Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"

Category: First meal
Kitchen: Russian
Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"


Chilled beef ribs 500 grams
Bulb onions 1 PC.
Carrot 1 PC.
Celery stalk 1 PC.
The water is clean 2.5-3 liters

Cooking method

  • Today I was preparing broth - I wanted cabbage soup with cabbage))
  • Today, in our age of kitchen technology, there is no problem to cook any broth: lay-close-cook-open-eat.
  • Then, I decided to look into the "Book of tasty and healthy food" born in 1964, read what it says about "how to cook meat broth correctly."
  • I found detailed information about what to cook meat broth from, which beef meat to use, how much meat to put, how much water to pour, and so on ...
  • I have read it)), I will combine a hot pot and kitchen appliances-multicooker Marta MT-1989.
  • The book recommends using grade 1 and 2 beef for the broth. I took chilled beef ribs, because according to my observations, the most transparent and tasty broths are obtained from ribs and brisket on cartilage. The meat is not fatty, and the broth will turn out to be not very fat either.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • Rinse the meat well in water, put in a regular saucepan, pour in enough clean water to cover the meat. Put the pan on fire. Make the fire strong so that the water boils faster.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • During this time, a lot of dirty foam will appear on the meat and water. I pour this first broth, wash the meat under water. The view inside the pan is unsightly, the protein scale stuck to the sides and bottom of the pan, and then I had to remove it with a metal sponge.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams" Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • Submerged meat transfer to the multicooker pan.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • Prepare vegetables. Peel onions, carrots, celery from stains, rinse in water (the peel does not need to be peeled, it will give color to the broth). Coarsely chop the vegetables and add to the meat.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams" Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • Pour clean water into a saucepan, at the rate of 2.5-3 liters per 500 grams of meat.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • Place the pan in the multicooker base, close the lid and start the desired cooking program. In March 1989 there is a good program "BULION", temperature 95 * C, time 2 hours. I recommend setting the time to 3 hours, and then focusing on the actual ready time. Meat can be of different grades and hardness, so it is difficult to immediately predict how much time it can cook. The temperature is well matched, the broth boils quietly, there is no violent cooking, nothing foams and does not boil.
  • I do not add salt to the broth, because then it can be used for different dishes, and it is easier to add salt in the process than to oversalt.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • The broth is ready. Now I take the meat out of the pan, separate the bones for discard, and cut the meat into pieces. I give the broth in a multicooker to “settle” so that the vegetable suspension settles to the bottom. Or you can strain the broth through a sieve-gauze-napkin, then it will just be completely transparent. The inside of the multicooker pan is practically clean, there are no scale or debris.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams" Beef broth or "hang lope in grams" Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • I poured part of the broth into a saucepan (about 1 liter), I will cook cabbage soup.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • The rest of the broth, along with pieces of meat, was poured into 500 ml containers, cooled and put into the freezer, it will be useful for other purposes.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"
  • The broth turned out to be a bright saturated color, clean.
  • Beef broth or "hang lope in grams"

Time for preparing:

3 hours

Cooking program:

stove + multicooker


Bon appetit, everyone!
Delicious and clean, bright broth!

What the multicooker Marta MT-1989 can do (my culinary experiments)

According to the technological layout, for cooking cabbage soup required:
- meat 500 grams
- fresh cabbage - 500 grams
- roots - 200 grams
- tomatoes - 200 grams
- butter for sautéing 2 tbsp. l.

From the book by Ananyev "SOUPS"

Soups are prepared mainly in broths. Broths have a low calorie content, but they have a good taste and, thanks to the extractive substances they contain, have the property of stimulating the appetite.

The quality, taste, aroma of meat, bone and other broths depend on the amount of extractive and aromatic substances, proteins, minerals, and fat contained in them.
In order to obtain a good quality broth, it is necessary to use raw materials that would contain the greatest amount of extractive and other nutrients, and apply a technology that would ensure a more complete extraction of these substances when cooking products.
The largest amount of extractive substances is found in beef, poultry and some types of game (partridges, pheasants, etc.). Broths from these products have a very good taste and aroma. Lamb broths and especially pork broths are inferior in quality to beef broths. When using beef, lamb and pork bones, the quality of the broths is also different. Broth is obtained from beef bones of a higher quality than from lamb and pork bones. The nutritional value and taste of the broth are in direct proportion to the correctness of the cooking process.

