems and tips
Look here for more
Thank you! And this Italian will work out? I liked that she was so ... well, that.

Lena, well, I don’t know that. We must try
In general, the raisin sourdough is very active.
I have two fundamental questions:
1. Does it make a difference what kind of sourdough to grow if you are going to keep it for a long time, and not change it periodically? After a few months of life, with the same feeding, do they become the same or remain different?
2. Is the Italian sourdough something special, or is it, in fact, an ordinary thick sourdough? Does it make sense to bother? For large and heavy Easter cakes, for example ...

By the way, it is not necessarily grape or raisin, and not even necessarily fruity. I came across a method in Italian sources on low-fat yogurt, and even on honey (floral, without a sharp aroma). It is especially convenient on yogurt - you mix it 1: 1 and relax)). True, the store, I'm afraid, will not work. Yes, and about grapes I have vague doubts - it seems to me that if you buy it in Moscow and don't wash it, dysentery and plague with cholera will settle in sourdough

Natasha, above I gave links to these starters, there is a lot of information about how and from what our craftsmen grow them at home - go to the topic, read
Admin, honestly, I've read it all. I know how they grow, and I even know who. But no one answered the question I asked above (which is N1).You, as a person with experience and authority in this area, can you answer it to me without sending it anywhere?
Each leaven behaves differently, the duration of activity is different, the duration of active life is different.
This needs to be tested in practice. Therefore, they try to renew the leaven in time "to each his own", when it stops raising the dough and weakens.
When this happens depends on the leaven itself, how it is looked after, its "natural" strength.

This has already been written many times, even on our forum

That's why I sent you to the starter culture section: read about the experience and terms of their use.
And you can read here CONTENTS OF THE SECTION "BASICS OF KNEADING AND BAKING" a lot of useful information, I read it with pleasure
Good evening! please tell me how to make the starter culture for the colomba initially? As I understand it, you can put it in the freezer for a year until next Easter?

It is advisable to ask this question in the Easter cakes section for those who bake colomba

Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and careColomba
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and careEaster cake according to the recipe for Italian Easter colomba
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and careEaster italian colomba
Yesterday I baked a colomba with 50% moisture sourdough. The whole process at Ang-Kay (Angela) is described in great detail. I can't insert a link from the tablet, but in Gala's recipe it is in the comments. It took only a day to overfeed 100% to dense 50%.
I started on the railway)
Here is the result
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Thanks for the interesting topic.
Why did the topic stalled? Levito madre is a song, not a leaven! Who bakes on it, share the recipes
Quote: Bozhedarka
Why did the topic stalled? Levito madre is a song, not a leaven! Who bakes on it, share the recipes
I want to try to bring it out!
Then I will join you.
Share your experience, is it possible to bake on it not only white and butter, but also blended (semi-rye bread?)
Girls who developed this starter from scratch? mine has been living in the refrigerator for a week in a glass. But it increases in volume only one and a half times, not more. How narrow should her house be? I have a regular faceted glass
Quote: jenyasan
mine has been living in the refrigerator for a week in a glass
I didn't take this one out. But since no one has answered you, I dare to assume that ...
Or is her cold in your refrigerator ...
Or did you not keep it warm enough at the beginning for a "warm start" ...
Or something just went wrong.
And we must start over ...
jenyasan, I deduced from scratch. What glass do you have? It should be tall and narrow. What is the temperature in the refrigerator? It should show how it grows. The cruciform cut should open like a flower.
On the basis of what fruit did they take out and what flour did they take?
Tanya, Admin, where can I see your Bread with this sourdough? I can not find.
Tanya, ay! I ask for help with this Starter culture. I already wrote. But the Temko is quiet ...
My starter is too active. Even in the refrigerator, it strives to rip off the lid overnight. I didn't plan on baking bread every day. She hoped she was subdued.
I don't have that many eaters.
How to pacify her a little. Any clues girls?)
Quote: mamusi
How to pacify her a little.
As I understand it, a cruciform incision is made for more air access and, accordingly, more activity, I think it can be pacified by a steeper kneading and deprivation of air access. Probably for this she is "swaddled and tied up" with a restraining shirt.
Well, immediately remove it in the cold, do not let it ripen in the warmth.
I have not yet made such a thoroughbred sourdough, I did not even know about its existence before, but long ago I switched to a distant analogue - a thick wheat sourdough.
Crown, Check mark. I watched all the videos. I saw about swaddling, but have not yet applied.
Apparently it's time to try it!
Quote: CroNa
cruciform incision
I probably won't do it either ... today.
She sprawled over the entire jar again.
For me she is an unprecedented beast !!!
The bread smells with her in a special way. And it tastes completely different than other Sourdough breads I've baked and eaten before. I also baked a half-grain yesterday.

