Please tell me how quiet and loud they work
I think the answer to this question is to describe the theoretical aspects, and then share personal subjective feelings from the technique that I worked with.
Sound, theoryAs the Russian Wikipedia tells us, sound is a physical phenomenon that is the propagation of mechanical vibrations in the form of elastic waves in
solid, liquid or
gaseous environment. The sources of sound are various vibrating bodies.
Melanger consists of a fairly small number of elements and I propose to consider those elements that contribute to the noise that comes from it:
- Motor;
- Reducer;
- Bowl;
- Mechanical interaction of granite rolls and granite bottom.
How is the noise from the melangere propagated into the environment? Actually, exactly the same as from all other mechanisms: through air and through a solid medium. In acoustics and soundproofing manuals, the first is called
airborne noise, and second
structure-borne noise.
The noise from my melangeAnd now I will consider what we get from a practical point of view and I will describe my melangers Rawmid Dream Classic MDC-01 (original name Prestige Wet Grinder PWG 02) and Premier Lifestyle Chocolate Refiner PG 508.
MotorWith the motor, everything is pretty good: in both melangers there are asynchronous four-pole (1350 rpm) two-phase motors with a working capacitor of the same form factor, which are quite quiet in themselves.
If you take a closer look, you can see that in Rawmid MDC-01 there is a no-name engine, which was produced in partly artisanal conditions (this can be seen from the fact that the rotor was balanced with plasticine, manually), which consumes current from the network is not bad enough but not perfect. For example, with melange without a bowl, it looks like this:
That is, when the active (useful) power of 115W is consumed from the network, the total consumption is 128VA: the power factor λ = 90% (the quality of power consumption is good).
Premier PG 508 has a slightly better situation, it has a branded motor Lawkim LM200LK 0376, which is subjectively made better (it does not have any plasticine), its consumption from the network under the same conditions is better:
With an active (useful) power of 117W, the total consumption is 118VA: power factor λ = 99% (power quality is high).
The Premier PG 508 has a slightly quieter motor on its own than the Rawmid MDC-01.
ReducerThe Rawmid MDC-01 has a pretty good gearbox in terms of noise: it has a single-stage belt drive. The Premier PG 508 has a slightly worse situation: it has a two-stage gearbox, the first stage of which is a belt drive, and the second is a spur gear drive. I expected that the transmission from Premier PG 508 would be noticeably louder, but it is certainly louder than that of Rawmid MDC-01, but not much.
As a result, if you run both of my melangers without a bowl, then the total Rawmid MDC-01 will be a little thunderous due to the engine than the Premier PG 508. But this will be a very, very insignificant difference, and in general the noise in this configuration will be very low because the asynchronous four-pole motor and belt drive are very good in terms of noise.
BowlAnd here it is already a little more fun. In my Rawmid MDC-01, the center of mass of the bowl is quite different from the center of rotation of the bowl. During the operation of the melanger, this is quite clearly visible even by how the distance from the plastic clip to the walls of the bowl changes. At the same time, noise arises not so much airy as structural noise, which is transmitted through what the melanger stands on, whether it be floor tiles or a kitchen countertop. My Premier PG 508 also has this effect, but in a much smaller volume.
But, despite this, in general, both melangers working with an empty bowl can still be called relatively quiet, although if they work for a long time and turn them off, it becomes noticeably "better", since a rather large part of the noise is quite low-frequency, albeit with a small intensity. And now the highlight of our program:
Mechanical interaction of granite rolls and granite bottomThe interaction of two massive granite objects with each other creates a lot of noise, but between these objects there may be "grease", which can significantly reduce this noise.
What does this give us in practice? If there is a processed product between the rolls, with rather large particles, then there is no additional noise. For example, during product bookmarking, melanger is very quiet:
But as time passes, the particle size of the product decreases, and the noise from the granite begins to manifest itself. And if we want to achieve a good texture, then we have quite noticeable granite noise:
Basically, the noise is not very big. I can sleep without any problems with a working melange in the kitchen - you can hear it in the room, but not very much. But being near the melange is not very comfortable.
But if, instead of a product, we start a melange with water (as I did when I "rubbed in" it), then the noise will be very strong and I could no longer sleep with the melange in the kitchen working - I put the melange on the glazed loggia.
Total: mélangers make a little subjective noise when we have a lot of product / it is still quite coarsely ground, to medium, when the texture is liquid. If you are not in the room in which the melanger works, then its noise does not interfere. If you are nearby, then the noise is not strong, but it annoys me / my wife. The Rawmid MDC-01 is slightly louder due to more noticeable bowl imbalance than the Premier PG 508.
LegsI mentioned earlier that one of the first revisions of Rawmid MDC-01 was that I removed my own legs and made my own:
This was followed by two comments:
The melanger does not move from its place by a millimeter during operation.
But the black "chirkash" legs can leave!
And I don’t know about the chirkash, I also have a dark tabletop, somehow it doesn’t matter to me. Rubs off and okay
But the trick is that I didn't change them because they leave traces.
Rawmid MDC-01 has legs very, very
smelled strongly, which is a consequence of the fact that cheap rubber was used, the additives of which are released into the air and poison it. With good rubber / plastic, additives remain inside and maintain the desired properties of the product for a long time. After three weeks have passed since the purchase of this melanger and the smell did not go away, I decided that it was not worth keeping a source of a pungent poisonous smell in the house, so the legs were cut off.