The duration of boiling the bones also affects the completeness of the extraction of soluble nutrients from them. Soluble substances are almost completely removed by boiling bones in an autoclave. However, at the same time, the proteins and fat contained in the bones undergo serious changes, as a result of which the quality of the broth is inferior to the quality of the broth cooked in open kettles.
During prolonged cooking of bones in an open kettle, proteins and fat can also change, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the broth. Therefore, it is recommended to cook the bones for no more than 6 hours. This period of heat treatment ensures the extraction of essential nutrients from the bones and does not degrade the quality of the broth.
The duration of cooking meat depends on the type and age of the animals; on average, cooking it usually lasts 2.5-3 hours.
If a meat-and-bone broth is being prepared, then the bones and meat should be placed in water, in accordance with the timing of their cooking, ie, bones first, and 1.5-2 hours before the end of the broth cooking - meat.

Important when cooking broths observe a certain temperature regime. During the cooking of the broth, do not boil too much, since in this case the fat extracted from the bones and meat breaks down into small droplets, which come into suspension and give the broth turbidity. Therefore, after boiling the broth, the heating intensity must be reduced. It is most advisable to put the boiler on the fire so that the broth boils slightly and only on one side. Under this condition, the fat collects on the surface of the broth on the opposite side of the boiler. Periodically (especially when boiling bone broth) the fat must be removed, since during the boiling of the broth it changes and can give the broth an unpleasant odor and a specific greasy taste.

It must be remembered that products should not be excessively cooked, as this reduces their nutritional value, deteriorates the taste and aroma, which directly affects the quality of the dish.

The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing with a cook's needle: the needle enters the cooked meat freely. The finished meat is taken out on baking sheets and covered with damp gauze to protect it from drying out during storage.

During prolonged cooking, vegetables, potatoes, pasta and other products lose their shape, turning into mashed potatoes, which spoils the appearance of the soup. therefore each product should be put into the broth, taking into account the duration of its cooking. In the broth, first you need to lay products that are cooked longer, and then products that do not require prolonged heat treatment.Products with a particularly long cooking time, such as pearl barley, should be cooked separately. After the products are put into the broth, the intensity of its heating must be increased so that the boiling process resumes faster and, therefore, the time for cooking the soup is reduced. After boiling, the heat is reduced again so that the soup does not boil too much.

In addition to the cooking time, it is also necessary to know some properties of products, their influence on each other.
The digestion of vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes is caused by a change in cell membranes, the transition of insoluble substances contained in them (protopectin, hemicelluloses) into soluble substances (pectin, sugar).
The transition of insoluble substances of cell membranes into a soluble state occurs much faster in an alkaline, neutral medium and slows down strongly in an acidic one. This circumstance must be taken into account in culinary practice. If you put pickles, sorrel or other foods containing acid in the soup, and then potatoes, then it will not boil down and remain tough. Peas, beans and other legumes do not boil in an acidic environment.

The cook may face this phenomenon even if the established legume soaking mode. When stored for a long time in water and at high temperatures, legumes undergo fermentation, sour and do not boil during heat treatment. Some cooks add baking soda to the water to speed up the cooking of the beans. You can't do this since in an alkaline environment the vitamin B contained in legumes is destroyed and the nutritional value of dishes decreases. Products that are poorly or not at all boiled down in an acidic environment should be cooked separately.

For the preparation of soups, as well as broths, various aromatic roots, onions, carrots are used, which improve the taste, aroma, and appearance of dishes. As mentioned above, the aromatic substances contained in the roots are very volatile, they are easily separated with water vapor during the cooking of the soup. In order to eliminate the loss of aromatic substances, onions, carrots, parsley and other roots are pre-sautéed (fried) with fat. Fat has the ability to trap and firmly hold aromatic substances; therefore, browned vegetables give soups a particularly good taste and lasting aroma. However, browned vegetables can lose their flavor if they are cooked for too long. To avoid this, the browned roots should be placed in the soup 10-15 minutes before it is cooked. Immediately before the end of cooking, you should also put bay leaf and pepper in the soup.
Roasting carrots serves another purpose in addition to retaining the aromas. Carrots are rich in coloring matter - carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body and therefore is called provitamin A. Carotene in raw and boiled carrots is not absorbed significantly. When carrots are toasted, their cells are destroyed and carotene is converted into fat. Carotene, dissolved in fat, is absorbed by the human body much better. In addition, the fat turns orange, which gives the soups a beautiful appearance.