Quote: CroNa
Well, immediately remove it in the cold, do not let it ripen in the warmth
Yes. I not I keep it warm already. Since the day before yesterday.

Quote: CroNa
you can pacify it with a cooler batch
My kneading is already very cool. To the very edge possible!
mamusi, even the Italians have a different flour, they have prohibited the use of flour from non-durum wheat in the country at the legislative level, but in our country it is almost all "soft". Different composition - other properties.
Mandraik Ludmila
Quote: CroNa
it is forbidden to use flour made from non-durum wheat in the country, but in our country it is almost all "soft".
Or maybe transfer it to flour, for example, grade 1, to somehow moderate its activity?
Ritus, according to theory, yeast is tamed only by cold. Below 4 degrees, they fall asleep. In general, everything is pacified by the cold. Find the coldest place in the refrigerator and put it there.
Thoughts are exclusively mine, so they can be stupid. But I am with Galey I think the same.
In a very thick dough, life freezes. Therefore, in my opinion, you can pacify:
- the thicker, the more agreeable. Somewhere out of the corner of my ear I heard that there is such coolness that you can only work with a blender or with a rolling pin. Much cooler than the coolest dumplings. For this, they are sealed in diapers, so it's easier to pinch like.
- the colder, the calmer
- and it seems to be always deprived of air so that the yeast does not breathe more than necessary - does it seem to pacify them too? here I don't quite understand: they make an incision for aeration, but it is necessary that there is not enough air. Probably, it is necessary to seal it so that there is little air, but enough for breathing. That is, in a diaper, but with a cut.
This is where to get an Italian chef, he would explain everything))))

Listen, this girl has also raised Levita several times and answers in detail and there are pictures


I found out there that just the swaddling does not allow her to grow


"I confess that once a day or two I unraveled my leaven, crumpled it, rolled it up again with a rute, checked how she was doing, and then swaddled it again and sent it to the cold. Probably, this was not necessary, even if it was ripe and plump, but not After each workout, she returned to her lush volumes after a while. "
Quote: Mandraik Ludmila
Or maybe transfer it to flour, for example, grade 1, to somehow moderate its activity?
On the contrary, the whiter the flour, the more "sterile" it is.
My bread on Levita Madre
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

My beautiful nurse is 3 years old
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Volume, Tomochka, indescribable beauty! Mine is still living in the bank.
But we plan to start swaddling too! Not right away ... it's only a week for us. I bake something every day.
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Mandraik Ludmila
Girls, what a beauty
Volume, she, in general, in the cut already looks like bread, go crazy
Yes, Luda, I also wanted to say that she is thick and dense like dough on dumplings. But delicate and porous.
I curl my own ball and put it on the bottom of the can. Then she "plays" like this in the photo. Miracle.
Quote: mamusi
I bake something every day.
Baking in the studio!
Oh, what topic I missed !!!!
mamusi, Margarita, and when growing the leaven, grapes were used or another fruit? I wanted to try, but I stopped that the grapes were processed in the store, and they do not recommend washing them.
Elena, I did this (after reading a lot on the Internet and watching videos):
I took my homemade grapes, literally five grapes (from the freezer !!!), one plate of dried apple + a spoonful of honey, whipped in mashed potatoes and then water, flour along the list ...
And Anastasia says she did it on a banana. And great.
And I read that any fruit will do. Need to try!
It's so exciting. And they will all be different, because the area is different where we live. The air is different.
I really like the leaven
Sails, and you are carrying dark specks of apple, pear. When I was studying, I watched an Italian make it from raisins. Rinsed lightly with cold water and into a blender. Didn't wash much. Only our raisins should probably be taken from the Uzbek market, which is dry to the touch, not oily. I saw this in the Globe by weight, it is very inexpensive. It generally needs a little.