For comparison, the Rawmid MDC-01 has an Indian transmission belt that initially smelled noticeably (although less than the legs), but over those three weeks the smell has disappeared quite well, it stopped actively sprinkling and I already had no special complaints about it.
Premier PG 508 rubber feet smell only if you bring your nose to them and it was like that from the very beginning. Of course much better, but not perfect.
But that's not all: it was not for nothing that I started writing about the legs in a post about noise. In both melangeurs, the legs still do not perform a very important thing: they do not compensate for the structural noise that is transmitted from the melangeur to the surface on which it stands. In practice, it looks like this: regardless of what the melanger is on: on the floor with floor tiles or on the kitchen countertop, if the melange is working, then the noise from it is greater when it is standing than when it is picked up and thereby removed the contact between the legs of the melange and the table / floor. Moreover, if melangers work and put your hand on the tabletop / floor on which they stand, then the hand will feel vibration - the very structured noise that I wrote about at the beginning of the post.
To combat structure-borne noise, vibration isolation (vibration damping material) is used, which is calculated in a certain way for each specific case: these issues are studied by such a discipline as acoustics. Personally, I used a material from Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH called Sylomer SR 110 25mm, which was calculated for the working mass in such a way as to reduce its natural frequencies and increase the efficiency of vibration damping.
As a result, I got a reduction in the low-frequency noise from the melange and the noise of the melange standing on the surface and raised by hands became the same. Naturally, there are no "chirkash" anymore, since there are no significant vibrations at the point of contact between the legs and the surface on which the melanger stands.
This refinement, designed to reduce the noise of the melange, is needed by both of my melangers, but Rawmid MDC-01 to a much greater extent, since its native legs smelled very much and its bowl imbalance is noticeably greater than that of Premier PG 508.
If manufacturers would take care of their consumers, but vibration issues would be removed more attention and nothing would have to farm, but for now they have to get out of the situation as best they can.
A little about chocolateIt looks like dimonml is trying to point out to Galina how she is doing everything wrong, not by technology.
No, I don't want to tell her anything: I want to
reading this topic understood what assumptions were made
in the recipe and what they will lead to as a result. For example, if a person wants to receive
high quality craft chocolate on melangere similar to what is produced, for example, "Fresh Cocoa", "Sweet Fairy Svetlana Ponomareva", "MaRussia", "Mast Brothers", "KudVik", etc., then it must be done in a completely different way than described
in post... If it is important for a person not to be poisoned by his chocolate, then he will either roast the cocoa beans, or in some other way remove the biological pollution, which are in noticeable quantities in fermented cocoa beans. What and how to do, everyone decides for himself, I just want to provide sufficient information on this matter.
Your comparison of cocoa beans with tobacco and arsenic is incorrect and illogical
Please show me where exactly this was. Very interesting.
Chocolate / Urbech will not become more useful from the fact that it will be mutuz in a melangere for three days
This is a misconception: it is enough to study a little data that is freely available. During conching, chocolate significantly changes its chemical composition, the amount of volatile (including tannins) substances decreases, the moisture content decreases, the content of lower fatty acids decreases: acetic acid by 3-4 times, isobutyric acid by 2-2.5 times, isovaleric acid 1.5-2 times, chocolate gets its own aroma and taste. After the Swiss Rudolf Lindt invented conching in 1879, high-quality hard chocolate cannot do without this technological step.
It is important to note here that the industry is now using highly efficient machines for conching, with the help of which it is possible to significantly reduce the processing time in order to obtain an excellent result, as an example:
- MacIntyre 45
- Conventional conching machines:
In the case of melange, conching is quite slow and takes a long time. For example, the kudwick in this video takes chocolate out of the melanger after 99 hours of processing:
youtube. com / watch? v = 63qTk9xMBas
That is, when we talk about the time of conching, in addition to the variety and place of growth of cocoa beans, the method of their fermentation and roasting, we must take into account what technique this conching will be performed with.
I also want to note that artisan chocolate manufacturers, just by reducing the acidity, determine when to stop the conching process in this particular case: after a day, after three or after five. That is, a noticeable change in the taste of chocolate during conching is an easily identifiable fact.
Humanity has a tremendous amount of knowledge on how to do many things, including chocolate: you just need to study the issue. From my own experience I can say that it is better to look at foreign resources of chocolate lovers.
Please try to understand this, dimonml
I try to be very careful with the choice of data sources that I rely on in making decisions. I have read / watched a lot of people who either make chocolate for themselves, or make artisanal chocolate on a mélange on a commercial basis for years, and they all say exactly the opposite in relation to your thesis. As a result, I don't understand, what should I understand?
Of course, I am sometimes mistaken (for example, having not studied the issue enough, I bought the Rawmid MDC-01 melanger), but as soon as I get access to better sources of knowledge, I try to correct my mistakes. But you do not support your theses with anything at all, and as a result, I prefer to listen to those who are more competent in this area, and not you.
As an example, Ritter Sport believes that conching is very important:
There, my questions to dimonml remained unanswered
On a first come first served basis I have not answered yet
all questions respected
mish... I try to skip the queue only on security-related issues. In fact, I structure the answers so as not to repeat themselves, therefore, given that I can not devote much time to this forum, some of the questions will remain unanswered for some time.
pe4nik, since you are interested in this topic, while I am writing, can you share your recipes: what do you do, with pictures and descriptions of action sequences? This is exactly what people can come to this topic for.