The broth yield is 4–4.5 liters per 1 kg of product used. The broth, the yield of which is 1 liter per 1 kg of bones, meat products or food waste, is called concentrated.
The concentrated broth is diluted with boiled water in an appropriate proportion and boiled before laying the products. All fat is removed from the finished broth and the broth is filtered.

Is of great importance the temperature of the soup when it is eaten... Overcooled food, although properly prepared and well presented, loses its taste and causes fair complaints from diners. The most favorable temperature is about 60 °. Hotter soup is undesirable, as it strongly irritates the digestive organs, which, ultimately, with frequent use, can lead to gastrointestinal tract disease.

Tatiana, prepared a concentrated beef broth from the bones, so she removed a lot of fat from the cooled broth. Can you please tell me if it can be used somehow? Or is it better to throw it away?
Lisichkalal, I would throw it away, I don’t reuse anything at all, I don’t fry in oil twice, nor the fat from cooking, I have a quirk, carcinogens crease
And even when I read - I fried the meat, and then there are potatoes in it, - I just worry, as if I ate this potato myself
But this is not a scientific fact, these are my cockroaches, or not takroaches.
Lerele, I also throw this away, not even because I'm afraid of carcinogens, but somehow ... or maybe Admin will advise something sensible
Mirabel, so I don't even really know what these carcinogens are, but it sounds scary, where did I get this from, that they are in the secondary fat, I don't know either, but I throw everything out. This is how you do it like this
Ira, here's the potatoes in the fat left in the pan, I would definitely not cook This is "overcooked" fat and butter, brrrrr, for example, I can't stand this, and immediately the fat is on a napkin and in a bucket. Exactly carcinogen

About fat from broth. This is a concentrated boiled fat, quite edible. Now, if it were not for "just broth", but for boiling borscht or cabbage soup (another soup) in this broth with meat, the family would have taken it quite normally - provided that the family has a normal attitude to fatty broth and meat.
But just boiled broth is perceived negatively This is already a matter of taste

Such skimmed fat can be used little by little: sauté vegetables for soups, vegetable stew, add somewhere when stewing vegetables, when cooking porridge, mushroom soup, and so on .... Just dilute the bouillon cube with water, boil and boil on it whipped up noodle soup when you really have no time to eat

Check out this thread Homemade meat stock cubes

And here's another topic Chicken "Budget"

To everyone's health!

It's just that everything is moderately good.And I don't eat meat at all, no and in any form, since January of this year, that's how
Tatiana, thank you, I understand. Probably I'll try to add it to vegetables. What if you like it
I cooked the broth to replace it with chemical cubes of the "maggi" type (having tried a cube once, the children began to ask to add this muck to soups)
Tanya, why did you give up meat?
Quote: Admin
I don’t eat meat at all, nothing and in any form, since January of this year, that's how

and I'm hungry without meat
Although I began to notice that I eat less of it, there are days that I do not eat at all, when we eat some vegetable stew, and in the evening we eat cheese or porridge. But this is not on purpose, it just happens. Inadvertently. And on purpose I can’t, I don’t have the willpower for this. I can't even be on diets, just tell me that something is not allowed, so I immediately start wanting so, I can't even sleep
Quote: Lisichkalal
Tanya, why did you give up meat?

Girls, I respond perfectly to "YOU"

Yes, somehow it happened that way, at one moment, I got up in the morning and did not want to, it acquired an unpleasant taste and smell for me, and then I did not rape myself, I can do without meat and without sausage I am not hungry
And I am glad of such an event, there are many positive moments, especially the legs, blood vessels

Quote: Admin
Girls, I respond well to "YOU"
I just don't write to you often, but in many matters your opinion and advice are authoritative for me. Hence the respectful you.
Quote: Lisichkalal
Hence the respectful you.

Sveta, THANK YOU! Nice to hear

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