And how she smells! Mine first had the smell of ripe apples, now the aroma is very delicate spring flowers. I took mine out of crumpled rolls of Crimean grapes.
But I was afraid that there were grapes from the freezer. I thought it wouldn't work. They were placed, darkened and looked ... so-so. But in the end they did not disappoint.
I don't wash my grapes from the garden before freezing and drying. I live outside the city, the air is clean, and we didn't sprinkle any chemistry ...

Quote: Painting
Mine first had the smell of ripe apples, now the aroma is very delicate spring flowers
And mine on the third and fourth days smelled like Bread kvass. One to one - kvass that we drink in the summer. But after the feedings, this smell went away. And such a dough-boy came.
And now it smells like baking and something creamy, I don't even understand ...
But the bread is amazingly delicious.
My pastries are recent
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
All kinds of baking
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care
Painting, Tomochka, indescribable beauty! I'm planning on trying the Butter Rolls next week.
And here is my Mamusin Wheat-rye. Always baked with yeast. And yesterday I counted it with the addition of Sourdough.
Italian sourdough (Levito madre) - cultivation and care

I bake while in HP.
I fed the sourdough, left it on the table for 2 hours.
Then I made a pre-batch on Pelmeni for 5 minutes.
Left to approach HP. Then I turned on the Main one, but did not bring it to Baking, turned off the HP. Gave him one more hour of time FOR RESTING. Then I turned on baking for 1 hour.
mamusi, Rita, I also do all the kneading and proofing in HP, the last proofing is already on the disabled program and then for baking. I baked with yeast, so the bread was tall and pretty. And I began to bake on Levito, I will have to recount the recipe, because such a giant turns out at the previous rate with this leaven, horror. It rests against the lid of the bread machine and rushes from the bucket to the sides. What kind of power is that in her?
And tell me what scent is worth it around the house ?! And the bread is delicious, just a fairy tale.

Your pancakes are just a bomb!
Quote: Painting
What scent is worth a lady? And the bread is delicious, just a fairy tale.
Volume, from which day did you start to bake the leaven?
My only week
.... But I bake. And today I met Old that she is ready for baking only from 10 to 25 days.
And ideally it is better to just feed it for three whole weeks and then just start baking ...
There is a lot of information and it is often contradictory ...
In any case, it's too late for me to change anything!
Oh, I don't remember anymore. In about ten days, probably. She was still young and I fed her two days before baking. In general, I have not thrown away anything since the start of its breeding. I just used this under-leaven as a regular addition to the dough. Well, I can't throw away the bread. And now I’ll feed it the day before, it’ll stand on the table for two hours in the warmth, then in the refrigerator overnight and in the morning again in the heat. She will freeze in the refrigerator and then on the table, warm with happiness, rushing like crazy. I knead the dough and bake. But for a muffin - there, yes, you need to feed several times. But there may be nuances. The first time I fed her for baking for two days, the baking was good the first day, and the next day it was so sour. Now I have it quite strong and I feed it three times already one day and the next day I put the dough and bake.
interesting but troublesome
I wonder how, just like taking care of a small child!
I read everything, just didn’t understand, but where is the recipe itself and the technology for removing this "mommy"?
Well, it certainly isn't troublesome even once. No feeding by the clock at a certain temperature, no dancing with tambourines. And leaving is also no problem. I will feed my time and bainki in the refrigerator for a week. Mustache!
Quote: Painting

Well, it certainly isn't troublesome even once. No feeding by the clock at a certain temperature, no dancing with tambourines. And leaving is also no problem. I will feed my time and bainki in the refrigerator for a week. Mustache!
and bathe, and swaddle?
Newbie, leaven always troublesome than yeast.
It is a fact.
But this is the least troublesome of the Sourdoughs. It tolerates cold storage and occasional feeding.
When you already get used to it, everything will hesitate. Sourdough just doesn't have to be taken as duty, but it is necessary - how pleasure!
Then everything will go like clockwork!
(I'm talking about myself, to a greater extent)!
You need to start Sourdough when you are mentally mature and highly you want her, and you feel something in your chest languor"
... it's me again about myself! ...
But I also bake by leaps and bounds!

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